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SMF 99 Subtype 1


capacity_factorsRequest capacity and max capacity factors for CP, zIIP and zAAP.
contention_analysisRequest for contention analysis, so the features match them for the Machine Learning Model
cp_serviceRequest CP service consumption per importance level
cp_usage_and_trickelsRequest CP usage and trickels.
free_cp_capRequest free capacity for CP.
free_zaap_capRequest free capacity for zAAP
free_ziip_capRequest free capacity for zIIP.
p_num_onlineRequest number of CPs, zIIPs and zAAPs online.
p_utilizationRequest CP, zIIP, zAAP and total utilization.
page_ins_and_uicRequest page-in rate count and UIC bucket information.
rg_cappingRequest for RG and TRG capping data.
smf_99_01_sampleRequest for commonly used SMF 99 subtype 1 data.
zaap_serviceRequest zAAP service consumption per importance level
ziip_serviceRequest zIIP service consumption per importance level

Virtual fields

NameBased onDescription
Record Timestamp
trace_codetracePolicy adjustment action code
trace_actiontracePolicy adjustment action code
trace_detailstracePolicy adjustment action code
rg_typerg_flagsType of resource group
rg_capacityrg_flagsUnit resource group capacity is specified in

Record fields

NameBased onDescriptionType/Format
dateSMF99DTEDate of Recorddate
timeSMF99TMETime of Recordtime
timestamp virtualdate
Record Timestamp
lenSMF99LENRecord Length. This field and the next field (total of four bytes) form the RDW (record descriptor word).integer
segSMF99SEGSegment descriptor (see record length field)integer
flg flagSMF99FLGSystem indicator: Bit 0 reserved, Bit 1 subtypes utilized, Bit 2 reserved, Bits 3-6 version indicators, Bit 7 reservedstring
stuflgSubtypes utilized
rtySMF99RTYRecord type 99integer
tmeSMF99TMETime since midnight, in hundreths of a second, that the record was moved into the SMF buffertime
dteSMF99DTEDate when the record was moved into the SMF buffer, in the form
sidSMF99SIDSystem identification (from the SID parameter).string
ssidSMF99SSIDSub System Identificationstring
tidSMF99TIDRecord subtype (must be at offset ‘16’X)integer
sdef_lenSMF99_SDEF_LENLength of self definition sectioninteger

Maps and sections


SMF99 self defining Section

NameBased onDescriptionType/Format
pofSMF99POFOffset to the product section from the beginning of the record (including RDW)integer
plnSMF99PLNLength of the product sectioninteger
ponSMF99PONNumber of product sectionsinteger
dofSMF99DOFOffset to the data section from the beginning of the record (including RDW)integer
dlnSMF99DLNLength of the data sectioninteger
donSMF99DONNumber of data sectionsinteger


SMF99 Product Information Section

NameBased onDescriptionType/Format
vn2SMF99VN2Record sub version. Used to identify changes to the record in the service streaminteger
rvnSMF99RVNRecord Version Numberinteger
pnmSMF99PNMProduct Name - SRMstring
slvSMF99SLVSystem level from which record was cut (copied from CVTPRODN)string
snmSMF99SNMSystem name from which record was cut (copied from CVTSNAME)string
pflg flagSMF99PFLGRecord flagsstring
record_incompletepflgOnly a subset of the available data was written to avoid that this record gets larger than 32 kByte
reasm_indicatorpflgOnly a subset of the available data is written to this record. The rest follows in subsequent records. This record contains a reassembly area.


SMF99 Subtype 1 self defining section

NameBased onDescriptionType/Format
tofSMF99TOFOffset to the trace section from the beginning of the record (including RDW).integer
tlnSMF99TLNLength of the trace sectioninteger
tonSMF99TONNumber of trace sectionsinteger
ssofSMF99SSOFOffset to the System state section from the beginning of the record (including RDW).integer
sslnSMF99SSLNLength of the System state sectioninteger
ssonSMF99SSONNumber of system state sectionsinteger
ppofSMF99PPOFOffset to the Paging plot section from the beginning of the record (including RDW).integer
pplnSMF99PPLNLength of the Paging plot sectioninteger
pponSMF99PPONNumber of paging plot sectionsinteger
ptofSMF99PTOFOffset to the Priority table section from the beginning of the record (including RDW).integer
ptlnSMF99PTLNLength of the Priority table sectioninteger
ptonSMF99PTONNumber of Priority table sectionsinteger
rgofSMF99RGOFOffset to the Resource Group section from the beginning of the record (including RDW).integer
rglnSMF99RGLNLength of the resource group sectioninteger
rgonSMF99RGONNumber of resource group sectionsinteger
grofSMF99GROFOffset to the generic resouce section from the beginning of the record (including RDW).integer
grlnSMF99GRLNLength of the generic resource sectioninteger
gronSMF99GRONNumber of generic resource sectionsinteger
slofSMF99SLOFOffset to the software licensing section from the beginning of the record (including RDW).integer
sllnSMF99SLLNLength of the software licensing sectioninteger
slonSMF99SLONNumber of software licensing sectionsinteger
sltofSMF99SLTOFOffset to the software licensing service table section from the beginning of the record (including RDW).integer
sltlnSMF99SLTLNLength of the software licensing service table sectioninteger
sltonSMF99SLTONNumber of software licensing service table sectionsinteger
piofSMF99PIOFOffset to the Priority table section (IFA) from the beginning of the record (including RDW).integer
pilnSMF99PILNLength of the Priority table section (IFA)integer
pionSMF99PIONNumber of Priority table sections (IFA)integer
zeofSMF99ZEOFOffset to the zIIP Entitlement sections from the beginning of the recordinteger
zelnSMF99ZELNLength of a zIIP Entitlement sectioninteger
zeonSMF99ZEONNumber of zIIP Entitlement sectionsinteger
psofSMF99PSOFOffset to the Priority table section (SUP) from the beginning of the record (including RDW).integer
pslnSMF99PSLNLength of the Priority table section (SUP)integer
psonSMF99PSONNumber of Priority table sections (SUP)integer
bpofSMF99BPOFOffset to the Buffer Pool section (BP) from the beginning of the recordinteger
bplnSMF99BPLNLength of the Buffer Pool section (BP)integer
bponSMF99BPONNumber of Buffer Pool sections (BP)integer


SMF99 subtype 1 System State information - Contains information about the general state of the system. BASED(addr(smf_hdr_MAP) + smf99ssof)

