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SMF 72 Subtype 3


smf_72_03_sampleRequest necessary fields for SMF72 subtype 3 analysis

Virtual fields

NameBased onDescription
Record Timestamp
timestamp_modtimestampAdjusted timestamp that accounts for small difference in milliseconds
boost_classflaBoost class is set at end of interval, valid only when zIIP boost and/or Speed boost is active: 001 IPL, 010 Shutdown, 011 Recovery Process
interval_in_millisecondsintervalInterval duration in milliseconds
CPU service coefficient adjusted with R723MADJ.
SRB service coefficient adjusted with R723MADJ.
class_goal_typeclass_goal_flagsClass goal type
Percentage application utilization
Total frames of all swapped-in transactions
Average number of active transactions
Average transaction completions per second for this interval.
Average transaction executions per second for this interval.
Mean of the transaction RT times
Variance of the transaction RT times
Mean transaction execution time
Execution velocity of service class.
Storage delay samples
Percentage of transaction address spaces
Server delay samples
Mean transaction queue delay time
Mean transaction affinity delay time
Mean transaction JCL conversion time
Mean transaction not-affinity-related delay time
Average number of independent enclaves during the interval (contained in TRANSAVG)
sample_crypto_usingsample_ap_crypto_usingTotal crypto using samples.
Total crypto delay samples.
Percentage zaap utilization
Percentage CP utilization of zAAP eligible workload.
Percentage ziip utilization
Percentage CP utilization of zIIP eligible workload.
Percentage CPU utilization
Performance Index value of a service class period.

Record fields

NameBased onDescriptionType/Format
dateSMF72DTEDate of Recorddate
timeSMF72TMETime of Recordtime
timestamp virtualdate
Record Timestamp
timestamp_mod virtualtimestampAdjusted timestamp that accounts for small difference in milliseconds
new_recordflgNEW RECORD FORMAT
subtypes_usedflgSUBTYPES USED
vxaflgMVS/XA IF ON
wmsSMF72WMSOffset to workload manager control section (subtype3)integer
wmlSMF72WMLLength of workload manager control section (subtype 3)integer
wmnSMF72WMNNumber of workload manager control sections (subtype 3)integer
sssSMF72SSSOffset to service class served data (subtype 3)integer
sslSMF72SSLLength of service class served data (subtype 3)integer
ssnSMF72SSNNumber of service class served data (subtype 3)integer
rgsSMF72RGSOffset to resource group data section (subtype 3)integer
rglSMF72RGLLength of resource group data section (subtype 3)integer
rgnSMF72RGNNumber of resource group data sections (subtype 3)integer
scsSMF72SCSOffset to period data section (subtype 3)integer
sclSMF72SCLLength of period data section (subtype 3)integer
scnSMF72SCNNumber of period data sections (subtype 3)integer
rtsSMF72RTSOffset to response time distribution bucket data section (subtype 3)integer
rtlSMF72RTLLength of response time distribution bucket data section (subtype 3)integer
rtnSMF72RTNNumber of response time distribution bucket data sections (subtype 3)integer
wrsSMF72WRSOffset to work/resource manager state (subtype 3)integer
wrlSMF72WRLLength of work/resource manager state (subtype 3)integer
wrnSMF72WRNNumber of work/resource manager state (subtype 3)integer
dnsSMF72DNSOffset to resource delay names section (subtype 3)integer
dnlSMF72DNLLength of resource delay names section (subtype 3)integer
dnnSMF72DNNNumber of resource delay names sections (subtype 3)integer

