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IaC Configuration Management with Ansible

Configure the provisioned instance using Ansible

Terraform is great for infrastructure provisioning but it’s not a configuration management tool. That’s where Ansible comes in. After Terraform finishes the provisioning of an instance, control goes to Ansible to finish up the configuration of the instance system and applications.

Ansible Introduction

Ansible is one of the most used Configuration Management tools, it’s simple and easy to learn. Ansible use SSH to connect to the servers or instances to execute the configuration tasks defined in YAML files or playbooks. Ansible tasks are idempotent, this means that they can be applied multiple times without changing the result beyond the initial application, this is what makes Ansible reliable and differentiates it from some other configuration management tools.

To use Ansible we need one host with Ansible, the playbooks and all the Ansible configuration files. There are different designs, the one shown in this example is to use Ansible from the same host where Terraform is executed. The Terraform and Ansible example code is in the GitHub repository in the directory 12-ansible.

Ansible at Local Host

Install Ansible

Install Ansible in the same host where Terraform is installed. Follow these instructions to install Ansible on your platform. However, the most generic way to install Ansible is using pip (Python package manager).

pip install --user ansible

If you are on MacOS, other option to install Ansible is using brew, it’ll install Ansible and its dependencies.

brew install ansible

To verify Ansible is correctly installed, just execute ansible --version and you should get the latest version, at the time this document is written, it’s version 2.9.7.

The use case exposed in this section is to install to the LogDNA agent on the instance for log analysis. All the hosts require the LogDNA agent to send the logs to the LogDNA service.

Infrastructure Setup

Clone the example project and go to the 12-user-data/start folder. You will already need to have set up the terraform cli and the API key for terraform as described in Setup Environment. Run these commands to initially deploy the virtual machines for the Ansible examples.

terraform init
terraform plan
terraform apply

Inventory File

The first file used by Ansible is the inventory file with the list of hosts to configure. The inventory file documentation shows all the possible parameters and variables you can set. Create a inventory.yaml file in the 12-ansible/start folder with the content below, but update with the IP addresses output from terraform apply.

ansible_user: ubuntu
ansible_ssh_private_key_file: ~/.ssh/id_rsa
ansible_ssh_common_args: "-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no"

As the example progresses, we will add more information into this file such as variables and the hostnames, for now we just need the IP addresses grouped by server tier (appserver) and the following ansible variables:

  • ansible_user defines the user to login into the hosts, in this case is ubuntu user
  • ansible_ssh_private_key_file path to the private SSH key used to login to the hosts, if you used the public key ~/.ssh/ then provide the private key ~/.ssh/id_rsa pair
  • ansible_ssh_common_args this variable set extra parameters to the SSH command used by Ansible to connect to the hosts. With no extra arguments SSH will ask confirmation to the user to add the keys to the known_hosts file. Add the parameter -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no to make this process non-interactive. This can also be achieved with the setting host_key_checking = False into the ansible.cfg file in the same directory.

To verify we can reach the hosts we execute Ansible using the ping module.

ansible all -m ping -i inventory.yaml

Playbook and Roles

A Playbook is yaml files with a set of tasks or roles to be executed. A Role is a collection of related tasks and handlers, to encapsulate data such as variables, files, templates and metadata, to execute one specific macro-task. For example, our (macro) task is to get LogDNA up and running on a given host, to execute this task we need to execute (atomic) tasks to install packages, execute configuration commands and start services, using the given configuration parameters (data in form of variables). We can use any of the open sourced Ansible Galaxy Roles but in this example we’ll create a simple role.

Still working in the start directory, create the directory path roles/logdna and inside the directory a tasks sub-directory with the file main.yaml. Normal convention with Ansible will often add directories such as handlers, defaults, vars, files, templates and meta but they are not needed and are out of the scope of this article.

mkdir -p roles/logdna/tasks

This example only covers the installation of LogDNA. If you’d like to install or configure something else such as deploing the API application or deploying the initial database, then you would create more roles under the directory roles for those tasks.

Inside the file roles/logdna/tasks/main.yaml

- debug:
msg: "Checking Ansible is working!"

We’ll develop the tasks role more, but for now let’s have a debug message just to verify it’s working.

To tell Ansible which roles to execute, create the following playbook file named playbook.yaml.

