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Chunk documents Transform

Please see the set of transform project conventions for details on general project conventions, transform configuration, testing and IDE set up.


  • Michele Dolfi (


This transform is chunking documents. It supports multiple chunker modules (see the chunking_type parameter).

When using documents converted to JSON, the transform leverages the Docling Core HierarchicalChunker to chunk according to the document layout segmentation, i.e. respecting the original document components as paragraphs, tables, enumerations, etc. It relies on documents converted with the Docling library in the pdf2parquet transform using the option contents_type: "application/json", which provides the required JSON structure.

When using documents converted to Markdown, the transform leverages the Llama Index MarkdownNodeParser, which is relying on its internal Markdown splitting logic.


input column name data type description
the one specified in content_column_name configuration string the content used in this transform

Output format

The output parquet file will contain all the original columns, but the content will be replaced with the individual chunks.

Tracing the origin of the chunks

The transform allows to trace the origin of the chunk with the source_doc_id which is set to the value of the document_id column (if present) in the input table. The actual name of columns can be customized with the parameters described below.


The transform can be tuned with the following parameters.

Parameter Default Description
chunking_type dl_json Chunking type to apply. Valid options are li_markdown for using the LlamaIndex Markdown chunking, dl_json for using the Docling JSON chunking, li_token_text for using the LlamaIndex Token Text Splitter, which chunks the text into fixed-sized windows of tokens.
content_column_name contents Name of the column containing the text to be chunked.
doc_id_column_name document_id Name of the column containing the doc_id to be propagated in the output.
chunk_size_tokens 128 Size of the chunk in tokens for the token text chunker.
chunk_overlap_tokens 30 Number of tokens overlapping between chunks for the token text chunker.
output_chunk_column_name contents Column name to store the chunks in the output table.
output_source_doc_id_column_name source_document_id Column name to store the doc_id from the input table.
output_jsonpath_column_name doc_jsonpath Column name to store the document path of the chunk in the output table.
output_pageno_column_name page_number Column name to store the page number of the chunk in the output table.
output_bbox_column_name bbox Column name to store the bbox of the chunk in the output table.


Launched Command Line Options

When invoking the CLI, the parameters must be set as --doc_chunk_<name>, e.g. --doc_chunk_column_name_key=myoutput.

Code example

See a sample notebook

Transforming data using the transform image

To use the transform image to transform your data, please refer to the running images quickstart, substituting the name of this transform image and runtime as appropriate.


Following the testing strategy of data-processing-lib

Currently we have: - Unit test

Further Resource

Chunk documents Ray Transform


This project wraps the doc_chunck transform python implementation with a Ray runtime.

Configuration and command line Options

chunk documents configuration and command line options are the same as for the base python transform.

Launched Command Line Options

In addition to those available to the transform as defined above, the set of launcher options are available.

Transforming data using the transform image

To use the transform image to transform your data, please refer to the running images quickstart, substituting the name of this transform image and runtime as appropriate.