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Sample - lpar_information

Request necessary fields from SMF70S1 on LPARs

Sample fields

The sample will fetch the following fields.

NameBased onDescriptionType/Format
lpar_cpu_countSMF70BDNNumber of logical CPUs assigned to this partition. This count matches the number of subsequent PR/SM logical processor data sectionsinteger
lpar_numberSMF70LPNLogical partition numberinteger
system_nameSMF70STNName of the operating-system instance. Zeros if no name declared for this partitionstring
sysplex_nameSMF70SPNName of the logical-partition cluster. Zeros if this partition is no cluster member. For z/OS, the LPAR cluster name is the sysplex name. For any other logical partition, the LPAR cluster name is the name provided in the HMC definition of this logical partition.string
lpar_system_name virtuallpar_name
LPAR-System name
lpar_nameSMF70LPMLogical partition namestring
timestamp virtualdate
Record Timestamp