- hosts: all
become: yes
- role: logdna

This playbook file instructs Ansible to execute the instructions on all hosts. The instructions should be executed as root, so the become: yes is used. And finally, we list all the roles to run on every host. You may have a list of roles per host groups such as appservers or dbservers. Then execute the playbook with the ansible-playbook command, like so.

ansible-playbook -i inventory.yaml ./playbook.yaml

You should see, among a bunch of lines, the following lines starting with ok and at the end a report summary like the following.

ok: [] => {
"msg": "Checking Ansible is working!"
ok: [] => {
"msg": "Checking Ansible is working!"
ok: [] => {
"msg": "Checking Ansible is working!"


Ansible uses modules to perform most tasks. In this example we’ll use a few modules to install packages for Ubuntu, executing commands, writing files, and handling the services.

In the logdna/tasks/install.yaml file use the following modules to install the LogDNA packages.

- name: LogDNA Agent Package Public Key
- name: LogDNA Agent Repository
repo: deb stable main
- name: Install LogDNA Agent

Every task can start with the key name to document or describe the task, this text is printed on the console when it’s executed. All the modules in this file deal with apt, the package manager of Debian and Ubuntu. Here are links to the documentation of each module to know the different parameters that can be used.

  • apt_key is used to add, remove or download apt keys
  • apt_repository to add or remove APT repositories
  • apt to install, remove, upgrade, update and manage in general APT packages on Debian and Ubuntu

Create the file logdna/tasks/configure.yaml to execute the tasks to configure LogDNA.

- name: Setting LogDNA Ingestion Key
shell: "logdna-agent -k {{ conf_key }}"
when: conf_key != ""
- name: Adding Log Directories
shell: "logdna-agent -d {{ conf_logdir }}"
when: conf_logdir != ""
- name: Adding API Host

In this file we only use the shell module to execute commands on the host. This module is useful when there is no module to do the tasks we want or need. However, exercise caution with the shell module because the outcome of the execution of these commands may not be idempotent, breaking the main characteristics of Ansible.

Here we use the when conditional directive to execute a task only if the output of the condition is True.

In this file we also use Ansible variables enclosed with {{ }}, these variables can be set in different forms, in our case we’ll set them in the inventory and the default values in the role.

The default variable values or the role variable values are important in case you execute this role alone on any environment. For example to test the role or playbook with Vagrant or Docker and the default variable values will be used. Other sources of the role variables is they can be local variables, you may have variables that are set from other values provided by the user or constant values. Define some variable default values in the role file roles/logdna/defaults/main.yaml:

conf_tags: ""
conf_logdir: "" # default to /var/log

We are not setting a default for conf_key because the log ingestion key is only provided by the user and associated with a specific service instance. Values for variables provided by the user come from the inventory file inventory.yaml so we add the following variables in the vars: section (update with values from your LogDNA instance, the api and log host may be the same if you are using us-south).

ansible_user: ubuntu
ansible_ssh_private_key_file: ~/.ssh/id_rsa
ansible_ssh_common_args: "-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no"
# Input Variables:
conf_key: e86611977....
conf_logdir: /var/log

The last step in the LogDNA install is to startup the LogDNA agent service, let’s do that in the file logdna/tasks/service.yaml, like so.

- name: Activating LogDNA Agent Service
shell: "update-rc.d logdna-agent defaults"
- name: Start LogDNA agent
name: logdna-agent
enabled: true
state: "{{ agent_service }}"
when: (conf_key != "" and agent_service) or agent_service == "stopped"

Here we again use the shell module to activate the service and the module service to set the state of the service to the value of the variable agent_service. The possible values, according to the documentation, can be started, stopped, restarted and reloaded. Again, we use the directive when to print the message notifying the state of the agent.

This also requires to add the variable agent_service to the default role variables, not to the inventory because in this user case the required action is to have the service up and running.

agent_service: started

To link all these files to the playbook we call them from the main.yaml file of the role, replace the content of the file for the following lines.

- include_tasks: ./install.yaml
- include_tasks: ./configure.yml
- include_tasks: ./service.yaml

To run this code to let Ansible install and configure LogDNA on every host created we just need to execute the ansible-playbook command like before.

ansible-playbook -i inventory.yaml ./playbook.yaml

After this has completed running, you can open the LogDNA dashboard and then connect to one of the virtual machines over ssh.

