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Sample - free_ziip_cap

Request free capacity for zIIP.

Sample fields

The sample will fetch the following fields.

NameBased onDescriptionType/Format
ziip_free virtual  aliasilsu_ziip_array[7]zIIP free service capacity
cap_cec_ziipSMF99_FREE_LPAR_CAPACITY_CEC_RELATD_ZIIPFree zIIP LPAR capacity which is the total of what is always available to the LPAR and the portion of the unused zIIP capacity of the CECinteger
sidSMF99SIDSystem identification (from the SID parameter).string
timestamp virtualdate
Record Timestamp
cap_guar_ziipSMF99_FREE_LPAR_CAPACITY_GUARANTEED_ZIIPFree zIIP LPAR capacity which is always available based on the zIIP LPAR weightinteger
cap_wait_ziipSMF99_FREE_LPAR_CAPACITY_WT_RELATED_ZIIPFree zIIP LPAR capacity based on the accumulated logical zIIP wait timesinteger
cap_lcp_ziipSMF99_FREE_LPAR_CAPACITY_LCP_CONFIG_ZIIPFree zIIP LPAR capacity based on the configured Logical zIIPsinteger