IBM: CASE to Application Version

This page describes a summary of the CASE version to Application version mapping

Common Airgap Environmental Variables:

export OFFLINEDIR=\$HOME/offline




CASE to Application reference

CASE App Version CASE Version Description Airgap Variables
ibm-cs-logging3. Used to deploy Common Services Logging operator in a k8s clusterexport CASE_NAME=ibm-cs-logging
export CASE_VERSION=1.0.7
export CASE_ARCHIVE=ibm-cs-logging-1.0.7.tgz
ibm-cs-logging3.2.3 1.0.5 Used to deploy Common Services Logging operator in a k8s clusterexport CASE_NAME=ibm-cs-logging
export CASE_VERSION=1.0.5
export CASE_ARCHIVE=ibm-cs-logging-1.0.5.tgz
ibm-cs-logging3.2.2 1.0.4 Used to deploy Common Services Logging operator in a k8s clusterexport CASE_NAME=ibm-cs-logging
export CASE_VERSION=1.0.4
export CASE_ARCHIVE=ibm-cs-logging-1.0.4.tgz
ibm-cs-logging3.1.5 1.0.1 Used to deploy Common Services Logging operator in a k8s clusterexport CASE_NAME=ibm-cs-logging
export CASE_VERSION=1.0.1
export CASE_ARCHIVE=ibm-cs-logging-1.0.1.tgz
ibm-cs-logging1.0.0 1.0.0 Used to deploy Common Services Logging operator in a k8s clusterexport CASE_NAME=ibm-cs-logging
export CASE_VERSION=1.0.0
export CASE_ARCHIVE=ibm-cs-logging-1.0.0.tgz