SMF 78 Subtype 3
Name | Based on | Description |
timestamp | date time | Record Timestamp |
boost_class | fla | Boost class is set at end of interval, valid only when zIIP boost and/or Speed boost is active: 001 IPL, 010 Shutdown, 011 Recovery Process |
Name | Based on | Description | Type/Format |
date | SMF78DTE | Date of Record | date |
time | SMF78TME | Time of Record | time |
timestamp virtual | date time | Record Timestamp | |
seg | SMF78SEG | SEGMENT DESCRIPTOR | integer |
flg flag | SMF78FLG | SYSTEM INDICATOR FLAGS | string |
rrf | flg | NEW RECORD FORMAT | |
sut | flg | SUBTYPES USED | |
v4 | flg | MVS/ESA V4 IF ON | |
esa | flg | MVS/ESA IF ON | |
vxa | flg | MVS/XA IF ON | |
rty | SMF78RTY | RECORD TYPE | integer |
ssi | SMF78SSI | SUBSYSTEM ID (RMF ) | string |
sty | SMF78STY | SUBTYPE | integer |
dcs | SMF78DCS | Offset to configuration section R781CS (subtype 1), data section R782COMN (subtype 2) or configuration section R783CS (subtype 3) | integer |
dcl | SMF78DCL | LENGTH OF SECTION | integer |
dcn | SMF78DCN | NUMBER OF SECTIONS | integer |
ass | SMF78ASS | Offset to data section R781DS (subtype 1) R782PVT (subtype 2) R783DS (subtype 3) | integer |
asl | SMF78ASL | LENGTH OF DATA SECTION | integer |
asn | SMF78ASN | NUMBER OF DATA SECTIONS | integer |
qds | SMF78QDS | Offset to IOQ global section | integer |
qdl | SMF78QDL | Length of IOQ global section | integer |
qdn | SMF78QDN | Number of IOQ global section | integer |
hps | SMF78HPS | Offset to HyperPAV/ SuperPAV Data Sections | integer |
hpl | SMF78HPL | Length of HyperPAV/ SuperPAV Data Section | integer |
hpn | SMF78HPN | Number of HyperPAV/ SuperPAV Data Sections | integer |
RMF Product Section
Name | Based on | Description | Type/Format |
mfv | SMF78MFV | RMF version number | integer |
prd | SMF78PRD | Product name | string |
ist | SMF78IST | Time monitor interval start | time |
dat | SMF78DAT | Date monitor interval start | date |
int | SMF78INT | Duration of monitor interval | time |
sam | SMF78SAM | Number of samples | integer |
fla flag | SMF78FLA | Flags | string |
cnv | fla | Data converted from version 2 | |
invalid_samples | fla | Invalid samples to be skipped | |
m3r | fla | Record was written by RMF Monitor III | |
interval_smf_control | fla | Interval was under SMF control | |
lower_service_level | fla | SMF record converted to lower service level. Bit is set by SMF record retrieval service GRBSMFR. | |
higher_service_level | fla | SMF record converted to higher release or service level. Bit is set by SMF record retrieval service GRBSMFR. | |
altvm | fla | Running under an alternate virtual machine environment | |
ziip_boost | fla | zIIP boost was active during entire interval | |
speed_boost | fla | Speed boost was active during entire interval | |
boost_class virtual | fla | Boost class is set at end of interval, valid only when zIIP boost and/or Speed boost is active: 001 IPL, 010 Shutdown, 011 Recovery Process | |
cyc | SMF78CYC | Sampling cycle length | time |
mvs | SMF78MVS | MVS software level (consists of an acronym and the version, release, and modification level - ZVvvrrmm) | string |
iml | SMF78IML | Indicates the type of processor complex on which data measurements were taken. X'03’ = 9672, zSeries | integer |
prf flag | SMF78PRF | Processor flags | string |
expanded_stor | prf | System has expanded storage | |
escon_ch | prf | Equipped with ESCON channel | |
escon_dir | prf | ESCON Director in configuration | |
arch_mode | prf | System in z/ARCH mode | |
zapp_inst | prf | At least one zAAP is currently installed | |
ziip_inst | prf | At least one zIIP is currently installed | |
dat_facility1 | prf | Enhanced DAT facility 1 | |
dat_facility2 | prf | Enhanced DAT facility 2 | |
ptn | SMF78PTN | PR/SM partition number | string |
srl | SMF78SRL | SMF record level | integer |
iet | SMF78IET | Interval expiration time token | date-time |
lgo | SMF78LGO | Offset GMT to local time | integer |
rao | SMF78RAO | Offset to reassembly area relative to start of RMF product section | integer |
ral | SMF78RAL | Length of reassembly area. Area consists of a fixed header and a variable number of information blocks. Length depends on the record type/subtype, but is fixed for a specific type/subtype | integer |
