User Manual¶
This package runs on Python 3.5+. The current release is available from pypi, you can use pip to install it:
pip install complex-linear-network-analyzer
All dependencies required for the core features will be installed automatically.
Visualization Feature¶
Networks can be visualized using Graphviz. If you intend to use this feature you need to install Graphviz manually and add it to your system path (get Graphviz here). Afterwards use
pip install complex-linear-network-analyzer[Visualization]
to install the COLNA package and all its dependencies, including the Graphviz Python wrapper.
Local installation¶
To get access to the newest and possibly unstable features you can download/clone the repository on your computer and run the following install command in the base directory of the package (ComplexLinearNetworkAnalyzer) to perform a local installation:
pip install .
Create a network object.
from colna.analyticnetwork import Network, Edge, Testbench, SymNum
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Define Network
net = Network()
Add three nodes and edges, some edge properties are defined through symbolic numbers.
# Add three nodes
# Add three edges (with mixed symbolic and numeric values)
net.add_edge(Edge(start='c',end='a', phase=0.5, attenuation=0.6, delay=0.1))
net.add_edge(Edge(start='a', end='b', phase=SymNum('ph_{ab}', default=5, product=False), attenuation=0.95, delay=0.2))
net.add_edge(Edge(start='b', end='c', phase=SymNum('ph_{bc}', default=3, product=False),
attenuation=SymNum('amp_{bc}', default=0.8, product=True), delay=0.1))
If you have installed graphviz, you can visualize the network:
# Visualize the network (if graphviz is installed)
Will create a network visualization that looks as follows:
Create a testbench, send an input signal to the network and register an output node.
# Create a testbench
tb = Testbench(network=net, timestep=0.1)
# Add an input signal
# register an output node
Feed the symbolic values, evaluate the network up to a certain accuracy and calculate and plot the output signals.
# set the feed dictionary for the symbolic numbers
tb.set_feed_dict({'amp_{bc}':0.7, 'ph_{bc}': 3.1, 'ph_{ab}': 4.9})
# evaluate the network (through the testbench)
# Calculate the output signal at the output nodes
t, x = tb.t_out.transpose(), tb.x_out.transpose()
### Plot the Input and Output Signals
plt.plot(tb.input_t[0][:-1], np.abs(tb.input_x[0][:-1]), 'o') # Input signal
plt.plot(t, np.abs(x), 'x') # Output signal
plt.legend(['Input', 'Output C'], loc='lower left')
And output the paths leading to node c, as a string or html file which renders the equations in a human readable way.
# Show paths leading to node c and output waves arriving at node c
tb.model.get_html_result('c', precision=3, path='./visualizations/quickstart.html')
HTML output:
Waves at node c
\(\begin{equation}\begin{split}&0.95 amp_{bc}^1\cdot\exp(j (0 + ph_{ab} \cdot 1 + ph_{bc} \cdot 1))\cdot a_{in}(t-0.3)\\+&0.541 amp_{bc}^2\cdot\exp(j (0.5 + ph_{ab} \cdot 2 + ph_{bc} \cdot 2))\cdot a_{in}(t-0.7)\\+&0.309 amp_{bc}^3\cdot\exp(j (1 + ph_{ab} \cdot 3 + ph_{bc} \cdot 3))\cdot a_{in}(t-1.1)\\+&0.176 amp_{bc}^4\cdot\exp(j (1.5 + ph_{ab} \cdot 4 + ph_{bc} \cdot 4))\cdot a_{in}(t-1.5)\\+&0.1 amp_{bc}^5\cdot\exp(j (2 + ph_{ab} \cdot 5 + ph_{bc} \cdot 5))\cdot a_{in}(t-1.9)\\+&0.0572 amp_{bc}^6\cdot\exp(j (2.5 + ph_{ab} \cdot 6 + ph_{bc} \cdot 6))\cdot a_{in}(t-2.3)\\+&0.0326 amp_{bc}^7\cdot\exp(j (3 + ph_{ab} \cdot 7 + ph_{bc} \cdot 7))\cdot a_{in}(t-2.7)\\+&0.0186 amp_{bc}^8\cdot\exp(j (3.5 + ph_{ab} \cdot 