Example of using the DOORS Next Module Structure API
(c) Copyright 2021- IBM Inc. All rights reserved
SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
This code provides a hard-coded example of finding a module and then accessing the module structure.
Being hardcoded means there is no distracting commandline argument parsing :-) The aim of this code is to provide command-line, automatable, access to the Reportable REST APIs of DOORS Next, EWM and ETM.
The dn_simple_modulestructure.py
file is in the elmclient/examples folder after installing elmclient
You probably need to edit the file to setup harcoded parameters on (currently) lines 32-43. Make sure you capitalize and space these names precisely as they appear in the browser.
jazzhost = 'https://jazz.ibm.com:9443'
username = 'ibm'
password = 'ibm'
jtscontext = 'jts'
rmcontext = 'rm'
proj = "rm_optout_p1"
comp = proj
conf = f"{comp} Initial Stream"
mod = "AMR Stakeholder Requirements Specification"
Then run the file.
NOTE: As you’re embedding your password in the file you may want to remove it after using the code. It’s easy to make a runtime request for the password, for exmaple by replacing:
password = 'ibm'
with something like:
import getpass
password = getpass.getpass( "ELM password?" )