Maps and sections


RMF Product Section

NameBased onDescriptionType/Format
mfvSMF72MFVRMF version numberinteger
prdSMF72PRDProduct namestring
istSMF72ISTTime monitor interval starttime
datSMF72DATDate monitor interval startdate
intervalSMF72INTDuration of monitor intervaltimedelta
samSMF72SAMNumber of samplesinteger
fla flagSMF72FLAFlagsstring
cnvflaData converted from version 2
invalid_samplesflaInvalid samples to be skipped
m3rflaRecord was written by RMF Monitor III
interval_smf_controlflaInterval was under SMF control
rclflaSMF record converted to lower service level. Bit is set by SMF record retrieval service GRBSMFR.
rchflaSMF record converted to higher release or service level. Bit is set by SMF record retrieval service GRBSMFR.
altvmflaRunning under an alternate virtual machine environment
ziip_boostflazIIP boost was active during entire interval
speed_boostflaSpeed boost was active during entire interval
boost_class virtualflaBoost class is set at end of interval, valid only when zIIP boost and/or Speed boost is active: 001 IPL, 010 Shutdown, 011 Recovery Process
cycSMF72CYCSampling cycle lengthtimedelta
mvsSMF72MVSMVS software level (consists of an acronym and the version, release, and modification level - ZVvvrrmm)string
imlSMF72IMLIndicates the type of processor complex on which data measurements were taken. X'03’ = 9672, zSeriesinteger
prf flagSMF72PRFProcessor flagsstring
expanded_storprfSystem has expanded storage
escon_chprfEquipped with ESCON channel
escon_dirprfESCON Director in configuration
arch_modeprfSystem in z/ARCH mode
zaap_instprfAt least one zAAP is currently installed
ziip_instprfAt least one zIIP is currently installed
dat_facility1prfEnhanced DAT facility 1
dat_facility2prfEnhanced DAT facility 2
ptnSMF72PTNPR/SM partition numberstring
srlSMF72SRLSMF record levelinteger
ietSMF72IETInterval expiration time tokendate-time
lgoSMF72LGOOffset GMT to local timeinteger
raoSMF72RAOOffset to reassembly area relative to start of RMF product sectioninteger
ralSMF72RALLength of reassembly area. Area consists of a fixed header and a variable number of information blocks. Length depends on the record type/subtype, but is fixed for a specific type/subtypeinteger
ranSMF72RANNumber of reassembly area. This field is used to indicate whether SMF record is broken. If 0, record is not broken. If 1, record is broken. Offset and length are only valid if SMFxxRAN is 1. Reassembly area is only present in broken records.integer
oilSMF72OILOriginal interval length as defined in the session or by SMF (in seconds)integer
synSMF72SYNSYNC value in secondsinteger
gieSMF72GIEProjected gathering interval end GMT timedate-time
xnmSMF72XNMSysplex name as defined in ECVTSPLXstring
snmSMF72SNMSystem name for current system as defined in CVTSNAMEstring
interval_in_milliseconds virtualintervalInterval duration in milliseconds


Subtype III Data Sections Workload Manager Control Section

NameBased onDescriptionType/Format
r723mscf flagR723MSCFService class flagsstring
is_report_classr723mscfx'80’ This is a report class (RCAARCL)
rcaa_unavalr723mscfx'40’ RCAA data not available RC 08/RSN 0831 from IWMRCOLL
svpol_unavalr723mscfx'20’ SVPOL data not available
velocity_io_delaysr723mscfx'10’ System is calculating velocity using I/O delays
cpu_protectionr723mscfx'08’ Indicator for CPU protection
stor_protectionr723mscfx'04’ Indicator for storage protection
dynamic_aliasr723mscfx'02’ Indicator for dynamic alias management
io_highr723mscfx'01’ Indicator for I/O priority group HIGH
r723mflg flagR723MFLGFlagsstring
zaap_crossoverr723mflgIndicates zAAP crossover
zaap_honor_prior723mflgIndicates zAAP honor priority
ziip_honor_prior723mflgIndicates zIIP honor priority
hismt_failurer723mflgFailure returned by HISMT service. Multithreading maximum capacity numerator values are invalid.
honor_prior723mflgIndicates ineligibility for honor priority. When ON, specialty engine eligible work in this service class is not offloaded to CPs for help processing
tenant_report_classr723mflgIndicator for a tenant report class
r723mdisr723mflgService class and tenant report class periods that are assoc iated with a resource group and have assigned a discretionary goal are excluded from workload management
r723mbair723mflgWLM batch initiator management is AI infused
r723mfl2 flagR723MFL2Additional flagsstring
r723mapor723mfl2At least one zAAP online in sysplex (or local system when not joined to a sysplex)
policy_nameR723MNSPPolicy namestring
policy_descrR723MDSPPolicy descriptionstring
r723mtpaR723MTPALocal time/date of policy activationdate-time
cpu_service_coefficientR723MCPUSystem pre-set CPU service coefficient (CPU = 1 * 10000). The number by which accumulated CPU service units will be multiplied (weighted)integer
io_service_coefficientR723MIOCSystem pre-set I/O service coefficient (IOC=0)integer
storage_service_coefficientR723MMSOSystem pre-set storage service coefficient (MSO=0)integer
srb_service_coefficientR723MSRBSystem pre-set SRB service coefficient (SRB = 1 * 10000). The number by which accumulated SRB service units will be multiplied (weighted)integer
r723mtvlR723MTVLCurrent sample interval (in milliseconds). This is the frequency with which WLM samples delays reported in the RCAAinteger
wlm_sampling_countR723MTV#Total number of times WLM sampling code ran. A RMF issuing successive calls to IWMRCOLL should not assume that WLM sampling code ran at the interval specified by R723MTVL between its calls. This field can be used to translate sampled state data into actual percentages of time.integer
r723moptR723MOPTOPT member suffix (RCAAOPT)string
workloadR723MWNMWorkload group namestring
workload_descrR723MWDEWorkload group descriptionstring
class_nameR723MCNMService/Report class namestring
report_classR723MCDEService/Report class descriptionstring
period_numberR723MCPGNumber of periods belonging to this service or report classinteger
subsystem_entryR723MSUBNumber of entries belonging to a subsystem. (See R723MSEC for current release value).integer
r723merfR723MERFERV resource factor coefficient (from RMPTOPE)string
cpu_rate_adjustment_factorR723MADJValue of RMCTADJC - adjustment factor for CPU rateinteger
service_definitionR723MIDNService definition namestring
service_definition_descrR723MIDDService definition descriptionstring
r723mtdiR723MTDILocal time/date the service definition was installeddate-time
r723miduR723MIDUUserid that installed the service definitionstring
service_class_contributedR723CLSCService class that last contributed to this report class. Blank if this is a service class.string
normalization_factor_zaapR723NFFINormalization factor for zAAP. Multiply zAAP service times or service units with this value and divide by 256 to calculate the CP equivalent valueinteger
normalization_factor_ziipR723NFFSNormalization factor for zIIP. Multiply zIIP service units with this value and divide by 256 to calculate the CP equivalent value.integer
r723nadjR723NADJNominal adjustment factor for CPU rateinteger
cec_adjustment_factorR723CECACEC adjustment factorinteger
r723mcfR723MCFMultithreading maximum capacity numerator for general purpose processors. Divide this value by 1024 to get the multi threading maximum capacity factor for all general purpose processors that were configured ONLINE for the complete interval.integer
r723mcfsR723MCFSMultithreading maximum capacity numerator for zIIP. Divide this value by 1024 to get the multithreading maximum capacity factor for all zIIPs that were configured ONLINE for the complete interval. A zero value is reported if no zIIP is currently installed.integer
r723mcfiR723MCFIMultithreading maximum capacity numerator for zAAP. Divide this value by 1024 to get the multithreading maximum capacity factor for all zAAPs that were configured ONLINE for the complete interval. A zero value is reported if no zAAP is currently installed.integer
cpu_adjustment_factorR723CPA_ACTUALPhysical CPU adjustment factor based on Model Capacity Ratinginteger
cpa_scaling_factorR723CPA_SCALING_FACTORScaling factor for R723CPA_actualinteger
cpu_service_coefficient_adjusted virtualcpu_service_coefficient
CPU service coefficient adjusted with R723MADJ.
srb_service_coefficient_adjusted virtualsrb_service_coefficient
SRB service coefficient adjusted with R723MADJ.


