Source code for ulkb.prelude.formula

# Copyright (C) 2023 IBM Corp.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

from .. import util
from ..commands import *
from ..defined import *
from ..expression import *
from ..theory import *
from .bootstrap import *

__all__ = [

[docs] class Formula(Term): """Abstract base class for formulas. A formula is a term of type :func:`BoolType()` representing a logical proposition. """ @classmethod def test(cls, arg): return Term.test(arg) and arg.type.is_bool_type() @classmethod def nff_prop(cls, arg): return cls._nnf_prop(cls._simplify_prop(arg)) @classmethod def _nnf_prop(cls, arg): if arg.is_not(): (p,) = arg._unpack_not() if p.is_not(): # ¬¬p ▷ f(p) (p,) = p._unpack_not() return cls._nnf_prop(p) elif p.is_and(): # ¬(p ∧ q) ▷ f(¬p) ∨ f(¬q) p, q = p._unpack_and() return Or(cls._nnf_prop(Not(p)), cls._nnf_prop(Not(q))) elif p.is_or(): # ¬(p ∨ q) ▷ f(¬p) ∧ f(¬q) p, q = p._unpack_or() return And(cls._nnf_prop(Not(p)), cls._nnf_prop(Not(q))) elif p.is_implies(): # ¬(p → q) ▷ f(p) ∧ f(¬q) p, q = p._unpack_implies() return And(cls._nnf_prop(p), cls._nnf_prop(Not(q))) elif p.is_iff(): # ¬(p ↔ q) ▷ (f(p) ∧ f(¬q)) ∨ (f(¬p) ∧ f(q)) p, q = p._unpack_iff() return Or( And(cls._nnf_prop(p), cls._nnf_prop(Not(q))), And(cls._nnf_prop(Not(p)), cls._nnf_prop(q))) elif arg.is_and(): p, q = arg._unpack_and() return And(cls._nnf_prop(p), cls._nnf_prop(q)) elif arg.is_or(): p, q = arg._unpack_or() return Or(cls._nnf_prop(p), cls._nnf_prop(q)) elif arg.is_implies(): p, q = arg._unpack_implies() return Or(cls._nnf_prop(Not(p)), cls._nnf_prop(q)) elif arg.is_iff(): p, q = arg._unpack_iff() return Or( And(cls._nnf_prop(p), cls._nnf_prop(q)), And(cls._nnf_prop(Not(p)), cls._nnf_prop(Not(q)))) return arg @classmethod def _simplify_prop(cls, arg): if arg.is_not(): (p,) = arg._unpack_not() arg = Not(cls._simplify_prop(p)) elif arg.is_and(): p, q = arg._unpack_and() arg = And(cls._simplify_prop(p), cls._simplify_prop(q)) elif arg.is_or(): p, q = arg._unpack_or() arg = Or(cls._simplify_prop(p), cls._simplify_prop(q)) elif arg.is_implies(): p, q = arg._unpack_implies() arg = Implies(cls._simplify_prop(p), cls._simplify_prop(q)) elif arg.is_iff(): p, q = arg._unpack_iff() arg = Iff(cls._simplify_prop(p), cls._simplify_prop(q)) else: return arg return cls._simplify_prop1(arg) @classmethod def _simplify_prop1(cls, arg): if arg.is_not(): (p,) = arg._unpack_not() if p.is_truth(): # ¬⊤ ▷ ⊥ return Falsity() elif p.is_falsity(): # ¬⊥ ▷ ⊤ return Truth() elif p.is_not(): # ¬¬q ▷ q (q,) = p._unpack_not() return q elif arg.is_and(): p, q = arg._unpack_and() if p.is_truth(): # ⊤ ∧ q ▷ q return q elif q.is_truth(): # p ∧ ⊤ ▷ p return p elif p.is_falsity() or q.is_falsity(): # ⊥ ∧ q, p ∧ ⊥ ▷ ⊥ return Falsity() elif arg.is_or(): p, q = arg._unpack_or() if p.is_falsity(): # ⊥ ∨ q ▷ q return q elif q.is_falsity(): # p ∨ ⊥ ▷ p return p elif p.is_truth() or q.is_truth(): # ⊤ ∨ q, p ∨ ⊤ ▷ ⊤ return Truth() elif arg.is_implies(): p, q = arg._unpack_or() if p.is_truth(): # ⊤ → q ▷ q return q elif p.is_falsity() or q.is_truth(): # ⊥ → q, p → ⊤ ▷ ⊤ return Truth() elif arg.is_iff(): p, q = arg._unpack_iff() if p.is_truth(): # ⊤ ↔ q ▷ q return q elif q.is_truth(): # p ↔ ⊤ ▷ p return p elif p.is_falsity(): # ⊥ ↔ q ▷ ¬q return Not(q) elif q.is_falsity(): # p ↔ ⊥ ▷ ¬p return Not(p) return arg