NameBased onDescriptionType/Format
cp_util processedSMF99_CPUAAverage utilization of regular CPs, scaled by 16integer
umpSMF99_UMPRecent unmanaged paging and swap cost percentageinteger
uic1SMF99_UIC1Frames in uic bucket 1 - The central and expanded UIC buckets contain a count of frames that have not been referenced for specified periods of time. So, UIC bucket 1 is a count of the frames that have most recently been referenced, where bucket 4 contains a count of the frames that have not been referenced in a long time. The UIC delimiter values specify the cutoff points for each bucket . For example,SMF99_EUIC3 will contain the count of all the expanded storage frames whose time since they were last referenced is between SMF99_ESTB2 and SMF99_ESTB3.integer
uic2SMF99_UIC2Frames in uic bucket 2integer
uic3SMF99_UIC3Frames in uic bucket 3integer
uic4SMF99_UIC4Frames in uic bucket 4integer
euic1SMF99_EUIC1Frames in Expanded uic bucket 1integer
euic2SMF99_EUIC2Frames in Expanded uic bucket 2integer
euic3SMF99_EUIC3Frames in Expanded uic bucket 3integer
euic4SMF99_EUIC4Frames in Expanded uic bucket 4integer
frv1SMF99_FRV1UIC delimiter value 1integer
frv2SMF99_FRV2UIC delimiter value 2integer
frv3SMF99_FRV3UIC delimiter value 3integer
estb1SMF99_ESTB1expanded storage UIC delimiter value 1integer
estb2SMF99_ESTB2expanded storage UIC delimiter value 2integer
estb3SMF99_ESTB3expanded storage UIC delimiter value 3integer
w2migSMF99_W2MIGWrite to migrate percentageinteger
ptavailSMF99_PTAVAILTotal processor time available, including captured time plus wait timeinteger
short_flags flagSMF99_SHORT_FLAGSshortage flagsstring
shortshort_flagsReal storage shortage exists
asm1short_flagsFirst level Aux shortage exists
ams2short_flagsCritical Aux shortage exists
sqa1short_flagsFirst level SQA shortage exists
sqa2short_flagsCritical SQA shortage exists
status_flags flagSMF99_STATUS_FLAGSStatus flagsstring
dcm_onstatus_flagsDynamic chpid management is active (using balance algorithm if SMF99_DCM_G OALALG_ON is off)
dcm_goalalg_onstatus_flagsDynamic chpid management goal algorithm is active
compat_modestatus_flagsIndicates if in COMPAT mode
total_pag_costSMF99_TOTAL_PAG_COSTRecent total paging and swap cost percentage * 10integer
cppsSMF99_CPPSCommon protective processor storage target in framesinteger
suic1SMF99_SUIC1Shared central UIC bucket 1, measured in frame countsinteger
suic2SMF99_SUIC2Shared central UIC bucket 2, measured in frame countsinteger
suic3SMF99_SUIC3Shared central UIC bucket 3, measured in frame countsinteger
suic4SMF99_SUIC4Shared central UIC bucket 4, measured in frame countsinteger
seuc1SMF99_SEUC1Shared expanded UIC bucket 1, measured in frame countsinteger
seuc2SMF99_SEUC2Shared expanded UIC bucket 2, measured in frame countsinteger
seuc3SMF99_SEUC3Shared expanded UIC bucket 3, measured in frame countsinteger
seuc4SMF99_SEUC4Shared expanded UIC bucket 4, measured in frame countsinteger
stwssSMF99_STWSSProtective processor storage target for shared area, measured in frame countsinteger
num_ext_scSMF99_NUM_EXT_SCNumber of external service classesinteger
default_io_velocitySMF99_DEFAULT_IO_VELOCITYDefault I/O velocity. Calculated by IOS at the beginning of each measurement interval during data gathering.integer
ifacSMF99_SU_IFACTORService unit inflation factorinteger
iopiscalingSMF99_IOPISCALINGIOPIScaling OPT parminteger
ls_discSMF99_LS_DISCFrames owned by logically swapped spaces in non-short response time periods that are discretionaryinteger
capwsSMF99_CAPWSCAP workarea - working set size accumulatorinteger
secwsSMF99_SECWSNumber of secondary working set pages for which swap-ins have been startedinteger
page_insSMF99_PGINSPage-ins rate count used for calculating the system paging rateinteger
zaap_normSMF99_IFA_NORMALIZATIONNormalization factor for assist processorsinteger
cp_onlineSMF99_CPUS_ONLINENumber of regular CPs onlineinteger
zaap_onlineSMF99_IFAS_ONLINENumber of online assist processorsinteger
zaap_util processedSMF99_IFAAAverage Utilization of assist processors, scaled by 16integer
total_util processedSMF99_CPUIFAAAverage utilization of regular CPs and assist processors, scaled by 16integer
ifa_flags flagSMF99_IFA_FLAGSAssist processors related flagsstring
ifacrossoverifa_flagsAssist processor work may be executed on regular CPs
ifahonorpriorityifa_flagsAssist processor work may run on regular CPs at priority
suphonorpriorityifa_flagsAssist processor work may run on regular CPs at priority
ioms_optSMF99_IOMS_OPTSTORAGESERVERMGT opt parameterinteger
cap_waitSMF99_FREE_LPAR_CAPACITY_WT_RELATEDFree LPAR capacity based on the accumulated logical CPU wait timesinteger
cap_guarSMF99_FREE_LPAR_CAPACITY_GUARANTEEDFree LPAR capacity which is always available based on the LPAR weightinteger
cap_cecSMF99_FREE_LPAR_CAPACITY_CEC_RELATEDFree LPAR capacity which is the total of what is always available to the LPAR and the portion of the unused capacity of the CECinteger
