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SMF 70 Subtype 2

Virtual fields

NameBased onDescription
Record Timestamp
boost_classflaBoost class is set at end of interval, valid only when zIIP boost and/or Speed boost is active: 001 IPL, 010 Shutdown, 011 Recovery Process
interval_in_millisecondsintervalInterval duration in milliseconds

Record fields

NameBased onDescriptionType/Format
dateSMF70DTEDate of Recorddate
timeSMF70TMETime of Recordtime
timestamp virtualdate
Record Timestamp
new_recordflgNEW RECORD FORMAT
subtypes_usedflgSUBTYPES USED
vxaflgMVS/XA IF ON
f3sSMF7023SOffset to crypto CCA coprocessor sectioninteger
f3lSMF7023LLength of crypto CCA coprocessor sectioninteger
f3nSMF7023NNumber of crypto CCA coprocessor sectionsinteger
f4sSMF7024SOffset to crypto accelerator sectioninteger
f4lSMF7024LLength of crypto accelerator sectioninteger
f4nSMF7024NNumber of crypto accelerator sectioninteger
csSMF702CSOffset to ICSF sectioninteger
clSMF702CLLength of ICSF sectioninteger
cnSMF702CNNumber of ICSF sectioninteger
f5sSMF7025SOffset to crypto PKCS11 copro cessor sectioninteger
f5lSMF7025LLength of crypto PKCS11 copro cessor sectioninteger
f5nSMF7025NNumber of crypto PKCS11 copro cessor sectionsinteger

Maps and sections


RMF Product Section

NameBased onDescriptionType/Format
mfvSMF70MFVRMF version numberinteger
prdSMF70PRDProduct namestring
istSMF70ISTTime monitor interval starttime
datSMF70DATDate monitor interval startdate
intervalSMF70INTDuration of monitor intervaltimedelta
samSMF70SAMNumber of samplesinteger
fla flagSMF70FLAFlagsstring
cnvflaData converted from version 2
invalid_samplesflaInvalid samples to be skipped
m3rflaRecord was written by RMF Monitor III
interval_smf_controlflaInterval was under SMF control
rclflaSMF record converted to lower service level. Bit is set by SMF record retrieval service GRBSMFR.
rchflaSMF record converted to higher release or service level. Bit is set by SMF record retrieval service GRBSMFR.
altvmflaRunning under an alternate virtual machine environment
ziip_boostflazIIP boost was active during entire interval
speed_boostflaSpeed boost was active during entire interval
boost_class virtualflaBoost class is set at end of interval, valid only when zIIP boost and/or Speed boost is active: 001 IPL, 010 Shutdown, 011 Recovery Process
cycSMF70CYCSampling cycle lengthtimedelta
mvsSMF70MVSMVS software level (consists of an acronym and the version, release, and modification level - ZVvvrrmm)string
imlSMF70IMLIndicates the type of processor complex on which data measurements were taken. X'03’ = 9672, zSeriesinteger
prf flagSMF70PRFProcessor flagsstring
expanded_storprfSystem has expanded storage
escon_chprfEquipped with ESCON channel
escon_dirprfESCON Director in configuration
arch_modeprfSystem in z/ARCH mode
zaap_instprfAt least one zAAP is currently installed
ziip_instprfAt least one zIIP is currently installed
dat_facility1prfEnhanced DAT facility 1
dat_facility2prfEnhanced DAT facility 2
ptnSMF70PTNPR/SM partition numberstring
srlSMF70SRLSMF record levelinteger
ietSMF70IETInterval expiration time tokendate-time
lgo processedSMF70LGOOffset GMT to local timeinteger
raoSMF70RAOOffset to reassembly area relative to start of RMF product sectioninteger
ralSMF70RALLength of reassembly area. Area consists of a fixed header and a variable number of information blocks. Length depends on the record type/subtype, but is fixed for a specific type/subtypeinteger
ranSMF70RANNumber of reassembly area. This field is used to indicate whether SMF record is broken. If 0, record is not broken. If 1, record is broken. Offset and length are only valid if SMFxxRAN is 1. Reassembly area is only present in broken records.integer
oilSMF70OILOriginal interval length as defined in the session or by SMF (in seconds)integer
synSMF70SYNSYNC value in secondsinteger
gieSMF70GIEProjected gathering interval end GMT timedate-time
xnmSMF70XNMSysplex name as defined in ECVTSPLXstring
snmSMF70SNMSystem name for current system as defined in CVTSNAMEstring
interval_in_milliseconds virtualintervalInterval duration in milliseconds


