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Simplified APIs for invoking transforms

Current transform invocation, requires defining transform parameters, passing them to sys.argv and then invoking launcher (runtime specific) with transform/runtime specific configuration (see for example NOOP Python invocation, NOOP Ray invocation and NOOP Spark invocation).

Simplified APIs, described here make invocations a little simpler by eliminating the need for the boilerplate code. Currently we provide 2 APIs for simplified transform invocation: * execute_python_transform * execute_ray_transform

Both APIs look the same, defining runtime in the API name and accept the following parameters: * transform name * transforms configuration object (see below) * input_folder containing data to be processed, currently can be local file system or S3 compatible * output_folder defining where execution results will be placed, currently can be local file system or S3 compatible * S3 configuration, required only for input/output folders in S3 * transform params - a dictionary of transform specific parameters

APIs returns True if transform execution succeeds or False otherwise

APIs implementation is leveraging TransformsConfiguration class which manages configurations of all existing transforms. By default transforms information is loaded from this json file, but can be overwritten by the user.

Additionally configuration provides the method for listing existing (known) transforms.

Finally, as configurator knows about all existing transforms (and their dependencies) it checks whether transform is code is installed locally and install it if it is not (using PipInstaller). If transforms are installed, they are removed after transform execution is complete.

An example of the APIs usage can be found in this notebook.

Creation and usage of configuration:

from data_processing.utils import TransformsConfiguration

t_configuration = TransformsConfiguration()
transforms = t_configuration.get_available_transforms()

Invoking Python transform:

code_location = {"github": "github", "commit_hash": "12345", "path": "path"}

runtime_python_params = {
    "runtime_pipeline_id": "pipeline_id",
    "runtime_job_id": "job_id",
    "runtime_code_location": ParamsUtils.convert_to_ast(code_location),
input_folder = os.path.abspath(zip_input_folder)
output_folder =  os.path.abspath(parquet_data_output)
supported_languages_file = os.path.abspath("../../../transforms/code/code2parquet/python/test-data/languages/lang_extensions.json")

ingest_config = {
    "data_files_to_use": ast.literal_eval("['.zip']"),
    "code2parquet_supported_langs_file": supported_languages_file,
    "code2parquet_detect_programming_lang": True,

    configuration = t_configuration,
    params=runtime_python_params | ingest_config

In the fragment above, we first define Python runtime parameters. Most of them are defaulted, so their use is optional (only if we need to overwrite them). Then we define input/output folder and location of the support file. We also define code to parquet specific parameters and finally invoke the transform itself. Note here, that runtime_python_params can be defined once and then reused across several Python transform invocation.

Invoking Python transform:

runtime_ray_params = {
    "runtime_worker_options": ParamsUtils.convert_to_ast(worker_options),
    "runtime_num_workers": 3,
    "runtime_pipeline_id": "pipeline_id",
    "runtime_job_id": "job_id",
    "runtime_creation_delay": 0,
    "runtime_code_location": ParamsUtils.convert_to_ast(code_location),

ededup_config = {
    "ededup_hash_cpu": 0.5,
    "ededup_num_hashes": 2,
    "ededup_doc_column": "contents",

    configuration = t_configuration,
    params=runtime_ray_params | ededup_config

In the fragment above, we first define Ray runtime parameters. Most of them are defaulted, so their use is optional (only if we need to overwrite them). Then we define input/output folder and ededup specific parameters and finally invoke the transform itself. Note here, that runtime_ray_params can be defined once and then reused across several Python transform invocation.