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SMF 74 Subtype 4

Virtual fields

NameBased onDescription
Record Timestamp
boost_classflaBoost class is set at end of interval, valid only when zIIP boost and/or Speed boost is active: 001 IPL, 010 Shutdown, 011 Recovery Process

Record fields

NameBased onDescriptionType/Format
dateSMF74DTEDate of Recorddate
timeSMF74TMETime of Recordtime
timestamp virtualdate
Record Timestamp
vxaflgMVS/XA IF ON
foSMF744FOOffset to local CF data sectioninteger
flSMF744FLLength of local CF data sectioninteger
fnSMF744FNNumber of local CF data sectionsinteger
xoSMF744XOOffset to connectivity data sectioninteger
xlSMF744XLLength of connectivity data sectioninteger
xnSMF744XNNumber of connectivity data sectionsinteger
goSMF744GOOffset to storage data sectioninteger
glSMF744GLLength of storage data sectioninteger
gnSMF744GNNumber of storage data sectionsinteger
qoSMF744QOOffset to structure data sectioninteger
qlSMF744QLLength of structure data sectioninteger
qnSMF744QNNumber of structure data sectionsinteger
soSMF744SOOffset to request data sectioninteger
slSMF744SLLength of request data sectioninteger
snSMF744SNNumber of request data sectionsinteger
poSMF744POOffset to processor data sectioninteger
plSMF744PLLength of processor data sectioninteger
pnSMF744PNNumber of processor data sectionsinteger
coSMF744COOffset to Cache Data Sectioninteger
clSMF744CLLength of Cache Data Sectioninteger
cnSMF744CNNumber of Cache Data Sectioninteger
roSMF744ROOffset to CF Remote Faciliy Data Sectioninteger
rlSMF744RLLength of CF Remote Faciliy Data Sectioninteger
rnSMF744RNNumber of CF Remote Faciliy Data Sectionsinteger
hoSMF744HOOffset to Channel Path Data Sectioninteger
hlSMF744HLLength of Channel Path Data Sectioninteger
hnSMF744HNNumber of Channel Path Data Sectionsinteger
moSMF744MOOffset to SCM Data Sectioninteger
mlSMF744MLLength of SCM Data Sectioninteger
mnSMF744MNNumber of SCM Data Sectionsinteger
aoSMF744AOOffset to Asynchronous CF Duplexing Data Sectioninteger
alSMF744ALLength of Asynchronous CF Duplexing Data Sectioninteger
anSMF744ANNumber of Asynchronous CF Duplexing Data Sectioninteger

Maps and sections


RMF Product Section

NameBased onDescriptionType/Format
mfvSMF74MFVRMF version numberinteger
prdSMF74PRDProduct namestring
istSMF74ISTTime monitor interval starttime
datSMF74DATDate monitor interval startdate
intSMF74INTDuration of monitor intervaltime
samSMF74SAMNumber of samplesinteger
fla flagSMF74FLAFlagsstring
cnvflaData converted from version 2
issflaInvalid samples to be skipped
m3rflaRecord was written by RMF Monitor III
ismflaInterval was under SMF control
rclflaSMF record converted to lower service level. Bit is set by SMF record retrieval service GRBSMFR.
rchflaSMF record converted to higher release or service level. Bit is set by SMF record retrieval service GRBSMFR.
altvmflaRunning under an alternate virtual machine environment
iipflazIIP boost was active during entire interval
eedflaSpeed boost was active during entire interval
boost_class virtualflaBoost class is set at end of interval, valid only when zIIP boost and/or Speed boost is active: 001 IPL, 010 Shutdown, 011 Recovery Process
cycSMF74CYCSampling cycle lengthtime
mvsSMF74MVSMVS software level (consists of an acronym and the version, release, and modification level - ZVvvrrmm)string
imlSMF74IMLIndicates the type of processor complex on which data measurements were taken. X'03’ = 9672, zSeriesinteger
prf flagSMF74PRFProcessor flagsstring
qesprfSystem has expanded storage
cneprfEquipped with ESCON channel
drcprfESCON Director in configuration
emeprfSystem in z/ARCH mode
priprfAt least one zAAP is currently installed
prpprfAt least one zIIP is currently installed
pedprfEnhanced DAT facility 1
pe2prfEnhanced DAT facility 2
ptnSMF74PTNPR/SM partition numberstring
srlSMF74SRLSMF record levelinteger
ietSMF74IETInterval expiration time tokenstring
lgoSMF74LGOOffset GMT to local timeinteger
raoSMF74RAOOffset to reassembly area relative to start of RMF product sectioninteger
ralSMF74RALLength of reassembly area. Area consists of a fixed header and a variable number of information blocks. Length depends on the record type/subtype, but is fixed for a specific type/subtypeinteger
ranSMF74RANNumber of reassembly area. This field is used to indicate whether SMF record is broken. If 0, record is not broken. If 1, record is broken. Offset and length are only valid if SMFxxRAN is 1. Reassembly area is only present in broken records.integer
oilSMF74OILOriginal interval length as defined in the session or by SMF (in seconds)integer
synSMF74SYNSYNC value in secondsinteger
gieSMF74GIEProjected gathering interval end GMT timedate-time
xnmSMF74XNMSysplex name as defined in ECVTSPLXstring
snmSMF74SNMSystem name for current system as defined in CVTSNAMEstring