cap_lcpSMF99_FREE_LPAR_CAPACITY_LCP_CONFIGFree LPAR capacity based on the configured LCPsinteger
itavailSMF99_ITAVAILTotal IFA processor time availableinteger
ziip_normSMF99_SUP_NORMALIZATIONNormalization factor for SUP processorsinteger
ziip_onlineSMF99_SUPS_ONLINENumber of online SUP processorsinteger
ziip_util processedSMF99_SUPAAverage Utilization of SUP processors, scaled by 16integer
cap_image_guarSMF99_GUARANTEED_IMAGE_CAPACITYGuaranteed image capacity available to MVS image in service units per minuteinteger
cctinthdSMF99_CCTINTHDBlocked workload, OPT parameter BLWLINTHD for starvation thresholdinteger
ccttrpctSMF99_CCTTRPCTBlocked workload, OPT parameter BLWLTRPCT for percentage of cp tricklinginteger
ccttrateSMF99_CCTTRATEBlocked workload, calculate trickle rate maximum number of trickles per secondinteger
cccttshSMF99_CCCTTSHBlocked workload, length of major time slice, means length of trickleinteger
cctrc100SMF99_CCTRC100Blocked workload, number of times CP utilization is = 100 % in the current intervalinteger
cctrcdspSMF99_CCTRCDSPBlocked workload, number of times dispatcher was called to do trickle in the current intervalinteger
cctrcuseSMF99_CCTRCUSEBlocked workload, number of trickles used in the current intervalinteger
cctrcwtrSMF99_CCTRCWTRBlocked workload, number of enclaves waiting longer than the thresholdinteger
cccittshSMF99_CCCITTSHBlocked workload, length of initial task time slice high valueinteger
stavailSMF99_STAVAILTotal SUP processor time availableinteger
cap_wait_zaapSMF99_FREE_LPAR_CAPACITY_WT_RELATED_ZAAPFree zAAP LPAR capacity based on the accumulated logical zAAP wait timesinteger
cap_guar_zaapSMF99_FREE_LPAR_CAPACITY_GUARANTEED_ZAAPFree zAAP LPAR capacity which is always available based on the zAAP LPAR weightinteger
cap_cec_zaapSMF99_FREE_LPAR_CAPACITY_CEC_RELATD_ZAAPFree zAAP LPAR capacity which is the total of what is always available to the LPAR and the portion of the unused zAAP capacity of the CECinteger
cap_lcp_zaapSMF99_FREE_LPAR_CAPACITY_LCP_CONFIG_ZAAPFree zAAP LPAR capacity based on the configured Logical zAAPsinteger
cap_wait_ziipSMF99_FREE_LPAR_CAPACITY_WT_RELATED_ZIIPFree zIIP LPAR capacity based on the accumulated logical zIIP wait timesinteger
cap_guar_ziipSMF99_FREE_LPAR_CAPACITY_GUARANTEED_ZIIPFree zIIP LPAR capacity which is always available based on the zIIP LPAR weightinteger
cap_cec_ziipSMF99_FREE_LPAR_CAPACITY_CEC_RELATD_ZIIPFree zIIP LPAR capacity which is the total of what is always available to the LPAR and the portion of the unused zIIP capacity of the CECinteger
cap_lcp_ziipSMF99_FREE_LPAR_CAPACITY_LCP_CONFIG_ZIIPFree zIIP LPAR capacity based on the configured Logical zIIPsinteger
svtwtssSMF99_SVTWTSSShort wait time sliceinteger
cp_wait_timeSMF99_DELTAWAITTIMELPAR CP Wait Timeinteger
zaap_wait_timeSMF99_DELTAWAITTIMEZAAPLPAR zAAP Wait Timeinteger
ziip_wait_timeSMF99_DELTAWAITTIMEZIIPLPAR zIIP Wait Timeinteger
cp_dispatch_timeSMF99_DELTADISPTIMELPAR CP Dispatch Timeinteger
zaap_dispatch_timeSMF99_DELTADISPTIMEZAAPLPAR zAAP Dispatch Timeinteger
ziip_dispatch_timeSMF99_DELTADISPTIMEZIIPLPAR zIIP Dispatch Timeinteger
cp_cap_fac processedSMF99_CFCapacity factor for CPs scaled by 1024integer
zaap_cap_fac processedSMF99_CF_ZAAPNot availableinteger
ziip_cap_fac processedSMF99_CF_ZIIPNot availableinteger
cp_max_fac processedSMF99_MCFNot availableinteger
zaap_max_fac processedSMF99_MCF_ZAAPNot availableinteger
ziip_max_fac processedSMF99_MCF_ZIIPNot availableinteger
lpar_busy_timeSMF99_LPARBUSYTIMENot availableinteger
lpar_busy_time_zaapSMF99_LPARBUSYTIME_ZAAPNot availableinteger
lpar_busy_time_ziipSMF99_LPARBUSYTIME_ZIIPNot availableinteger
online_cores_allSMF99_ONLINE_CORES_ALLNot availableinteger
online_cores_cpSMF99_ONLINE_CORES_CPNot availableinteger
online_cores_zaapSMF99_ONLINE_CORES_ZAAPNot availableinteger
online_cores_ziipSMF99_ONLINE_CORES_ZIIPNot availableinteger
mt_flags flagSMF99_MT_FLAGSNot availablestring
procascoremt_flagsNot available
multicpuspercoremt_flagsNot available
mt_installedbasicmt_flagsNot available
mt_cpSMF99_MT_CPNot availableinteger
mt_zaapSMF99_MT_ZAAPNot availableinteger
mt_ziipSMF99_MT_ZIIPNot availableinteger
mt_opt_cpSMF99_MT_OPT_CPNot availableinteger
mt_opt_zaapSMF99_MT_OPT_ZAAPNot availableinteger
mt_opt_ziipSMF99_MT_OPT_ZIIPNot availableinteger
mt_installed_info flagSMF99_MT_INSTALLED_INFONot availablestring
mt_installedmt_installed_infoNot available
mt_maxthreadidSMF99_MT_MAXTHREADIDNot availableinteger
mt_general_info flagSMF99_MT_GENERAL_INFONot availablestring
mt_specialfeaturemt_general_infoNot available
ifac_uncappedSMF99_SU_IFACTOR_UNCAPPEDUncapped Service unit inflation factor (reg. CPs)integer
ifac_zaapSMF99_SU_IFACTOR_IFAUncapped Service unit inflation factor (zAAPs)integer