IPADDR=$(terraform output -json ip_address | jq .[0] | tr -d \")
ssh ubuntu@$IPADDR

Over in LogDNA output similar to the following will appear as a result of the login to the system.

Screenshot from LogDNA

This completes the walk through of the general Ansible flow. Next, this example will show how to integrate Terraform with Ansible working from the 12-ansible folder where the final code resides. To clean up from the start directory, execute terraform destroy before moving on to the next section.

terraform destroy

Ansible and Terraform Integration

Everything to this point of the example still requires the user to manually configure the values in the inventory and then execute Ansible manually. To automate this process we use Terraform to manage all of the steps, chaining to the Ansible execution. After the changes shown here, terraform it will be the only command to execute.

Change to the 12-ansible folder to review the final code and create the terraform.tfvars file specified below.

The first part is to automatically populate the Ansible inventory file. This is done with Terraform template files. Move the inventory.yaml file to a new templates directory and rename it to templates/inventory.tmpl.yaml with the following content.

ansible_user: ubuntu
ansible_ssh_private_key_file: ${private_key_file}
ansible_ssh_common_args: "-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no"
# Input Variables:
conf_key: ${logdna_ingestion_key}
conf_logdir: /var/log

This architecture design requires direct access from your host to the provisioned instances, therefore every instance requires a public Floating IP, enable the Floating IPs by adding to the
resource "ibm_is_floating_ip" "iac_app_floating_ip" {
name = "${var.project_name}-${var.environment}-ip-${format("%02s", count.index)}"
target = ibm_is_instance.iac_app_instance[count.index]
count = var.max_size

The Terraform code to generate the template is as follows, in a new file called to handle all the Ansible configuration.
data "template_file" "inventory" {
depends_on = ibm_is_instance.iac_app_instance
template = file("${path.module}/inventory.yaml")
vars = {
private_key_file = pathexpand(var.private_key_file)
logdna_ingestion_key = var.logdna_ingestion_key
project_name = var.project_name
environment = var.environment
logdna_api_host = var.logdna_api_host

Notice the use of format and formatlist to render from the list of Floating IP addresses ibm_is_floating_ip.iac_app_floating_ip[*].address output like this:


The template also has additional input variables for the Ansible playbook that are not created by Terraform code so they are required as Terraform user input. Add them to the file and the values to the terraform.tfvars file (which is or should be in .gitignore)
variable "logdna_ingestion_key" {}
variable "logdna_api_host" {
default = ""
variable "logdna_log_host" {
default = ""
variable "private_key_file" {
default = "~/.ssh/id_rsa"
logdna_ingestion_key = "e86611977...."
logdna_api_host = ""
logdna_log_host = ""

Executing this code will generate a inventory.yaml file which should be ignored in the GitHub repository as it’s a dynamically generated file, so add the filename to the .gitignore file.

echo 'inventory.yaml' >> .gitignore

Having the inventory ready everything ready to execute ansible-playbook but the idea is to automate everything so we are going to make Terraform execute Ansible for us with the following local-exec provisioner inside a null_resource block in the file.

resource "null_resource" "ansible" {
depends_on = [local_file.inventory]
provisioner "local-exec" {
command = "ansible-playbook -i ${path.module}/inventory.yaml ${path.module}/playbook.yml"

This is fine but the Ansible command has to be executed when the instance is up and running and as we know Terraform (with this example) doesn’t know when the instance is ready. For example, the Cloud-Init code may be still running when Terraform ends. There is a trick to overcome this. Running a remote_exec to execute any command in the instance will make Terraform to wait for the Floating IP and the instance to be ready.

Add the following null_resource.waiter block into the file and make the template_file.inventory to depend on it.

resource "null_resource" "waiter" {
depends_on = [ibm_is_instance.iac_app_instance, ibm_is_floating_ip.iac_app_floating_ip]
count = var.max_size
provisioner "remote_exec" {
inline = ["hostname"]
connection {

The null_resource.waiter resource makes a connection to every provisioned instance to execute any command, i.e. hostname, when the connection and the command is successfully completed to every instance then Terraform will proceed to generate the inventory and execute ansible (remember ansible execution depends on the inventory).

As we are using a new providers (templates and null), we need to execute terraform init, then we can plan and apply the code changes

terraform init
terraform plan
terraform apply

Terraform will do the provisioning and generate the inventory file, when all the instances are up and ready it executes Ansible to install and configure LogDNA on every provisioned instance.

