Clone the repository
We will be using Visual Studio Code (VSC) to do most your work, however, there will be times when you will need to use a web browser to access the github repository (especially if creating a new course). I'll note when something doesn't have to be done if your just updating a course.
Clone the repository to your local machine
You can use the new repository you created earlier if you are creating a new course, use and existing L3 repository, or you can play with this test repository:
Using SSH to clone
It is best to use SSH to clone and synchronize things to GitHub, however it is not required for the repositories we are using. In the future, if you need to work with repositories in, you will need to enable SSH. You can learn how to do this here.
Open the repository in your browser.
Click the green Code drop down.
- Click the HTTPS tab under Clone.
Copy the HTTPS clone link.
Image below uses SSH
Open VSC.
At the VSC welcome screen, click Clone Git Repository.
Paste the SSH clone link for the repository into the entry field and Enter.
Specify where you want to save your clone on your local machine and then click Select as Repository Destination.
Where should I save this?
It really doesn't matter, but I would suggest creating a directory where you will keep all your Sales Enablement L3s. Perhaps something like ~/Documents/SalesEnablementL3s/. When you specify the directory, it will create a subdirectory with the name of the repository.
Click either Open or Open in New Window on the pop-up dialog.
You now have successfully clone the repository form GitHub to your local machine.