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Ingest PDF to Parquet Transform

Please see the set of transform project conventions for details on general project conventions, transform configuration, testing and IDE set up.


  • Michele Dolfi (


This tranforms iterate through document files or zip of files and generates parquet files containing the converted document in Markdown or JSON format.

The PDF conversion is using the Docling package. The Docling configuration in DPK is tuned for best results when running large batch ingestions. For more details on the multiple configuration options, please refer to the official Docling documentation.

Input files

This transform supports the following input formats:

  • PDF documents
  • DOCX documents
  • PPTX presentations
  • Image files (png, jpeg, etc)
  • HTML pages
  • Markdown documents
  • ASCII Docs documents

The input documents can be provided in a folder structure, or as a zip archive. Please see the configuration section for specifying the input files.

Output format

The output table will contain following columns

output column name data type description
source_filename string the basename of the source archive or file
filename string the basename of the PDF file
contents string the content of the PDF
document_id string the document id, a random uuid4
document_hash string the document hash of the input content
ext string the detected file extension
hash string the hash of the contents column
size string the size of contents
date_acquired date the date when the transform was executing
num_pages number number of pages in the PDF
num_tables number number of tables in the PDF
num_doc_elements number number of document elements in the PDF
pdf_convert_time float time taken to convert the document in seconds


The transform can be initialized with the following parameters.

Parameter Default Description
data_files_to_use - The files extensions to be considered when running the transform. Example value ['.pdf','.docx','.pptx','.zip']. For all the supported input formats, see the section above.
batch_size -1 Number of documents to be saved in the same result table. A value of -1 will generate one result file for each input file.
artifacts_path Path where to Docling models artifacts are located, if unset they will be downloaded and fetched from the HF_HUB_CACHE folder.
contents_type text/markdown The output type for the contents column. Valid types are text/markdown, text/plain and application/json.
do_table_structure True If true, detected tables will be processed with the table structure model.
do_ocr True If true, optical character recognition (OCR) will be used to read the content of bitmap parts of the document.
ocr_engine easyocr The OCR engine to use. Valid values are easyocr, tesseract, tesseract_cli.
bitmap_area_threshold 0.05 Threshold for running OCR on bitmap figures embedded in document. The threshold is computed as the fraction of the area covered by the bitmap, compared to the whole page area.
pdf_backend dlparse_v2 The PDF backend to use. Valid values are dlparse_v2, dlparse_v1, pypdfium2.
double_precision 8 If set, all floating points (e.g. bounding boxes) are rounded to this precision. For tests it is advised to use 0.


    "data_files_to_use": ast.literal_eval("['.pdf','.docx','.pptx','.zip']"),
    "contents_type": "application/json",
    "do_ocr": True,


Launched Command Line Options

When invoking the CLI, the parameters must be set as --pdf2parquet_<name>, e.g. --pdf2parquet_do_ocr=true.

Running the samples

To run the samples, use the following make targets

  • run-cli-sample - runs src/ using command line args
  • run-local-sample - runs src/
  • run-local-python-sample - runs src/

These targets will activate the virtual environment and set up any configuration needed. Use the -n option of make to see the detail of what is done to run the sample.

For example,

make run-local-python-sample
ls output
To see results of the transform.

Code example

TBD (link to the notebook will be provided)

See the sample script src/

Transforming data using the transform image

To use the transform image to transform your data, please refer to the running images quickstart, substituting the name of this transform image and runtime as appropriate.


Following the testing strategy of data-processing-lib

Currently we have: - Unit test - Integration test


The PDF document conversion is developed by the AI for Knowledge group in IBM Research Zurich. The main package is Docling.