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Clone Deployment to OpenShift, Kubernetes, or CP4D

This Db2 Shift option will take a database clone and deploy it into a Db2u pod running on OpenShift, Kubernetes or CP4D.

The panel requires the following information:

  • Database name and clone location
  • Destination POD details
  • Type of Containerization environment
  • Shift Options

The syntax for deploying a clone to a POD is:

Deploy POD


    Required Options

    --oc or --kubectl or --local

    Optional Settings

    --hadr or --keep-rfw-pending
    --sync=[start_sync, rerun_sync, finish_sync]
    --blank-slate=[true|false] or --new-settings=[true|false]

The panel that provides this capability:


Mode Option (Command Line Only)

Syntax: --mode=apply_clone

The MODE option determines what steps the Db2 Shift program will take to move your database to the new location.

The APPLY_CLONE option will take an existing CLONEd database and shift it to a POD or a Db2 instance. There is no need to be connected to the original database because all of the control information is contained within the CLONEs image.

Destination Type (Command Line Only)

Syntax --dest-type=POD

The destination is a POD. This setting is only required when using the command line. It is automatically generated by the UI.

Settings (Command Line and UI)