Resource group data

NameBased onDescriptionType/Format
resource_groupR723GGNMResource group namestring
esource_group_descR723GGDEResource group descriptionstring
r723gglt flagR723GGLTResource group flagsstring
has_max_capacityr723ggltx'80’ Maximum capacity was specified
has_min_capacityr723ggltx'40’ Minimum capacity was specified
r723ggpvr723ggltSpecification of R723GGMN and R723GGMX is in percentage of the LPAR share rather than in service units. In addition, the scope of the resource group is system-wide rather than sysplex-wide
r723ggpcr723ggltSpecification of R723GGMN and R723GGMX is in percentage of a single processor capacity rather than in service units. In addition, the scope of the resource group is system-wide rather than sysplex-wide
has_memory_limitr723ggltMemory limit was specified
r723ggmsr723ggltSpecification of R723GGMN and R723GGMX is in MSU/h rather than in service units
r723gispr723ggltSpecialty processor consumption is included into the WLM capping algorithms, i.e. R723GGMN and R723GGMX limit the combined general purpose and specialty processor consumption
r723ggtf flagR723GGTFTenant resource group flagsstring
is_tenantr723ggtfIndicator for a tenant resource group
r723ggmnR723GGMNIf R723GMNS is ON, minimum capacity of the resource group. If R723GGPV, R723GGPC and R723GGMS are OFF, this value is in unweighted CPU service units per second. In addition, the scope of the resource group is sysplex-wide. If R723GGPV, R723GGPC or R723GGMS is ON, see description of R723GGLTinteger
r723ggmxR723GGMXIf R723GMXS is ON, maximum capacity of the resource group. If R723GGPV, R723GGPC and R723GGMS are OFF, this value is in unweighted CPU service units per second. In addition, the scope of the resource group is sysplex-wide. If R723GGPV, R723GGPC or R723GGMS is ON, see description of R723GGLTinteger
resource_group_memoryR723GGMLIf R723GMLS is ON, memory limit of the resource groupinteger
r723ggtiR723GGTITenant identifier. Only valid if R723GTRG is ON.string
tenant_resource_groupR723GGTNTenant name. Only valid if R723GTRG is ON.string
solution_indentR723GGKYSolution identifier. Only valid if R723GTRG is ON.string


