SMF 99 Subtype 12
Name | Description |
hiper_dispatch | Request hiper dispatch information per processor type. |
Name | Based on | Description | Type/Format |
date | SMF99DTE | Date of Record | date |
time | SMF99TME | Time of Record | time |
timestamp virtual | date time | Record Timestamp | |
len | SMF99LEN | Record Length. This field and the next field (total of four bytes) form the RDW (record descriptor word). | integer |
seg | SMF99SEG | Segment descriptor (see record length field) | integer |
flg flag | SMF99FLG | System indicator: Bit 0 reserved, Bit 1 subtypes utilized, Bit 2 reserved, Bits 3-6 version indicators, Bit 7 reserved | string |
stu | flg | Subtypes utilized | |
rty | SMF99RTY | Record type 99 | integer |
tme | SMF99TME | Time since midnight, in hundreths of a second, that the record was moved into the SMF buffer | time |
dte | SMF99DTE | Date when the record was moved into the SMF buffer, in the form 0cyydddF. | date |
sid | SMF99SID | System identification (from the SID parameter). | string |
ssid | SMF99SSID | Sub System Identification | string |
tid | SMF99TID | Record subtype (must be at offset ‘16’X) | integer |
sdef_len | SMF99_SDEF_LEN | Length of self definition section | integer |
SMF99 self defining Section
Name | Based on | Description | Type/Format |
pof | SMF99POF | Offset to the product section from the beginning of the record (including RDW) | integer |
pln | SMF99PLN | Length of the product section | integer |
pon | SMF99PON | Number of product sections | integer |
dof | SMF99DOF | Offset to the data section from the beginning of the record (including RDW) | integer |
dln | SMF99DLN | Length of the data section | integer |
don | SMF99DON | Number of data sections | integer |
SMF99 Product Information Section
Name | Based on | Description | Type/Format |
vn2 | SMF99VN2 | Record sub version. Used to identify changes to the record in the service stream | integer |
rvn | SMF99RVN | Record Version Number | integer |
pnm | SMF99PNM | Product Name - SRM | string |
slv | SMF99SLV | System level from which record was cut (copied from CVTPRODN) | string |
snm | SMF99SNM | System name from which record was cut (copied from CVTSNAME) | string |
pflg flag | SMF99PFLG | Record flags | string |
record_incomplete | pflg | Only a subset of the available data was written to avoid that this record gets larger than 32 kByte | |
reasm_indicator | pflg | Only a subset of the available data is written to this record. The rest follows in subsequent records. This record contains a reassembly area. |
SMF99 Subtype 12 self defining section
Name | Based on | Description | Type/Format |
hd_int_hdr_offset | SMF9912_HD_INT_HDR_OFFSET | Offset to header data section | integer |
hd_int_hdr_length | SMF9912_HD_INT_HDR_LENGTH | Length of header data section | integer |
hd_int_hdr_number | SMF9912_HD_INT_HDR_NUMBER | Number of header data sections | integer |
hd_int_cap_offset | SMF9912_HD_INT_CAP_OFFSET | Offset to capacity data section | integer |
hd_int_cap_length | SMF9912_HD_INT_CAP_LENGTH | Length of capacity data section | integer |
hd_int_cap_number | SMF9912_HD_INT_CAP_NUMBER | Number of capacity data sections | integer |