Local CF Data Section

NameBased onDescriptionType/Format
r744fnamR744FNAMName of Coupling Facilitystring
r744fsysR744FSYSName of this system (from IEASYSxx parmlib member, SYSNAME param.)string
r744fflg flagR744FFLGStatus Flagsstring
r744fceir744fflgCoupling Facility was connected to the system at the end of the interval
r744fadir744fflgCoupling Facility became active during the interval
r744fpecr744fflgPermanent error in cycle gatherer during complete interval
r744fdydr744fflgDynamic CF dispatching active. Valid if R744FLVL > 14.
r744fthnr744fflgThin Interrupts are enabled. Valid if R744FLVL>18.
r744fnohwr744fflgNo CF HW statistics available since optimized CF HW data gathering was active
r744fflc flagR744FFLCInformational flagsstring
r744fchor744fflcCHPIDs set offline during the interval
r744famvR744FAMVIXLYAMDA Versioninteger
r744fpamR744FPAMNumber of paths available to the CFinteger
r744fpbcR744FPBCNumber of times CF requests fail due to path busy, long floating pointnumber
r744fscgR744FSCGNumber of subchannels defined in the I/O geninteger
r744fscuR744FSCUNumber of subchannels currently in useinteger
r744fsclR744FSCLNumber of subchannels that can be used (Limit)integer
r744fsccR744FSCCSubchannel contetion count (all subchannel busy), long floating pointnumber
r744ftorR744FTORTotal number of requests from this system, long floating pointnumber
r744failR744FAILNumber of unsuccesful req. from this system, long floating pointnumber
r744ftimR744FTIMSummed Service Time for unsuccessful requests in microsecondsinteger
r744fsquR744FSQUSummed squares of serv. time for unsucc. requestsinteger
r744fctmR744FCTMSummed contention time for waiting for subchannels to become free (y-sec) for synchronous immediate operationsinteger
r744fcsqR744FCSQSummed squares of contention time for waiting for subchannels to become free (y-sec *squared) for synchronous immediate operationsinteger
r744fmodR744FMODEBCDIC type of CF. The type is right justified with leading blanks if necessarystring
r744fverR744FVEREBCDIC model number of CFstring
r744fmpcR744FMPCEBCDIC manufacturer plant code of CFstring
r744flpnR744FLPNPartition identifier of CF. Valid with SMF74SRL >= 55 (x85) and RMF version number SMF74MFV >= 718Finteger
r744flvlR744FLVLCF levelinteger
r744fpasR744FPASPath available mask for CF linksstring
r744fpisR744FPISPath installed mask for CF linksstring
r744fpcmR744FPCMComposite path mask - paths having a physical and logical connection to the facility in the active policystring
r744fseqR744FSEQEBCDIC sequence number of this CFstring
r744fpsnR744FPSNNumber of shared processors. Valid if R744FLVL > 14.integer
r744fpdnR744FPDNNumber of dedicated processors. Valid if R744FLVL > 14.integer
r744fcpiR744FCPIIndex to first channel path data section associated with this coupling facility.integer
r744fcpnR744FCPNNumber of channel path data sections for channel paths of type ‘CIB’, ‘CFP’, ‘CS5’ or ‘CL5’ connected to this coupling facility. This count matches the number of subsequent channel path data sections.integer
r744ftap arrayR744FTAPCHPID array for channel path type acronymsstring
r744fidp arrayR744FIDPCHPID array for channel path IDs.string


Storage Data Section

NameBased onDescriptionType/Format
r744gcsdR744GCSDTotal amount of control storage defined (units = 4K byte blocks)integer
r744gcsfR744GCSFAmount of free control storage (units = 4K byte blocks)integer
r744gtsdR744GTSDTotal amount of CF storage defined (units = 4K byte blocks)integer
r744gtsfR744GTSFAmount of free CF storage (units = 4K byte blocks)integer
r744gdsaR744GDSAAmount of dump space allocated (units = 4K byte blocks)integer
r744gdsfR744GDSFAmount of free dump space (units = 4K byte blocks)integer
r744gdsrR744GDSRMaximum amount of dump space requested (units = 4K byte blocks)integer
r744gtscR744GTSCTotal amount of coupling facility storage class memory (units = 4K byte blocks) which may be concurrently used as structure extensions.integer
r744gfscR744GFSCAmount of free coupling facility storage class memory (units = 4K byte blocks).integer
r744giscR744GISCAmount of storage class memory increment. This is the number of 4K blocks that are assigned to a single storage class memory segment.integer


Connectivity Data Section

NameBased onDescriptionType/Format
r744xsysR744XSYSName of remote system also reporting on this CF. From IEASYSxx parmlib member, SYSNAME parameterstring