ifac_ziipSMF99_SU_IFACTOR_SUPUncapped Service unit inflation factor (zIIPs)integer
dispatch_times_suSMF99_DISPATCH_TIMES_SUCPxx service units based on D204 dispatch timesinteger
dispatch_times_su_zaapSMF99_DISPATCH_TIMES_SU_ZAAPzAAP service units based on D204 dispatch timesinteger
dispatch_times_su_ziipSMF99_DISPATCH_TIMES_SU_ZIIPzIIP service units based on D204 dispatch timesinteger
service_accum_oiSMF99_SERVICE_ACCUM_OICP processor time accumulated over the intervalinteger
service_accum_oi_zaapSMF99_SERVICE_ACCUM_OI_ZAAPzAAP processor time accumulated over the intervalinteger
service_accum_oi_ziipSMF99_SERVICE_ACCUM_OI_ZIIPzIIP processor time accumulated over the intervalinteger
model_zcbpSMF99_MODEL_ZCBPFor IBM use onlystring
mcr_zcbpSMF99_MCR_ZCBPFor IBM use onlyinteger
nommcr_zcbpSMF99_NOMMCR_ZCBPFor IBM use onlyinteger
zcbp_flags flagSMF99_ZCBP_FLAGSzCBP related flagsstring
zaap_in_sysplexzcbp_flagsOn if at least one zAAP processor is online sysplex
zcbp_in_sysplexzcbp_flagsFor IBM use only
ira870_issuedzcbp_flagsOn if message IRA870E has been issued
enq_dpSMF99_ENQ_DPTemporary dispatching priority for address spaces holding ENQs that are delaying othersinteger
zepSMF99_ZEPFor IBM use onlyinteger
mmt_diagnoseSMF99_MMT_DIAGNOSEFor IBM use onlystring
cpmpSMF99_CPMPFor IBM use onlyinteger
cpubSMF99_CPUBFor IBM use onlyinteger
free_lpar_capacity_ub_cpuSMF99_FREE_LPAR_CAPACITY_UB_CPUFor IBM use onlyinteger
free_lpar_capacity_ub_ziipSMF99_FREE_LPAR_CAPACITY_UB_ZIIPFor IBM use onlyinteger
lpc_max_guaranteed_ub_cpuSMF99_LPC_MAX_GUARANTEED_UB_CPUFor IBM use onlyinteger
lpc_max_guaranteed_ub_ziipSMF99_LPC_MAX_GUARANTEED_UB_ZIIPFor IBM use onlyinteger
boostinfoSMF99_BOOSTINFOCopy of RMCTZ_BoostInfostring
mmt_diagnose_v1SMF99_MMT_DIAGNOSE_V1For IBM use onlystring
ilsu_array arraySMF99_ILSU_ARRAYArray of Importance Level Service Units.The first entry contains Service Units pertaining to Importance Level 0,the second entry contains Service Units pertaining to Importance Level 1,and so on. The last entry contains Service Units pertaining to unused Service.integer
cp_sys virtual  aliasilsu_array[0]CP service consumption for importance sys
cp_imp1 virtual  aliasilsu_array[1]CP service consumption for importance level 1
cp_imp2 virtual  aliasilsu_array[2]CP service consumption for importance level 2
cp_imp3 virtual  aliasilsu_array[3]CP service consumption for importance level 3
cp_imp4 virtual  aliasilsu_array[4]CP service consumption for importance level 4
cp_imp5 virtual  aliasilsu_array[5]CP service consumption for importance level 5
cp_disc virtual  aliasilsu_array[6]CP service consumption for importance discretionary
cp_free virtual  aliasilsu_array[7]CP free service capacity
stgcrit_hsk_skip_clock arraySMF99_STGCRIT_HSK_SKIP_CLOCKStorage critical housekeeping skip clock counter for each importance level.integer
ilsu_zaap_array arraySMF99_ILSU_ZAAP_ARRAYArray of Importance Level Service Units of zAAPs.The first entry contains Service Units pertaining to Importance Level 0,the second entry contains Service Units pertaining to Importance Level 1,and so on. The last entry contains Service Units pertaining to unused Service.integer
zaap_sys virtual  aliasilsu_zaap_array[0]zAAP service consumption for importance sys
zaap_imp1 virtual  aliasilsu_zaap_array[1]zAAP service consumption for importance level 1
zaap_imp2 virtual  aliasilsu_zaap_array[2]zAAP service consumption for importance level 2
zaap_imp3 virtual  aliasilsu_zaap_array[3]zAAP service consumption for importance level 3
zaap_imp4 virtual  aliasilsu_zaap_array[4]zAAP service consumption for importance level 4
zaap_imp5 virtual  aliasilsu_zaap_array[5]zAAP service consumption for importance level 5
zaap_disc virtual  aliasilsu_zaap_array[6]zAAP service consumption for importance discretionary
zaap_free virtual  aliasilsu_zaap_array[7]zAAP free service capacity
ilsu_ziip_array arraySMF99_ILSU_ZIIP_ARRAYArray of Importance Level Service Units of zIIPs.The first entry contains Service Units pertaining to Importance Level 0,the second entry contains Service Units pertaining to Importance Level 1,and so on. The last entry contains Service Units pertaining to unused Service.integer
ziip_sys virtual  aliasilsu_ziip_array[0]zIIP service consumption for importance sys
ziip_imp1 virtual  aliasilsu_ziip_array[1]zIIP service consumption for importance level 1
ziip_imp2 virtual  aliasilsu_ziip_array[2]zIIP service consumption for importance level 2
ziip_imp3 virtual  aliasilsu_ziip_array[3]zIIP service consumption for importance level 3
ziip_imp4 virtual  aliasilsu_ziip_array[4]zIIP service consumption for importance level 4
ziip_imp5 virtual  aliasilsu_ziip_array[5]zIIP service consumption for importance level 5
ziip_disc virtual  aliasilsu_ziip_array[6]zIIP service consumption for importance discretionary
ziip_free virtual  aliasilsu_ziip_array[7]zIIP free service capacity