hd_int_proc_offset | SMF9912_HD_INT_PROC_OFFSET | Offset to processor data section | integer |
hd_int_proc_length | SMF9912_HD_INT_PROC_LENGTH | Length of processor data section | integer |
hd_int_proc_number | SMF9912_HD_INT_PROC_NUMBER | Number of processor data sections | integer |
SMF99 subtype 12 Header Data Section BASED(addr(smf_hdr_map) + SMF9912_HD_Int_Hdr_OFFSET)
Name | Based on | Description | Type/Format |
vcm_smf_sequ | SMF99C_VCM_SMF_SEQU | HiperDispatch SMF sequence number | integer |
vcm_errorcode | SMF99C_VCM_ERRORCODE | HiperDispatch Error Code | integer |
vcm_diag204_flags flag | SMF99C_VCM_DIAG204_FLAGS | Flags | string |
vcm_d204_wlmcapping | vcm_diag204_flags | LPAR capped by WLM | |
vcm_d204_lparcapping | vcm_diag204_flags | LPAR capped by customer | |
vcm_d204_waitcompletion | vcm_diag204_flags | WaitCompletion | |
vcm_d204_phwgtisneg | vcm_diag204_flags | Phantom weight type | |
vcm_interval_len | SMF99C_VCM_INTERVAL_LEN | Measured interval length in microseconds | integer |
vcm_lparphysprocshr | SMF99C_VCM_LPARPHYSPROCSHR | LPAR physical processor share for general CPUs/Core scaled by 256 | integer |
vcm_interval_tod | SMF99C_VCM_INTERVAL_TOD | Date and time when HiperDispatch code got control | date-time |
vcm_flag1 flag | SMF99C_VCM_FLAG1 | HD 1st flag byte | string |
vcm_topochanged | vcm_flag1 | topology has changed | |
vcm_rebuildans | vcm_flag1 | rebuild affinity nodes | |
vcm_topochg_hp | vcm_flag1 | honor priority has changed | |
vcm_topochg_wuqe | vcm_flag1 | dispatcher WUQ error | |
vcm_procspeedchg | vcm_flag1 | processor speed change | |
vcm_flag2 flag | SMF99C_VCM_FLAG2 | HD 2nd flag byte | string |
vcm_ceccapvalid | vcm_flag2 | CEC capacities are valid | |
vcm_lparcapvalid | vcm_flag2 | LPAR capacities are valid | |
vcm_old_state | vcm_flag2 | old VCM state | |
vcm_mpwq_updated | vcm_flag2 | dispatcher affinity was updated | |
vcm_ptf_switched | vcm_flag2 | PTF was issued to initiate a switch into the opposite mode. However, the PTF return info tells us that we are already in the requested mode | |
vcm_transition | vcm_flag2 | VCM is transitioning to/from vertical | |
vcm_flag3 flag | SMF99C_VCM_FLAG3 | HD 3rd flag byte | string |
vcm_topofac | vcm_flag3 | topology facility installed | |
vcm_ifafac | vcm_flag3 | IFA facility installed | |
vcm_lpardedicps | vcm_flag3 | LPAR has only dedicated CPUs/Cores | |
vcm_cmset_active | vcm_flag3 | Cross memory set | |
vcm_newconttle | vcm_flag3 | new container TLE | |
vcm_smf_topochg | vcm_flag3 | Write TopoChg section | |
vcm_flag4 flag | SMF99C_VCM_FLAG4 | HD 4th flag byte | string |
vcm_old_ifa_hp | vcm_flag4 | IFA honor priority state of previous interval | |
vcm_old_sup_hp | vcm_flag4 | SUP honor priority state of previous interval | |
mt_flag1 flag | SMF99C_MT_FLAG1 | 1st MT flag byte | string |
mt_procascore | mt_flag1 | Processor resource is viewed as a CPU core | |
mt_multicpuspercore | mt_flag1 | Multiple CPUs defined within a CPU Core | |
mt_badrv_ready_for_mt | mt_flag1 | HiperDispatch is now ready for MT mode switches | |
mt_flag2 flag | SMF99C_MT_FLAG2 | 2nd MT flag byte | string |
mt_modechgduetostsi_pend | mt_flag2 | MT mode change is pending due to STSI | |
