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Initialize HADR between Source and Target POD

This Db2 Shift option will take a source and destination (POD) database and start the HADR service between them. The Db2u pod must have been created with the following setting during the shift step.

Syntax: --hadr Mode

The panel requires the following information:

  • The source database name and server
  • The destination POD and server details

The syntax for initiating the HADR connection between two Db2 servers is:



    Required Options     

    --oc or --kubectl

    Optional Settings


The panel that provides this capability:


Mode Option (Command Line Only)

Syntax: --mode=hadr_setup

The HADR option is used to initialize and start HADR between a source and target server. This step would be run after the database has been shifted to the new location. This option is not used for the initial HADR setup of the target system. The target database must be created with the --hadr option in order for it be placed into the correct mode for HADR communication. The --hadr is enabled for pods with the Move Database for HADR option in the menu. Mode

Destination Type (Command Line Only)

Syntax --dest-type=POD

The destination is a POD. This setting is only required when using the command line. It is automatically generated by the UI.

See also HADR Best Practices.

Settings (Command Line and UI)