Structure Data Section

NameBased onDescriptionType/Format
r744qstrR744QSTRName of structure allocated in this Coupling Facilitystring
r744qsizR744QSIZStructure size as specified in CFRM active policy (units = 4K byte blocks)integer
r744qverR744QVERStructure Version numberstring
r744qflg flagR744QFLGStatus Flagsstring
r744qactr744qflgActive instance of structure (normal case)
r744qrbnr744qflgNew instance during rebuild
r744qrbor744qflgOld instance during rebuild
r744qtrar744qflgInstance is just being added or deleted (in transition)
r744qholr744qflgInstance in hold, deletion could not be finished
r744qdptr744qflgDump was initiated for this structure
r744qrbpr744qflgStructure rebuild in progress
r744qrbdr744qflgThe in-progress rebuild is a duplexing rebuild
r744qfl1 flagR744QFL1Status Flagsstring
r744qaadr744qfl1Duplexing is active using system managed asynchronous duplexing


Request Data Section

NameBased onDescriptionType/Format
r744snamR744SNAMName of connected structure in this Coupling Facilitystring
r744sverR744SVERStructure Version numberstring
r744stypR744STYPStructure type identifier Val Meaning 1 Unserialized List structure 2 Serialized List structure 3 Lock structure 4 Cache structurestring
r744sflg flagR744SFLGStatus Flagsstring
r744sceir744sflgStructure was connected to the system at the end of the interval
r744sadir744sflgStructure became active during the interval
r744scadr744sflgStructure is capable to participate in asynchronous duplexing
r744sdasr744sflgStructure is in duplexing active state
r744sprir744sflgStructure is primary instance of an asynchronously duplexed structure
r744ssecr744sflgStructure is secondary instance of an asynchronously duplexed structure
r744sencr744sflgStructure data is encrypted
r744slecR744SLECLock structure only: Lock table entry characteristicinteger
r744slelR744SLELList structure only: Limit on number of list entries. The estimated maximum number of list entries that may reside in storage class memory is not included. Lock structure: Limit on number of data elements.integer
r744slemR744SLEMList structure only: Current number of list entries used during interval. The number of list entries that currently reside in storage class memory is not included. Lock structure: Current number of data elements in use.integer
r744sltlR744SLTLLock structure only: Limit on number of lock table entriesinteger
r744sltmR744SLTMLock structure only: Current number of lock table entries used during intervalinteger
r744sstaR744SSTANumber of requests changed from synchronous to asynchronous, long floating pointnumber
r744strcR744STRCTotal number of user requests completed, long floating pointnumber
r744stacR744STACTotal number of asynchronous user requests completed, long floating pointnumber
r744sarcR744SARCCount of number of times for async. requests executed by cf hardware, long floating pointnumber
r744satmR744SATMSummed service time for asynchronous requests in microsecondsinteger
r744sasqR744SASQSummed squares of serv. time for async. requestsinteger
r744ssrcR744SSRCCount of number of times for sync. requests executed by cf hardware, long floating pointnumber
r744sstmR744SSTMSummed service time for synchronous requests in microsecondsinteger
r744sssqR744SSSQSummed squares of serv. time for sync. requestsinteger
r744sqrcR744SQRCCount of number of times for queued requests, long floating pointnumber
r744sqtmR744SQTMSummed queue delay time in microsecondsinteger
r744sqsqR744SQSQSummed squares of delay time for queued requestsinteger
r744sdrcR744SDRCNumber of times a request was found delayed in case of dump serailization, long floating pointnumber
r744sdtmR744SDTMSummed dump delay time in microsecondsinteger
r744sdsqR744SDSQSummed squares of dump delay timeinteger
r744sdmpR744SDMPNumber of times dump serialization was found for this structure (list and cache structures only), long floating pointnumber
r744shtoR744SHTOTotal number of requests added to the high priority queue during interval, long floating pointnumber
r744shmnR744SHMNMinimum number of requests added to the high priority queue within one cycle (this is a rate per cycle)integer
r744shmxR744SHMXMaximum number of requests added to the high priority queue within one cycle (this is a rate per cycle)integer
r744sltoR744SLTOTotal number of requests added to the low priority queue during interval, long floating pointnumber
r744slmnR744SLMNMinimum number of requests added to the low priority queue within one cycle (this is a rate per cycle)integer
r744slmxR744SLMXMaximum number of requests added to the low priority queue within one cycle (this is a rate per cycle)integer
r744sdtoR744SDTOTotal number of requests added to the dump queue since dump serialization is in progress, long floating pointnumber
r744sdmnR744SDMNMinimum number of requests added to the dump queue since dump serialization is in progress within one cycle, (rate per cycle)integer
r744sdmxR744SDMXMaximum number of requests added to the dump queue since dump serialization is in progress within one cycle, (rate per cycle)integer
r744scnR744SCNLock structure only: Number of times any request encountered lock contention, long floating pointnumber
r744sfcnR744SFCNLock structure only: Number of times any request encountered false lock contention (storage contention within the structure), long floating pointnumber
r744ssizR744SSIZAllocated size of structure (units = 4K byte blocks)integer
r744smasR744SMASMaximum structure sizeinteger
r744smisR744SMISMinimum structure sizeinteger
r744sdecR744SDECCache structure only: Total directory entry countinteger
r744sdelR744SDELCache structure only: Total data element countinteger
r744snlhR744SNLHList structure only: Number of list headersinteger
r744smaeR744SMAEList structure only: Maximum number of elements. The estimated maximum number of list elements that may reside in storage class memory is not included.integer
r744scueR744SCUEList structure only: Current number of elements in use. The number of list elements that currently reside in storage class memory is not included.integer
r744cdsiR744CDSIIndex to first Cache Data sectioninteger
r744cdneR744CDNENumber of Cache Data Section entriesinteger
r744splnR744SPLNCount of peer link not available conditionsnumber
r744spesR744SPESCount of execution suppressed conditions, long floating pointnumber