ICSF section

NameBased onDescriptionType/Format
r702snecR702SNECSingle DES: Number of calls to encipher (long floating point)number
r702snebR702SNEBSingle DES: Number of bytes of data enciphered (long floating point)number
r702sneiR702SNEISingle DES: Number of CMD instructions used to encipher the data (long floating point)number
r702tnecR702TNECTriple DES: Number of calls to encipher (long floating point)number
r702tnebR702TNEBTriple DES: Number of bytes of data enciphered (long floating point)number
r702tneiR702TNEITriple DES: Number of CMD instructions used to encipher the data (long floating point)number
r702sndcR702SNDCSingle DES: Number of calls to decipher (long floating point)number
r702sndbR702SNDBSingle DES: Number of bytes of data deciphered (long floating point)number
r702sndiR702SNDISingle DES: Number of CMD instructions used to decipher the data (long floating point)number
r702tndcR702TNDCTriple DES: Number of calls to decipher (long floating point)number
r702tndbR702TNDBTriple DES: Number of bytes of data deciphered (long floating point)number
r702tndiR702TNDITriple DES: Number of CMD instructions used to decipher the data (long floating point)number
r702nmgcR702NMGCNumber of calls to MAC generate (long floating point)number
r702nmgbR702NMGBNumber of bytes of data MAC generated (long floating point)number
r702nmgiR702NMGINumber of PCMF instructions used to MAC generate (long floating point)number
r702nmvcR702NMVCNumber of calls to MAC verify (long floating point)number
r702nmvbR702NMVBNumber of bytes of data MAC verified (long floating point)number
r702nmviR702NMVINumber of PCMF instructions used to MAC verify (long floating point)number
r702nhacR702NHACFor SHA-1: Number of calls to hash (long floating point)number
r702nhabR702NHABFor SHA-1: Number of bytes of data hashed (long floating point)number
r702nhaiR702NHAIFor SHA-1: Number of PCMF instructions used to hash data (long floating point)number
r702nptcR702NPTCNumber of calls to PIN translate (long floating point)number
r702npvcR702NPVCNumber of calls to PIN verify (long floating point)number
r702nh2cR702NH2CFor SHA-224 and SHA-256: Number of calls to hash (long floating point)number
r702nh2bR702NH2BFor SHA-224 and SHA-256: Number of bytes of data hashed (long floating point)number
r702nh2iR702NH2IFor SHA-224 and SHA-256: Number of PCMF instructions used to hash data (long floating point)number
r702nh5cR702NH5CFor SHA-384 and SHA-512: Number of calls to hash (long floating point)number
r702nh5bR702NH5BFor SHA-384 and SHA-512: Number of bytes of data hashed (long floating point)number
r702nh5iR702NH5IFor SHA-384 and SHA-512: Number of PCMF instructions used to hash data (long floating point)number
r702cdlvR702CDLVICSF data levelinteger
r702aescR702AESCNumber of AES encipher calls sent to a coprocessornumber
r702aesbR702AESBNumber of bytes processed by the AES encipher services handled by a coprocessornumber
r702aesiR702AESINumber of operations required to complete the AES encipher service calls to a coprocessornumber
r702asdcR702ASDCNumber of AES decipher calls sent to a coprocessornumber
r702asdbR702ASDBNumber of bytes processed by the AES decipher services handled by a coprocessornumber
r702asdiR702ASDINumber of operations required to complete the AES decipher service calls to a coprocessornumber
r702drgcR702DRGCNumber of calls to generate the RSA digital signatures (long floating point) Only valid if R702CDLV greater than 13number
r702drvcR702DRVCNumber of calls to verify the RSA digital signatures (long floating point) Only valid if R702CDLV greater than 13number
