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Private registry🔗

In cases where the OpenShift cluster is in an environment with limited internet connectivity, you may want OpenShift to pull Cloud Pak images from a private image registry (aka container registry). There may also be other reasons for choosing a private registry over the entitled registry.

Configuring a private registry🔗

The below steps outline how to configure a private registry for a Cloud Pak deployment. When the image_registry object is referenced by the Cloud Pak object (such as cp4d), the deployer makes the following changes in OpenShift so that images are pulled from the private registry:

  • Global pull secret: The image registry's credentials are retrieved from the vault (the secret name must be image-registry-<name> and an entry for the registry is added to the global pull secret (secret pull-secret in project openshift-config).
  • ImageContentSourcePolicy: This is a mapping between the original location of the image, for example is mapped to
  • Image registry settings: OpenShift keeps image registry settings in custom resource If a private registry with a self-signed certificate is configured, certificate authority's PEM secret must be created as a configmap in the openshift-config project. The deployer uses the vault secret referenced in registry_trusted_ca_secret property to create or update the configmap so that OpenShift can connect to the registry in a secure manner. Alternatively, you add the registry_insecure: true property to pull images without checking the certificate.


Defines a private registry that will be used for pulling the Cloud Pak container images from. Additionally, if the Cloud Pak entitlement key was specified at run time of the deployer, the images defined by the case files will be mirrored to this private registry.

- name: cpd463
  registry_port: 5000
  registry_insecure: false
  registry_trusted_ca_secret: cpd463-ca-bundle


Property Description Mandatory Allowed values
name Name by which the image registry is identified. Yes
registry_host_name Host name or IP address of the registry server Yes
registry_port Port that the image registry listens on. Default is the https port (443) No
registry_namespace Namespace (path) within the registry that holds the Cloud Pak images. Mandatory only when using the IBM Cloud Container Registry (ICR) No
registry_insecure Defines whether insecure registry access with a self-signed certificate is allowed No True, False (default)
registry_trusted_ca_secret Defines the vault secret which holds the certificate authority bundle that must be used when connecting to this private registry. This parameter cannot be specified if registry_insecure is also specified. No


The registry_host_name you specify in the image_registry definition must also be available for DNS lookup within OpenShift. If the registry runs on a server that is not registered in the DNS, use its IP address instead of a host name.

When mirroring images, the deployer connects to the registry using the host name and port. If the port is omitted, the standard https protocol (443) is used. If a registry_namespace is specified, for example when using the IBM Container Registry on IBM Cloud, it will be appended to the registry URL.

The user and password to connect to the registry will be retrieved from the vault, using secret image-registry-<your_image_registry_name> and must be stored in the format registry_user:registry_password. For example, if you want to connect to the image registry cpd404 with user admin and password very_s3cret, you would create a secret as follows: vault set \
  -vs image-registry-cpd463 \
  -vsv "admin:very_s3cret"

If you need to connect to a private registry which is not signed by a public certificate authority, you have two choices: * Store the PEM certificate that that holds the CA bundle in a vault secret and specify that secret for the registry_trusted_ca_secret property. This is the recommended method for private registries. * Specify registry_insecure: false (not recommended): This means that the registry (and port) will be marked as insecure and OpenShift will pull images from it, even if its certificate is self-signed.

For example, if you have a file /tmp/ca.crt with the PEM certificate for the certificate authority, you can do the following: vault set \
  -vs cpd463-ca-bundle \
  -vsf /tmp/ca.crt

This will create a vault secret which the deployer will use to populate a configmap in the openshift-config project, which in turn is referenced by the custom resource. For the above configuration, configmap cpd404-ca-bundle would be created and teh would look something like this:

kind: Image
  name: cluster
    name: cpd463-ca-bundle

Using the IBM Container Registry as a private registry🔗

If you want to use a private registry when running the deployer for a ROKS cluster on IBM Cloud, you must use the IBM Container Registry (ICR) service. The deployer will automatically create the specified namespace in the ICR and set up the credentials accordingly. Configure an image_registry object with the host name of the private registry and the namespace that holds the images. An example of using the ICR as a private registry:

- name: cpd463
  registry_namespace: cpd463

The registry host name must end with and the registry namespace is mandatory. No other properties are needed; the deployer will retrieve them from IBM Cloud.

If you have already created the ICR namespace, create a vault secret for the image registry credentials: vault set \
  -vs image-registry-cpd463
  -vsv "admin:very_s3cret"

An example of configuring the private registry for a cp4d object is below:

- project: cpd-instance
  openshift_cluster_name: {{ env_id }}
  cp4d_version: 4.8.3
  image_registry_name: cpd463

The Cloud Pak for Data installation refers to the cpd463 image_registry object.

If the ibm_cp_entitlement_key secret is in the vault at the time of running the deployer, the required images will be mirrored from the entitled registry to the private registry. If all images are already available in the private registry, just specify the --skip-mirror-images flag when you run the deployer.

Using a private registry for the Cloud Pak installation (non-IBM Cloud)🔗

Configure an image_registry object with the host name of the private registry and some optional properties such as port number, CA certificate and whether insecure access to the registry is allowed.


- name: cpd463
  registry_port: 5000
  registry_insecure: false
  registry_trusted_ca_secret: cpd463-ca-bundle


The registry_host_name you specify in the image_registry definition must also be available for DNS lookup within OpenShift. If the registry runs on a server that is not registered in the DNS, use its IP address instead of a host name.

To create the vault secret for the image registry credentials: vault set \
  -vs image-registry-cpd463
  -vsv "admin:very_s3cret"

To create the vault secret for the CA bundle: vault set \
  -vs cpd463-ca-bundle
  -vsf /tmp/ca.crt

Where ca.crt looks something like this:


An example of configuring the private registry for a cp4d object is below:

- project: cpd-instance
  openshift_cluster_name: {{ env_id }}
  cp4d_version: 4.8.3
  image_registry_name: cpd463

The Cloud Pak for Data installation refers to the cpd463 image_registry object.

If the ibm_cp_entitlement_key secret is in the vault at the time of running the deployer, the required images will be mirrored from the entitled registry to the private registry. If all images are already available in the private registry, just specify the --skip-mirror-images flag when you run the deployer.