Service or Report Class Period Data - GOALS

NameBased onDescriptionType/Format
r723crtxR723CRTXIndex into the response time distribution buckets. Entry 0 represents the distribution mapinteger
r723cwmxR723CWMXIndex into the work/resource manager states areainteger
r723cwmnR723CWMNNumber of entries in the work/resource manager states area associated with this service class period (R723CWMX points to the first entry)integer
r723crs1 flagR723CRS1Service and Report class period flagsstring
is_heterogeneousr723crs1This report class period is heterogeneous.
r723ccimpr723crs1Service class period implicitly designated CPU critical
r723cadf flagR723CADFActuals data section flagstring
r723crcar723cadfResource consumption data actuals (R723CRCD) are available
r723crtar723cadfResponse time data actuals (R723CRTD) are available
r723cedar723cadfGeneral execution delay data actuals (R723CGDE) are available
class_periodR723CPERPeriod numberinteger
r723crtf flagR723CRTFResponse time flagsstring
response_time_millisecr723crtfx'80’ Response time specified in milliseconds
response_time_secondsr723crtfx'40’ Response time specified in seconds
response_time_minutesr723crtfx'20’ Response time specified in minutes
response_time_hoursr723crtfx'10’ Response time specified in hours
class_goal_flags flagR723CRGFResponse time goal flagsstring
r723cprcclass_goal_flagsx'80’ Percentile response time goal
r723cavgclass_goal_flagsx'40’ Average response time goal
r723cvelclass_goal_flagsx'20’ Execution velocity goal goal
r723cdscclass_goal_flagsx'10’ Discretionary goal
r723cstmclass_goal_flagsx'08’ System specified goal
class_goal_valueR723CVALResponse time goal - or Execution velocity goal - or zero if discretionary, system or no goalinteger
class_goal_percentileR723CPCTGoal percentile valueinteger
r723cimpR723CIMPRelative importance of the goal to be achieved for this service class period (1=highest, 5=lowest)integer
r723cdurR723CDURService class period duration in service units, or zero for last periodinteger
total_service_unitsR723CSRVTotal service units (floating point 64-bit long format)number
total_cpu_service_unitsR723CCPUTotal CPU service units (floating point 64-bit long format)number
r723ciocR723CIOCTotal IOC service units (floating point 64-bit long format)number
r723cmsoR723CMSOTotal storage service units (floating point 64-bit long format)number
total_srb_service_unitsR723CSRBTotal SRB service units (floating point 64-bit long format)number
r723cpirR723CPIRTotal page-in count (floating point 64-bit long format)number
r723chpiR723CHPITotal hiperspace page-in count (floating point 64-bit long format)number
r723cbpiR723CBPITotal block page-in from aux count (floating point 64-bit long format)number
r723cpieR723CPIETotal page-in from expanded count (floating point 64-bit long format)number
r723cbpeR723CBPETotal block page-in from expanded count (floating point 64-bit long format)number
r723cbkaR723CBKATotal aux blocks paged in (floating point 64-bit long format)number
r723cbkeR723CBKETotal expanded blocks paged in (floating point 64-bit long format)number
total_page_residency_timeR723CPRSTotal page residency time (1024 microsecond) (floating point 64-bit long format)number
r723cersR723CERSTotal expanded page residency time (1024 microseconds) (floating point 64-bit long format)number
r723ctrrR723CTRRTotal in storage residency time (1024 microsecond) (floating point 64-bit long format)number
total_transaction_timeR723CTATTotal transaction active time (1024 microsecond) (floating point 64-bit long format)number
total_rct_time processedR723CRCTTotal RCT time (microseconds) (floating point 64-bit long format)number
total_io_interrupt_time processedR723CIITTotal I/O interrupt time (microsecond) (floating point 64-bit long format)number
total_hspace_service_time processedR723CHSTTotal hiperspace service time (microseconds) (floating point 64-bit long format)number
r723cswcR723CSWCTotal swap countinteger
r723ccrmR723CCRMTotal hiperspace eso read miss countinteger
transaction_total_countR723CRCPCount of transaction completions for this period. This field includes transaction completions reported by subsystem work managers via the IWMRPT serviceinteger
r723carcR723CARCCount of transaction that completed abnormally as reported by subsystem work manager. This value is not part of R723CRCP and should not be used for response time calculationsinteger
transaction_executed_countR723CNCPCount of transaction that completed their execution phase as reported by subsystem work managers via the IWMNTFY serviceinteger
r723cancR723CANCCount of transaction that completed their execution phase abnormally as reported by subsystem work Manager. This value is not part of R723CNCP and should not be used for execution response time calculationsinteger
transaction_total_timeR723CTETTotal transaction elapsed time (1024 microsecond) (floating point 64-bit long format)number
transaction_execution_timeR723CXETTotal transaction execution time (1024 microseconds) (floating point 64-bit long format)number
