Sample - cics_ims
Request the necessary columns for cics/ims workload analysis.
Columns renamed and converted to string or boolean output: - cpu_critical Indicates whether the period is CPU critical or not. - stgcrit_implicit Indicates whether the period belongs to a service class that was assigned storage protection (storage critical). The service class was used in subsystem type CICS® or IMS and the rule specified storage critical = yes. - pserver_type_name Describes the type of the server associated with the record, based on the bits in the field ‘pserver_type’. (T = transaction, E = enclave and Q = queue server)
The sample will fetch the following fields.
Name | Based on | Description | Type/Format |
pserver_type_name virtual | pserver_type | Server type name | |
goal_value | SMF99_PGOALVAL | goal value: response time goal - goal in milliseconds, velocity - velocity, discretionary - zero | integer |
sid | SMF99SID | System identification (from the SID parameter). | string |
prtp | SMF99_PRTP | Response time goal percentile. Zero if period does not have a percentile response time goal. | integer |
pi_sysplex processed | SMF99_PSPI | sysplex performance index | integer |
timestamp virtual | date time | Record Timestamp | |
pi_local processed | SMF99_PLPI | local performance index | integer |
srv_cp_service | SMF99_PSERV | service accumulated during interval | integer |
srv_zaap_service | SMF99_PISERV | IFA service accumulated during interval | integer |
disp_prio | SMF99_PBDP | base dispatching priority | integer |
goal_type | SMF99_PGOALTYP | goal type: 1 - short response time, 2 - long response time, 3 - velocity, 4 - discretionary | integer |
stgcrit_implicit virtual | flags | period belongs to a service class that was assigned storage protection (stg critical) in the active service policy. The service class was used in subsystem type CICS or IMS and the rule specified storage critical = yes. Also on for transactionserver DISPs serving protected service classes. | |
cpu_critical virtual | flags | Period is cpu critical | |
period_num | SMF99_PNUM | period number | integer |
rvn | SMF99RVN | Record Version Number | integer |
piodp | SMF99_PIODP | I/O priority | integer |
pcnm | SMF99_PCNM | Internal service class name | string |
period_imp | SMF99_PIMPOR | importance | integer |
vn2 | SMF99VN2 | Record sub version. Used to identify changes to the record in the service stream | integer |
srv_class_name | SMF99_CNAM | service class name | string |