SMF99 Subtype1 Paging Plot Information Section

NameBased onDescriptionType/Format
pagp_bwSMF99_PAGP_BWBucket widthinteger
pagp_lstxSMF99_PAGP_LSTXLast plotted x bucketinteger
pagp_points_ofSMF99_PAGP_POINTS_OFOffset of point entriesinteger
pagp_points_onSMF99_PAGP_POINTS_ONNumber of point entriesinteger
pagp_points_lnSMF99_PAGP_POINTS_LNLength of a point entryinteger


SMF99 subtype 1 Software Licensing Infor mation - Contains information about license manager. BASED(addr(smf_hdr_MAP) + smf99slof)

NameBased onDescriptionType/Format
slconfigflags flagSMF99_SLCONFIGFLAGSConfiguration flagsstring
slstsislconfigflagsIndicates that the machine supports the store system information instruction.
sllparslconfigflagsIndicates that MVS is running in a logical partition
slvmslconfigflagsIndicates that MVS is running in a virtual machine
slhassharedlogicalcpusslconfigflagsIndicates that the logical CPUs are shared with other partitions
slcappedbycustomerslconfigflagsIndicates that the logical partition is configured to be capped (as opposed to being capped by WLM)
slstateflags flagSMF99_SLSTATEFLAGSState flags.string
slcappedbywlmslstateflagsIndicates that the logical partition is capped by WLM.
slimgcapacitySMF99_SLIMGCAPACITYCapacity available to MVS image in millions of service units per hour, when not running as VM guest. If running as VM guest, capacity available to VM.integer
slceccapacitySMF99_SLCECCAPACITYCapacity of CEC in millions of service units per hour.integer
slceccpucountSMF99_SLCECCPUCOUNTNumber of available CPUs in the CEC. This includes online and offline CPUs. It does not include reserved CPUs (CPUs that can be added via Capacity Upgrade on Demand).integer
sllogicalcpucountSMF99_SLLOGICALCPUCOUNTNumber of available CPUs in the logical partition. This includes online and offline CPUs. It does not include reserved CPUs (CPUs that can be added via Capacity Upgrade on Demand).integer
slcecserviceunitspersectoshareSMF99_SLCECSERVICEUNITSPERSECTOSHAREThe CEC capacity in basic-mode service units per second that is available for sharing among partitions using shared logical processors.integer
slimgmsuatcurrentweightSMF99_SLIMGMSUATCURRENTWEIGHTMVS image capacity in millions of service units per hour that is represented by the partition’s current weight.integer
slimgcplimitSMF99_SLIMGCPLIMITMVS image capacity in hundredths of processor units (100=1 CPU)integer
slavgmsuSMF99_SLAVGMSUAverage service rate in millions of service units per hour. This is a long-term average.integer
slavgmsucappedSMF99_SLAVGMSUCAPPEDAverage service rate in millions of service units per hour while the partition was capped. This is a short-term average.integer
slavgmsuuncappedSMF99_SLAVGMSUUNCAPPEDAverage service rate in millions of service units per hour while the partition was uncapped. This is a short-term averageinteger
slintervalserviceSMF99_SLINTERVALSERVICEService units over last policy adjustment interval. NOTE: The service units are calculated using the MP factor for the number of physical CPUs, not the number of logical CPUs. This is consistent with how capacity is measured for software licensing. These service units cannot be directly compared to other service units calculated by SRM.integer
slintervaltimeSMF99_SLINTERVALTIMEElapsed time over last policy adjustment interval in 1.024 millisecondsinteger
slrollintervalSMF99_SLROLLINTERVALNumber of policy adjustment intervals between computation of average service rate.integer
slservicetableintervalsSMF99_SLSERVICETABLEINTERVALSNumber of consecutive policy adjustment intervals that have passed since the last time that the service table was updated.integer
slintervalstocapSMF99_SLINTERVALSTOCAPNumber of consecutive policy adjustment intervals to cap the partition.integer
slintervalstouncapSMF99_SLINTERVALSTOUNCAPNumber of consecutive policy adjustment intervals to uncap the partition.integer
slpatternintervalcountSMF99_SLPATTERNINTERVALCOUNTNumber of consecutive policy adjustment intervals that have passed in the current cap/uncap state indicated by SMF99_SLCap pedByWlm.integer
sl_query_response_codeSMF99_SL_QUERY_RESPONSE_CODEResponse code from the last ‘query’ for lpar informationinteger
sl_setcap_response_codeSMF99_SL_SETCAP_RESPONSE_CODEResponse code from the last attempt to ‘set capping flags’integer
slintervalservice_zaapSMF99_SLINTERVALSERVICE_ZAAPZAAP Service units over last policy adjustment interval. NOTE: The service units are calculated using the MP factor for the number of physical CPUs, not the number of logical CPUs. This is consistent with how capacity is measured for software licensing. These service units cannot be directly compared to other service units calculated by SRM.integer
slintervalservice_ziipSMF99_SLINTERVALSERVICE_ZIIPZIIP Service units over last policy adjustment interval. NOTE: The service units are calculated using the MP factor for the number of physical CPUs, not the number of logical CPUs. This is consistent with how capacity is measured for software licensing. These service units cannot be directly compared to other service units calculated by SRM.integer
slunusedscalingSMF99_SLUNUSEDSCALINGThe scaling factor of unused group capacity which is stored in 48 buckets in the service tableinteger
hardwaregroupnameSMF99_HARDWAREGROUPNAMEHardware Group is capped by PR/SM to a limit which is defined in hundredths of processor unitsstring
hardwaregroupcputypecapcpSMF99_HARDWAREGROUPCPUTYPECAPCPHardware Group is capped by PR/SM to a limit which is defined in hundredths of processor unitsinteger
hardwaregroupcputypecapzaapSMF99_HARDWAREGROUPCPUTYPECAPZAAPHardware Group is capped by PR/SM to a limit which is defined in hundredths of processor unitsinteger
hardwaregroupcputypecapziipSMF99_HARDWAREGROUPCPUTYPECAPZIIPHardware Group is capped by PR/SM to a limit which is defined in hundredths of processor unitsinteger
rtcapleadtimeSMF99_RTCAPLEADTIMERTCapLeadTime OPT parameter (in minutes)integer
time_to_capSMF99_TIME_TO_CAPestimated remaining time (in seconds) before the image will be cappedinteger
time_to_cap_groupSMF99_TIME_TO_CAP_GROUPestimated remaining time (in seconds) before the group will be cappedinteger
time_to_cap_dcSMF99_TIME_TO_CAP_DCestimated remaining time (in seconds) before the image will be reach its DC limitinteger
fc_serviceSMF99_FC_SERVICEestimated service for capping forecastinteger
fc_msuSMF99_FC_MSUestimated MSUs for capping forecastinteger
fc_unusedSMF99_FC_UNUSEDestimated unused serviceinteger
fc_imgmsulimitSMF99_FC_IMGMSULIMITestimated image limit at LcctTime2Capinteger
fc_imgmsulimitgroupSMF99_FC_IMGMSULIMITGROUPestimated image limit at LcctTime2CapGroupinteger
fc_lastbucketpercentSMF99_FC_LASTBUCKETPERCENTmuch of the last bucket is used for the calculation of the service forecast (%)integer
fc_newunusedavgSMF99_FC_NEWUNUSEDAVGestimated unused MSU average (scaled by 1000)integer
fc_donatedsusSMF99_FC_DONATEDSUSThese service units have been donated by one or more group members during the last complete five minute intervalinteger
fc_capdiffSMF99_FC_CAPDIFFcapacity difference (soft cap)integer
fc_capdiffportionSMF99_FC_CAPDIFFPORTIONcapacity difference (soft cap) for ILSSinteger
fc_capdiffgroupSMF99_FC_CAPDIFFGROUPcapacity difference (group cap)integer
fc_capdiffportiongroupSMF99_FC_CAPDIFFPORTIONGROUPcapacity difference (group cap) for ILSSinteger
time_to_cap_gcshareSMF99_TIME_TO_CAP_GCSHAREestimated remaining time (in seconds) before the image will be reach its GC limit shareinteger
slimgcapacity_zcbpSMF99_SLIMGCAPACITY_ZCBPFor IBM use onlyinteger
slceccapacity_zcbpSMF99_SLCECCAPACITY_ZCBPFor IBM use onlyinteger
slceccpucount_zcbpSMF99_SLCECCPUCOUNT_ZCBPFor IBM use onlyinteger
sllogicalcpucount_zcbpSMF99_SLLOGICALCPUCOUNT_ZCBPFor IBM use onlyinteger
sus_ziipSMF99_SUS_ZIIPTotal unweighted zIIP-eligible service units spent on zIIPinteger
sus_ziip_on_cpSMF99_SUS_ZIIP_ON_CPTotal unweighted zIIP-eligible service units spent on CPinteger
sus_java_on_ziipSMF99_SUS_JAVA_ON_ZIIPTotal unweighted zIIP-eligible Java service units spent on zIIPinteger
sus_java_on_cpSMF99_SUS_JAVA_ON_CPTotal unweighted zIIP-eligible Java service units spent on CPinteger