transaction_squared_sum_timeR723CETSSum of transaction elapsed times squared (1024 microseconds) (floating point 64-bit long format)number
sample_cpu_usingR723CCUSCPU using samplesinteger
sample_total_delayR723CTOTTotal delay samples used in SRM’s execution velocity calculationinteger
sample_cpu_delayR723CCDECPU delay. A TCB or SRB is waiting to be dispatched (other than the first in-line behind sampler) or a TCB is waiting for local lockinteger
sample_cpu_capping_delayR723CCCACPU capping delay. A TCB or SRB is marked non-dispatchable because a resource group maximum is being enforced. Note that R723CCCA is NOT a subset of R723CCDEinteger
sample_swapin_delayR723CSWISwap-in delay. Swap-in has started, but not completed completedinteger
sample_mpl_delayR723CMPLMPL delay. Ready but swap-in has not startedinteger
sample_aux_private_delayR723CAPRAUX page from privateinteger
sample_aux_common_delayR723CACOAUX page from commoninteger
sample_aux_cross_mem_delayR723CAXMAUX page from cross memory memoryinteger
sample_aux_vio_delayR723CVIOAUX page from VIOinteger
sample_aux_std_hspace_delayR723CHSPAUX page from standard hiperspacesinteger
sample_aux_eso_hspace_delayR723CCHSAUX page from eso hiperspacesinteger
sample_unknownR723CUNKUnknown. Dispatchable unit or AS is waiting, but none of the above reasons apply. These samples are not included in R723CTOTinteger
sample_idleR723CIDLIdle. Work is in STIMER wait, TSO terminal wait, APPC wait, or is an initiator waiting for work. These samples are not included in R723CTOTinteger
sample_resource_group_cappingR723CPDEResource group capping count. Group maximum is being enforced for work in this service class. These samples are not included in R723CTOTinteger
sample_quiesce_countR723CPQUQuiesce count. Some work in this service class has been reset via the RESET xxx, QUIESCE command. These samples are not included in R723CTOTinteger
sample_adress_space_countR723CSACSampled address space count. Number of address spaces that contributed delay and using samples to this service class. These samples are not included in R723CTOTinteger
r723csrsR723CSRSTotal shared page residency time (1024 microseconds) (long floating point)number
r723cspaR723CSPATotal shared page-ins from auxiliary storage (long floating point)number
r723cspeR723CSPETotal shared page-ins from expanded storage (long floating point)number
r723cictR723CICTTotal DASD I/O connect time in 128 microsecond unitsnumber
r723ciwtR723CIWTTotal DASD I/O wait time (queue time + pending time in 128 microsecond units)number
r723cidtR723CIDTTotal DASD I/O disconnect time in 128 microsecond units. Does not include IOS queue time.number
sample_dasd_io_usingR723CIRCTotal DASD I/O count. This can be used with the above fields (R723CICT, R723CIWT, and R723CIDT) to determine the average DASD resp. time for the period. (long floating point)number
sample_total_usingR723CTOUTotal usings. Velocity should be calculated as R723CTOU/ (R723CTOU+R723CTOT).integer
sample_io_usingR723CIOUTotal I/O usings. These are included in R723CTOU. Only non paging DASD I/Os can contribute to I/O usings.integer
sample_io_delayR723CIODDASD I/O delay samplesinteger
sample_queue_delayR723CQQueue delay samples. Work is waiting for a serverinteger
sample_server_prv_paging_delayR723CSPVServer private area paging delay samplesinteger
sample_server_vio_paging_delayR723CSVIServer space VIO paging delay samplesinteger
sample_server_hsp_paging_delayR723CSHSServer hiperspace paging delay samplesinteger
sample_server_mpl_delayR723CSMPServer MPL delay samplesinteger
sample_server_swapin_delayR723CSSWServer swap-in delay samplesinteger
r723cndiR723CNDINon DASD I/O using or delay samplesinteger
r723ctdqR723CTDQTotal delay samples always including batch queue delay. For service classes that contain batch jobs that were not run in WLM managed initiators the batch queue delay samples are derived from the measured batch queue delay time. For service classes that contain jobs that ran in WLM managed initiators this value is the same as RCEATOTD. RCAETOTDQ can be used as a migration aid to determine what a batch service class period’s velocity will be if its jobs are run in WLM managed initatorsinteger
r723ctsaR723CTSATotal execution samples. It is the sum of RCAETOTU, RCAETOTD, RCAEUNKN and RCAEIDLE. Also always includes I/O using/delay samples whether or not I/O samples are included in RCAETOTU or RCAETOTD, respectively. (Long floating point)number
r723ciotR723CIOTTotal DASD IOS queue time in 128 microsecond units (long floating point)number
transaction_queue_delay_timeR723CQDTTotal queue delay time. For batch jobs this is the time jobs spent on the job queue while eligible to run on some system. It represents the time the jobs spent waiting for an initiator. For TSO users, this time can be a portion of the LOGON process. For APPC this is the time an APPC request spends on an APPC queue. (long floating point in 1024 micro second units)number
