Lab: High CPU

This lab covers how to investigate high CPU for a sample Liberty application in OpenShift.


There are many ways to review high CPU for Liberty in an OpenShift environment:

  1. Review verbose garbage collection during the issue to check for a high proportion of time in garbage collection
  2. Manually gather thread dumps during the issue by opening a terminal in the container and executing kill -3 $PID
  3. If the application is installed using the WebSphere Liberty Operator, the WebSphereLibertyDump custom resource may be used to gather a Liberty server dump with a thread dump. This only works if the WebSphereLibertyApplication custom resource has the proper annotation, and if the container has a /serviceability directory.
  4. If you have cluster-admin permissions, use the MustGather: Performance, hang, or high CPU issues with WebSphere Application Server on Linux on Containers during the issue and search for repeating patterns in thread dumps
  5. If running IBM Java 8, gather a headless mode HealthCenter Java sampling profiler collection
  6. If you have cluster-admin permissions, gather a Linux perf native sampling profiler collection
  7. Run top -H to review per-thread CPU utilization, if the container image includes the top utility
  8. Use third-party monitoring products such as Instana

This lab will only cover some of the above methods.


Choose one or more labs:

  1. Lab: Manually gather thread dumps during the issue
  2. Lab: Use the performance/hang/high CPU MustGather on Linux on Containers
  3. You could also gather a server dump as done in the High response times lab

Lab: Manually gather thread dumps during the issue

This lab will gather thread dumps showing accumulated CPU by thread and associated stacks. Any statistical patterns in thread stacks associated with high CPU threads may be used to infer potential causes of high CPU.

This method is generally used when there is persistently high CPU. If CPU spikes are infrequent, then this technique is more difficult unless you capture a lot of thread dumps.

This lab will take approximately 10 minutes.

Step 1: Install example application

If you haven't already, install the sample application. If you installed it in a previous lab, you may continue using the previous installation.

Step 2: Exercise high CPU

You will simulate 5 concurrent users sending HTTP requests that perform CPU intensive operations such as compiling regular expressions and performing mathematical operations.

Using the command line
  1. Request the following web page from your terminal to exercise high CPU:

    1. macOS, Linux, or Windows with Cygwin:

      curl -k -s "https://$(oc get route libertydiag "--output=jsonpath={}")/servlet/LoadRunner?url=http%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A9080%2Fservlet%2FDoComplicatedStuff%3Fmoreiterations%3Dtrue&method=get&entity=&concurrentusers=5&totalrequests=0&user=&password=&infinite=on"
    2. Windows with Command Prompt:

      1. Ensure you have curl for Windows installed
      2. List the application's URL:

        oc get route libertydiag "--output=jsonpath={}{'\n'}"
      3. Execute the following command, replacing $HOST with the output of the previous command:

        curl -k -s "https://$HOST/servlet/LoadRunner?url=http%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A9080%2Fservlet%2FDoComplicatedStuff%3Fmoreiterations%3Dtrue&method=get&entity=&concurrentusers=5&totalrequests=0&user=&password=&infinite=on"
  2. This load will run indefinitely. Continue to the next step.

Using the browser
  1. Click on the Load Runner link from the libertydiag application homepage:
  2. In the Target URL, copy and paste the following:

  3. Scroll down and check Infinite (until manually stopped)

  4. Scroll to the bottom and click Start
  5. This load will run indefinitely. Continue to the next step.

Step 3: Manually gather thread dumps

Now you will gather a number of thread dumps.

Using the command line
  1. List the pods for the example application deployment; for example:

    oc get pods

    Example output:

    NAME                          READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    libertydiag-b98748954-mgj64   1/1     Running   0          97s
  2. Open a shell into the pod by replacing $POD with a pod name from the previous command:

    oc rsh -t $POD

    For example:

    oc rsh -t libertydiag-b98748954-mgj64
  3. Note that the remote shell might timeout after a short period of inactivity, so be aware that you might have been logged out and you'll need to oc rsh back in to continue where you left off.