8 + ph_{bc} \cdot 8))\cdot a_{in}(t-3.1)\\+&0.0106 amp_{bc}^9\cdot\exp(j (4 + ph_{ab} \cdot 9 + ph_{bc} \cdot 9))\cdot a_{in}(t-3.5)\\+&0.00603 amp_{bc}^10\cdot\exp(j (4.5 + ph_{ab} \cdot 10 + ph_{bc} \cdot 10))\cdot a_{in}(t-3.9)\\+&0.00344 amp_{bc}^11\cdot\exp(j (5 + ph_{ab} \cdot 11 + ph_{bc} \cdot 11))\cdot a_{in}(t-4.3)\\+&0.00196 amp_{bc}^12\cdot\exp(j (5.5 + ph_{ab} \cdot 12 + ph_{bc} \cdot 12))\cdot a_{in}(t-4.7)\\+&0.00112 amp_{bc}^13\cdot\exp(j (6 + ph_{ab} \cdot 13 + ph_{bc} \cdot 13))\cdot a_{in}(t-5.1)\\+&0.000637 amp_{bc}^14\cdot\exp(j (6.5 + ph_{ab} \cdot 14 + ph_{bc} \cdot 14))\cdot a_{in}(t-5.5)\\+&0.000363 amp_{bc}^15\cdot\exp(j (7 + ph_{ab} \cdot 15 + ph_{bc} \cdot 15))\cdot a_{in}(t-5.9)\\\end{split}\end{equation}\)
Simple Network¶
The fundamental class of the COLNA module is the Network
class. The network class describes
the network through which we propagate a signal. Networks are defined by nodes and edges (class Edge
You can create a network by instantiating a new Network
from colna.analyticnetwork import Network
net = Network()
>>> <colna.analyticnetwork.Network object at 0x...>
You can add nodes and edges to the network using its add_node()
and add_edge()
To create edges you need to import the Edge
class as well.
from colna.analyticnetwork import Network, Edge
net = Network()
The add_node()
method takes a node name as argument, add_edge()
takes an Edge
object as
argument. The Edge initializer takes the name of the start and end node (by node name) and edge properties (phase, attenuation and delay).
The network initialized before looks as follows.
The labels at the edges give the attenuation (a), phase (p) and delay (d) of the respective edge.¶
In the next step you should add a constant input and then you can evaluate the network.
net.add_input(name='a',amplitude=1.0, phase=0)
The add_input()
method takes the name of the node where the constant signal is injected and it’s amplitude and phase.
The evaluate()
evaluates the network, which means it computes all paths leading from the input node(s) to each node.
You can print the evaluated paths using the get_path()
, which takes a node name as argument.
print('paths leading to c:', net.get_paths('c'))
print('paths leading to d:', net.get_paths('d'))
>>> paths leading to c: ['-a-b-c']
>>> paths leading to d: ['-a-b-d']
You can calculate the waves arriving at the output node, for this we use the
print('waves arriving at c:', net.get_result('c'))
print('waves arriving at d:', net.get_result('d'))
>>> waves arriving at c: [(0.48, 3, 3.0)]
>>> waves arriving at d: [(0.32000000000000006, 4, 4.0)]
You can also retrive the waves arriving at the nodes as a LaTeX string:
print('latex string for waves arriving at c:', net.get_latex_result('c'))
>>> latex string for waves arriving at c: 0.48\cdot\exp(j 3)\cdot a_{in}(t-3.0)
Or if you want you can even generate an html file, that renders the output equations using MathJax .
net.get_html_result(['c','d'], precision=2, path='./visualizations/feedforward.html')
Results in the following output:
Waves at node c
\(\begin{equation}\begin{split}&0.48\cdot\exp(j (3))\cdot a_{in}(t-3)\\\end{split}\end{equation}\)
Waves at node d
\(\begin{equation}\begin{split}&0.32\cdot\exp(j (4))\cdot a_{in}(t-4)\\\end{split}\end{equation}\)
If you have installed the visualization feature (see Installation), you can visualize the graph by running:
The visualization method creates a dot file (at the given output path) and renders it into a pdf file, using Graphviz. The resulting visualization is shown in the figure above.