mt_sup_recovery_pend | mt_flag2 | The supervisor requested MT reconfiguration is pending | |
mt_modechgduetohismt_pend | mt_flag2 | MT mode change is pending due to HISMT recovery | |
mt_modechgduetowaitcmp_pend | mt_flag2 | MT mode change is pending due to Wait completion status change | |
mt_modechgduetosupmt1_pend | mt_flag2 | MT mode change is pending due to supervisor request | |
vcm_current_state | SMF99C_VCM_CURRENT_STATE | Current HiperDispatch state | integer |
vcm_previous_state | SMF99C_VCM_PREVIOUS_STATE | Previous HiperDispatch state | integer |
vcm_restart_ctr | SMF99C_VCM_RESTART_CTR | Recovery restart counter | integer |
vcm_hardwaregroupname | SMF99C_VCM_HARDWAREGROUPNAME | HardwareGroupname | integer |
c_vcm_srb_flags | SMF99C_VCM_SRB_FLAGS | For IBM use only | string |
vcm_diagmpwq array | SMF99C_VCM_DIAGMPWQ | Data element of diagnostic MPWQ data array | string |
vcm_diagecpx array | SMF99C_VCM_DIAGECPX | Data element of diagnostic ECPX data array | string |
SMF99 subtype 12 Capacity Data Section BASED(addr(smf_hdr_map) + SMF9912_HD_Int_Cap_OFFSET)
Name | Based on | Description | Type/Format |
hd_int_cap_proctype | SMF99C_HD_INT_CAP_PROCTYPE | SMF99.12 capacity data processor type | integer |
vcm_lparflags flag | SMF99C_VCM_LPARFLAGS | LPAR Status Flags | string |
vcm_lparcpshareok | vcm_lparflags | The physical CPU/Core share matches the number and polarization of the CPUs/Cores passed by the topology information | |
vcm_lparcpsharehi | vcm_lparflags | The physical CPU/Core share is higher than the number of VHs and VMs passed by the topology info | |
vcm_lparcpsharelo | vcm_lparflags | The physical CPU/Core share is lower than the number of VHs and VMs passed by the topology info | |
vcm_mvsbusydynathrunpark processed | SMF99C_VCM_MVSBUSYDYNATHRUNPARK | Dynamic MvsBusy threshhold for unparking scaled by 16 | integer |
vcm_mvsbusydynathrpark processed | SMF99C_VCM_MVSBUSYDYNATHRPARK | Dynamic MvsBusy threshhold for parking scaled by 16 | integer |
vcm_mvsbusythrunpark processed | SMF99C_VCM_MVSBUSYTHRUNPARK | MvsBusy threshhold for unparking scaled by 16 | integer |
vcm_mvsbusythrpark processed | SMF99C_VCM_MVSBUSYTHRPARK | MvsBusy threshhold for parking scaled by 16 | integer |
mvs_busy processed | SMF99C_VCM_MVSBUSY | Average CPU usage scaled by 16 | integer |
lpar_capacity_used | SMF99C_VCM_LPARCAPUSEDADJ | Used LPAR capacity in microseconds, adjusted to the scheduled VCM interval length | integer |
vcm_lparcapused | SMF99C_VCM_LPARCAPUSED | Used LPAR capacity in microseconds | integer |
lpar_cap_used_non_guaranteed | SMF99C_VCM_LPARCAPUSEDDISCR | Used capacity of the non-guaranteed capacity (partially VM and unparked VLs) in microseconds, adjusted to the scheduled VCM interval length | integer |
lpar_capacity_used_vm_vl | SMF99C_VCM_LPARCAPUSEDVMVL | Used capacity on VMs and VLs, adjusted to the scheduled VCM interval length | integer |
vcm_lowcecmaxup | SMF99C_VCM_LOWCECMAXUP | Maximum number of VLs unparked if low CEC utilization | integer |
vcm_lowcecmvsbusy | SMF99C_VCM_LOWCECMVSBUSY | Park threshold for low CEC utilization scaled by 16 | integer |
vm_vl_capacity_of_allocated processed | SMF99C_VCM_LPARCAPVMVLUSEDOFALLOC | Percentage used of allocated VM + VL capacity, scaled by 256 | integer |