ran | SMF78RAN | Number of reassembly area. This field is used to indicate whether SMF record is broken. If 0, record is not broken. If 1, record is broken. Offset and length are only valid if SMFxxRAN is 1. Reassembly area is only present in broken records. | integer |
oil | SMF78OIL | Original interval length as defined in the session or by SMF (in seconds) | integer |
syn | SMF78SYN | SYNC value in seconds | integer |
gie | SMF78GIE | Projected gathering interval end GMT time | date-time |
xnm | SMF78XNM | Sysplex name as defined in ECVTSPLX | string |
snm | SMF78SNM | System name for current system as defined in CVTSNAME | string |
Global Section
Name | Based on | Description | Type/Format |
r783gflg flag | R783GFLG | IOQ global flag | string |
data_invalid_ch_failure | r783gflg | X'80’ Data is invalid due to failure of the channel measurement facility | |
diagnose_failed | r783gflg | X'40’ DIAGNOSE interface failed | |
store_primary_not_supported | r783gflg | X'20’ Store Primary Queue Data not supported | |
dcm_hw_supported | r783gflg | X'10’ DCM supported by hardware | |
dcm_managed_ch | r783gflg | X'08’ Configuration contains DCM managed channels | |
iop_util_data_supported | r783gflg | X'04’ IOP utilization data supported | |
command_response_time_supported | r783gflg | Initial-command-response time measurements supported | |
transfer_ready_disabled_aval | r783gflg | First-transfer-ready disabled write data available | |
r783gflx flag | R783GFLX | IOQ global flags extended | string |
alias_management_aval | r783gflx | X'80’ Alias Management Groups available | |
eadm_compression_aval | r783gflx | X'40’ EADM-compression facility available | |
scm_aval | r783gflx | X'20’ SCM facility available | |
r783gntr | R783GNTR | Number of triplets | integer |
r783gids | R783GIDS | Offset to IOP initiative queue data section | integer |
r783gidl | R783GIDL | Length of IOP initiative queue data section | integer |
r783gidn | R783GIDN | Number of IOP initiative queue data sections | integer |
r783tsr | R783TSR | Total number of small records | integer |
r783tot | R783TOT | Total number of data sections in large SMF record | integer |
r783nxt | R783NXT | Number of data sections in following records | integer |
r783cfl flag | R783CFL | Configuration Change Flags | string |
config_changed | r783cfl | Configuration changed last interval | |
config_changed_last_ipl | r783cfl | Configuration Changed since last IPL | |
ipl_iodf | r783cfl | System IPLed via IODF | |
io_config_token_valid | r783cfl | I/O Configuration Token is valid | |
multi_ch_subsys_allowed | r783cfl | Hardware allows multiple channel subsystems | |
r783css | R783CSS | Channel SubSystem Id, only valid if R783MCS = ON | integer |
r783tnm | R783TNM | IODF name | string |
r783tsf | R783TSF | Suffix of IODF Name | string |
r783tdt | R783TDT | IODF Creation Date mm/dd/yy | string |
r783ttm | R783TTM | IODF Creation Time | string |
r783tdy | R783TDY | IODF creation date mm/dd/yyyy | string |
r783tok | R783TOK | Partially Token Information | string |
Configuration Control Section
Name | Based on | Description | Type/Format |
r783id1 | R783ID1 | logical control unit identifier | integer |
r783ntr | R783NTR | Number of despriptor triplets | integer |
r783cpds | R783CPDS | Offset to configuration data section | integer |
r783cpdl | R783CPDL | Length of configuration data section | integer |
r783cpdn | R783CPDN | Number of configuration data sections | integer |
r783amgc | R783AMGC | The Alias Management Group number defined on the physical controller for this LCU. This number is valid, if the LCU is assigned to a DASD subsystem that supports Alias Management Groups and bit 7 of R783DST is set | integer |
r783amgs | R783AMGS | The Alias Management Group number assigned by z/OS for this LCU on this system. This number is valid, if the LCU is assigned to a DASD subsystem that supports Alias Management Groups and bit 7 of R783DST is set | integer |
Data Section
Name | Based on | Description | Type/Format |
r783id2 | R783ID2 | Logical control unit identifier | integer |
r783dst flag | R783DST | Data status | string |
no_hw_measurement | r783dst | X'80’ No hardware measurements | |
dynamically_changed | r783dst | X'40’ Dynamically changed | |
dynamically_added | r783dst | X'20’ Dynamically added | |
config_change_attempt | r783dst | X'10’ Conf. Chg. Attempt | |
