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Sample - free_zaap_cap

Request free capacity for zAAP

Sample fields

The sample will fetch the following fields.

NameBased onDescriptionType/Format
cap_guar_zaapSMF99_FREE_LPAR_CAPACITY_GUARANTEED_ZAAPFree zAAP LPAR capacity which is always available based on the zAAP LPAR weightinteger
cap_cec_zaapSMF99_FREE_LPAR_CAPACITY_CEC_RELATD_ZAAPFree zAAP LPAR capacity which is the total of what is always available to the LPAR and the portion of the unused zAAP capacity of the CECinteger
cap_wait_zaapSMF99_FREE_LPAR_CAPACITY_WT_RELATED_ZAAPFree zAAP LPAR capacity based on the accumulated logical zAAP wait timesinteger
zaap_free virtual  aliasilsu_zaap_array[7]zAAP free service capacity
sidSMF99SIDSystem identification (from the SID parameter).string
cap_lcp_zaapSMF99_FREE_LPAR_CAPACITY_LCP_CONFIG_ZAAPFree zAAP LPAR capacity based on the configured Logical zAAPsinteger
timestamp virtualdate
Record Timestamp