So far we have only injected constant signals into the network. To inject time dependant signals, we can use a Testbench
The Testbench is used to inject signals to nodes of the network and read the output. This is illustrated in the figure
You can create a testbench as follows:
tb = Testbench(network=net, timestep=0.1) # Timestep should be factor of all delays
The testbench initialization method takes two arguments: The network to which the signals should be injected and a timestep. The timestep is the time interval, at which the output signal is computed. Choose the timestep such that all delays present in the network are an integer multiple of the timestep.
You can create an input signal and add it to the testbench, using the add_input_sequence()
x_in_a = np.sin(np.linspace(0,15,500))+1.5 # create the input signal (Dimensino N)
t_in = np.linspace(0, 10, num=501) # create the input time vector (Dimension N+1)
The add_input_sequence()
method takes three arguments: the name of the node where the signal should be injected, the signal value (x) and a time vector (t).
The value x[n] is injected to the input node during the right-open time interval [t[n], t[n+1]). Therefore the time vector has dimension N+1 for a signal of length N.
The input signal will be resampled to match the timestep of the testbench.
When computing the signal transmission through the network, the testbench will only store the signals at nodes on the output recording list.
You can use the add_output_node()
method to add a node to the output recording list.
# add output nodes to testbench (nodes at which output signal should be recorded)
The network can be evaluated through the testbench using the evaluate_network()
method. After the evaluation, you can compute the output signals at the output nodes using the
# evaluate the network (through the testbench)
# Calculate the output signal at the output nodes
tb.calculate_output(n_threads=8) # uses multithreading with at most 8 threads
t, x = tb.t_out.transpose(), tb.x_out.transpose()
To speed up the calculation of the output signals COLNA uses multithreading, you can specify the maximum number of threads as needed.
After calling calculate_output()
the testbench object will contain the resulting node output in the x_out, t_out attribute.
In addition the resampled input signal is available through input_t, input_x attribute.
You can plot the signals using Matplotlib as follows. The resulting plot is shown below.
plt.plot(tb.input_t[0][:-1], np.abs(tb.input_x[0][:-1]), 'o') # Input signal
plt.plot(t, np.abs(x), 'x') # Output signal
plt.legend(['Input', 'Output C', 'Output D'], loc='best')
As expected, the signal at node C is delayed by 3 time units, the signal add node D by 4 time units.
The full code for this example is provided in the examples directory (/examples/
Recurrent Network¶
COLNA supports the analysis of recurrent connections (loops) in the network. COLNA computes all paths leading from input nodes to output nodes (including the recurrent paths) down to a certain accuracy threshold.
If a network contains recurrent paths (loops), the user must ensure that there is no gain in the network (i.e. attenuation < 1), otherwise the amplitude at the output will never fall below the threshold.
The code below creates a small recurrent network with 4 nodes (cyclic connection).
from colna.analyticnetwork import Network, Edge
###Define Network
nodes = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']
edges = [Edge('a', 'b', phase=0.5, attenuation=0.95, delay=1.0),
Edge('b', 'c', phase=1, attenuation=0.9, delay=2.0),
Edge('c', 'd', phase=0.2, attenuation=0.98, delay=0.5),
Edge('d', 'a', phase=-0.5, attenuation=0.8, delay=1.5)]
net = Network()
for node in nodes:
for edge in edges:
net.add_input('a', amplitude=1.0)
The network is visualized below.
When evaluating the network you can specify the amplitude_cutoff limit. When the amplitude of the current analyzed path falls below this limit, the evaluation of the current path will be stopped. The evaluation ends, when all paths fall below the threshold. In our example a lower cutoff level leads to more cycles through the recurrent path.