r744sptcR744SPTCCount of the number of ‘waiting for peer subchannel’ reported, long floating pointnumber
r744spstR744SPSTSummed peer subchannel wait time (u-sec)integer
r744spssR744SPSSSummed peer subchannel wait time squared (u-sec squared)integer
r744srtcR744SRTCCount of the number of ‘waiting for peer subchannel with reserve held’ reported, long floating pointnumber
r744srstR744SRSTSummed peer subchannel wait with reserve time (u-sec)integer
r744srssR744SRSSSummed peer subchannel wait with reserve time squared (u-sec squared)integer
r744sctcR744SCTCCount of the number of ‘waiting for peer completion’ times reported, long floating pointnumber
r744scstR744SCSTSummed waiting for peer completion times (u-sec)integer
r744scssR744SCSSSummed waiting for peer completion times squared (u-sec squared)integer
r744slsvR744SLSVLogical structure version numberstring
r744setmR744SETMSummed structure execution time in u-sec (long floating point). Valid if R744FLVL > 14.number
r744siscR744SISCIndex to Storage Class Memory data section. This field is zero if there is no information available.integer
r744snscR744SNSCNumber of Storage Class Memory data sctions.integer
r744ssacR744SSACCount of Storage Class Memory Access Required conditions that require the request to be restarted.integer
r744sosaR744SOSACount of successful operations to the coupling facility that encountered an SCM Access Required condition.integer
r744siadR744SIADIndex to Asynchronous CF Duplexing data section. This field is zero if there is no Asynchronous CF Duplexing data available.integer
r744sadnR744SADNNumber of Asynchronous CF Duplexing data sections.integer
r744sixcR744SIXCNumber of asynchronous duplex requests that requested sync up with the primary structure. (Valid if bit 1 of R744SXFL is set.)integer
r744sxscR744SXSCNumber of asynchronous duplex requests that were suspended waiting for the operations to complete in the secondary structure of the current duplexing instance. (Valid if bit 1 of R744SXFL is set.)integer
r744sxstR744SXSTSummed suspend time, in microseconds, for suspended requests that were waiting for asynchronous duplex operations to complete in the secondary structure of the current duplexing instance. (Valid if bit 1 of R744SXFL is set.)integer
r744sxsqR744SXSQSquare of summed suspend times, in square of microseconds, for suspended requests that were waiting for the asynchronous duplex operations to complete in the secondary structure of the current duplexing instance. (Valid if bit 1 of R744SXFL is set.)integer
r744sadoR744SADONumber of asynchronous duplex operations that were delayed because the primary structure was unable to accept new requests either because it could not forward requests to the secondary CF or because the secondary CF could not process incoming requests. (Valid if bit 0 of R744SXFL is set.)integer
r744sadrR744SADRNumber of asynchronous duplex requests that experienced a delayed operation because the primary CF was unable to accept new requests. (Valid if bit 0 of R744SXFL is set.)integer
r744sqchR744SQCHAsynchronous duplex operation queue statistic. The number of queue elements is the product of 4096*2**R744SQCH.integer
r744sxfl flagR744SXFLFlagsstring
r744sxapr744sxfldata for primary instance of async duplexed structure is valid
r744sxasr744sxfldata for secondary instance of async duplexed structure is valid
r744sxcmr744sxfldata for write and read request measurements is valid
r744sxmor744sxfldata for CF monopolization delays is valid
r744swdrR744SWDRNumber of requests to write data to the CF structure. (Valid if bit 2 of R744SXFL is set.)integer
r744swacR744SWACNumber of adjunct areas written to the CF structure. (Valid if bit 2 of R744SXFL is set.)integer
r744srdrR744SRDRNumber of requests to read data from the CF structure. (Valid if bit 2 of R744SXFL is set.)integer
r744sracR744SRACNumber of adjunct areas read from the CF structure. (Valid if bit 2 of R744SXFL is set.)integer
r744swecR744SWECNumber of data entries with data elements that have been written to the CF structure. Includes both single and multi entry write requests. (Valid if bit 2 of R744SXFL is set.)integer
r744srecR744SRECNumber of data entries with data elements that have been read from the CF structure. Includes both single and multi entry read requests. (Valid if bit 2 of R744SXFL is set.)integer
r744swedR744SWEDSum of 256 byte increments accumulated for entry data with data elements written to the CF structure. (Valid if bit 2 of R744SXFL is set.)integer
r744swesR744SWESSquares of summed number of 256 byte increments accumulated for entry data with data elements written to the CF structure. (Valid if bit 2 of R744SXFL is set.)integer
r744sredR744SREDSum of 256 byte increments accumulated for entry data with data elements read from the CF structure. (Valid if bit 2 of R744SXFL is set.)integer
r744sresR744SRESSquares of summed number of 256 byte increments accumula ted for entry data with data elements read from the CF structure. (Valid if bit 2 of R744SXFL is set.)integer
r744smrcR744SMRCNumber of times a request was found delayed due to coupling facility resource monopolization. (Valid if bit 3 of R744SXFL is set.)number
r744smtmR744SMTMSummed queue time (in microseconds) for operations queued due to coupling facility resource monopolization. (Valid if bit 3 of R744SXFL is set.)integer
r744smsqR744SMSQSummed queue time squared for operations queued due to coupling facility resource monopolization (in microseconds squared). (Valid if bit 3 of R744SXFL is set.)integer
r744smtoR744SMTOTotal number of operations queued for CF monopolization avoidance. (Valid if bit 3 of R744SXFL is set.)number
r744smhtR744SMHTTotal number of high priority operations queued for CF mono polization avoidance. (Valid if bit 3 of R744SXFL is set.)number
r744smmnR744SMMNMinimum number of operations queued for CF monopolization avoidance during this interval. (Valid if bit 3 of R744SXFL is set.)integer
r744smmxR744SMMXMaximum number of operations queued for CF monopolization avoidance during this interval. (Valid if bit 3 of R744SXFL is set.)integer
r744smhnR744SMHNMinimum number of high priority operations queued for CF monopolization avoidance during this interval. (Valid if bit 3 of R744SXFL is set.)integer
r744smhxR744SMHXMaximum number of high priority operations queued for CF mono polization avoidance during this interval. (Valid if bit 3 of R744SXFL is set.)integer