  4. First, we need to find the process ID (PID) of Liberty. Most Liberty images do not have tools like ps or top pre-installed. However, most Liberty images only have a single process in the container which is the Java process running Liberty, and this has the PID of 1. Double check that this is the Liberty process by doing a full listing on PID 1:

    ls -l /proc/1/
  5. If you see a Liberty current working directory (cwd) such as /opt/ol/wlp or /opt/ibm/wlp then you can assume that is the Liberty process. Otherwise, run ls -l /proc/[0-9]* and then explore each PID to find the Liberty process.

    ls -l /proc/1

    Example output:

    lrwxrwxrwx.  1 1000830000 root 0 Dec  6 17:45 cwd -> /opt/ibm/wlp/output/defaultServer
    -r--------.  1 1000830000 root 0 Dec  6 17:45 environ
    lrwxrwxrwx.  1 1000830000 root 0 Dec  6 14:57 exe -> /opt/ibm/java/jre/bin/java
  6. Create a thread dump by sending the SIGQUIT signal to the process using the kill -QUIT $PID command. Replace $PID with the process ID of Liberty that you found above. Note that, by default, Java handles the SIGQUIT signal, creates the thread dump, and the process continues, so the process is not killed, despite the names of the command and signal.

    kill -QUIT 1
  7. It's common to wait about 30 seconds between thread dumps. Take another 1 or more thread dumps, waiting some time in between.

    kill -QUIT 1
  8. Normally, thread dumps for IBM Java and Semeru will be produced as javacore*txt files in the cwd directory that you found above:

    ls -l /opt/ibm/wlp/output/defaultServer/javacore*txt

    However, in the case of this sample application, this directory is overridden with an -Xdump configuration. You can check JVM configurations by printing the process cmdline and environ files and find the relevant configuration. For example:

    cat /proc/1/cmdline /proc/1/environ

    Example output:

    [...] -Xdump:directory=logs/diagnostics/

    Therefore, for this application, javacores will go into logs/diagnostics/ relative to cwd:

    ls /opt/ibm/wlp/output/defaultServer/logs/diagnostics/javacore*txt

    Example output:


    Note that overridding the -Xdump directory is common in container deployments so that a directory may be used that's mounted on a permanent disk so that diagnostics are still available if a pod is killed.

Using the browser
  1. In the Topology view of the Developer perspective, click on the libertydiag circle, then click the Resources tab in the drawer on the right, and then click on the one pod that's running:
  2. Click on the Terminal tab to open a remote shell into the running container in the pod:
  3. Follow the Using the command line steps above starting at step 4.

Step 4: Download thread dumps

Using the command line
  1. Download the thread dumps by replacing $POD with a pod name from above and $DIR with the directory of the javacores. Note that oc cp does not support wildcards so the whole directory (or a single file) must be downloaded.
    oc cp $POD:$DIR .

    For example:

    oc cp libertydiag-ddf5f95b6-wj6dm:/opt/ibm/wlp/output/defaultServer/logs/diagnostics .
Using the browser

Files other than native logs (equivalent to Liberty's console.log) cannot be downloaded through the browser. You must use the command line steps above. Alternatively, you may use the Terminal tab of the pod and cat the file in the browser.

Step 5: Analyze the thread dumps

If you are familiar with analyzing thread dumps for high CPU, you may skip this step.

Review thread dumps
  1. Open each thread dump and search for Thread Details:

    1XMTHDINFO     Thread Details
  2. Review each thread (starting with 3XMTHREADINFO) and, in particular, the 3XMCPUTIME line:

    3XMTHREADINFO      "Default Executor-thread-189" J9VMThread:0x00000000002BA700, omrthread_t:0x00007F7FD0014240, java/lang/Thread:0x00000000E43D62C0, state:R, prio=5
    3XMCPUTIME               CPU usage total: 6.839021278 secs, current category="Application"
  3. The CPU usage total is accumulated CPU usage since the beginning of that thread. Therefore, finding high users of CPU is most commonly done by comparing these values across thread dumps for particular threads. Note that if a thread is short-lived, then it may not be captured in the thread dumps, or may only exist in a subset of thread dumps.

