Installing IBM i collection to Ansible server

There are two options to install IBM i collection for Ansible:

  • Installing from Ansible Galaxy

    Ansible Galaxy is the package manager for Ansible. The collection is published to Ansible Galaxy on a regular basis:

    In order to install using Ansible Galaxy, you must:

    1. Install all of the software listed in Requirements.

    2. Follow the instructions for Installing using Ansible Galaxy.

  • Installing from source

    You may wish to install the collection from source if you cannot access Ansible Galaxy due to firewall or proxy issues, or if you need to install a version of the collection that has not yet been published.

    In order to install from source, you must:

    1. Install all of the software listed in Requirements.

    2. Follow the instructions for Installing from source.


In order to use this Ansible collection at release 3.1.0 and beyond, you must have the following pre-requisite software installed and available on your Ansible server:

Python v3.9+

Python can be installed from a variety of sources, including the package manager for your operating system (apt, yum, etc). If you install Python from the package manager for your operating system, you must also install the development libraries (usually a package named python3-devel), as these are required when installing modules through pip.

Ansible core v2.15 or v2.16

  • Ansible core v2.15 requires Python 3.9+ on the Ansible control node.

  • Ansible core v2.16 requires Python 3.10+ on the Ansible control node.

The full compatiblity or support matrix for Ansible Core versions and Python levels for the control node and targets is provided at

Ansible can be installed from a variety of sources, including the package manager for your operating system (apt, yum, etc). You can also install it using pip, the package manager for Python:

pip3 install ansible

Requirements for IBM i Ansible Server / Control Node

For an IBM i Ansible control node, the latest levels of Ansible should be installed with python pip because there is not a pre-packaged Ansible rpm above version 2.9. Ansible may also be installed from the github source with a stable ansible branch. The following steps should be executed in an SSH session to the IBM i when installing Ansible with pip. This will require the IBM i SSH Daemon to be started with the ‘’STRTCPSVR *SSHD’’ command if it is not already started.

  1. Use Yum to install the following required open source packages if not already present.

    yum install git
    yum install python39-cryptography
    yum install python39-paramiko
    yum install pase-utf8-locale
    yum install sshpass   # allows specifying ssh password if desired
  2. Configure your ~/.profile or execute the following commands to set the language environment variables.

    export LANG
    export LC_ALL
  3. Verify the language environment with the ‘’locale’’ command.

  4. Install Ansible. Either full ansible (a) or ansible-core (b).

    1. Install Ansible at 8.X level (v2.15 core) or 9.X level (v2.16 core) with pip (skip step 3b). For example, to install level 8.1 that includes v2.15.6 ansible-core use the following:

      python3 -m pip install --user ansible==8.1
    2. Alternatively ansible-core may be installed instead of full ansible, but some additional ibmi dependent collections may need to be installed via ansible-galaxy. For example, to install ansible core v2.15.1 use the following command:

      python3 -m pip install --user ansible-core==2.15.1

    Note that Ansible core v2.16 cannot be used with the currently available IBM i Python rpm packages (Python 3.9 is highest level).

    The pip command may also be used directly for installing Ansible. An alternative command for 4(b) is

    pip3 install ansible-core==2.15.1
  5. Add the following commands to your ~/.profile or execute them to include the ansible executables in your PATH.

    export PATH

6. Ensure dependent collections are installed if only using ansible-core. Perform the following collection install commands if ‘’ansible-galaxy collection list’’ doesn’t show these collections.

ansible-galaxy collection install

ansible-galaxy collection install ansible.posix

Installing using Ansible Galaxy

You can use the ansible-galaxy command to install a collection from Ansible Galaxy, the package manager for Ansible:

ansible-galaxy collection install ibm.power_ibmi

Installing from source

You can use the ansible-galaxy command to install a collection built from source. To build your own collection, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository:

git clone
  1. Build the collection artifact:

cd ansible-for-i
ansible-galaxy collection build
  1. Install the collection, replacing x.y.z with the current version:

ansible-galaxy collection install ibm-power_ibmi-x.y.z.tar.gz

Enabling IBM i nodes

Before IBM i systems can be managed-nodes of Ansible, a few dependencies have to be installed on IBM i.

  • 5733SC1 Base and Option 1

  • 5770DG1

  • python3

  • python3-itoolkit

  • python3-ibm_db

  1. 5733SC1 and 5770DG1 are license programs, you can download them at

  2. python3, python3-itoolkit, python3-ibm_db are open source packages. There are a few ways to install these packages and you could choose from one of them.

Installing rpm packages manually

Rpm packages can be installed via ‘yum’ packages manager on IBM i. However, yum is not shipped by IBM i by default. Refer the guide here to install yum Then install these packages by below command:

/QOpenSys/pkgs/bin/yum install python3 python3-itoolkit python3-ibm_db

Installing rpm packages automatically onto IBM i systems which can access internet

1) Make sure you have IBM i collection installed on your Ansible server.
2) Issue below command in order to use setup playbook to enable IBM i:
cd ~/.ansible/collections/ansible_collections/ibm/power_ibmi/playbooks
3) Input information of target IBM i in host_ibmi.ini in order to run playbooks.
4) Run setup play book with below command:
ansible-playbook -i host_ibmi.ini enable-ansible-for-i/setup.yml
Installing rpm packages automatically onto IBM i systems which are offline

An ‘Offline’ IBM i means that the IBM i system cannot connect to the internet and is not able to access Before installing them, you can download installation packages to Ansible server.

1) Make sure you have IBM i collection installed on your Ansible server.
2) Issue below command in order to use setup playbook to enable IBM i:
cd ~/.ansible/collections/ansible_collections/ibm/power_ibmi/playbooks
3) Input information of target IBM i in host_ibmi.ini in order to run playbooks.
4) Follow the steps in ~/.ansible/collections/ansible_collections/ibm/power_ibmi/playbooks/enable_offline_ibmi/
5) Run playbook with below command. The command assumes that the installation packages are in /tmp/ibmi-packages directory of Ansible server.
ansible-playbook -i path/to/inventory enable_offline_ibmi/main.yml -e 'package_path=/tmp/ibmi-packages'