The amplitude_cutoff defines the amplitude, at which the analysis of the path will be stopped. The accuracy at the output can be lower than this value, as multiple paths might lead to the same output!
Let’s take a look at the paths leading to node a:
print('paths leading to a:', net.get_paths('a'))
print('waves arriving at a:', net.get_result('a'))
>>> paths leading to a: ['-a', '-a-b-c-d-a', '-a-b-c-d-a-b-c-d-a', '-a-b-c-d-a-b-c-d-a-b-c-d-a', '-a-b-c-d-a-b-c-d-a-b-c-d-a-b-c-d-a', '-a-b-c-d-a-b-c-d-a-b-c-d-a-b-c-d-a-b-c-d-a']
>>> waves arriving at a: [(1.0, 0.0, 0.0), (0.67032, 1.2, 5.0), (0.4493289024, 2.4000000000000004, 10.0), (0.301194149856768, 3.6000000000000005, 15.0), (0.20189646253198876, 4.800000000000001, 20.0), (0.1353352367644427, 6.000000000000001, 25.0)]
As you can see, the input signal is injected at node a; then it cycles through the recurrent path multiple times. Through each cycle the amplitude is reduced by a factor of \(0.95 \cdot 0.9 \cdot 0.98 \cdot 0.8 \approx 0.67\). After 6 cycles the amplitude falls below 0.1 (\(0.67^6 \approx 0.09\)) and the evaluation is stopped.
If we would have gain in the loop, the signal would never fall below the threshold and the evaluation would run forever. Avoid gain in the loop as it leads to an infinitely long evaluation process.
The full code for this example is provided in the examples directory (/examples/ An example of a recurrent network with a testbench is also given there (/examples/basic_recurrent_with_testbench).
Symbolic Numbers¶
COLNA supports the use of symbolic numbers (variables) for all edge properties. The network evaluation with symbolic numbers is slower, but the values can be feed after the evaluation when the output is computed. Feeding variables is much faster than evaluating the full network multiple times with different edge parameters. Additionally, the use of symbolic numbers allows to extract an analytic description of the network output.
COLNA symbolic numbers are provided through the SymNum
class. The following code snippet creats two symbolic numbers and mulitplies them together:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 | # +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
# | Copyright 2019-2020 IBM Corp. All Rights Reserved. |
# | |
# | Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); |
# | you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. |
# | You may obtain a copy of the License at |
# | |
# | |
# | |
# | Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
>>> 1.0 * a1**1
>>> 1.0 * a2**1
>>> 1.0 * a1**1 * a2**1
SymNum’s can either be additive or multiplicative, their behaviour is controlled through the product argument (product = True: mulitiplicative variable, product = False: additative variable).
In the example above we created two multiplicative, symbolic numbers and multiplied them together. As you might have noticed, SymNum takes not
only the variable name but also a default numeric value as arguments.
To evaluate the symbolic numbers use the SymNums eval()
method. Take a look at the four different variants
that we can use to compute the numeric value:
Evaluate without feed dictionary and use defaults
print(amp3.eval(feed_dict=None, use_shared_default=False))
>>> 0.4
If we do not provide a feed dictionary and we set the use_shared_default argument to false, the default values of the SymNums will be used for the evaluation. So in this case, eval computes \(0.5\cdot0.8=0.4\).
Evaluate without feed dictionary and use shared defaults
# Evaluate without feed dictionary, but use shared defaults
print('amp3 shared default: ', amp3.shared_default)
print(amp3.eval(feed_dict=None, use_shared_default=True))
>>> amp3 shared default: 0.8
>>> 0.64
If we do not provide a feed dictionary and we set the use_shared_default argument to true, SymNum will assume that all symbolic values are set to the shared_default value of the SymNum which is evaluated. The shared_default value is initialized automatically to be the same as the default value. If we add or multiply two SymNum’s a new SymNum is generated. It’s shared_default value will be the maximum of the shared_default values of the two SymNum’s which are added or multiplied together.
