IBM SMF Explorer
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Field - max_nesting_level

Maximum number of topology nesting level. The value is model dependent with a maximum of 6. If zero, the model does not provide information about the topological nesting levels. If one, there is no actual topological nesting structure. If 2-6, topological nesting levels are available in field SMF70CordL1 up to SMF70CordLx. Where x is the value that defines the maximum number of topology nesting level.


Maximum number of topology nesting level. The value is model dependent with a maximum of 6. If zero, the model does not provide information about the topological nesting levels. If one, there is no actual topological nesting structure. If 2-6, topological nesting levels are available in field SMF70CordL1 up to SMF70CordLx. Where x is the value that defines the maximum number of topology nesting level.