class Equal(Application): r"""Equality (:math:`=`). Constructs an equation by applying the equality constructor :math:`(\mathtt{equal} : 𝛼 → 𝛼 → \mathtt{bool})` to `arg1` and `arg2`. Parameters: arg1 (:class:`Term`): :math:`t_1`. arg2 (:class:`Term`): :math:`t_2`. kwargs: Annotations. Returns: :class:`Application`: :math:`t_1 = t_2`. """ constructor = new_constant( 'equal', FunctionType(TypeVariable('a'), TypeVariable('a'), bool_)) def __new__( # (term, term) cls, arg1, arg2, **kwargs): return cls.constructor(arg1, arg2, **kwargs) @classmethod def test(cls, arg): return (Application.test(arg) and Application.test(arg.left) and arg.left.left.is_constant() and == @classmethod def _unfold(cls, arg): return cls._unpack(arg) @classmethod def _unpack(cls, arg): (_, l), r = arg._unpack_application() return l, r @classmethod def eq(cls, x, y, *args, **kwargs): # macro if not args: return cls(x, y, **kwargs) else: return And( *map(lambda t: cls(*t), util.sliding_pairs_args(x, y, *args)), **kwargs) @classmethod def ne(cls, x, y, *args, **kwargs): # macro if not args: return Not(cls(x, y), **kwargs) else: return And( *map(lambda t: Not(cls(*t)), util.sliding_pairs_args(x, y, *args)), **kwargs) class Iff(Equal): r"""Equivalence (bi-implication, :math:`↔`). Constructs a logical equivalence by applying :class:`Equal` to the formulas `arg1` and `arg2`. Equivalence is right-associative: If more than two arguments are given, the result is right-folded. Parameters: arg1 (:class:`Formula`): :math:`p_1`. arg2 (:class:`Formula`): :math:`p_2`. args: Remaining :class:`Formula`'s. kwargs: Annotations. Returns: :class:`Application`: :math:`p_1 ↔ (p_2 ↔ (… ↔ (p_{n-1} ↔ p_n)))`. """ @classmethod def _constructor(cls, arg1, arg2, **kwargs): form1 = Formula.check(arg1, cls.__name__, None, 1) form2 = Formula.check(arg2, cls.__name__, None, 2) return Equal(form1, form2, **kwargs) def __new__( # (form, form) cls, arg1, arg2, *args, **kwargs): return util.foldr_infix( cls._constructor, cls, arg1, arg2, *args, **kwargs) @classmethod def test(cls, arg): if not Equal.test(arg): return False l, r = arg._unpack_equal() return l.is_formula() and r.is_formula() class Truth( DefinedConstant, definiendum='true', definiens=( lambda p: # () Equal(p >> p, p >> p))( Variable('p', bool_))): r"""Truth (:math:`⊤`). Constructs the true formula. Parameters: kwargs: Annotations. Returns: :class:`Constant`: :math:`⊤`. """ class And( DefinedInfixOperator, definiendum='and', definiens=( lambda p, q, f, T: # (form, form) (p, q) >> Equal(f >> f(p, q), f >> f(T, T)))( *Variables('p', 'q', bool_), Variable('f', FunctionType(bool_, bool_, bool_)), Truth()), associativity='right'): r"""Conjunction (:math:`∧`). Constructs a logical conjunction by applying constructor :math:`(\mathtt{and} : \mathtt{bool} → \mathtt{bool} → \mathtt{bool})` to `arg1` and `arg2`. Conjunction is right-associative: If more than two arguments are given, the result is right-folded. Parameters: arg1 (:class:`Formula`): :math:`p_1` arg2 (:class:`Formula`): :math:`p_2` args: Remaining :class:`Formula`'s. kwargs: Annotations. Returns: :class:`Application`: :math:`p_1 ∧ (p_2 ∧ (… ∧ (p_{n-1} ∧ p_n)))`. """ class Implies( DefinedInfixOperator, definiendum='implies', definiens=( lambda p, q: # (form, form) (p, q) >> Iff(And(p, q), p))( *Variables('p', 'q', bool_)), associativity='right'): r"""Implication (:math:`→`). Constructs a logical implication by applying constructor :math:`(\mathtt{implies} : \mathtt{bool} → \mathtt{bool} → \mathtt{bool})` to `arg1` and `arg2`. Implication is right-associative: If more than two arguments are given, the result is right-folded. Parameters: arg1 (:class:`Formula`): :math:`p_1`. arg2 (:class:`Formula`): :math:`p_2`. args: Remaining :class:`Formula`'s. kwargs: Annotations. Returns: :class:`Application`: :math:`p_1 → (p_2 → (… → (p_{n-1} → p_n)))`. """ class Forall( DefinedBinder, definiendum='forall', definiens=( lambda p, x, T: # (var, form) p >> Equal(p, x >> T))( Variable('p', FunctionType(TypeVariable('a'), bool_)), Variable('x', TypeVariable('a')), Truth())): r"""Universal quantification (:math:`∀`). Constructs a universally quantified formula by applying constructor :math:`(\mathtt{forall} : (𝛼 → \mathtt{bool}) → \mathtt{bool})` to the predicate resulting from abstracting `arg1` over `arg2`. Universal quantification is right-associative: If more than two