r702degcR702DEGCNumber of calls to generate ECC digital signatures (long floating point) Only valid if R702CDLV greater than 13number
r702devcR702DEVCNumber of calls to verify the ECC digital signatures (long floating point) Only valid if R702CDLV greater than 13number
r702amgcR702AMGCNumber of calls to generate the AES MACs (long floating point) Only valid if R702CDLV greater than 17number
r702amgbR702AMGBNumber of bytes of data for which the AES MACs were generated (long floating point) Only valid if R702CDLV greater than 17number
r702amgiR702AMGINumber of instructions used to generate the AES MACs (long floating point) Only valid if R702CDLV greater than 17number
r702amvcR702AMVCNumber of calls to verify the AES MACs (long floating point) Only valid if R702CDLV greater than 17number
r702amvbR702AMVBNumber of bytes of data for which the AES MACs were verified (long floating point) Only valid if R702CDLV greater than 17number
r702amviR702AMVINumber of instructions used to verify the AES MACs (long floating point) Only valid if R702CDLV greater than 17number
r702fpecR702FPECNumber of calls to encipher data using FPE (long floating point) Only valid if R702CDLV greater than 19number
r702fpebR702FPEBNumber of bytes of data enciphered using FPE (long floating point) Only valid if R702CDLV greater than 19number
r702fpeiR702FPEINumber of instructions used to encipher the data using FPE (long floating point) Only valid if R702CDLV greater than 19number
r702fpdcR702FPDCNumber of calls to decipher data using FPE (long floating point) Only valid if R702CDLV greater than 19number
r702fpdbR702FPDBNumber of bytes of data deciphered using FPE (long floating point) Only valid if R702CDLV greater than 19number
r702fpdiR702FPDINumber of instructions used to decipher the data using FPE (long floating point) Only valid if R702CDLV greater than 19number
r702fptcR702FPTCNumber of calls to translate data using FPE (long floating point) Only valid if R702CDLV greater than 19number
r702fptbR702FPTBNumber of bytes of data translated using FPE (long floating point) Only valid if R702CDLV greater than 19number
r702fptiR702FPTINumber of instructions used to translate the data using FPE (long floating point) Only valid if R702CDLV greater than 19number
r702fxecR702FXECNumber of calls to encipher data using FFX (long floating point) Only valid if R702CDLV greater than 22number
r702fxebR702FXEBNumber of bytes of data enciphered using FFX (long floating point) Only valid if R702CDLV greater than 22number
r702fxeiR702FXEINumber of instructions used to encipher the data using FFX (long floating point) Only valid if R702CDLV greater than 22number
r702fxdcR702FXDCNumber of calls to decipher data using FFX (long floating point) Only valid if R702CDLV greater than 22number
r702fxdbR702FXDBNumber of bytes of data deciphered using FFX (long floating point) Only valid if R702CDLV greater than 22number
r702fxdiR702FXDINumber of instructions used to decipher the data using FFX (long floating point) Only valid if R702CDLV greater than 22number
r702fxtcR702FXTCNumber of calls to translate data using FFX (long floating point) Only valid if R702CDLV greater than 22number
r702fxtbR702FXTBNumber of bytes of data translated using FFX (long floating point) Only valid if R702CDLV greater than 22number
r702fxtiR702FXTINumber of instructions used to translate the data using FFX (long floating point) Only valid if R702CDLV greater than 19number
r702dqgcR702DQGCNumber of calls to generate QSA digital signatures (long floating point) Only valid if R702CDLV greater than 22number
r702dqvcR702DQVCNumber of calls to verify the QSA digital signatures (long floating point) Only valid if R702CDLV greater than 22number


