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OpenShift Service Mesh for Example Bank

Example Bank diagram

Part 1: Deploy Example Bank

Login and checkout Example Bank github repo.

oc login
ibmcloud login -u <account name>
git clone
oc new-project example-bank

cd example-bank/scripts/
./ <AppId Management Server URL> <API Key>
* Note: Verify the creditdb database pod is in Running state before running the SQL schema loader.

Deploy front end service and SQL data schema.

oc apply -f deployment.yaml
oc apply -f data_model/job.yaml

Verify schema loaded to ensure the database is ready to use.

oc logs cc-schema-load-<pod>

Deploy back-end services:

oc apply -f bank-app-backend/transaction-service/deployment.yaml -f bank-app-backend/user-service/deployment.yaml

Deploy the Serverless (knative) service.

cd bank-knative-service/
oc apply -f deployment.yaml
Verify it's running:

oc get kservice

At this point we can verify the app is running prior to setting up service mesh. We are using an OpenShift route.

oc get routes
Visit URL for the mobile simulator route.

Part 2: Service Mesh Setup

Open up the OpenShift console, navigate to the the OperatorHub, install operators in this order:

  1. Elastic Search (choose version 4.3)
  2. Jaeger Operator
  3. Kiali
  4. Service Mesh Operator

Create a new project called istio-system.

Go to installed operators, and wait until they become available in this namespace.

While waiting, check out the service-mesh branch:

git checkout service-mesh

### Next steps:

- Create Control Plane instance.

- Create ServiceMeshMemberRolls

Verify install: 

```oc get smmr -o yaml --all-namespaces | egrep -A2 'ControlPlane|configuredMembers'```

Open up a second terminal to watch pods: `watch -n1 oc get pods`

Deploy with sidecar enabled:
oc apply -f bank-app-backend/user-service/deployment.yaml -f bank-app-backend/transaction-service/deployment.yaml -f deployment.yaml
Patch database pod to inject the Istio sidecar.
kubectl patch deployments.apps creditdb -p '{"spec":{"template":{"metadata":{"annotations":{"":"true"}}}}}'
Delete route and replace with Istio ingress gateway:
oc delete routes --all oc apply -f bank-istio-gw.yaml
Force mTLS between database and other services:
oc apply -f bank-istio-policy.yaml -f bank-istio-destination-mtls.yaml
Enable knative-serving with Istio.
This sets the appropriate labels in the `knative-serving` namespace allowing the knative service to be triggered.

Redeploy the knative service with the Istio sidecar annotation.
oc apply -f bank-knative-service/network.yaml oc apply -f bank-knative-service/deployment.yaml
>  We are updating the cleanup utility because we need to send a signal to the Envoy sidecar to exit after the job completes.
oc delete -f bank-user-cleanup-utility/job.yaml oc apply -f bank-user-cleanup-utility/job.yaml ```

Expose access via OpenShift secured route. Go to istio-system namespace in Admin console.

Set port 80 -> 8080, Edge, Redirect. Default OpenShift certs can be used, or you can upload your own certificates.

Click on URL, e.g.

Click on "Padlock" to examine certs.

Use bank simulator. Note that all relevant pods have extra container.

Open up Kiali from App square to view traffic flow.



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