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Global configuration for Cloud Pak Deployer🔗


Cloud Pak Deployer can use properties set in the global configuration (global_config) during the deployment process and also as substitution variables in the configuration, such as {{ env_id}} and {{ ibm_cloud_region }}.

The following global_config variables are automatically copied into a "simple" form so they can be referenced in the configuration file(s) and also overridden using the command line.

Variable name Description
environment_name Name used to group secrets, typically you will specify sample
cloud_platform Cloud platform applicable to configuration, such as ibm-cloud, aws, azure
env_id Environment ID used in various other configuration objects
ibm_cloud_region When Cloud Platform is ibm-cloud, the region into which the ROKS cluster is deployed
aws_region When Cloud Platform is aws, the region into which the ROSA/self-managed OpenShift cluster is deployed
azure_location When Cloud Platform is azure, the region into which the ARO OpenShift cluster is deployed
universal_admin_user User name to be used for admin user (currently not used)
universal_password Password to be used for all (admin) users it not specified in the vault
confirm_destroy Is destroying of clusters, services/cartridges and instances allowed?

For all other variables, you can refer to the qualified form, for example: "{{ global_config.division }}"

Sample global configuration:

  environment_name: sample
  cloud_platform: ibm-cloud
  env_id: pluto-01
  ibm_cloud_region: eu-de
  universal_password: very_secure_Passw0rd$
  confirm_destroy: False

If you run the command and specify -e env_id=jupiter-03, this will override the value in the global_config object. The same applies to the other variables.