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LDAP and DMC Initialization

This Db2 Shift option only applies when the destination is a POD on K8s or OpenShift.

When shifting a database to a CP4D platform or LDAP-secured environment, the Db2 Shift program will automatically add the appropriate userids to the LDAP service and reset the Data Management Console (DMC) so that it recognizes the database.

If you choose to shift a database to CP4D, and set it up as an HADR secondary, the LDAP and DMC setup cannot be performed until after you have converted the secondary POD into the primary database. Only when the POD is the primary database can it be initialized to support LDAP and DMC services on IBM Cloud Pak for Data.

If you creating a database on Cloud Pak for Data, and your source INSTANCE userid is not db2inst1, you must execute the following SQL commands from a userid that has SECADM authority:


The db2inst1 userid does not need to exist in the Operating system in order to grant these privileges to the userid. This requirement does not apply to other Db2 Shift environments. If db2inst1 is not defined as a SECADM and DBADM user in the database, the Data Management Console feature of CP4D will not be able to access the database nor will it be able to monitor it.

The panel requires the following information:

  • Source database owner
  • The destination POD and server details

The syntax for updating the LDAP security and initializing the DMC console is:



    Required Options     

    --oc or --kubectl

    Optional Settings


The panel that provides this capability:


Mode Option (Command Line Only)

Syntax: --mode=sec_and_monitor

This setting only applies when the destination is a POD on K8s or OpenShift. If an associated LDAP repository exists, the db2inst1 user is added. If the IBM Data management console is deployed with a Cloud Pak for Data system, it resets the console and applies the relevant DDL and privileges for monitors.

Destination Type (Command Line Only)

Syntax --dest-type=POD

The destination is a POD. This setting is only required when using the command line. It is automatically generated by the UI.

Settings (Command Line and UI)