Trawler is a metrics exporter for IBM API Connect.
Trawler is designed to run within the same kubernetes cluster as API Connect, such that it can scrape metrics from the installed components and make them available. The metrics gathering in Trawler is separated into separate nets for the different types of metrics to expose so you can select which ones to enable for a particular environment.
It requires a service account with read access to list pods and services in the namespace(s) the API Connect components are deployed in.
More details on installing trawler
Trawler gets its config from a mounted configmap containing config.yaml which looks like this:
frequency: 10
use_kubeconfig: false
port: 63512
enabled: true
level: debug
filters: trawler:trace
format: pretty
enabled: true
timeout: 5
username: trawler-monitor
namespace: apic-gateway
enabled: true
username: trawler-monitor
namespace: apic-management
General trawler settings:
Detailed configuration options
Feature requests and issue reports are welcome as github issues through this repository. Contributions of pull requests are also accepted and should be provided with a linked issue explaining the reasoning behind the change, should follow the existing code format standards and tests should be included in the PR ensuring the overall code coverage is not reduced.
Install the pre-reqs for trawler from requirements.txt and development and testing requirements from requirements-dev.txt
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
Initialise the pre-commit checks for Trawler using pre-commit
pre-commit install
Trawler uses py.test for test cases and the test suite is intended to be run with the test-assets directory as the secrets path.
SECRETS=test-assets coverage run --source . -m py.test
To run locally point the config parameter to a local config file
python3 --config local/config.yaml
You can view the data that is being exposed to prometheus at localhost:63512 (or the custom port value if it’s been changed)
Notes on developing with a running k8s pod:
kubectl cp {trawler_pod}:/app/
kubectl cp newconfig.yaml {trawler_pod}:/app/newconfig.yaml
kubectl exec {trawler_pod} -- sh -c 'cd /app;python3 -c newconfig.yaml'