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Welcome to the IBM Cloud Object Storage - Level 3 demonstration guide! The goal of this demonstration guide is to provide sellers and technical sellers from IBM and Business Partners with the knowledge and tools to perform hands-on demonstrations of IBM Cloud Object Storage. Throughout this demonstration guide IBM Cloud Object Storage will be referred to as COS.

In this demonstration environment, full access to the IBM Cloud account is NOT provided. User identifications (IDs) will be restricted to specific capabilities. Permission to create or modify COS service instances, COS buckets, Key Protect instances, etc. is not provided.


Attempting to perform an action without the appropriate permissions will result in an error message like the one below. This is not an issue with the IBM Cloud or COS, rather a restriction of the demo environment and the permissions assigned to users.

Throughout the guide, images are used as examples of the IBM Cloud Portal and IBM Cloud Shell.


The IBM Cloud Portal and IBM Cloud Object Storage changes on a regular basis and may differ from the images captured in this guide.

While everyone is encouraged to complete all sections of the demonstration guide, actual completion requirements vary by role:

  • IBM Sales:

    • Complete Parts 1 through 7 of this demonstration guide
    • Record and submit a Stand and Deliver demonstration to be evaluated by management (details in the Your Learning plan)
  • IBM Technical Sales:

    • Complete all Parts of this demonstration guide
    • Record and submit a Stand and Deliver demonstration to be evaluated by management (details in the Your Learning plan)
  • Business Partner Sales:

    • Complete Parts 1 through 7 of this demonstration guide
    • Successfully pass a 5 question quiz found in the plan
  • Business Partner Technical Sales:

    • Complete all Parts of this demonstration guide
    • Successfully pass a 5 question quiz found in the plan

IBM Sales and Tech Sales must develop and record a Stand & Deliver presentation. This video is intended to simulate delivery of a “live” demo in front of a client — on camera. IBMers will have flexibility in defining a hypothetical client, the pain points the customer has, and the goals they aspire to achieve. The recording will then cover the seller’s hands-on demonstration and pitch to the client of the value of the IBM solution using the environment and techniques of this lab. Specific criteria that must be demonstrated as part of the Stand & Deliver recordings is provided within the documentation that accompanies the Level 3 course in Your Learning.

Business Partners must pass an accreditation quiz after completing the hands-on portion of the course. The quiz consists of multiple choice questions, with four possible responses (and only one correct answer) for each question. Hint: keep the demonstration guide and the associated IBM Technology Zone environment active while completing the quiz.

Before jumping to part 1, please read the guidance below. Reading and understanding the information will save time while completing the steps in this guide.


Think something is down? Check the applicable status pages for current updates:

For issues with provisioning or accessing an environment in IBM Technology Zone (ITZ) open a ticket with ITZ support: - Web: IBM Technology Zone - E-mail:

For issues related to specific steps found in the demonstration guide after the ITZ environment is provisioned, contact the authors:

Business Partners can also utilize the IBM Training live Chat Support service or other support methods found on the IBM Training portal here.

Using the demonstration guide

The IBM Cloud Object Storage - Level 3 Demonstration Guide is organized in parts and sub-parts or chapters. Most chapters contain numbered steps, which are actions to be performed.

In some images, the following styles of highlighting are utilized:

  • Action highlight box: Illustrates where to click, enter, or select an item:

  • Path/explore highlight box: Illustrates one of two things:

    • the path to follow to get to a specific location in the user interface
    • areas to explore

  • Copy to clipboard box: The text is copied to the clipboard. Click the copy icon (highlighted below) and then paste using the operating systems paste function, for example, entering Ctrl+v, Cmd+v, or right-click and select paste.

Additionally, there are several "click-thru" demonstrations. Links to click-thru demonstrations will open in a new browser window or tab with a screen similar to the image below.

Click the play button in the middle of the screen to start the demo. Then, simply follow the steps in the demonstration guide. If unsure where to click, click anywhere on the screen and a highlight box will appear showing where to click next.


The following acronyms are used throughout this demonstration guide:

- Application programming interfaces (APIs)
- Control (ctrl) - The control key on keyboard
- Command (cmd) - The command key on keyboard
- Disaster Recovery (DR)
- Gigabyte (GB)
- High Availability (HA)
- IBM Cloud Object Storage (COS)
- IBM Technology Zone (TechZone)
- Identity and Access Management (IAM)
- Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)
- Input/output operations per second (IOPs)
- Internet Protocol (IP)
- Reliability, Availability, and Serviceability (RAS)
- Secure Socket Shell (SSH)
- User identification (ID)

It is now time to proceed to Part 1, an overview of IBM Cloud Object Storage.