So in this case the shared default of amp3 is set to 0.8 and eval returns \(0.8\cdot0.8=0.64\). Evaluating a symbolic expression with use_shared_default is faster than using individual default values, this can be helpful when very large or recurrent networks need to be evaluated.
Evaluate with feed dictionary
feed = {'a1': 2, 'a2': 3}
>>> 6.0
If we provide a feed dictionary, eval will replace the symbolic numbers by the feed values (independent of use_shared_default setting). In this case, eval returns \(2\cdot3=6.0\).
Evaluate with partial feed dictionary
feed = {'a2': 3}
>>> 1.5
If we provide a partial feed dictionary, eval will replace the symbolic numbers present in the feed dictionary by the feed values and all others by their default value (independent of use_shared_default setting). In this case, eval returns \(3\cdot3=9.0\).
Symbolic Networks¶
Simple Symbolic Network¶
We can use symbolic numbers (SymNum
) for the edge properties of our network. Below is an example using the same network topology as the network discussed in Simple Network.
However, for some edge properties symbolic numbers are used.
from colna.analyticnetwork import Network, Edge, SymNum, Testbench
amp1 = SymNum(name='a1', default=1.5, product=True)
amp2 = SymNum(name='a2', default=2.0, product=True)
phi1 = SymNum(name='phi1', default=2.0, product=False)
phi2 = SymNum(name='phi2', default=3.0, product=False)
net = Network()
net.add_input(name='a',amplitude=1.0, phase=0)
net.evaluate(use_shared_default=False, feed_dict=None)
# print the waves arriving at node c and d
print('waves arriving at c:', net.get_result('c'))
print('waves arriving at d:', net.get_result('d'))
>>> waves arriving at c: [(<SymNum{1.0 * a1**1 * a2**1}>, <SymNum{0.0 + phi1*1 + phi2*1}>, 3.0)]
>>> waves arriving at d: [(<SymNum{0.4 * a1**1}>, <SymNum{3.0 + phi1*1}>, 4.0)]
or using the get_html_result()
we get the following rendered output:
Waves at node c
\(\begin{equation}\begin{split}&1.0 a1^1 a2^1\cdot\exp(j (0.0 + phi1 \cdot 1 + phi2 \cdot 1))\cdot a_{in}(t-3.0)\\\end{split}\end{equation}\)
Waves at node d
\(\begin{equation}\begin{split}&0.4 a1^1\cdot\exp(j (3.0 + phi1 \cdot 1))\cdot a_{in}(t-4.0)\\\end{split}\end{equation}\)
returns a symbolic representation of the waves arriving at node c and d. The use_shared_default and a feed dictionary arguments are used for the evaluation of the network. They are defined in the same way as in the SymNum.eval()
method. This settings are especially important when we work with recurrent
loops in the network, as the cutoff criterion will be evaluated based on the evaluated numeric value of the symbolic numbers.
Once again you can use the three different versions:
feed_dict=None, use_shared_default=True
: Do not provide a feed dictionary and set the values of all symbolic numbers to the largest shared_default member of the symbolic numbers under evaluation (faster)
feed_dict=None, use_shared_default=False
: Do not provide a feed dictionary and set the value of each symbolic number to its default value (more accurate)
feed_dict=feed dictionary
: The values of each symbolic number is set to the value given in the feed dicitionary. If a partial feed dictionary is used, missing symbolic numbers are set to their default values.
Independent of the parameters, evaluate()
will always compute the symbolic representation of the network,
the feed values are only used for the evaluation of the cutoff criterion.
We can evaluate the symbolic expression using the Network.get_evaluated_result()
# Evaluation with a feed dictionary
feed = {'a1': 1, 'a2': 2, 'phi1': 2, 'phi2': 4}
print('Waves arriving at c:', net.get_eval_result(name='c',feed_dict=None,use_shared_default=False), '\n')
>>> Waves arriving at c: [(2.0, 6.0, 3.0)]
As an alternative we could also use the SymNum.eval()
as discussed in the Symbolic Numbers section.