vm_vl_cap_above_guaranteed processed | SMF99C_VCM_LPARCAPVMVLUSEDOVERGUARAN | Percentage of guaranteed VM capacity used by VM + VL, scaled by 256 | integer |
vm_vl_allocated_capacity | SMF99C_VCM_LPARCAPALLOCVMVL | Allocated LPAR capacity on VMs and VLs in microseconds | integer |
lpar_capacity_allocated | SMF99C_VCM_LPARCAPALLOC | Allocated LPAR capcacity in microseconds. The allocated capacity is provided by the guaranteed capacity on VHs and VMs, plus extra capacity on VMs and unparked VLs | integer |
lpar_capacity_non_guaranteed | SMF99C_VCM_LPARCAPNONGUARAN | Non guaranteed LPAR capacity in microseconds | integer |
lpar_capacity_guaranteed_vm | SMF99C_VCM_LPARCAPMEDGUARAN | Guaranteed LPAR capacity on VMs in microseconds | integer |
lpar_capacity_guaranteed | SMF99C_VCM_LPARCAPGUARAN | Guaranteed LPAR capcacity in microseconds. This value is calculated from the physical processor share of this LPAR. | integer |
lpar_busy_projected processed | SMF99C_VCM_MVSBUSYPROJECTED | Projected MvsBusy, scaled by 16 | integer |
lpar_capacity_share_unused | SMF99C_VCM_LPARUNUSEDCAPSHARE | Unused capacity share for this LPAR in microseconds | integer |
lpar_capacity_unused | SMF99C_VCM_LPARUNUSEDCAP | Unused LPAR capacity in microseconds, including the unused capacity share for this LPAR | integer |
vcm_cecutilthrpark | SMF99C_VCM_CECUTILTHRPARK | CEC utilization threshold for parking scaled by 256 | integer |
vcm_pupdispl | SMF99C_VCM_PUPDISPL | Park / Unpark displacement. Scaled by 16 | integer |
vcm_d204_totalw | SMF99C_VCM_D204_TOTALW | Total LPAR weight | integer |
vcm_d204_currentw | SMF99C_VCM_D204_CURRENTW | Current LPAR weight | integer |
vcm_d204_wrkcurrw | SMF99C_VCM_D204_WRKCURRW | Accumulated current LPAR weight | integer |
vcm_d204_lcpus | SMF99C_VCM_D204_LCPUS | Number of logical CPUs/Cores for this LPAR. | integer |
vcm_d204_flags1 flag | SMF99C_VCM_D204_FLAGS1 | Flags | string |
vcm_d204_lparcappingpt | vcm_d204_flags1 | LPAR capped by customer, per processor type | |
cpu_vh | SMF99C_VCM_CPUHI | Number VHs | integer |
cpu_vm | SMF99C_VCM_CPUMED | Number of VMs | integer |
cpu_vl | SMF99C_VCM_CPULO | Number VLs | integer |
vl_unparked | SMF99C_VCM_CPULOUNPARKED | Number of unparked VLs | integer |
vl_parked | SMF99C_VCM_CPULOPARKED | Number of parked VLs | integer |
vcm_diagcapincr flag | SMF99C_VCM_DIAGCAPINCR | Capacity increase flags | string |
vcm_diagincr | vcm_diagcapincr | Adjust capacity increase | |
vcm_diagincrdiscrunpark | vcm_diagcapincr | Adjust capacity increase by unparking a processor | |
vcm_diagincrdiscruprequ | vcm_diagcapincr | Unpark request | |
vcm_diagincrdiscrupallrq | vcm_diagcapincr | Unpark all request | |
vcm_diagincrunusedcap | vcm_diagcapincr | unpark requested because the LPAR capacity is below the guaranteed capacity + unused capacity share | |
vcm_diagincrprsmcapvhutil | vcm_diagcapincr | PR/SM capped LPAR: Unpark requested because of high VH utilization | |
vcm_diagcapdecr flag | SMF99C_VCM_DIAGCAPDECR | Capacity decrease flags | string |
vcm_diagdecr | vcm_diagcapdecr | Adjust capacity decrease | |
vcm_diagdecrdiscrpark | vcm_diagcapdecr | Adjust capacity decrease by parking a processor | |