  4. With a sufficient number of thread dumps and a persistent pattern of stack tops for high CPU threads, this may be used to hypothesize likely causes of high CPU. In this case, there is a peristent pattern of application stacks in the DoComplicatedStuff.doWork method driving code such as mathematical operations, regular expression compilation, etc. For example:
    3XMTHREADINFO3           Java callstack:
    4XESTACKTRACE                at java/math/BigInteger.cutOffLeadingZeroes( Code))
    4XESTACKTRACE                at java/math/Division.divideAndRemainderByInteger( Code))
    4XESTACKTRACE                at java/math/BigInteger.divideAndRemainder( Code))
    4XESTACKTRACE                at java/math/BigDecimal.slScaledDivide( Code))
    4XESTACKTRACE                at java/math/BigDecimal.divide( Code))
    4XESTACKTRACE                at java/math/BigDecimal.divide( Code))
    4XESTACKTRACE                at java/math/BigDecimal.divide( Code))
    4XESTACKTRACE                at com/example/servlet/DoComplicatedStuff.arctan( Code))
    4XESTACKTRACE                at com/example/servlet/DoComplicatedStuff.computePi( Code))
    4XESTACKTRACE                at com/example/servlet/DoComplicatedStuff.doWork( Code))

Step 6: Clean-up

The pod will be using a lot of CPU, so you will kill the pod. Kubernetes will automatically create a new replacement pod in preparation for the next lab.

Using the command line
  1. List the pods; for example:

    oc get pods

    Example output:

    NAME                          READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    libertydiag-b98748954-mgj64   1/1     Running   0          97s
  2. Kill the running pod by replacing $POD with a pod name from the previous command:

    oc delete pod $POD

    For example:

    oc delete pod libertydiag-b98748954-mgj64
  3. Wait for the replacement pod to come up:

    oc wait deployment libertydiag --for condition=available --timeout=5m
Using the browser
  1. In the Topology view of the Developer perspective, click on the libertydiag circle, then click the Resources tab in the drawer on the right, and then click on the one pod that's running:
  2. In the top right, click Actions } Delete Pod
  3. While the new pod is initializing, there will be a light blue circle around the deployment. Wait until the circle turns into a dark blue, signifying the application is ready. This may take up to 2 minutes or more depending on available cluster resources and namespace limits.


In summary, this lab demonstrated how to manually gather thread dumps for Liberty running in a container and review CPU utilization by thread over time. With a sufficient number of thread dumps and a persistent pattern of stack tops for high CPU threads, this may be used to hypothesize likely causes of high CPU.

Lab: Use the performance/hang/high CPU MustGather on Linux on Containers

This lab will use IBM Support's MustGather: Performance, hang, or high CPU issues with WebSphere Application Server on Linux on Containers to gather thread dumps showing any requests being processed. Any statistical patterns in thread stacks may be used to infer potential causes of high CPU. This MustGather is publicly available and nearly the same as the standalone Linux performance/hang/high-CPU MustGather in that it gathers CPU, memory, disk, network information, thread dumps, etc., and customers should be encouraged to use it if they can accept that it requires cluster-admin permissions to execute.

This lab will demonstrate how to execute the MustGather, download the diagnostics, and review them for potential causes of high CPU.

Note: This lab requires that the user has cluster-admin permissions. A future version of the MustGather will not require administrator permissions.

This lab will take approximately 10 minutes.

Step 0: Check if you have cluster-admin permissions

These steps will show if you have cluster-admin permissions. If you do not, you must skip this lab.