Processor Unitilization Data Section

NameBased onDescriptionType/Format
r744pnumR744PNUMCPU numberinteger
r744pbsyR744PBSYBusy time in microsecondsinteger
r744pwaiR744PWAIWait time in microsecondsinteger
r744ptyp flagR744PTYPProcessor flagsstring
r744ptder744ptypProcessor is dedicated. Valid if R744FLVL > 14.
r744pwgtR744PWGTShared processor weight. Valid if R744FLVL > 14.integer
r744pbsgR744PBSGAssigned buffer summary group. Valid if R744FLVL > 24.integer
r744pcctR744PCCTProcessor command count. Valid if R744FLVL > 24.integer
r744ptleR744PTLECPU-type topology list entry, as returned by the STSI instruction SYSIB 15.1.2 (Configuration Topology). Refer to Principles of Operation for format. Valid if R744FLVL > 24.string


Cache Data Section

NameBased onDescriptionType/Format
r744crhcR744CRHCRead hit Counter long floating pointnumber
r744crmdR744CRMDRead miss, directory hit counter long floating pointnumber
r744crmaR744CRMARead miss, assignment suppressed counter long floating pointnumber
r744crmnR744CRMNRead miss, name assigned counter long floating pointnumber
r744crmtR744CRMTRead miss, target storage class full long floating pointnumber
r744cwh0R744CWH0Write hit change bit 0 CTR long floating pointnumber
r744cwh1R744CWH1Write hit change bit 1 CTR long floating pointnumber
r744cwmnR744CWMNWrite miss not registered counter long floating pointnumber
r744cwmiR744CWMIWrite miss invalid state counter long floating pointnumber
r744cwmtR744CWMTWrite miss storage class full counter long floating pointnumber
r744cderR744CDERDirectory entry reclaim counter long floating pointnumber
r744cdtrR744CDTRData entry reclaim counter long floating pointnumber
r744cxdrR744CXDRXI directory reclaim counter long floating pointnumber
r744cxfwR744CXFWXI write counter long floating pointnumber
r744cxniR744CXNIXI name invalidation counter long floating pointnumber
r744cxciR744CXCIXI complement invalidation counter long floating pointnumber
r744ccocR744CCOCCastout Counter long floating pointnumber
r744crsmR744CRSMReference signal miss counter long floating pointnumber
r744ctsfR744CTSFTarget storage class full counter long floating pointnumber
r744cdecR744CDECDirectory entry counter snapshotinteger
r744cdacR744CDACData element counter snapshotinteger
r744ctccR744CTCCTotal changed counterinteger
r744cdtaR744CDTAData area counterinteger
r744crlcR744CRLCCompleted reference list counter long floating pointnumber
r744cprlR744CPRLpartially completed reference list counter long floating pointnumber
r744cxrlR744CXRLXI for local cache vector index replacement long floating pointnumber
r744cwucR744CWUCWrite unchanged counter long floating pointnumber


