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OpenLDAP configuration (for demonstration purposes only)🔗

You can install an OpenLDAP service on your OpenShift cluster for demonstration and testing purposes. This way you can experiment with LDAP identity providers in Foundational Services if you don't (yet) have access to an enterprise-ready LDAP service in the organization's infrastructure services.

Note Installing an OpenLDAP server must only be done if you have unrestricted OpenShift Container Platform entitlements. When using the Cloud Pak entitlements for Red Hat OpenShift, installing third-party applications like Bitnami OpenLDAP is not allowed.

Demonstration OpenLDAP configuration - demo_openldap🔗

A demo_ldap resource in the configuration indicates that the Bitname OpenLDAP service is installed on the specified OpenShift cluster. The default OpenShift poject for the OpenLDAP service is openldap. You can install several instances on the same OpenShift cluster if necessary, each with its own name and openldap_project project.

Sample configuration

- name: cp4d-openldap
  openshift_cluster_name: "{{ env_id }}"
  openldap_project: openldap
    ldap_tls: True
    bind_admin_user: cn=admin,dc=cp,dc=internal
    base_dn: dc=cp,dc=internal
    base_dc: cp
    base_domain: cp.internal
    user_ou: Users
    user_id_attribute: uid
    user_display_name_attribute: cn
    user_base_dn: ou=Users,dc=cp,dc=internal
    user_object_class: inetOrgPerson
    group_ou: Groups
    group_id_attribute: cn
    group_display_name_attribute: cn
    group_base_dn: ou=Groups,dc=cp,dc=internal
    group_object_class: groupOfUniqueNames
    group_member_attribute: uniqueMember
  - uid: ttoussaint
    givenName: Tara
    sn: Toussaint
    mail: ttoussaint@cp.internal
  - uid: rramones
    givenName: Rosa
    sn: Ramones
    mail: rramones@cp.internal
    # password: specific_password_for_the_user
  - uid: ssharpe
    givenName: Shelly
    sn: Sharpe
    mail: ssharpe@cp.internal
    # password: specific_password_for_the_user
  - uid: pprimo
    givenName: Paco
    sn: Primo
    mail: pprimo@cp.internal
    # password: specific_password_for_the_user
  - uid: rroller
    givenName: Rico
    sn: Roller
    mail: rroller@cp.internal
    # password: specific_password_for_the_user
  - cn: cp4d-admins
    - uid=ttoussaint,ou=Users,dc=cp,dc=internal
  - cn: cp4d-data-engineers
    - uid=rramones,ou=Users,dc=cp,dc=internal
    - uid=ssharpe,ou=Users,dc=cp,dc=internal
  - cn: cp4d-data-scientists
    - uid=pprimo,ou=Users,dc=cp,dc=internal
    - uid=ssharpe,ou=Users,dc=cp,dc=internal
    - uid=rroller,ou=Users,dc=cp,dc=internal
  state: installed

The above configuration installs the OpenLDAP service in OpenShift project openldap and configures it for domain cp.internal. Subsequently, an LDIF file with the Organization Units, Groups and Users is generated and then the OpenLDAP service is started.

The OpenLDAP name is referenced in the Cloud Pak for Data Access Control resource and this is also where the mapping from LDAP groups to Cloud Pak for Data groups takes place.

Property explanation🔗

Property Description Mandatory Allowed values
name Name of the OpenLDAP server, for reference by zen_access_control Yes
openshift_cluster_name Name of OpenShift cluster into which the OpenLDAP service is installed Yes. if more than 1 openshift resource in the configuration
openldap_project OpenShift project into which the OpenLDAP server is installed No, default is openldap
ldap_config LDAP configuration Yes
.ldap_tls Set to True if the LDAPS protocol just be used to communicate with the LDAP server No False (default), True
.bind_admin_user Distinguished name of the user to bind (login) to the LDAP server Yes
.base_dn Base domain name, specify through dc components Yes
.base_dc First dc component in the base_dn Yes
.base_domain Base domain of the LDAP root, specified as cp.internal Yes
.user_ou Organizational Unit of users, typically Users Yes
.user_id_attribute Attribute used to identify user, typically uid Yes
.user_display_name_attribute Common name of the user, typically cn Yes
.user_base_dn Base domain name of users, typically user_ou, followed by base_dn Yes
.user_object_class Object class of the users, typically inetOrgPerson Yes
.group_ou Organizational Unit of groups, typically Groups Yes
.group_id_attribute Attribte used to idenfity group, typically cn Yes
.group_display_name_attribute Common name of the group, typically cn Yes
.group_base_dn Base domain name of groups, typically group_ou, followed by base_dn Yes
.group_object_class Object class of the gruops, typically groupOfUniqueNames Yes
.group_member_attribute Attribute used for a member (user) of a group, typically uniqueMember Yes
users[] List of users to be added to the LDAP configuration Yes
.uid User identifier that is used to login to the platform Yes
.givenName First name of the user Yes
.sn Surname of the user Yes
.mail e-mail address of the user Yes
.password Password to be assigned to the user. If not specified, the universal password is used No
groups[] List of groups to be added to the LDAP configuration Yes
.cn Group identifier, together with the group_ou and base_dn, this will define the group to map to the Cloud Pak group(s) Yes
.members[] List of user distinguished names to be added as members to the group Yes
state Indicates whether or nog OpenLDAP must be installed Yes installed, removed