Notice that the Ansible logs went to the Terraform logs, if you’d like to have them in a different file as well for better analysis (i.e. if the playbook fails) modify the Ansible execution in the local_exec provider to the following line and add the ansible.log file to the .gitignore file.

command = "ansible-playbook -i ${path.module}/inventory.yaml ${path.module}/playbook.yaml | tee --append ${path.module}/ansible.log"

To test your code, as before, execute the following curl command to check the API but now you can go to the LogDNA Web Console and review the log analysis from the nodes.

curl $(terraform output entrypoint)/movies/675

Final Terraform and Ansible Code

All the developed code can be downloaded or cloned from the GitHub repository in the directory 12-ansible where the new or modified files are:
resource "null_resource" "waiter" {
depends_on = [ibm_is_instance.iac_app_instance, ibm_is_floating_ip.iac_app_floating_ip]
count = var.max_size
provisioner "remote-exec" {
inline = ["hostname"]
connection {
ansible_user: ubuntu
ansible_ssh_private_key_file: ${private_key_file}
ansible_ssh_common_args: "-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no"
# Input Variables:
conf_key: ${logdna_ingestion_key}
conf_logdir: /var/log
variable "project_name" {}
variable "environment" {}
variable "public_key" {}
variable "logdna_ingestion_key" {}
variable "logdna_api_host" {
default = ""
- hosts: all
become: yes
- role: logdna
- include_tasks: ./install.yaml
- include_tasks: ./configure.yaml
- include_tasks: ./service.yaml
- name: LogDNA Agent Package Public Key
- name: LogDNA Agent Repository
repo: deb stable main
- name: Install LogDNA Agent
- name: Setting LogDNA Ingestion Key
shell: "logdna-agent -k {{ conf_key }}"
when: conf_key != ""
- name: Adding Log Directories
shell: "logdna-agent -d {{ conf_logdir }}"
when: conf_logdir != ""
- name: Adding API Host
- name: Activating LogDNA Agent Service
shell: "update-rc.d logdna-agent defaults"
- name: Start LogDNA agent
name: logdna-agent
enabled: true
state: "{{ agent_service }}"
when: (conf_key != "" and agent_service) or agent_service == "stopped"
conf_tags: ""
conf_logdir: "" # default to /var/log
agent_service: started
resource "ibm_is_vpc" "iac_app_vpc" {
name = "${var.project_name}-${var.environment}-vpc"
resource "ibm_is_subnet" "iac_app_subnet" {
name = "${var.project_name}-${var.environment}-subnet"
vpc =
zone = "us-south-1"
ipv4_cidr_block = ""

Optionally, you can have a ansible.cfg to add more settings, if required.

host_key_checking = False

It’s required to have a terraform.tfvars file with the variables values or set them in environment variables. Use this example to create your terraform.tfvars file.

project_name = "iac-ansible-test"
environment = "dev"
port = "8080"
public_key = "ssh-rsa AAAAB3...."
logdna_ingestion_key = "e86611977...."
logdna_api_host = ""
logdna_log_host = ""

Ansible from a Bastion Host

The previous design is functional but there is a dimension that may not be preferred in all cases. The Floating IPs and the open access to all the nodes from a single host, namely the workstation running Terraform and Ansible. A solution to avoid a requirement for Floating IPs is to have a Bastion Host. Access to the instances for configuration management can be done from a single host, the Bastion Host, and access controls are placed around this host which is used from the perimeter of the VPC to perform Ansible configuration management.

Ansible at Bastion Host

The Terraform and Ansible code for this has not been developed but it can be done in a later release to this pattern guide. Terraform first provisions the environment and also the Bastion Host with Ansible and send all playbooks to the host (if they are not already present). Then Terraform generates the inventory and uploads it to the host to finally execute Ansible remotely to configure all the hosts.

Another scenario for using a Bastion Host is in the use of IBM Cloud Schematics. In this example, we are executing Ansible from our host but with Schematics there is no host where it can install and execute Ansible, unless you create a instance or docker container to help you this task. Having a Bastion Host, Schematics can use it to execute Ansible and configure all the provisioned instances.

Clean up

To clean up everything just execute terraform destroy. As we are not using Schematics there is no need to run ibmcloud to make Schematics destroy the resources and the workspace.

terraform destroy