SMF99 subtype 1, 3, and 5 - map to format points on a plot with one curve BASED(addr(smf_hdr_MAP) + smf99_pprp_points_of or smf99_mplp_points_of or smf99_swpp_points_of or smf99_pasp_points_of or smf99_ruap_points_of or smf99_pagp_points_of or

NameBased onDescriptionType/Format
plot_xval_SMF99_ONE_CURVE_POINT_MAP_SMF99_S1_PP_MAPSMF99_PLOT_XVALX value of point plotted in a bucketinteger
plot_yval_SMF99_ONE_CURVE_POINT_MAP_SMF99_S1_PP_MAPSMF99_PLOT_YVALY value of point plotted in a bucketinteger


SMF99 subtype 1 Buffer Pool Information (internal use by IBM) BASED (addr(smf_hdr_MAP) + smf99bpof)

NameBased onDescriptionType/Format
bp_res_nameSMF99_BP_RES_NAMEName of Buffer Poolstring
bp_as_nameSMF99_BP_AS_NAMEName of owning ASstring
bp_res_tknSMF99_BP_RES_TKNBP Tokenstring
bp_sc_nameSMF99_BP_SC_NAMEName of related service classstring
bp_adj_sizeSMF99_BP_ADJ_SIZEMin adjustment size for buffer poolinteger
bp_min_sizeSMF99_BP_MIN_SIZEMinimum size for buffer poolinteger
bp_max_sizeSMF99_BP_MAX_SIZEMax size for buffer poolinteger
bp_use_sizeSMF99_BP_USE_SIZEused size of buffer poolinteger
bp_cur_sizeSMF99_BP_CUR_SIZEcurrent size of buffer poolinteger
bp_target_sizeSMF99_BP_TARGET_SIZEtarget size of buffer poolinteger
bphr_bwSMF99_BPHR_BWBucket widthinteger
bphr_lstxSMF99_BPHR_LSTXLast plotted x bucketinteger
bphr_points_ofSMF99_BPHR_POINTS_OFOffset of point entriesinteger
bphr_points_onSMF99_BPHR_POINTS_ONNumber of point entriesinteger
bphr_points_lnSMF99_BPHR_POINTS_LNLength of a point entryinteger
bp_hr_plot_areaSMF99_BP_HR_PLOT_AREAStorage for hit ratio plotstring


SMF99 subtype 1 trace table entry - The trace table contains information about the policy and resource adjustment decisions made during the last policy interval. BASED(addr(smf_hdr_MAP) + smf99tof)

NameBased onDescriptionType/Format
tpidSMF99_TPIDPolicy adjustment interval identifierinteger
tridSMF99_TRIDResource adjustment interval identifierinteger
traceSMF99_TCODPolicy adjustment action codeinteger
tjobSMF99_TJOBJob name of address space effected by action being traced (blank if not an address space level action)string
tlpiSMF99_TLPIProjected local performance index to be acheived as a result of the traced actioninteger
tspiSMF99_TSPIProjected sysplex performance index to be acheived as a result of the traced actioninteger
tgsrSMF99_TGSRProjected resource group service rate be acheived as a result of the traced actioninteger
tdt1SMF99_TDT1System useinteger
tdt2SMF99_TDT2System useinteger
tdt3SMF99_TDT3System useinteger
trgnSMF99_TRGNResource group Name (blank if no resource group)string
tcnmSMF99_TCNMService Class Namestring
tperSMF99_TPERService period numberinteger
tasidSMF99_TASIDAddress Space ID numberstring
tdt4SMF99_TDT4System useinteger
tflg flagSMF99_TFLGSystem usestring
tifatflgon if trace entry is for IFA
tsuptflgon if trace entry is for SUP
trace_code virtualtracePolicy adjustment action code
trace_action virtualtracePolicy adjustment action code
trace_details virtualtracePolicy adjustment action code


Contains information pertaining to the demand being put on the processor by work at different dispatch priorities.

NameBased onDescriptionType/Format
ptprty_PriorityTableEntrySectionsSMF99_PTPRTYDispatch priorityinteger
ptnp_PriorityTableEntrySectionsSMF99_PTNPNew dispatch priority (zero if not changed)integer
ptimdp_PriorityTableEntrySectionsSMF99_PTIMDPinitial maximum percentage of processor demanded at priority, initial value before any priority moves or slice changesinteger
ptpmdp_PriorityTableEntrySectionsSMF99_PTPMDPprojected maximum percentage of processor demanded at priorityinteger
ptcpuu_PriorityTableEntrySectionsSMF99_PTCPUUcpu using samples at priorityinteger
ptcpud_PriorityTableEntrySectionsSMF99_PTCPUDcpu delay samples at priorityinteger
ptw2ur_PriorityTableEntrySectionsSMF99_PTW2URwait-to-using ratio at priority (*16)integer
ptapu_PriorityTableEntrySectionsSMF99_PTAPUactual measured processor used at priorityinteger
ptppu_PriorityTableEntrySectionsSMF99_PTPPUprojected processor time to be used at priorityinteger
ptacmd_PriorityTableEntrySectionsSMF99_PTACMDachievable cumulative max demand for priorities affected by a moveinteger
ptimaxd_PriorityTableEntrySectionsSMF99_PTIMAXDinitial cumulative maximum demandinteger
ptwmaxd_PriorityTableEntrySectionsSMF99_PTWMAXDProjected cumulative maximum demandinteger
ptiamtw_PriorityTableEntrySectionsSMF99_PTIAMTWinitial average mean time to waitinteger
ptwamtw_PriorityTableEntrySectionsSMF99_PTWAMTWProjected average mean time to waitinteger
ptscpuu_PriorityTableEntrySectionsSMF99_PTSCPUUsample based cpu using samples at priorityinteger
ptscpud_PriorityTableEntrySectionsSMF99_PTSCPUDsample based cpu delay samples at priorityinteger


SMF99 subtype 1 Resource Group entry - Contains information about resource groups. BASED(addr(smf_hdr_MAP) + smf99rgof)