Remote Facility Data Section

NameBased onDescriptionType/Format
r744rsysR744RSYSSystem identification value for the remotely connected CFstring
r744rnamR744RNAMCF name (if applicable, else X'0’)string
r744rpgsR744RPGSReceiver path group sizeinteger
r744rflg flagR744RFLGStatus Flagsstring
r744rceir744rflgCFRF was connected to the system at the end of the interval
r744radir744rflgStructure became active during the interval
r744rresR744RRESReady to execute signal counterinteger
r744rrcsR744RRCSReady to complete signal counterinteger
r744rhesR744RHESHalt execution signal counterinteger
r744rrssR744RRSSRequest for suppression signal counterinteger
r744rrsaR744RRSARequest for suppression accepted signal counterinteger
r744rsstR744RSSTUnused. Value now in R744RSSEinteger
r744rsssR744RSSSSum of squares of signal service timesinteger
r744rdscR744RDSCDelayed signal counterinteger
r744rsdtR744RSDTSum of signal delay timesinteger
r744rssdR744RSSDSum of squares of signal timesinteger
r744rsrsR744RSRSSignal redrives signal counterinteger
r744rsseR744RSSESum of signal service timesinteger
r744rcpiR744RCPIIndex to first channel path data section associated with this coupling facility.integer
r744rcpnR744RCPNNumber of channel path data sections for channel paths of type ‘CIB’, ‘CFP’, ‘CS5’ or ‘CL5’ connected to this remote coupling facility. This includes the receiver/peer channel path over which signals may be sent from the subject CF to this remote CF and the sender/peer channel paths returning signals from this remote CF to the subject CF. This count matches the number of subsequent channel path data sections associated with this remote CF.integer
r744rsgsR744RSGSSender path group sizeinteger
r744rscR744RSCNumber of subchannels associated with the remote CF.integer
r744ramcR744RAMCNumber of asynchronous messages that are sent to this remote facility. The count includes the number of asynchronous commands that sent and excludes path management commands and redrives of asynchronous commands.integer
r744ramstR744RAMSTTotal amount of service time for asynchronous messages sent to this remote CF, in micro seconds.integer
r744ramsqR744RAMSQTotal amount of squares of service time for asynchronous messages sent to this remote CF, in square of microseconds.integer
r744rampbR744RAMPBAsynchronous message path busy count.integer
r744ramnsR744RAMNSAsynchronous message no subchannel count.integer
ndebyte1NDEBYTE1Word 0 Byte 1string
ndeconfigcode flagNDECONFIGCODEConfiguration code. Bits 0-3. B'0000’ indicates side 0, B'0001’ indicates side 1. If not partitioned, the value will be B'0000’string
ndeppmodendeconfigcodePP/SI mode indicator. 0 = processor is in single-image (SI) mode, 1 = processor is in physically partitioned (PP) mode
ndepartitionNDEPARTITIONLPAR Partition Numberinteger
ndetypeNDETYPEEBCDIC node typestring
ndemodelNDEMODELEBCDIC model number - this number is not guaranteed to be the current model number.string
ndemfgNDEMFGEBCDIC node manufacturerstring
ndeplantNDEPLANTEBCDIC manufacturer plant IDstring
ndesequenceNDESEQUENCEEBCDIC sequence numberstring
ndetagNDETAGTag fieldstring
ndecpcidNDECPCIDCentral Processor Complex (CPC) identifierinteger
r744rtap arrayR744RTAPCHPID array for channel path type acronyms. A CHPID type is provided for each active re- ceiver message path in the path group. The number of valid entries is equal to the receiver path group size.string
r744ridp arrayR744RIDPArray for receiver/peer channel path IDs.string
r744rsap arrayR744RSAPCHPID array for channel path type acronyms. A CHPID type is provided for each active sender /peer message path in the path group. The number of valid entries is equal to the sender path group size.string
r744rsid arrayR744RSIDArray of sender/peer channel path IDs.string