vcm_diagdecrdiscrparequ | vcm_diagcapdecr | Park requested | |
vcm_diagdecrdiscrpaallrq | vcm_diagcapdecr | Park all request | |
vcm_diagdecrbusythr | vcm_diagcapdecr | MvsBusy too low | |
vcm_diagdecreffectthr | vcm_diagcapdecr | VL effect too low | |
vcm_diagdecreffectsmall | vcm_diagcapdecr | small VM/VL effectiveness | |
vcm_diagdecreffectnone | vcm_diagcapdecr | no VM/VL effectiveness | |
vcm_diagdecrefflowthr | vcm_diagcapdecr | if no VH exists | |
vcm_diagnodecrlowutil | vcm_diagcapdecr | No capacity decrease adjustment. Reason: Low CEC utilization | |
vcm_diagdecrprsmcapparkallhw | vcm_diagcapdecr | PR/SM capped LPAR. Park all. Below zEC12 hardware | |
vcm_diagdecrprsmcapcecutil | vcm_diagcapdecr | PR/SM capped LPAR: Park all. High CEC utilization and there is no unused LPAR cap | |
vcm_diagdecrprsmcapvhutil | vcm_diagcapdecr | PR/SM capped LPAR: Vh utilization is low | |
vcm_diagdecrprsmcapeffectthr | vcm_diagcapdecr | PR/SM capped LPAR: VL effect too low | |
vcm_diagdecrprsmcapbusythr | vcm_diagcapdecr | PR/SM capped LPAR: MVS busy too low | |
vcm_diagdecrprsmcap | vcm_diagcapdecr | PR/SM capped LPAR: Adjust capacity decrease | |
vcm_diagcapdecr_cont flag | SMF99C_VCM_DIAGCAPDECR_CONT | Capacity decrease flags continuation | string |
vcm_diagdecrparkallful | vcm_diagcapdecr_cont | Park all request. Free capacity unpark threshold at or above upper limit | |
vcm_diagnodecrprsmcaplowutil | vcm_diagcapdecr_cont | PR/SM capped LPAR: No capacity decrease adjustment. Reason: Low CEC utilization | |
vcm_ceccaptotal | SMF99C_VCM_CECCAPTOTAL | Total CEC capacity in microseconds | integer |
cec_capacity_used | SMF99C_VCM_CECCAPUSEDADJ | CEC capacity used in microseconds, adjusted to the scheduled VCM interval length | integer |
cec_capacity_used_ms | SMF99C_VCM_CECCAPUSED | CEC capacity used in microseconds | integer |
cec_free_capacity | SMF99C_VCM_CECCAPFREE | Free CEC capacity in microseconds, adjusted to the scheduled VCM interval length | integer |
vcm_cecsharedcps | SMF99C_VCM_CECSHAREDCPS | Number of shared CPUs/Cores | integer |
vcm_ceccapfreelimit | SMF99C_VCM_CECCAPFREELIMIT | CEC free limit for unparking, scaled by 256 | integer |
cec_utilization processed | SMF99C_VCM_CECUTIL | Total CEC utilization, scaled by 256 | integer |
vcm_cectotunusedcap | SMF99C_VCM_CECTOTUNUSEDCAP | Total unused capacity of all LPARs in CEC in microseconds. The unused capacity of the requesting LPAR is not included | integer |
vcm_cectotlparwgtaboveguaran | SMF99C_VCM_CECTOTLPARWGTABOVEGUARAN | Total weight of all LPARs with a processor demand above guaranteed capacity. The weight of the requesting LPAR is always included | integer |
vcm_cecphysmgmtime | SMF99C_VCM_CECPHYSMGMTIME | Physical LPAR management time of all CPUs in microseconds | integer |
vcm_cecphysmgmtimeadj | SMF99C_VCM_CECPHYSMGMTIMEADJ | Physical LPAR management time of all CPUs, adjusted to the scheduled VCM interval length | integer |
mt_cf | SMF99C_MT_CF | Capacity factor of processor class. Scaled by 1024 | integer |
mt_mcf | SMF99C_MT_MCF | Maximum capacity factor of processor class. Scaled by 1024 | integer |
mt_opt_orig | SMF99C_MT_OPT_ORIG | MT mode value | integer |
mt_opt_inuse | SMF99C_MT_OPT_INUSE | MT mode value as forced by environment | integer |