Using the command line
  1. Check if you have authority for all verbs on all resources:

    oc auth can-i '*' '*'

    Example output:

  2. If the answer is no, then you do not have cluster-admin permissions.

Using the browser
  1. Access your OpenShift web console at https://console-openshift-console.$CLUSTER/. Replace $CLUSTER with your OpenShift cluster domain.
  2. Ensure the perspective is set to Administrator in the top left:
  3. Expand User Management. If you don't see a Users option, then you do not have cluster-admin permissions. If you do see it, click on it, and then click on your user name:
  4. Click on RoleBindings and check if any binding has a Role ref of cluster-admin. If there are none, then you do not have cluster-admin permissions.

Step 1: Install example application

If you haven't already, install the sample application. If you installed it in a previous lab, you may continue using the previous installation.

Step 2: Exercise high CPU

You will simulate 5 concurrent users sending HTTP requests that perform CPU intensive operations such as compiling regular expressions and performing mathematical operations.

Using the command line
  1. Request the following web page from your terminal to exercise high CPU:

    1. macOS, Linux, or Windows with Cygwin:

      curl -k -s "https://$(oc get route libertydiag "--output=jsonpath={}")/servlet/LoadRunner?url=http%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A9080%2Fservlet%2FDoComplicatedStuff%3Fmoreiterations%3Dtrue&method=get&entity=&concurrentusers=5&totalrequests=0&user=&password=&infinite=on"
    2. Windows with Command Prompt:

      1. Ensure you have curl for Windows installed
      2. List the application's URL:

        oc get route libertydiag "--output=jsonpath={}{'\n'}"
      3. Execute the following command, replacing $HOST with the output of the previous command:

        curl -k -s "https://$HOST/servlet/LoadRunner?url=http%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A9080%2Fservlet%2FDoComplicatedStuff%3Fmoreiterations%3Dtrue&method=get&entity=&concurrentusers=5&totalrequests=0&user=&password=&infinite=on"
  2. This load will run indefinitely. Continue to the next step.

Using the browser
  1. Click on the Load Runner link from the libertydiag application homepage:
  2. In the Target URL, copy and paste the following:

  3. Scroll down and check Infinite (until manually stopped)

  4. Scroll to the bottom and click Start
  5. This load will run indefinitely. Continue to the next step.

Step 3: Execute the MustGather

Now you will execute the MustGather. This takes approximately 6 minutes to run.

Using the command line
  1. Download a helper script:
    1. macOS or Linux:
    2. Windows: containerdiag.bat
  2. Open a Terminal or Command Prompt and change directory to where you downloaded the script
  3. On macOS or Linux, make the script executable:

    chmod +x
  4. On macOS, remove the download quarantine:

    xattr -d
  5. List the current deployments:

    oc get deployments

    Example output:

    libertydiag   1/1     1            1           13m
  6. Execute the MustGather. Normally, the -c option specifying the directory of the javacores is not needed; however, this sample application overrides the default javacore directory using -Xdump. This is common in container deployments so that a directory may be used that's mounted on a permanent disk so that diagnostics are still available if a pod is killed.

    1. macOS or Linux:

      ./ -d libertydiag -c "/opt/ibm/wlp/output/defaultServer/logs/diagnostics/javacore*"
    2. Windows:

      containerdiag.bat -d libertydiag -c "/opt/ibm/wlp/output/defaultServer/logs/diagnostics/javacore*"
  7. When the MustGather is complete, you will see a repeating message of the form: Files are ready for download. Download with the following command in another window:
      oc cp [...]
  8. Open another Terminal or Command Prompt and copy & paste the oc cp line that you saw in the previous step. For example (your command will be different):

    $ oc cp worker4-debug:/tmp/containerdiag.SN9RbwVmfC.tar.gz containerdiag.SN9RbwVmfC.tar.gz --namespace=openshift-debug-node-g8dqbdfx5d
    tar: Removing leading `/' from member names
  9. Go back to the previous Terminal or Command Prompt, type ok, and press Enter to complete the MustGather:

    After the download is complete, type OK and press ENTER: ok
    [2022-11-08 19:01:03.670923238 UTC] Processing finished. Deleting /tmp/containerdiag.SN9RbwVmfC.tar.gz
    [2022-11-08 19:01:03.674236286 UTC] finished.
  10. Expand the containerdiag.*.tar.gz file that you downloaded.

