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Db2 Containerization to another Db2 Instance

This format of the Db2 Shift will take an existing Db2 database on an on-premise system, and shift it to another traditional Db2 system hosted on another on-premise server or cloud virtual machine. This does not containerize Db2! The Db2 Shift command requires the following information:

  • Source Database details
  • Destination location
  • Shift Options

The db2shift program assumes that you are currently connected to the instance that has the Db2 database and have ssh connectivity to the target server.

The syntax for running a direct shift from a Db2 database to a POD is:

Shift Instance


    Required Options


    Optional Settings

    --hadr or --keep-rfw-pending
    --online or --offline
    --sync=[start_sync, rerun_sync, finish_sync]
    --blank-slate=[true|false] or --new-settings=[true|false]

The panel that provides this capability:


Mode Option (Command Line Only)

Syntax: --mode=move

The MODE option determines what steps the Db2 Shift program will take to move your database to the new location. The only valid option is move when shifting a database between two Db2 instances.

Target Client (Command Line Only)

Syntax: --ssh

The client for a deploy (clone) operation must be supplied as part of the Db2 Shift command. If the target is a remote Db2 instance (--ssh), Db2 Shift expects that a passwordless ssh environment has been established between the source and target servers.

Destination Type (Command Line Only)

Syntax --dest-type=OTHER

The destination is another instance (OTHER). This setting is only required when using the command line. It is automatically generated by the UI.

Settings (Command Line and UI)