transaction_aff_delay_timeR723CADTTotal time batch jobs were ineligible to run because a resource the job had affinity to was unavailable. Only applies to batch work. Zero for other work types. (long floating point in 1024 microsecond units)number
transaction_jcl_timeR723CCVTTotal time batch jobs spent in JCL conversion. Only applies to batch work. Zero for other work types. (long floating point in 1024 microsecond units)number
transaction_inel_delay_timeR723CIQTTotal time batch jobs spend on job queue (after JCL conversion) while ineligible to run on any system for reasons other than resource affinities. Only applies to batch work. Zero for other work types. (long floating point in 1024 microsecond units)number
total_ind_enclave_active_timeR723CIEAIndependent enclave total transaction active time (in 1024 microsecond units) for enclaves that originated on this system.number
r723cxeaR723CXEAExported enclave total transaction active time (in 1024 microsecond units).number
r723cfeaR723CFEAForeign enclave total transaction active time (in 1024 microsecond units).number
sample_ap_crypto_usingR723APUAP crypto using samples. A TCB was found executing on a Cryptographic Assist Processorinteger
sample_ap_crypto_delayR723APDAP crypto delay samples. A TCB was found waiting for a Cryptographic Assist Processorinteger
sample_feature_queue_delayR723FQDFeature queue delay samples. A TCB was found waiting on a processor feature queue associated with a CPU. Subset of R723CCDE. Note, R723CCUS includes feature queue using samples.integer
r723plscR723PLSCService class that last contributed to this report class period during this interval. Blank if this is a service class periodstring
r723rcodR723RCODContention delay samples count or work waiting for resources as reported to WLM by a resource managerinteger
r723rcouR723RCOUContention using samples count of work holding resources as reported to WLM by a resource managerinteger
r723ectcR723ECTCCPU time consumed while dispatching priority was temporarily raised by enqueue management because the work held a resource that other work needed (in 1024 microsecond units)number
sample_zaap_usingR723IFAUzAAP using samplesinteger
r723ifcuR723IFCUzAAP on CP using samples. These are included in R723CCUSinteger
sample_zaap_delayR723IFADzAAP delay samplesinteger
sample_ziip_usingR723SUPUzIIP using samplesinteger
r723sucuR723SUCUzIIP on CP using samples. These are included in R723CCUSinteger
sample_ziip_delayR723SUPDzIIP delay samplesinteger
total_service_units_ziipR723CSUPTotal service units on zIIPs. Multiply with R723NFFS and divide by 256 to calculate the CP equivalent value.number
total_service_units_ziip_on_cpR723CSUCTotal service units on CPs spent by zIIP eligible worknumber
total_service_units_zaapR723CIFATotal service units on zAAPs. Multiply with R723NFFI and divide by 256 to calculate the CP equivalent value.number
total_service_units_zaap_on_cpR723CIFCTotal service units on CPs spent by zAAP eligible worknumber
r723tpdpR723TPDPCPU time consumed while dispatching priority of work with low importance was temporarily raised to help blocked workloads (in 1024 microsecond units)number
r723cpdpR723CPDPCPU time consumed while dispatching priority was temporarily raised by chronic resource contention management because the work held a resource that other work needed (in 1024 microsecond units)number
r723lpdpR723LPDPCPU time consumed while dispatching priority was temporarily raised to shorten the lock hold time of a local suspend lock (in 1024 microsecond units).number
r723spdpR723SPDPCPU time consumed while dispatching priority was temporarily raised by z/OS Supervisor to a higher DP than the WLM assigned DP (in 1024 microsecond units)number
r723rtdmR723RTDMMidpoint of all response times that were collected in the response time distribution buckets in milliseconds. For response time goals, the mid point is always the response time goal. For execution velocity goals, it is the average of all response times that were collected in the response time distribution buckets. The field equals zero for discretionary goals.integer
r723rtdcR723RTDCNumber of midpoint changes that occurred during intervalinteger
r723rtdtR723RTDTTimestamp showing the last time when a midpoint change occurred. The midpoint is kept in
r723tsucpR723TSUCPTotal service units consumed by transactions, executed on on general purpose processors.number
r723tsuspR723TSUSPTotal service units consumed by transactions, executed on on specialty processors.number
r723tsuocpR723TSUOCPTotal service units consumed by transactions, eligible to run on specialty processors, but executed on general purpose processors.number
r723msucpR723MSUCPService units consumed by transactions, classified with reporting attribute MOBILE, executed on general purpose processors.number
r723msuspR723MSUSPService units consumed by transactions, classified with reporting attribute MOBILE, executed on specialty processors.number