NameBased onDescriptionType/Format
min_srSMF99_MIN_SRMinimum service rate for the groupinteger
max_srSMF99_MAX_SRMaximum service rate for the group (FFFFFFFF if not specified in the policy)integer
act_srSMF99_ACT_SRService rate received in last interval on the local systeminteger
spasSMF99_SPASservice per awake sliceinteger
slicesSMF99_SLICESNumber of time slices that work in this group was cappedinteger
rhelpcnt0SMF99_RHELPCNT0a count of the remote systems that can help work at importance 0integer
rhelpcnt1SMF99_RHELPCNT1a count of the remote systems that can help work at importance 1integer
rhelpcnt2SMF99_RHELPCNT2a count of the remote systems that can help work at importance 2integer
rhelpcnt3SMF99_RHELPCNT3a count of the remote systems that can help work at importance 3integer
rhelpcnt4SMF99_RHELPCNT4a count of the remote systems that can help work at importance 4integer
rhelpcnt5SMF99_RHELPCNT5a count of the remote systems that can help work at importance 5integer
rhelpcnt6SMF99_RHELPCNT6a count of the remote systems that can help work at importance 6integer
lhelp_flgs flagSMF99_LHELP_FLGSLocal system can help work at each importance. 1 - can help, 0 - cannot helpstring
lhelp6lhelp_flgsLocal system can help work at importance 0. 1 - can help, 0 - cannot help
lhelp5lhelp_flgsLocal system can help work at importance 1. 1 - can help, 0 - cannot help
lhelp4lhelp_flgsLocal system can help work at importance 2. 1 - can help, 0 - cannot help
lhelp3lhelp_flgsLocal system can help work at importance 3. 1 - can help, 0 - cannot help
lhelp2lhelp_flgsLocal system can help work at importance 4. 1 - can help, 0 - cannot help
lhelp1lhelp_flgsLocal system can help work at importance 5. 1 - can help, 0 - cannot help
lhelp0lhelp_flgsLocal system can help work at importance 6. 1 - can help, 0 - cannot help
rg_flags flagSMF99_RG_FLAGSresource group flagsstring
rg_is_dynamicrg_flagsIndicates that the resource group is a dynamic resource group
rg_percent_cappedrg_flagsIndicates that the resource group is capacity is specified in percentage of the total LPAR capacity
rg_percent_single_processorrg_flagsIndicates that the resource group is capacity is specified in percentage of a single processor capacity
rg_msu_per_hourrg_flagsIndicates that the resource group capacity is specified in MSU/h
rg_raw_susrg_flagsIndicates that the resource group capacity is specified in raw service units
rg_isprg_flagsIndicates that specialty processor consumption is included in the group consumption
rg_trgrg_flagsIndicates that the resource group is a tenant resource group
rg_hwcrg_flagsFor IBM use only
rg_perc_minSMF99_RG_PERC_MINPercentage min value, if min/max specified in percentages. Or MSU min value if min/max specified in MSUinteger
rg_perc_maxSMF99_RG_PERC_MAXPercentage max value, if min/max specified in percentages. Or MSU max value if min/max specified in MSUinteger
rg_total_srSMF99_RG_TOTAL_SRTotal service rate. If the min/max values are specified as percentages, the service rate represents only the local system. Otherwise the service rate of the sysplex.integer
rg_mem_limitSMF99_RG_MEM_LIMITMaximum memory limit for resource group in Gigabytesinteger
rg_mem_usage_4kSMF99_RG_MEM_USAGE_4KAmount of memory used by a memory pool normalized to 4K frames.integer
rg_mem_fixed_frames_4kSMF99_RG_MEM_FIXED_FRAMES_4KAmount of fixed frames in a memory pool nomalized to 4K frames.integer
rg_mem_backed_2g_framesSMF99_RG_MEM_BACKED_2G_FRAMESNumber of backed 2G (fixed) frames in the memory pool.integer
rg_mem_discretionary_4kSMF99_RG_MEM_DISCRETIONARY_4KAmount of available disrectionary memory normalized to 4K frames.integer
rg_mem_discretionary_2gSMF99_RG_MEM_DISCRETIONARY_2GAmount of available discretionary memory in 2G frames.integer
rg_mem_shortage_flags processedSMF99_RG_MEM_SHORTAGE_FLAGSMemory Pool shortage flags.integer
rg_lacsSMF99_RG_LACSTenant resource group long-term average of CPU service in MSU/h. Only valid if SMF99_RG_TRG is ONinteger
rg_susifaSMF99_RG_SUSIFATenant resource group’s aggregated IFA service units. Only valid if SMF99_RG_TRG is ONinteger
rg_sussupSMF99_RG_SUSSUPTenant resource group’s aggregated SUP service units. Only valid if SMF99_RG_TRG is ONinteger
rg_lacs_zcbpSMF99_RG_LACS_ZCBPFor IBM use onlyinteger
rg_memsmpcntSMF99_RG_MEMSMPCNTNumber of times storage frames were sampled in SMF99_RG_FRAMECNTinteger
rg_framecntSMF99_RG_FRAMECNTTenant resource group’s aggregated ammount of storage frames (4K+1M+2G, normalized to 4K). Only valid if SMF99_RG_TRG is ONinteger
rg_type virtualrg_flagsType of resource group
rg_capacity virtualrg_flagsUnit resource group capacity is specified in


SMF99 subtype 1 Generic Resource entry - Contains information about Generic Resource Routing. BASED(addr(smf_hdr_MAP) + smf99grof)

NameBased onDescriptionType/Format
gr_sysnameSMF99_GR_SYSNAMEName of system sessions were routed tostring
gr_tso_sessions_routedSMF99_GR_TSO_SESSIONS_ROUTEDNumber of TSO sessions routed to system named in SMF99_GR_SYSNAMEinteger
gr_nontso_sessions_routedSMF99_GR_NONTSO_SESSIONS_ROUTEDNumber of non-TSO sessions routed to system named in SMF99_GR_SYSNAMEinteger
gr_tso_avg_costSMF99_GR_TSO_AVG_COSTAverage cost of TSO session in raw cpu service units on system SMF99_GR_SYSNAMEinteger
gr_tso_piSMF99_GR_TSO_PIWeighted average PI of service class periods running TSO work on system SMF99_GR_SYSNAMEinteger
gr_flags flagSMF99_GR_FLAGSflagsstring
gr_shortagegr_flagsSMF99_GR_SYSNAME had a shortage that may have caused sessions not to be routed to it
gr_service_by_importance arraySMF99_GR_SERVICE_BY_IMPORTANCEA single entry in the array of Importance Level Service Units, containing the number of Service Units consumed by work at this Importance Level (or unused) over the last ten seconds. The entries are indexed with an origin of zero so that the index matches the Importance Level to which the entry pertains. Index of zero corresponds to system work and index of 7 to unused capacity.integer


SMF99 subtype 1 Software Licensing table Information - Contains information about license manager. BASED(addr(smf_hdr_MAP) + smf99sltof)

NameBased onDescriptionType/Format
sltserviceuncappedSMF99_SLTSERVICEUNCAPPEDBasic-mode service units accumulated while the partition was uncapped. NOTE: The service units are calculated using the MP factor for the number of physical CPUs, not the number of logical CPUs. This is consistent with how capacity is measuredfor software licensing. These service units cannot be directly compared to other service units calculated in SRM.integer
sltservicecappedSMF99_SLTSERVICECAPPEDBasic-mode service units accumulated while the partition was capped. NOTE: The service units are calculated using the MP factor for the number of physical CPUs, not the number of logical CPUs. This is consistent with how capacity is measured for software licensing. These service units cannot be directly compared to other service units calculated in SRM.integer
sltserviceuncappedcountSMF99_SLTSERVICEUNCAPPEDCOUNTNumber of seconds that the partition was uncapped.integer
sltservicecappedcountSMF99_SLTSERVICECAPPEDCOUNTNumber of seconds that the partition was capped.integer
sltservicelastupdateintervalSMF99_SLTSERVICELASTUPDATEINTERVALPolicy adjustment interval ID when this entry was last updated. Since the ID is only 1 byte, it will wrap multiple times over the course of the table. That is, the time span of the table is greater than 255 intervals so the interval IDs will wrap around.integer
sltserviceunusedgroupcapacitySMF99_SLTSERVICEUNUSEDGROUPCAPACITYService units which would be allowed by the group capacity limit but are not consumed by the members of the groupinteger


Contains information pertaining to the demand being put on the processor by work at different dispatch priorities.