mt_curr | SMF99C_MT_CURR | MT mode currently in use | integer |
mt_tgt | SMF99C_MT_TGT | MT mode target value | integer |
vcm_d204cputypecapval | SMF99C_VCM_D204CPUTYPECAPVAL | PR/SM capping limit. Count of hundredths of CPU/Core units | integer |
vcm_d204hardwaregroupcputypecap | SMF99C_VCM_D204HARDWAREGROUPCPUTYPECAP | HWGroup capping limit. Count of 100ths of procs units | integer |
vcm_prsmcapcecutilparkallthr | SMF99C_VCM_PRSMCAPCECUTILPARKALLTHR | PR/SM capping: CEC utilization park all threshold scaled by 256 | integer |
vcm_prsmcapvhutilthr_max | SMF99C_VCM_PRSMCAPVHUTILTHR_MAX | PR/SM capping: VH/VM utilization unpark threshold scaled by 256 | integer |
vcm_prsmcapvhutilthr_min | SMF99C_VCM_PRSMCAPVHUTILTHR_MIN | PR/SM capping: VH/VM utilization park threshold scaled by 256 | integer |
lpar_capacity_used_vh | SMF99C_VCM_LPARCAPUSEDVHADJ | Used VH capacity of previous interval in microseconds | integer |
vcm_lparcapusedvmadj | SMF99C_VCM_LPARCAPUSEDVMADJ | Used VM capacity of previous interval in microseconds | integer |
vcm_vhutil | SMF99C_VCM_VHUTIL | VH utilization of previous interval scaled by 256 | integer |
vcm_vmutil | SMF99C_VCM_VMUTIL | VM utilization of previous interval scaled by 256 | integer |
vcm_projvhmutil | SMF99C_VCM_PROJVHMUTIL | Projected VH utilization (or projected VM utilization if there is no VH in the topology) if one VL would have been parked | integer |
vcm_ma_flgs flag | SMF99C_VCM_MA_FLGS | Memory affinity status indicators | string |
vcm_stop_brk_bal | vcm_ma_flgs | Broken up address spaces are not balanced in consideration of memory affinity aspects | |
vcm_nocros | vcm_ma_flgs | No processor topology location crossing | |
vcm_oneafn | vcm_ma_flgs | Single AFN | |
vcm_hwlevel | vcm_ma_flgs | Memory affinity not supported for this hardware | |
vcm_stop_memaff_bal | vcm_ma_flgs | High storage consumer address spaces are not balanced in consideration of memory affinity aspects | |
vcm_hscdynmvsbusythr | SMF99C_VCM_HSCDYNMVSBUSYTHR | Dynamic MVS busy threshold | integer |
vcm_hdmahsct | SMF99C_VCM_HDMAHSCT | High storage consumer threshold | integer |
vcm_hdtdmu | SMF99C_VCM_HDTDMU | Maximum topology distance value | integer |
vcm_srb_blurring | SMF99C_VCM_SRB_BLURRING | For IBM use only | string |
cpu_type virtual | hd_int_cap_proctype | SMF99.12 capacity data processor type @ME14601A | |
vcm_lparcpshare virtual | vcm_lparflags | These flags represent the status of the physical CPU/Core share compar… | |
hd_action_no_unparking_no_free_capacity virtual | mvs_busy vcm_mvsbusythrunpark cec_free_capacity | Less than 25% of CP free, no unparking | |
hd_action_no_unparking_no_vl virtual | vcm_diagincrdiscruprequ vl_parked | no vertical low processors available, no unparking | |
hd_action_unpark virtual | vcm_diagincrdiscruprequ vcm_diagincrdiscrunpark | MVS busy is higer than threshold, unparking done | |
hd_action_unpark_no_free_capacity virtual | vcm_diagincrunusedcap vcm_diagincrdiscruprequ vcm_diagincrdiscrunpark | MVS busy is higer than threshold, unparking done | |
hd_action_unpark_no_free_capacity_capping virtual | vcm_diagincrunusedcap vcm_diagdecrprsmcapvhutil vcm_diagincrdiscrunpark | MVS busy is higer than threshold, unparking done | |