r723msuocpR723MSUOCPService units consumed by transactions, classified with reporting attribute MOBILE, eligible to run on specialty processors, but executed on general purpose processors.number
r723asucpR723ASUCPService units consumed by transactions, classified with reporting attribute CATEGORYA, executed on general purpose processors.number
r723asuspR723ASUSPService units consumed by transactions, classified with reporting attribute CATEGORYA, executed on specialty processors.number
r723asuocpR723ASUOCPService units consumed by transactions, classified with reporting attribute CATEGORYA, eligible to run on specialty processors, but executed on general purpose processors.number
r723bsucpR723BSUCPService units consumed by transactions, classified with reporting attribute CATEGORYB, executed on general purpose processors.number
r723bsuspR723BSUSPService units consumed by transactions, classified with reporting attribute CATEGORYB, executed on specialty processors.number
r723bsuocpR723BSUOCPService units consumed by transactions, classified with reporting attribute CATEGORYB, eligible to run on specialty processors, but executed on general purpose processors.number
r723ctetxR723CTETXTotal transaction elapsed time. Same as R723CTET, but in microseconds.number
r723cxetxR723CXETXTotal transaction execution time. Same as R723CXET, but in microseconds.number
r723cetsxR723CETSXSum of transaction elapsed times squared. Same as R723CETS, but in microseconds.number
r723cqdtxR723CQDTXTotal queue delay time. Same as R723CQDT, but in microseconds.number
r723cadtxR723CADTXTotal time batch jobs were ineligible to run because a resource the job had affinity to was unavailable. Same as R723CADT, but in microseconds.number
r723ccvtxR723CCVTXTotal time batch jobs spent in JCL conversion. Same as R723CCVT, but in microseconds.number
r723ciqtxR723CIQTXTotal time batch jobs spend on job queue (after JCL conversion) while ineligible to run on any system for reasons other than resource affinities. Same as R723CIQT, but in microseconds.number
r723enctrxnumR723ENCTRXNUMNumber of single subsystem transactions processed within enclaves.integer
r723enctrxcallsR723ENCTRXCALLSNumber of times transaction data has been reported by subsystem work managers when deleting an enclave.integer
r723enctrxetR723ENCTRXETTotal execution time in microseconds for number of subsystem transactions in R723ENCTRXNUM. (format: float)number
r723enctrxetsR723ENCTRXETSSum of squared execution times in microseconds for number of subsystem transactions in R723ENCTRXNUM. (format: float)number
class_goal_type virtualclass_goal_flagsClass goal type
utilization_total virtualtotal_cpu_service_units
Percentage application utilization
utilization_cp virtualutilization_total
Percentage CPU utilization
transaction_total_swapped_in virtualtotal_page_residency_time
Total frames of all swapped-in transactions
transaction_average_active virtualtotal_transaction_time
Average number of active transactions
transaction_total_per_second virtualtransaction_total_count
Average transaction completions per second for this interval.
transaction_executed_per_second virtualtransaction_executed_count
Average transaction executions per second for this interval.
transaction_response_time_mean virtualtransaction_total_count
Mean of the transaction RT times
transaction_response_time_variance virtualtransaction_total_count
Variance of the transaction RT times
transaction_execution_time_mean virtualtransaction_execution_time
Mean transaction execution time
execution_velocity virtualsample_total_using
Execution velocity of service class.
performance_index virtualclass_goal_percentile
Performance Index value of a service class period.
sample_storage_delay virtualsample_aux_private_delay
Storage delay samples
transaction_address_space_percentage virtualsample_adress_space_count
Percentage of transaction address spaces
sample_server_delay virtualsample_server_prv_paging_delay
Server delay samples
transaction_queue_delay_time_mean virtualtransaction_queue_delay_time
Mean transaction queue delay time
transaction_aff_delay_time_mean virtualtransaction_aff_delay_time
Mean transaction affinity delay time
transaction_jcl_time_mean virtualtransaction_jcl_time
Mean transaction JCL conversion time
transaction_inel_delay_time_mean virtualtransaction_inel_delay_time
Mean transaction not-affinity-related delay time
transaction_enclave_average virtualtotal_ind_enclave_active_time
Average number of independent enclaves during the interval (contained in TRANSAVG)
sample_crypto_using virtualsample_ap_crypto_usingTotal crypto using samples.
sample_crypto_delay virtualsample_ap_crypto_delay
Total crypto delay samples.
utilization_zaap virtualtotal_service_units_zaap
Percentage zaap utilization
utilization_zaap_on_cp virtualtotal_service_units_zaap_on_cp
Percentage CP utilization of zAAP eligible workload.
utilization_ziip virtualtotal_service_units_ziip
Percentage ziip utilization
utilization_ziip_on_cp virtualtotal_service_units_ziip_on_cp
Percentage CP utilization of zIIP eligible workload.


