SMF 72 Subtype 4
Name | Based on | Description |
timestamp | date time | Record Timestamp |
boost_class | fla | Boost class is set at end of interval, valid only when zIIP boost and/or Speed boost is active: 001 IPL, 010 Shutdown, 011 Recovery Process |
interval_in_milliseconds | interval | Interval duration in milliseconds |
Name | Based on | Description | Type/Format |
date | SMF72DTE | Date of Record | date |
time | SMF72TME | Time of Record | time |
timestamp virtual | date time | Record Timestamp | |
seg | SMF72SEG | SEGMENT DESCRIPTOR | integer |
flg flag | SMF72FLG | SYSTEM INDICATOR FLAGS | string |
new_record | flg | NEW RECORD FORMAT | |
subtypes_used | flg | SUBTYPES USED | |
v4 | flg | MVS/ESA V4 IF ON | |
esa | flg | MVS/ESA IF ON | |
vxa | flg | MVS/XA IF ON | |
prsm_mode | flg | SYSTEM RUNNING IN PR/SM MODE | |
rty | SMF72RTY | RECORD TYPE | integer |
ssi | SMF72SSI | SUBSYSTEM ID (RMF ) | string |
sty | SMF72STY | SUBTYPE | integer |
cps | SMF72CPS | Offset to service class period data sections (subtype4) | integer |
cpl | SMF72CPL | Length of service class period data sections (subtype4) | integer |
cpn | SMF72CPN | Number of service class period data sections (subtype4) | integer |
sps | SMF72SPS | Offset to swap reason data sections (subtype 4) | integer |
spl | SMF72SPL | Length of swap reason data sections (subtype 4) | integer |
spn | SMF72SPN | Number of swap reason data sections (subtype 4) | integer |
RMF Product Section
Name | Based on | Description | Type/Format |
mfv | SMF72MFV | RMF version number | integer |
prd | SMF72PRD | Product name | string |
ist | SMF72IST | Time monitor interval start | time |
dat | SMF72DAT | Date monitor interval start | date |
interval | SMF72INT | Duration of monitor interval | timedelta |
sam | SMF72SAM | Number of samples | integer |
fla flag | SMF72FLA | Flags | string |
cnv | fla | Data converted from version 2 | |
invalid_samples | fla | Invalid samples to be skipped | |
m3r | fla | Record was written by RMF Monitor III | |
interval_smf_control | fla | Interval was under SMF control | |
rcl | fla | SMF record converted to lower service level. Bit is set by SMF record retrieval service GRBSMFR. | |
rch | fla | SMF record converted to higher release or service level. Bit is set by SMF record retrieval service GRBSMFR. | |
altvm | fla | Running under an alternate virtual machine environment | |
iip | fla | zIIP boost was active during entire interval | |
eed | fla | Speed boost was active during entire interval | |
boost_class virtual | fla | Boost class is set at end of interval, valid only when zIIP boost and/or Speed boost is active: 001 IPL, 010 Shutdown, 011 Recovery Process | |
cyc | SMF72CYC | Sampling cycle length | timedelta |
mvs | SMF72MVS | MVS software level (consists of an acronym and the version, release, and modification level - ZVvvrrmm) | string |
iml | SMF72IML | Indicates the type of processor complex on which data measurements were taken. X'03’ = 9672, zSeries | integer |
prf flag | SMF72PRF | Processor flags | string |
expanded_stor | prf | System has expanded storage | |
escon_ch | prf | Equipped with ESCON channel | |
escon_dir | prf | ESCON Director in configuration | |
arch_mode | prf | System in z/ARCH mode | |
zaap_inst | prf | At least one zAAP is currently installed | |
ziip_inst | prf | At least one zIIP is currently installed | |
dat_facility1 | prf | Enhanced DAT facility 1 | |
dat_facility2 | prf | Enhanced DAT facility 2 | |
ptn | SMF72PTN | PR/SM partition number | string |
srl | SMF72SRL | SMF record level | integer |
iet | SMF72IET | Interval expiration time token | date-time |
lgo | SMF72LGO | Offset GMT to local time | integer |
rao | SMF72RAO | Offset to reassembly area relative to start of RMF product section | integer |
ral | SMF72RAL | Length of reassembly area. Area consists of a fixed header and a variable number of information blocks. Length depends on the record type/subtype, but is fixed for a specific type/subtype | integer |
ran | SMF72RAN | Number of reassembly area. This field is used to indicate whether SMF record is broken. If 0, record is not broken. If 1, record is broken. Offset and length are only valid if SMFxxRAN is 1. Reassembly area is only present in broken records. | integer |
oil | SMF72OIL | Original interval length as defined in the session or by SMF (in seconds) | integer |
syn | SMF72SYN | SYNC value in seconds | integer |
gie | SMF72GIE | Projected gathering interval end GMT time | date-time |
xnm | SMF72XNM | Sysplex name as defined in ECVTSPLX | string |
snm | SMF72SNM | System name for current system as defined in CVTSNAME | string |
interval_in_milliseconds virtual | interval | Interval duration in milliseconds |
Service Class Period Data Section (Subtype 4)
Name | Based on | Description | Type/Format |
r724pnam | R724PNAM | Name of active service policy | string |
r724ptm | R724PTM | Time policy was activated (Format: STORE CLOCK Unit: local time) | time |
r724lcnm | R724LCNM | Service class name | string |
r724percount | R724PER# | Service class period number | integer |
r724user | R724USER | Sum of all users found | integer |
r724actv | R724ACTV | Sum of all active users found | integer |
r724acts | R724ACTS | Sum of all active samples (except OUTR) | integer |
r724idls | R724IDLS | Sum of all idle samples | integer |
r724page | R724PAGE | Sum of all users delayed for paging at all samples | integer |
r724swap | R724SWAP | Sum of all users delayed for swapping at all samples | integer |