Subtype 2 Data Sections Cryptographic Coprocessor

NameBased onDescriptionType/Format
r7023axR7023AXCrypto processor indexinteger
r7023ct processedR7023CTCrypto processor type: 11 = CEX5C, 12 = CEX6C, 13 = CEX7C, 14 = CEX8Cinteger
r7023msk flagR7023MSKValidity bit mask. Each bit position represents the validity of a timer-counter pair that measures the execution time and number of operations on a cryptographic coprocessor card. Valid with SMF70SRL >= X'61’(97)string
r7023allr7023mskValid data for all operations
r7023rsar7023mskValid data for RSA-key generation operations
r7023sfR7023SFScaling factor for the indicating crypto coprocessor (long floating point)number
r7023t0R7023T0Execution time of all operations on the specified crypto coprocessor (long floating point)number
r7023c0R7023C0Execution number of all operations on the specified crypto coprocessor (long floating point)number
r7023c1R7023C1Execution number of RSA-key-generation / (long floating point)number
r7023scopeR7023SCOPESpecifies the scope of the data section 0 = Data with CPC scope 1 = Data with system scopeinteger
r7023didR7023DIDDomain ID Valid with R7023SCOPE = 1integer


Cryptographic Accelerator

NameBased onDescriptionType/Format
r7024axR7024AXCrypto processor indexinteger
r7024ct processedR7024CTCrypto processor type: 11 = CEX5A, 12 = CEX6A, 13 = CEX7A, 14 = CEX8Ainteger
r7024msk flagR7024MSKValidity bit mask. Each bit position represents the validity of a timer-counter pair that measures the execution time and number of operations on a cryptographic accelerator card for a certain type of RSA operations. Valid with SMF70SRL >= X'5B’(91)string
me_1024r7024mskValid data for 1024-bit ME-format operations
me_2048r7024mskValid data for 2048-bit ME-format operations
crt_1024r7024mskValid data for 1024-bit CRT-format operations
crt_2048r7024mskValid data for 2048-bit CRT-format operations
me_4096r7024mskValid data for 4096-bit ME-format operations
crt_4096r7024mskValid data for 4096-bit CRT-format operations
r7024enR7024ENNumber of engines. This is the number of valid entries in the R7024TC array of timer and counter pairsinteger
r7024sfR7024SFScaling factor for the indicating crypto accelerator (long floating point)number
r7023metR7023METExecution time for 4096-bit ME-format RSA operations (long floating point)number
r7023mecR7023MECExecution number for 4096-bit ME-format RSA operations (long floating point)number
r7023crtR7023CRTExecution time for 4096-bit CRT-format RSA operations (long floating point)number
r7023crcR7023CRCExecution number for 4096-bit CRT-format RSA operations (long floating point)number
r7024scopeR7024SCOPESpecifies the scope of the data section 0 = Data with CPC scope 1 = Data with system scopeinteger
r7024didR7024DIDDomain ID Valid with R7024SCOPE = 1integer


Cryptographic PKCS11 Coprocessor

NameBased onDescriptionType/Format
r7025axR7025AXCrypto processor indexinteger
r7025ct processedR7025CTCrypto processor type: 11 = CEX5P, 12 = CEX6P, 13 = CEX7P, 14 = CEX8Pinteger
r7025msk flagR7025MSKValidity bit mask. Each bit position represents the validity of a timer-counter pair that measures the execution time and number of operations on a cryptographic PKCS11 coprocessor.string
asym_key_slowr7025mskValid data for slow asymmetric key functions
asym_key_fastr7025mskValid data for fast asymmetric key functions
r7025spr7025mskValid data for symmetric-key functions that return partial or incremental results
sym_key_genr7025mskValid data for symmetric-key functions that return complete or final result
asym_key_genr7025mskValid data for asymmetric-key generation function
r7025sfR7025SFScaling factor for the indicating cryptographic PKCS11 coprocessor (long floating point)number
r7025satR7025SATAggregate execution time of operations executed by slow asymmetric-key functions (long floating point)number
r7025sacR7025SACNumber of operations executed by slow asymmetric-key functions (long floating point)number
r7025fatR7025FATAggregate execution time of operations executed by fast asymmetric-key functions (long floating point)number
r7025facR7025FACNumber of operations executed by fast asymmetric-key functions (long floating point)number
r7025sptR7025SPTAggregate execution time of operations executed by symmetric-key functions that return partial or incremental results (long floating point)number
r7025spcR7025SPCNumber of operations executed by symmetric-key functions that return partial or incremental results (long floating point)number
r7025sctR7025SCTAggregate execution time of operations executed by symmetric-key functions that return complete or final result (long floating point)number
r7025sccR7025SCCNumber of operations executed by symmetric-key functions that return complete or final result (long floating point)number
r7025agtR7025AGTAggregate execution time of operations executed by asymmetric-key generation function (long floating point)number
r7025agcR7025AGCNumber of operations executed by asymmetric-key generation function (long floating point)number
r7025scopeR7025SCOPESpecifies the scope of the data section 0 = Data with CPC scope 1 = Data with system scopeinteger
r7025didR7025DIDDomain ID Valid with R7025SCOPE = 1integer


Timers and counters for the crypto accelerator.

NameBased onDescriptionType/Format
r7021metR7021METExecution time for 1024-bit ME-format RSA operations (long floating point)number
r7021mecR7021MECExecution number for 1024-bit ME-format RSA operations (long floating point)number
r7022metR7022METExecution time for 2048-bit ME-format RSA operations (long floating point)number
r7022mecR7022MECExecution number for 2048-bit ME-format RSA operations (long floating point)number
r7021crtR7021CRTExecution time for 1024-bit CRT-format RSA operations (long floating point)number
r7021crcR7021CRCExecution number for 1024-bit CRT-format RSA operations (long floating point)number
r7022crtR7022CRTExecution time for 2048-bit CRT-format RSA operations (long floating point)number
r7022crcR7022CRCExecution number for 2048-bit CRT-format RSA operations (long floating point)number