lcu_has_dcm_ch | r783dst | X'08’ LCU contains DCM managed channels | |
path_attr_valid | r783dst | X'04’ Path attributes are valid | |
lcu_has_hyperpav | r783dst | X'02’ LCU has HyperPAV devices | |
lcu_has_superpav | r783dst | X'01’ LCU has SuperPAV devices | |
r783dstx flag | R783DSTX | Data status extension | string |
lcu_has_ficom | r783dstx | X'80’ LCU contains at least one FICON channel | |
connect_time_invalid | r783dstx | X'40’ connect time of at least one device invalid | |
disconnect_time_invalid | r783dstx | X'20’ disconnect time of at least one device invalid | |
r783qsm | R783QSM | Q’d SUM on CU-HDR queue | integer |
r783qct | R783QCT | Q’d COUNT on CU-HDR queue | integer |
r783mcmn | R783MCMN | Minimum number of DCM managed channels used | integer |
r783mcmx | R783MCMX | Maximum number of DCM managed channels used | integer |
r783mcdf | R783MCDF | Defined number of DCM managed channels | integer |
r783ptm | R783PTM | Accumulated path taken count for DCM managed channels | integer |
r783dpbm | R783DPBM | Accumulated director port busy count for DCM managed channels | integer |
r783cubm | R783CUBM | Accumulated control unit busy count for DCM managed channels | integer |
r783cbtm | R783CBTM | Accumulated Control unit Busy delay Time for DCM Managed channels valid if R783CPXM=1 | integer |
r783cmrm | R783CMRM | Accumulated initial Command Response time for DCM Managed channels valid if R783CPXM=1 and R783GCMR=1 | integer |
r783sbsm | R783SBSM | Accumulated Switch Busy count summation for DCM Managed channels valid if R783CPXM=1 | integer |
r783dctm | R783DCTM | Accumulated device connect time for this LCU in units of 128 microseconds | integer |
r783ddtm | R783DDTM | Accumulated device disconnect time for this LCU in units of 128 microseconds | integer |
r783csst | R783CSST | Channel Subsystem Wait Time in units of 128 microseconds valid if R783CPXM=1 | integer |
r783hcnt | R783HCNT | Number of HyperPAV sections for that LCU | integer |
r783hix | R783HIX | Index to first HyperPAV section of that LCU | integer |
r783tmwm | R783TMWM | Accumulated transport mode write count for DCM managed channels valid if R783CPTD=1 | integer |
r783trdm | R783TRDM | Accumulated first-transfer ready-disabled write count for DCM managed channels valid if R783CPTD=1 | integer |
HyperPAV/SuperPAV data section
Name | Based on | Description | Type/Format |
r783hlcu | R783HLCU | HyperPAV Logical control unit identifier | integer |
r783hcu | R783HCU | HyperPAV control unit identifier | string |
r783hnai | R783HNAI | The number of times an I/O could not start for an LSS because no HyperPAV-aliases were available and the device was not waiting for a reserve to be released from another system or long busy to subside (short floating point) | number |
r783htio | R783HTIO | The total number of HyperPAV I/O requests for the LSS (short floating point) | number |
r783haiu | R783HAIU | The high water mark of the number of in-use HyperPAV-alias devices for the LSS (does not include borrowed alias devices) | integer |
r783hcad | R783HCAD | The high water mark of the number of aliases concurrently in-use by one of the HyperPAV-base devices of the LSS (does include loaned alias devices) | integer |
r783hioq | R783HIOQ | The high water mark of I/Os queued | integer |
r783xanc | R783XANC | The number of times an alias was needed to start an I/O (short floating point) | number |
r783xauc | R783XAUC | The number of times an alias was needed to start an I/O and one was used (short floating point) | number |
r783xnhc | R783XNHC | The number of times an alias was needed to start an I/O, but none was available in the home LCU (short floating point) | number |
r783xabc | R783XABC | The number of times an alias was borrowed from a peer LCU (short floating point) | number |
r783xcbc | R783XCBC | The number of aliases concurrently borrowed from peer LCUs | integer |
r783xhbc | R783XHBC | The high water mark of concurrently borrowed aliases from peer LCUs | integer |
r783xalc | R783XALC | The number of times an alias was loaned to a peer LCU (short floating point) | number |
r783xclc | R783XCLC | The number of aliases concurrently loaned to peer LCUs | integer |
r783xhlc | R783XHLC | The high water mark of concurrently loaned aliases to peer LCUs | integer |