# Evaluation with a feed dictionary
feed = {'a1': 1, 'a2': 2, 'phi1': 2, 'phi2': 4}
waves = [tuple([w.eval(feed_dict=feed, use_shared_default=True) if hasattr(w,'eval') else w for w in inner]) for inner in net.get_result('c')]
print('Waves arriving at c:', waves, '\n')
>>> Waves arriving at c: [(2.0, 6.0, 3.0)]
Symbolic Network with Testbench¶
SymNum based networks can be used together with a Testbench
The use_shared_default parameter of the Testbench.evaluate_network()
and Testbench.calculate_output()
works as discussed
previously for the Network.evaluate()
method. The main difference is, that the feed_dict is an attribute of the Testbench
object instead of an argument of the method.
The full code example is given in /examples/, here we just show the relevant changes.
### Create a testbench with a feed dictionary
tb = Testbench(network=net, timestep=0.1, feed_dict={'a1':0.2,'a2':1.5,'phi1':2,'phi2':3})
# evaluate the network (through the testbench)
# Calculate the output signal at the output nodes
tb.calculate_output(n_threads=8, use_shared_default=False)
t, x = tb.t_out.transpose(), tb.x_out.transpose()
# Set a different feed dict and recompute the
tb.calculate_output(n_threads=8, use_shared_default=False)
As you can see, it is possible to change the feed dictionary after evaluating the network. The new output can be computed without evaluating the network again!
Keep in mind that for recurrent networks, the cutoff criterion for the network evaluation was based either on local or shared default settings of the symbolic numbers or on a specific feed dictionary used during the evaluation. This means that the accuracy of the network output might be lowered if a feed dictionary with smaller attenuation in the feedback loops is used!
Physical Networks¶
PhysicalNetwork is a child class of Network that allows for a more natural implementation of physical (hardware) networks.
Physical networks are made out of Device
s and DeviceLink
s, which connect devices.
Devices and Devicelinks¶
A Device
has a number of input and output nodes (ports) and the input-to-output relation is given by a scattering matrix
and a fixed delay. Device is a child class of network. It provides convenience methods to create the device from it’s complex
scattering matrix (matrix describing input-output relation). Nodes are renamed automatically, based on the device type,
device name and port number.
A DeviceLink
is an edge that connects to devices. Devicelinks are given the name of source and target device as well as
source and target node within the device. Otherwise they function like the parent class Edge
A simple example of a physical network using devices and devicelinks is given below:
from colna.analyticnetwork import PhysicalNetwork, Device, DeviceLink
import numpy as np
# define a physical network
physnet = PhysicalNetwork()
# create a splitter and a combiner Device based on their scattering matrix
splitter = Device(name='0', devicetype='Splitter', scattering_matrix=np.array([[1 / np.sqrt(2), 1 / np.sqrt(2)]]),
combiner = Device(name='0', devicetype='Combiner', scattering_matrix=np.array([[1 / np.sqrt(2)], [1 / np.sqrt(2)]]),
# add input and output nodes to the devices
# add the devices to the physical network
# connect the devices using two DeviceLinks
DeviceLink(startdevice='0', startdevicetype='Splitter', startnode='o0', enddevicetype='Combiner', enddevice='0',
endnode='i0', phase=5 * np.pi, attenuation=0.5, delay=2))
DeviceLink(startdevice='0', startdevicetype='Splitter', startnode='o1', enddevicetype='Combiner', enddevice='0',
endnode='i1', phase=6 * np.pi, attenuation=0.7, delay=3)
# visualize the full and simplified
physnet.visualize(full_graph=True, path='PhysicalNetworkFull')
physnet.visualize(full_graph=False, path='PhysicalNetworkSimplified')
# evaluate network
out = physnet.get_outputs()
>>> [[(0.24999999999999994, 15.707963267948966, 4.0), (0.3499999999999999, 18.84955592153876, 5.0)]]
Visualization of physical networks supports two level of abstraction, either the device networks are simplified to a box or they can be shown as a full network as well. See the visualization below.
Simplified visualization of physical network.¶
Full visualization of physical network.¶