arguments are given, the result is right-folded. Parameters: arg1 (:class:`Variable`): :math:`x_1`. arg2 (:class:`Variable` or :class:`Formula`): :math:`p`. args: Remaining :class:`Variable`'s followed by a :class:`Formula`. kwargs: Annotations. Returns: :class:`Application`: :math:`∀ x_1, (∀ x_2, (…, (∀ x_{n-1}, (∀ x_n, p))))`. """ class Falsity( DefinedConstant, definiendum='false', definiens=( lambda p: # () Forall(p, p))( Variable('p', bool_))): r"""Falsity (:math:`⊥`). Constructs the false formula. Parameters: kwargs: Annotations. Returns: :class:`Constant`: :math:`⊥`. """ class Not( DefinedPrefixOperator, definiendum='not', definiens=( lambda p, F: p >> Implies(p, F))( Variable('p', bool_), Falsity())): r"""Negation (:math:`¬`). Constructs a logical negation by applying constructor :math:`(\mathtt{not} : \mathtt{bool} → \mathtt{bool})` to `arg1`. Parameters: arg1 (:class:`Formula`): :math:`p` kwargs: Annotations. Returns: :class:`Application`: :math:`¬p`. """ class Or( DefinedInfixOperator, definiendum='or', definiens=( lambda p, q, r: # (form, form) (p, q) >> Forall(r, Implies(Implies(p, r), Implies(q, r), r)))( *Variables('p', 'q', 'r', bool_)), associativity='right'): r"""Disjunction (:math:`∨`). Constructs a logical disjunction by applying constructor :math:`(\mathtt{or} : \mathtt{bool} → \mathtt{bool} → \mathtt{bool})` to `arg1` and `arg2`. Disjunction is right-associative: If more than two arguments are given, the result is right-folded. Parameters: arg1 (:class:`Formula`): :math:`p_1` arg2 (:class:`Formula`): :math:`p_2` args: Remaining :class:`Formula`'s. kwargs: Annotations. Returns: :class:`Application`: :math:`p_1 ∨ (p_2 ∨ (… ∨ (p_{n-1} ∨ p_n)))`. """ class Exists( DefinedBinder, definiendum='exists', definiens=( lambda p, q, x: # (var, form) (p >> Forall(q, Implies((Forall(x, Implies(p(x), q))), q))))( Variable('p', FunctionType(TypeVariable('a'), bool_)), Variable('q', bool_), Variable('x', TypeVariable('a')))): r"""Existential quantification (:math:`∃`). Constructs an existentially quantified formula by applying constructor :math:`(\mathtt{exists} : (𝛼 → \mathtt{bool}) → \mathtt{bool})` to the predicate resulting from abstracting `arg1` over `arg2`. Existential quantification is right-associative: If more than two arguments are given, the result is right-folded. Parameters: arg1 (:class:`Variable`): :math:`x_1`. arg2 (:class:`Variable` or :class:`Formula`): :math:`p`. args: Remaining :class:`Variable`'s followed by a :class:`Formula`. kwargs: Annotations. Returns: :class:`Application`: :math:`∃ x_1, (∃ x_2, (…, (∃ x_{n-1}, (∃ x_n, p))))`. """ class Exists1( DefinedBinder, definiendum='exists1', definiens=( lambda p, x, y: # (var, form) (p >> And( Exists.constructor(p), Forall(x, y, Implies(And(p(x), p(y)), Equal(x, y))))))( Variable('p', FunctionType(TypeVariable('a'), bool_)), *Variables('x', 'y', TypeVariable('a')))): r"""Unique existential quantification (:math:`∃!`). Constructs a unique existentially quantified formula by applying constructor :math:`(\mathtt{exists1} : (𝛼 → \mathtt{bool}) → \mathtt{bool})` to the predicate resulting from abstracting `arg1` over `arg2`. Unique existential quantification is right-associative: If more than two arguments are given, the result is right-folded. Parameters: arg1 (:class:`Variable`): :math:`x_1`. arg2 (:class:`Variable` or :class:`Formula`): :math:`p`. args: Remaining :class:`Variable`'s followed by a :class:`Formula`. kwargs: Annotations. Returns: :class:`Application`: :math:`∃! x_1, (∃! x_2, (…, (∃! x_{n-1}, (∃! x_n, p))))`. """ equal = Equal.constructor true = Truth.constructor false = Falsity.constructor not_ = Not.constructor and_ = And.constructor or_ = Or.constructor iff = Iff.constructor implies = Implies.constructor exists = Exists.constructor exists1 = Exists1.constructor forall = Forall.constructor eq = Equal.eq ne =