Using the browser

The MustGather cannot be executed from the browser. You must use the command line steps above.

Step 4: Analyze the thread dumps

If you are familiar with analyzing thread dumps for high CPU, you may skip this step.

Review the MustGather data
  1. First, review the top -H output to see CPU utilization by thread. Expand linperf_RESULTS.tar.gz in the root directory and then review topdashH*.out.
  2. Open each thread dump under pods/libertydiag*/containers/libertydiag/ and search for Thread Details:

    1XMTHDINFO     Thread Details
  3. Review each thread (starting with 3XMTHREADINFO) and, in particular, the 3XMCPUTIME line:

    3XMTHREADINFO      "Default Executor-thread-189" J9VMThread:0x00000000002BA700, omrthread_t:0x00007F7FD0014240, java/lang/Thread:0x00000000E43D62C0, state:R, prio=5
    3XMCPUTIME               CPU usage total: 6.839021278 secs, current category="Application"
  4. The CPU usage total is accumulated CPU usage since the beginning of that thread. Therefore, finding high users of CPU is most commonly done by comparing these values across thread dumps for particular threads. Note that if a thread is short-lived, then it may not be captured in the thread dumps, or may only exist in a subset of thread dumps.

  5. With a sufficient number of thread dumps and a persistent pattern of stack tops for high CPU threads, this may be used to hypothesize likely causes of high CPU. In this case, there is a peristent pattern of application stacks in the DoComplicatedStuff.doWork method driving code such as mathematical operations, regular expression compilation, etc. For example:
    3XMTHREADINFO3           Java callstack:
    4XESTACKTRACE                at java/math/BigInteger.cutOffLeadingZeroes( Code))
    4XESTACKTRACE                at java/math/Division.divideAndRemainderByInteger( Code))
    4XESTACKTRACE                at java/math/BigInteger.divideAndRemainder( Code))
    4XESTACKTRACE                at java/math/BigDecimal.slScaledDivide( Code))
    4XESTACKTRACE                at java/math/BigDecimal.divide( Code))
    4XESTACKTRACE                at java/math/BigDecimal.divide( Code))
    4XESTACKTRACE                at java/math/BigDecimal.divide( Code))
    4XESTACKTRACE                at com/example/servlet/DoComplicatedStuff.arctan( Code))
    4XESTACKTRACE                at com/example/servlet/DoComplicatedStuff.computePi( Code))
    4XESTACKTRACE                at com/example/servlet/DoComplicatedStuff.doWork( Code))

Step 5: Clean-up

The pod will be using a lot of CPU, so you will kill the pod. Kubernetes will automatically create a new replacement pod in preparation for the next lab.

Using the command line
  1. List the pods; for example:

    oc get pods

    Example output:

    NAME                          READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    libertydiag-b98748954-mgj64   1/1     Running   0          97s
  2. Kill the running pod by replacing $POD with a pod name from the previous command:

    oc delete pod $POD

    For example:

    oc delete pod libertydiag-b98748954-mgj64
  3. Wait for the replacement pod to come up:

    oc wait deployment libertydiag --for condition=available --timeout=5m
Using the browser
  1. In the Topology view of the Developer perspective, click on the libertydiag circle, then click the Resources tab in the drawer on the right, and then click on the one pod that's running:
  2. In the top right, click Actions } Delete Pod
  3. While the new pod is initializing, there will be a light blue circle around the deployment. Wait until the circle turns into a dark blue, signifying the application is ready. This may take up to 2 minutes or more depending on available cluster resources and namespace limits.


In summary, this lab demonstrated how to execute the performance/hang/high CPU MustGather on Linux on Containers, download the diagnostics, and review them for high CPU usage. With a sufficient number of thread dumps and a persistent pattern of stack tops for high CPU threads, this may be used to hypothesize likely causes of high CPU.