Channel Path Data Section

NameBased onDescriptionType/Format
r744hcpiR744HCPIChannel path identifier. The range of values is x'00’ to x’FF’.string
r744htapR744HTAPChannel path type acronymstring
r744hfl1 flagR744HFL1Validity flag 1string
r744hhcar744hfl1If set, coupling adapter ID and port number are valid
r744hmovr744hfl1If set, channel path operation mode is valid
r744hlavr744hfl1If set, latency is valid
r744hdevr744hfl1If set, degraded flag is valid
r744hsavR744HSAVIf set, corresponding field of I/O processors is validstring
r744hfl2 flagR744HFL2Validity flag 2string
r744hpcvr744hfl2If set, Channel ID (CHID) is valid
r744hopmR744HOPMChannel path operation mode. It describes the channel path type, data rate, protocol and adapter type. x'01’ - CFP path supporting a 1.0625 Gbit/sec data rate x'02’ - CFP path supporting a 2.125 Gbit/sec data rate x'10’ - CIB path operating at 1x bandwidth using the IFB protocol, adapter type HCA2-O LR x'11’ - CIB path operating at 12x bandwidth using the IFB protocol, adapter type HCA2-O x'20’ - CIB path operating at 1x bandwidth using the IFB protocol, adapter type HCA3-O LR x'21’ - CIB path operating at 12x bandwidth using the IFB protocol, adapter type HCA3-O x'30’ - CIB path operating at 12x bandwidth using the IFB3 protocol, adapter type HCA3-O x'40’ - CS5 path operating at 8x bandwidth using the GEN3 protocol, adapter type PCIe-O x'50’ - CL5 path supporting a 10 Gbit/sec data rate using the Converged Enhanced Ethernet protocol, adapter type RoCE LRinteger
r744hchf flagR744HCHFStatus Flagsstring
r744hdegr744hchfIf set, channel path is operating at reduced capacity (degraded) or is not operating
r744hsndr744hchfIf set, channel path is a sender path
r744hlatR744HLATChannel path latency time. This is the average round-trip time in microseconds. A value of ‘0’ means that the time was not measured. A value of ‘1’ means a time less than or equal to one microsecond.integer
r744hpcpR744HPCPPhysical channel path ID (CHID)integer
r744haidR744HAIDCoupling adapter identifier associated with the CHPIDinteger
r744hapnR744HAPNNumber of the port associated with the CHPIDinteger
r744hsapR744HSAPI/O processor to which this path is accessible. The range of values is x'00’ to x’FF’.integer
r744hflaR744HFLAValidity bit mask. Each bit position represents the validity of a channel path attributestring


Storage Class Memory Data Section

NameBased onDescriptionType/Format
r744msmaR744MSMAMaximum amount of storage class memory the structure can use (4K-block units).integer
r744malgR744MALGSCM algorithm typeinteger
r744mfauR744MFAUFixed augmented space (4K-block units).integer
r744miuaR744MIUAAmount of augmented space that is in use by this structure (4K-block units).integer
r744miusR744MIUSAmount of storage class memory that is in use by this structure (4K-block units).integer
r744memaR744MEMAEstimated maximum amount of space that may be assigned as augmented space for this structure (4K-block units).integer
r744memlR744MEMLEstimated maximum number of list entries that may reside in storage class memory for this structure.integer
r744memeR744MEMEEstimated maximum number of list elements that may reside in storage class memory for this structure.integer
r744menlR744MENLNumber of existing structure list entries that reside in storage class memory for this structure.integer
r744meneR744MENENumber of existing structure list elements that reside in storage class memory for this structure.integer
r744msltR744MSLTPercentage of the list entry and list element counts that determines the lower threshold for migration from storage class memory to CF storage.integer
r744msutR744MSUTPercentage of the list entry and list element counts that determines the upper threshold for migration from CF storage to storage class memory.integer
r744mslrR744MSLRPercentage of the list entry and list element counts that determines the lower threshold regulator for migration from CF storage class memory to CF real storage.integer
r744msurR744MSURPercentage of the list entry and list element counts that determines the upper threshold regulator for migration from CF real storage to CF storage class memory.integer
r744mswcR744MSWCSCM write count. The number of list write operations performed to storage class memory.integer
r744mrfcR744MRFCSCM read after fault count. The number of read operations against storage class memory that were initiated by a reference to list structure objects residing in storage class memory.integer
r744mrpcR744MRPCSCM read for prefetch count. The number of read operations against storage class memory that were initiated as a prefetch operation in order to retrieve list structure objects in storage class memory that are expected to be referenced.integer
r744mrstR744MRSTTotal amount of service times for read operations from storage class memory in microseconds.integer
r744mrsqR744MRSQTotal amount of squares of service times for read operations from storage class memory in square-microseconds.integer
r744mwstR744MWSTTotal amount of service times for write operations to storage class memory in microseconds.integer
r744mwsqR744MWSQTotal amount of squares of service times for write operations to storage class memory in square-microseconds.integer
r744mrbtR744MRBTSCM read bytes transferred. This is the number of bytes in 4K units transferred from storage class memory to CF storage.integer
r744mwbtR744MWBTSCM write bytes transferred. This is the number of bytes in 4K units transferred from CF storage to storage class memoryinteger
r744maecR744MAECSCM auxiliary enabled command count. This is the number of commands that required the use of CF auxiliary frames.integer
r744msrlR744MSRLThe number of references against storage class memory to locate list structure objects.integer
r744msrrR744MSRRThe number of references against storage class memory to resolve list entry key hashing.integer
r744msrmR744MSRMThe number of references against storage class memory for the purpose of migrating list structure objects from CF storage to storage class memory to allow the creation of new list structure objects in CF storage.integer
r744mmblR744MMBLThe maximum number of list entries that can be stored in a single storage class memory buffer.integer
r744mmbeR744MMBEThe maximum number of list elements that can be stored in a single Storage Class Memory buffer.integer
r744mnelR744MNELThe minimum number of list elements that must be available for assignment after the specified allocation process completes.integer
r744mnecR744MNECThe minimum number of list entries that must be available for assignment after the specified allocation process completes.integer
r744msrkR744MSRKThe number of references against Storage Class Memory for the purpose of migrating list structure objects from Storage Class Memory to CF storage to allow for key-range initialization to complete.integer