hd_action_unpark_capping virtual | vcm_diagdecrprsmcapvhutil vcm_diagincrdiscrunpark | MVS busy is higer than threshold, unparking done | |
hd_action_park_mvs_busy_low virtual | vcm_diagdecrbusythr vcm_diagdecrdiscrpark vcm_diagdecrdiscrparequ | MVS busy threshold is low, parking done | |
hd_action_park_mvs_busy_low_capping virtual | vcm_diagdecrprsmcapbusythr vcm_diagdecrdiscrparequ | MVS busy threshold is low, parking done during capping | |
hd_action_park_less4_guaranteed_used virtual | vcm_diagdecreffectnone vcm_diagdecrdiscrpark vcm_diagdecrdiscrparequ | Only 4% above guaranteed capacity is used, parking done | |
hd_action_park_less10_guaranteed_used virtual | vcm_diagdecreffectsmall vcm_diagdecrdiscrpark vcm_diagdecrdiscrparequ | Only 10% above guaranteed is used, parking done | |
hd_action_park_small_utilization virtual | vcm_diagdecreffectthr vcm_diagdecrdiscrpark vcm_diagdecrdiscrparequ | Less than 20% of VM/VL capacity is used, parking done | |
hd_action_park_small_utilization_capping virtual | vcm_diagdecrprsmcapeffectthr vcm_diagdecrprsmcap vcm_diagdecrdiscrparequ | Less than 20% of VM/VL capacity is used, parking done during capping | |
hd_action_park virtual | vcm_diagdecrefflowthr vcm_diagdecrdiscrpark vcm_diagdecrdiscrparequ | Allow at least 2 VL that have effectiveness, parking done | |
hd_action_park_capping virtual | vcm_diagdecrprsmcapvhutil vcm_diagdecrprsmcapeffectthr vcm_diagdecrdiscrparequ | Allow at least 2 VL that have effectiveness, parking done during capping | |
hd_action_explanation virtual | hd_action_no_unparking_no_free_capacity hd_action_no_unparking_no_vl hd_action_unpark hd_action_unpark_no_free_capacity hd_action_unpark_no_free_capacity_capping hd_action_unpark_capping hd_action_park_mvs_busy_low hd_action_park_mvs_busy_low_capping hd_action_park_less4_guaranteed_used hd_action_park_less10_guaranteed_used hd_action_park_small_utilization hd_action_park_small_utilization_capping hd_action_park hd_action_park_capping | Action taken by HiperDispatch | |
hd_request virtual | hd_action_no_unparking_no_free_capacity hd_action_no_unparking_no_vl hd_action_unpark hd_action_unpark_no_free_capacity hd_action_unpark_no_free_capacity_capping hd_action_unpark_capping hd_action_park_mvs_busy_low hd_action_park_mvs_busy_low_capping hd_action_park_less4_guaranteed_used hd_action_park_less10_guaranteed_used hd_action_park_small_utilization hd_action_park_small_utilization_capping hd_action_park hd_action_park_capping | Action taken by HiperDispatch | |
cpu_total virtual | cpu_vh cpu_vm cpu_vl | number of VH, VM and VL processors | |
lpar_busy virtual | lpar_capacity_used cpu_total | Used LPAR capacity in microseconds, adjusted to the scheduled VCM inte… |
SMF99 subtype 12 Processor Data Section BASED(addr(smf_hdr_map) + SMF9912_HD_Int_Proc_OFFSET)
Name | Based on | Description | Type/Format |
hd_int_proc_idx | SMF99C_HD_INT_PROC_IDX | HiperDispatch interval processor index | integer |
lccadsf2 flag | SMF99C_LCCADSF2 | Processor Flag 1 | string |
lccapark | lccadsf2 | Processor parked | |
lccascfl flag | SMF99C_LCCASCFL | Processor Flag 2 | string |
lccappnd | lccascfl | Processor park request pending |