NameBased onDescriptionType/Format
zaap_ptprty_PriorityTableEntrySectionZaapsSMF99_PTPRTYDispatch priorityinteger
zaap_ptnp_PriorityTableEntrySectionZaapsSMF99_PTNPNew dispatch priority (zero if not changed)integer
zaap_ptimdp_PriorityTableEntrySectionZaapsSMF99_PTIMDPinitial maximum percentage of processor demanded at priority, initial value before any priority moves or slice changesinteger
zaap_ptpmdp_PriorityTableEntrySectionZaapsSMF99_PTPMDPprojected maximum percentage of processor demanded at priorityinteger
zaap_ptcpuu_PriorityTableEntrySectionZaapsSMF99_PTCPUUcpu using samples at priorityinteger
zaap_ptcpud_PriorityTableEntrySectionZaapsSMF99_PTCPUDcpu delay samples at priorityinteger
zaap_ptw2ur_PriorityTableEntrySectionZaapsSMF99_PTW2URwait-to-using ratio at priority (*16)integer
zaap_ptapu_PriorityTableEntrySectionZaapsSMF99_PTAPUactual measured processor used at priorityinteger
zaap_ptppu_PriorityTableEntrySectionZaapsSMF99_PTPPUprojected processor time to be used at priorityinteger
zaap_ptacmd_PriorityTableEntrySectionZaapsSMF99_PTACMDachievable cumulative max demand for priorities affected by a moveinteger
zaap_ptimaxd_PriorityTableEntrySectionZaapsSMF99_PTIMAXDinitial cumulative maximum demandinteger
zaap_ptwmaxd_PriorityTableEntrySectionZaapsSMF99_PTWMAXDProjected cumulative maximum demandinteger
zaap_ptiamtw_PriorityTableEntrySectionZaapsSMF99_PTIAMTWinitial average mean time to waitinteger
zaap_ptwamtw_PriorityTableEntrySectionZaapsSMF99_PTWAMTWProjected average mean time to waitinteger
zaap_ptscpuu_PriorityTableEntrySectionZaapsSMF99_PTSCPUUsample based cpu using samples at priorityinteger
zaap_ptscpud_PriorityTableEntrySectionZaapsSMF99_PTSCPUDsample based cpu delay samples at priorityinteger


SMF99 subtype 1 zIIP Entitlement Information BASED(addr(smf_hdr_MAP) + smf99zeof)

NameBased onDescriptionType/Format
ze_indexSMF99_ZE_INDEXIndex into the entitlement historyinteger
ze_earnedSMF99_ZE_EARNEDEntitlement Earnedinteger
ze_consumedSMF99_ZE_CONSUMEDEntitlement Consumedinteger
ze_redepositedSMF99_ZE_REDEPOSITEDEntitlement Redepositedinteger


Contains information pertaining to the demand being put on the processor by work at different dispatch priorities.

NameBased onDescriptionType/Format
ziip_ptprty_PriorityTableEntrySectionZiipsSMF99_PTPRTYDispatch priorityinteger
ziip_ptnp_PriorityTableEntrySectionZiipsSMF99_PTNPNew dispatch priority (zero if not changed)integer
ziip_ptimdp_PriorityTableEntrySectionZiipsSMF99_PTIMDPinitial maximum percentage of processor demanded at priority, initial value before any priority moves or slice changesinteger
ziip_ptpmdp_PriorityTableEntrySectionZiipsSMF99_PTPMDPprojected maximum percentage of processor demanded at priorityinteger
ziip_ptcpuu_PriorityTableEntrySectionZiipsSMF99_PTCPUUcpu using samples at priorityinteger
ziip_ptcpud_PriorityTableEntrySectionZiipsSMF99_PTCPUDcpu delay samples at priorityinteger
ziip_ptw2ur_PriorityTableEntrySectionZiipsSMF99_PTW2URwait-to-using ratio at priority (*16)integer
ziip_ptapu_PriorityTableEntrySectionZiipsSMF99_PTAPUactual measured processor used at priorityinteger
ziip_ptppu_PriorityTableEntrySectionZiipsSMF99_PTPPUprojected processor time to be used at priorityinteger
ziip_ptacmd_PriorityTableEntrySectionZiipsSMF99_PTACMDachievable cumulative max demand for priorities affected by a moveinteger
ziip_ptimaxd_PriorityTableEntrySectionZiipsSMF99_PTIMAXDinitial cumulative maximum demandinteger
ziip_ptwmaxd_PriorityTableEntrySectionZiipsSMF99_PTWMAXDProjected cumulative maximum demandinteger
ziip_ptiamtw_PriorityTableEntrySectionZiipsSMF99_PTIAMTWinitial average mean time to waitinteger
ziip_ptwamtw_PriorityTableEntrySectionZiipsSMF99_PTWAMTWProjected average mean time to waitinteger
ziip_ptscpuu_PriorityTableEntrySectionZiipsSMF99_PTSCPUUsample based cpu using samples at priorityinteger
ziip_ptscpud_PriorityTableEntrySectionZiipsSMF99_PTSCPUDsample based cpu delay samples at priorityinteger


SMF99 subtype 1, 3, and 5 - map to format points on a plot with one curve BASED(addr(smf_hdr_MAP) + smf99_pprp_points_of or smf99_mplp_points_of or smf99_swpp_points_of or smf99_pasp_points_of or smf99_ruap_points_of or smf99_pagp_points_of or

NameBased onDescriptionType/Format
plot_xval_SMF99_ONE_CURVE_POINT_MAP_SMF99_S1_BP_MAPSMF99_PLOT_XVALX value of point plotted in a bucketinteger
plot_yval_SMF99_ONE_CURVE_POINT_MAP_SMF99_S1_BP_MAPSMF99_PLOT_YVALY value of point plotted in a bucketinteger