Asynchronous CF Duplexing Data Section

NameBased onDescriptionType/Format
r744afoR744AFOThe most current failed operation sequence number.integer
r744aheoR744AHEOHighest operation sequence number that can be executed and completed in the secondary CF.integer
r744alaohR744ALAOHHighest sequence number of the operation that has been exe cuted in the primary structure (Valid if bit 4 of R744SFLG is set.)integer
r744alaoshR744ALAOSHHighest sequence number of the operation that has completed in the primary structure and has been recognized by the secondary structure.integer
r744alcohR744ALCOHHighest sequence number of the operation that has completed in the secondary structure. (Valid if bit 5 of R744SFLG is set.)integer
r744alcophR744ALCOPHHighest sequence number of the operation that has completed in the secondary structure and that has been recognized by the primary structure.integer
r744alaoR744ALAONumber of asynchronous duplex operations that have been executed in the primary structure. (Valid if bit 4 of R744SFLG is set.)integer
r744alaosR744ALAOSNumber of asynchronous duplex operations that have executed in the primary and have been recognized in the secondary structure.integer
r744alcoR744ALCONumber of asynchronous duplex operations transmitted from the primary to the secondary structure that completed in the secondary structure. (Valid if bit 5 of R744SFLG is set.)integer
r744alcopR744ALCOPNumber of asynchronous duplex operations that have been completed both in the primary and in the secondary structure which has been recognized by the primary structure.integer
r744atpoctR744ATPOCTTotal number of asynchronous duplex operations that have been transmitted from the primary to the secondary structure.integer
r744atpocR744ATPOCNumber of asynchronous duplex operations transmitted from the primary to the secondary structure in this interval.integer
r744arcpotR744ARCPOTTotal number of asynchronous duplex operations that have completed in the secondary and have been recognized as complete to the primary structure.integer
r744arcpoR744ARCPONumber of asynchronous duplex operations transmitted from the primary to the secondary structure and recognized as complete to the primary structure in this interval.integer
r744acqscR744ACQSCNumber of stalls in the processing of the secondary operation queue.integer
r744apdtR744APDTTotal amount of primary delay time for asynchronous duplex operations, in microseconds. The primary delay time is the elapsed time in the primary CF between the assignment of the operation to the queue buffer and the first attempt to send the operation to the secondary CF.integer
r744apdqR744APDQTotal amount of squares of primary delay time for asynchronous duplex operations in square of microseconds.integer
r744amdtR744AMDTTotal amount of message delay time for asynchronous duplex operations, in microseconds. This is the elapsed time from the first attempt to send the asynchronous duplex operation in the primary CF to the time that the secondary CF assigns the operation to a secondary queue entry.integer
r744amdqR744AMDQTotal amount of squares of message delay time for asynchronous duplex operations in square of microseconds.integer
r744aqdtR744AQDTTotal amount of secondary queue delay time for asynchronous duplex operations in microseconds. The secondary queue delay time is the elapsed time from the time the asynchronous duplex operation is assigned to a secondary queue entry to the time of completion of the asynchronous duplex operation.integer
r744aqdqR744AQDQTotal amount of squares of secondary queue delay time for asynchronous duplex operations in square of microseconds.integer
r744aqstR744AQSTTotal amount of secondary queue stall time for asynchronous duplex operations, in microseconds.integer
r744aqsqR744AQSQTotal amount of squares of secondary queue stall time for asynchronous duplex operations in square of microseconds.integer
r744acdtR744ACDTTotal amount of secondary reported completion delay time for asynchronous duplex operations, in microseconds. The secondary reported completion delay time is the elapsed time in the secondary CF, from the time the asynchronous duplex operation completes in the secondary to the time that the completion is reported to the primary.integer
r744acdqR744ACDQTotal amount of squares of secondary reported completion delay time for asynchronous duplex operations, in square of microseconds.integer
r744ardtR744ARDTTotal amount of response delay time for asynchronous duplex operations, in microseconds. The response delay time is the elapsed time from the launch of the operation response in the secondary CF to the time that the primary CF recognizes the reponse.integer
r744ardqR744ARDQTotal amount of squares of response delay time for asynchronous duplex operations in square of microseconds.integer
r744aottR744AOTTTotal amount of operation transmission time for operations sent from the primary to the secondary structure, in microseconds. (Valid if bit 5 of R744SFLG is set.)integer
r744aotqR744AOTQTotal amount of squares of operation transmission time, in square of microseconds. (Valid if bit 5 of R744SFLG is set.)integer
r744asttR744ASTTTotal amount of service time to transfer the asynchronous duplex operations to the secondary structure and complete the operations in the secondary structure, in microseconds. (Valid if bit 5 of R744SFLG is set.)integer
r744astqR744ASTQTotal amount of squares of service time to transfer the asynchronous duplex operations to the secondary structure and complete the operations in the secondary structure, in square of microseconds. (Valid if bit 5 of R744SFLG is set.)integer