Work Manager / Resource Manager States

NameBased onDescriptionType/Format
r723rtypR723RTYPSubsystem type, as used in the classification rules specified in the WLM administrative application. The subsystem’s documentation should explain the meaning that the product attributes to the various statesstring
r723rflg flagR723RFLGWork/Resource manager flagsstring
r723rdber723rflgx'80’ Represents states sampled in the begin-to-end phase of a transaction
r723rexer723rflgx'40’ Represents states sampled in the execution phase of a transaction
r723ressR723RESSTotal number of transaction states sampled in the work phase specified by R723RFLGinteger
r723ractR723RACTTotal number of active state samples. Active indicates that there is a program executing on behalf of the work request, from the perspective of the work manager. This does not mean that the program is active from the base control program’s perspectiveinteger
r723rrdyR723RRDYTotal number of ready state samples. Ready indicates that there is a program ready to execute on behalf of the work request described by the monitoring environment, but the work manager has given priority to another work requestinteger
r723ridlR723RIDLTotal number of idle state samples. Idle indicates that no work reques is available to the work manager that is allowed to run.integer
r723rwloR723RWLOTotal number of waiting for lock state samplesinteger
r723rwioR723RWIOTotal number of waiting for I/O state samples. Waiting for I/O indicates that the work manager is waiting for an activity related to an I/O request. This may be an actual I/O operation or some other function associated with the I/O requestinteger
r723rwcoR723RWCOTotal number of waiting for conversation state samples. Waiting for conversation may have been used in conjunction with the WLM service IWMMSWCH to identify where the recipient of the conversation is located. In this case, only the switched state will be recorded.integer
r723rwdsR723RWDSTotal number of waiting for distributed request state samples. Waiting for distributed request indicates a high level that some function or data must be routed prior to resumption of the work request. This is to be contrasted with waiting for conversation, which is a low level view of the precise resource that is needed. A distributed request could involve waiting on a conversation as part of its processinginteger
r723rwslR723RWSLWaiting for a session to be established locally, i.e. on the current MVS imageinteger
r723rwsnR723RWSNWaiting for a session to be established somewhere in the networkinteger
r723rwssR723RWSSWaiting for a session to be established somewhere in the sysplexinteger
r723rwtmR723RWTMWaiting for a timerinteger
r723rwoR723RWOWaiting for another productinteger
r723rwmsR723RWMSWaiting for unidentified resource, possibly among another more specific category, but which may not be readily determinedinteger
r723rsslR723RSSLState representing transactions for which there are logical continuations on this MVS image. Subsystem work managers might set this state when they function ship a transaction to another component within the same MVS imageinteger
r723rsssR723RSSSState representing transactions for which there are logical continuations on another MVS image in the sysplex. Subsystem work managers might set this state when they function ship a transaction to another component on another MVS image within the sysplexinteger
r723rssnR723RSSNState representing transactions for which there are logical continuations somewhere within the network. Subsystem work managers might set this state when they function ship a transaction to another component within the networkinteger
r723rwstR723RWSTTotal number of waiting for SSL thread samplesinteger
r723rwrtR723RWRTTotal number of waiting for regular thread samplesinteger
r723rwwrR723RWWRTotal number of waiting for work table registration samplesinteger
r723rappR723RAPPTotal number of active application state samplesinteger
r723rwnlR723RWNLTotal number of state samples reflecting waiting for new latchinteger
r723rbpmR723RBPMNumber of state samples representing buffer pool misses that resulted in I/Ointeger
r723rdnxR723RDNXIndex into the resource delay names tableinteger
r723rdnnR723RDNNNumber of entries in the resource delay names tableinteger


Service classes being served by one or more AS in service class R723MCNM

NameBased onDescriptionType/Format
r723scsnR723SCSNName of service class being servedstring
r723scscountR723SCS#Number of times an AS running with service class R723MCNM served service class R723SCSNinteger


Resource delay names section

NameBased onDescriptionType/Format
r723dnstR723DNSTSubsystem type as used in the classification rules specified in the WLM administrative applicationstring
r723dnnuR723DNNUNumber of the resource delay type. Values 1-15 are related to R723RW01-R723RW15integer
r723dndeR723DNDEResource delay descriptionstring


Response Time distribution

NameBased onDescriptionType/Format
class_rt arrayR723TRDBResponse Time distribution map or counts. Each map entry defines a maximum percentage of the midpoint that was calculated for the response time distribution. When used in conjunction with an entry in the response time distribution count table, it shows the number of transactions that completed in a percentage of the midpoint.integer
class_rt_bucket_1 virtual  aliasclass_rt[0]Response Time Distribution bucket 1.
class_rt_bucket_2 virtual  aliasclass_rt[1]Response Time Distribution bucket 2.
class_rt_bucket_3 virtual  aliasclass_rt[2]Response Time Distribution bucket 3.
class_rt_bucket_4 virtual  aliasclass_rt[3]Response Time Distribution bucket 4.
class_rt_bucket_5 virtual  aliasclass_rt[4]Response Time Distribution bucket 5.
class_rt_bucket_6 virtual  aliasclass_rt[5]Response Time Distribution bucket 6.
class_rt_bucket_7 virtual  aliasclass_rt[6]Response Time Distribution bucket 7.
class_rt_bucket_8 virtual  aliasclass_rt[7]Response Time Distribution bucket 8.
class_rt_bucket_9 virtual  aliasclass_rt[8]Response Time Distribution bucket 9.
class_rt_bucket_10 virtual  aliasclass_rt[9]Response Time Distribution bucket 10.
class_rt_bucket_11 virtual  aliasclass_rt[10]Response Time Distribution bucket 11.
class_rt_bucket_12 virtual  aliasclass_rt[11]Response Time Distribution bucket 12.
class_rt_bucket_13 virtual  aliasclass_rt[12]Response Time Distribution bucket 13.
class_rt_bucket_14 virtual  aliasclass_rt[13]Response Time Distribution bucket 14.