r783xnag | R783XNAG | The number of attempts that were made to borrow an alias from peer LCUs but none were available (short floating point) | number |
r783xcqd | R783XCQD | The cumulative number of I/Os queued at the subsystem level when aliases were needed (short floating point) | number |
r783xciu | R783XCIU | The cumulative number of aliases defined to this subsystem that were in use when aliases were needed (short floating point) | number |
IOP initiative queue data section
Name | Based on | Description | Type/Format |
r783iqid | R783IQID | IOP initiative queue identifier | string |
r783iflg flag | R783IFLG | IOP flags | string |
iop_installed | r783iflg | = 1, if IOP is installed | |
entries_iop_queue | R783IQSM | Sum of number of entries placed on the IOP initiative queue | integer |
r783iqct | R783IQCT | Count of number of entries placed on the IOP initiative queue | integer |
r783iipb | R783IIPB | Number of times the I/O processor was busy, (long floating point) | number |
r783iipi | R783IIPI | Number of times the I/O processor was idle, (long floating point) | number |
r783iifs | R783IIFS | Number of I/O functions initially started, (long floating point) | number |
r783ipii | R783IPII | Number of processed I/O interrupts, (long floating point) | number |
r783icpb | R783ICPB | Number of times an I/O was retried due to channel path busy, (long floating point) | number |
r783idpb | R783IDPB | Number of times an I/O was retried due to director port busy, (long floating point) | number |
r783icub | R783ICUB | Number of times an I/O was retried due to control unit busy, (long floating point) | number |
r783idvb | R783IDVB | Number of times an I/O was retried due to device busy, (long floating point) | number |
r783iscb | R783ISCB | Number of times the I/O processor was busy with SCM operations (long floating point) | number |
r783iecb | R783IECB | Number of times the I/O processor was busy with compression or decompression (long floating point) | number |
Configuration Data Section
Name | Based on | Description | Type/Format |
r783cpid | R783CPID | Channel path identifier | string |
r783cpst flag | R783CPST | Channel path status | string |
ch_path_installed | r783cpst | X'80’ Channel path installed | |
ch_path_online | r783cpst | X'40’ Channel path online | |
ch_path_varied | r783cpst | X'20’ Channel path varied | |
ch_path_offline | r783cpst | X'10’ This channel path is offline to all devices to the LCU | |
vary_path_action | r783cpst | X'08’ The connectivity of this channel path to devices of this LCU has manipulated via VARY PATH during this measurement interval | |
ch_path_data_invalid | r783cpst | X'04’ Measured channel path data invalid | |
ch_path_dcm | r783cpst | X'02’ Channel path is DCM managed | |
chpid_manipulated | r783cpst | X'01’ CHPID manipulated, requiring data reset | |
r783cun | R783CUN | Number of control units attached | integer |
r783cu1 | R783CU1 | 1st ctrl unit identifier | string |
r783cu2 | R783CU2 | 2nd ctrl unit identifier | string |
r783cu3 | R783CU3 | 3rd ctrl unit identifier | string |
r783cu4 | R783CU4 | 4th ctrl unit identifier | string |
r783cub | R783CUB | Count of control unit busy | integer |
r783pt | R783PT | Count of channel path taken | integer |
r783dpb | R783DPB | ESCON Director port busy count | integer |
r783cbt | R783CBT | Control Unit busy delay time in units of 128 microseconds valid if R783CPXM=1 | integer |
r783cmr | R783CMR | Initial Command Response time in units of 128 microseconds valid if R783CPXM=1 and R783GCMR=1 | integer |
r783sbs | R783SBS | Switch Busy count Summation contains the switch busy counts received for all partitions valid if R783CPXM=1 | integer |
r783cpxf flag | R783CPXF | Channel Path extended flags | string |
extended_io_mesurment1 | r783cpxf | 1= extended I/O measurement-block format-1 data available | |
extended_io_mesurment2 | r783cpxf | 1= extended I/O measurement-block format-2 data available | |
first_transfer_ready_disabled | r783cpxf | 1= First-transfer-ready disabled supported | |
path_attributes processed | R783CPAT | Path attributes: 0 = No attributes specified, 1 = Preferred path, 2 = Non-preferred path | integer |
r783ctmw | R783CTMW | Transport mode write count valid if R783CPTD=1 | integer |
r783ctrd | R783CTRD | First-transfer-ready disabled write count valid if R783CPTD=1 | integer |