r724outr | R724OUTR | Sum of all out and ready users at all samples | integer |
r724pgin | R724PGIN | Sum of all page-ins | integer |
r724divs | R724DIVS | Sum of all DIV samples | integer |
r724lssa | R724LSSA | Total logically swapped samples for the group | integer |
r724pssa | R724PSSA | Total swapped samples for the group (except logical) | integer |
r724upro | R724UPRO | Total processor using samples for the group | integer |
r724udev | R724UDEV | Total device using samples for the group | integer |
r724dpro | R724DPRO | Total processor delay samples for the group | integer |
r724ddev | R724DDEV | Total device delay samples for the group | integer |
r724dsto | R724DSTO | Total storage delay samples for the group | integer |
r724djes | R724DJES | Total JES delay samples for the group | integer |
r724dhsm | R724DHSM | Total HSM delay samples for the group | integer |
r724dxcf | R724DXCF | Total XCF delay samples for the group | integer |
r724denq | R724DENQ | Total ENQ delay samples for the group | integer |
r724dmnt | R724DMNT | Total mount delay samples for the group | integer |
r724dmsg | R724DMSG | Total message delay samples for the group | integer |
r724unkn | R724UNKN | Total unknown state samples for the group | integer |
r724vald | R724VALD | Total valid samples for the group (single state sum of all using, delay, idle, and unknown) | integer |
r724lsct | R724LSCT | Count of “long” logical swaps for the group | integer |
r724esct | R724ESCT | Count of “long” swaps to expanded storage for the group | integer |
r724psct | R724PSCT | Count of “long” physical swaps for the group | integer |
r724actf | R724ACTF | Sum of all active frames (long floating point) | number |
r724idle | R724IDLE | Sum of all idle frames (long floating point) | number |
r724slot | R724SLOT | Sum of all slots used (long floating point) | number |
r724div | R724DIV | Sum of all DIV frames (long floating point) | number |
r724fix | R724FIX | Sum of all fixed frames (long floating point) | number |
r724lscf | R724LSCF | Sum of all central frames for all logically swapped users at all samples (long floating point) | number |
r724lsef | R724LSEF | Sum of all expanded frames for all logically swapped users at all samples (long floating point) | number |
r724psef | R724PSEF | Sum of all expanded frames for all swapped users (except logical) at all samples (long floating point) | number |
r724vect | R724VECT | Total vector utilization time for the group (Format: long floating point Unit: microseconds) | number |
r724et | R724ET | Total execution time for all transactions that ended in the group. Does not include queued time. (Format: long floating point Unit: 1024-microseconds) | number |
r724qt | R724QT | Total time spent on JES or APPC queues by all transactions that ended in the group (Format: long floating point Unit: 1024-microseconds) | number |
r724end | R724END | The number of transactions that ended in the group (Format: long floating point Unit: microseconds) | number |
r724tsv | R724TSV | Sum of shared page views (long floating point) | number |
r724vin | R724VIN | Sum of shared pages in central storage, that are valid (long floating point) | number |
r724vlc | R724VLC | Sum of shared page validations (long floating point) | number |
r724gpi | R724GPI | Sum of shared page-ins from auxiliary storage (long floating point) | number |
r724etx | R724ETX | Total execution time for all transactions that ended in the group. Same as R724ET, but in microseconds. | number |
r724qtx | R724QTX | Total time spent on JES or APPC queues by all transactions that ended in the group. Same as R724QT, but in microseconds. | number |
Swap Reason Data Section (Subtype 4)
Name | Based on | Description | Type/Format |
r724or1 | R724OR1 | STOR/OUTR delay samples for swap reason 1: Terminal output wait | integer |
r724or2 | R724OR2 | STOR/OUTR delay samples for swap reason 2: Terminal input wait | integer |
r724or3 | R724OR3 | STOR/OUTR delay samples for swap reason 3: Long wait | integer |
r724or4 | R724OR4 | STOR/OUTR delay samples for swap reason 4: Auxiliary storage shortage | integer |
r724or5 | R724OR5 | STOR/OUTR delay samples for swap reason 5: Real storage shortage | integer |
r724or6 | R724OR6 | STOR/OUTR delay samples for swap reason 6: Detected long wait | integer |
r724or8 | R724OR8 | STOR/OUTR delay samples for swap reason 8: Enqueue exchange swap | integer |
r724or9 | R724OR9 | STOR/OUTR delay samples for swap reason 9: Exchange swap | integer |
r724or10 | R724OR10 | STOR/OUTR delay samples for swap reason 10: Unilateral swap | integer |
r724or11 | R724OR11 | STOR/OUTR delay samples for swap reason 11: Transition swap | integer |
r724or12 | R724OR12 | STOR/OUTR delay samples for swap reason 12: Improve central storage usage | integer |
r724or13 | R724OR13 | STOR/OUTR delay samples for swap reason 13: Improve system paging rate | integer |
r724or14 | R724OR14 | STOR/OUTR delay samples for swap reason 14: Make room for an out too long user | integer |
r724or15 | R724OR15 | STOR/OUTR delay samples for swap reason 15: APPC wait | integer |
r724or16 | R724OR16 | STOR/OUTR delay samples for swap reason 16: OMVS input wait | integer |
r724or17 | R724OR17 | STOR/OUTR delay samples for swap reason 17: OMVS output wait | integer |
r724or18 | R724OR18 | STOR/OUTR delay samples for swap reason 18: In-real swap | integer |
r724or7a | R724OR7A | STOR/OUTR delay samples for swap reason 7: Memory pool shortage | integer |