Running on Google Colab
Google Colab is free hosted Jupyter environment.
Here are some tips for running data prep kit application code on Google Colab.
How to Determine if We are Running on Colab?
Use one of these code snippets
import os
if os.getenv("COLAB_RELEASE_TAG"):
print("Running in Colab")
print("NOT in Colab")
Installing Dependencies
We need to install data prep kit and libraries in Colab
! pip install --default-timeout=100 data-prep-toolkit-transforms-ray==0.2.1.dev3
Downloading Data Files on Colab
Ray Runtime Settings
These are some recommended settings for running RAY based notebooks. You can use these as starting points and tweak for your application
It is recommended to set cpu per worker (RAY_NUM_CPUS) to a low number. Otherwise Ray jobs seem to hang and will not complete.
Fuzzy Dedupe Settings
Start with the following settings before launching fuzzy dedupe job.
Here is the infrastructure section for fuzzy dedupe. Again we recommend to keep CPU share low.
# infrastructure
"fdedup_bucket_cpu": 0.3,
"fdedup_doc_cpu": 0.3,
"fdedup_mhash_cpu": 0.3,
"fdedup_num_doc_actors": 1,
"fdedup_num_bucket_actors": 1,
"fdedup_num_minhash_actors": 1,
"fdedup_num_preprocessors": 1,
Here is full code for completeness
local_conf = {
"input_folder": input_folder,
"output_folder": output_folder,
worker_options = {"num_cpus" : RAY_NUM_CPUS}
params = {
# where to run
"run_locally": True,
# Data access. Only required parameters are specified
"data_local_config": ParamsUtils.convert_to_ast(local_conf),
# Orchestration parameters
"runtime_worker_options": ParamsUtils.convert_to_ast(worker_options),
"runtime_num_workers": RAY_RUNTIME_WORKERS,
# columns used
"fdedup_doc_column": "contents",
"fdedup_id_column": "int_id_column",
"fdedup_cluster_column": "hash_column",
# infrastructure
"fdedup_bucket_cpu": 0.3,
"fdedup_doc_cpu": 0.3,
"fdedup_mhash_cpu": 0.3,
"fdedup_num_doc_actors": 1,
"fdedup_num_bucket_actors": 1,
"fdedup_num_minhash_actors": 1,
"fdedup_num_preprocessors": 1,
# fuzzy parameters
"fdedup_num_permutations": 64,
"fdedup_threshold": 0.7,
"fdedup_shingles_size": 5,
"fdedup_delimiters": " "
# Pass commandline params
sys.argv = ParamsUtils.dict_to_req(d=params)
launcher = RayTransformLauncher(FdedupRayTransformConfiguration())
return_code = launcher.launch()