Source code for dse_do_utils.mapmanager

# Copyright IBM All Rights Reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

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# MapManager
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from typing import List, Tuple

from folium import folium, Marker
from folium.plugins import BeautifyIcon

[docs]class MapManager(object): """Base class for building Folium map visualization. Currently, the functionality is limited, but may be extended in the future. Work-around for multi-line in popup: Popup work-around:: popup = ( "Time: {time}<br>" "Speed: {speed} km/h<br>" ).format('%H:%M'), speed=str(round(row['spd'],2)) Tooltip doesn't yet work in 0.50.0:<br> Update: in 0.6.0 (WSL1.2.3) it does seem to work! """ kansas_city_coord = [39.085594, -94.585241] # Kansas City, roughly the geographic center of the USA def __init__(self, data_manager=None, location=None, zoom_start=1, width='100%', height='100%', layer_control_position='topleft'): import folium # Import here so that you only do the import if you are actually using this class = data_manager self.location = location self.zoom_start = zoom_start self.width = width self.height = height self.layer_control_position = layer_control_position
[docs] def create_blank_map(self): import folium m = folium.Map(location=self.location, zoom_start=self.zoom_start, tiles='cartodbpositron', width=self.width, height=self.height) return m
[docs] def add_layer_control(self, m): import folium # Typical value = `topleft` if self.layer_control_position is not None: folium.LayerControl(position=self.layer_control_position).add_to(m)
[docs] @staticmethod def add_full_screen(m): """Adds a full-screen button in the top-left corner of the map. Unfortunately, the full-screen doesn't work in a Jupyter cell. Seems to work ok here:""" from folium import plugins plugins.Fullscreen(position='topleft', title='Expand me', title_cancel='Exit me', force_separate_button=True).add_to(m)
#--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Arrows #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] @staticmethod def get_bearing(p1, p2): """ Returns compass bearing from p1 to p2 Parameters p1 : namedtuple with lat lon p2 : namedtuple with lat lon Return compass bearing of type float Notes Based on """ import numpy as np long_diff = np.radians(p2.lon - p1.lon) lat1 = np.radians( lat2 = np.radians( x = np.sin(long_diff) * np.cos(lat2) y = (np.cos(lat1) * np.sin(lat2) - (np.sin(lat1) * np.cos(lat2) * np.cos(long_diff))) bearing = np.degrees(np.arctan2(x, y)) # adjusting for compass bearing if bearing < 0: return bearing + 360 return bearing
[docs] @staticmethod def get_arrows(locations, color='blue', size=6, n_arrows=3, add_to=None): """Add arrows to a hypothetical line between the first 2 locations in the locations list. Get a list of correctly placed and rotated arrows/markers to be plotted. Args: locations : List of lists of lat lon that represent the start and end of the line. eg [[41.1132, -96.1993],[41.3810, -95.8021]] The locations is a list so that it matches the input for the folium.PolyLine. color : Whatever folium can use. Default is 'blue' size : Size of arrow. Default is 6 n_arrows : Number of arrows to create. Default is 3. add_to: map or FeatureGroup the arrows are added to. Returns: list of arrows/markers Based on: """ # TODO: generalize so that locations can be any length >=2, i.e. a PolyLine with more than 1 section. import folium from collections import namedtuple import numpy as np Point = namedtuple('Point', field_names=['lat', 'lon']) # creating point from our Point named tuple p1 = Point(locations[0][0], locations[0][1]) p2 = Point(locations[1][0], locations[1][1]) # getting the rotation needed for our marker. # Subtracting 90 to account for the marker's orientation # of due East(get_bearing returns North) rotation = MapManager.get_bearing(p1, p2) - 90 # get an evenly space list of lats and lons for our arrows # note that I'm discarding the first and last for aesthetics # as I'm using markers to denote the start and end arrow_lats = np.linspace(,, n_arrows + 2)[1:n_arrows + 1] arrow_lons = np.linspace(p1.lon, p2.lon, n_arrows + 2)[1:n_arrows + 1] arrows = [] # creating each "arrow" and appending them to our arrows list for points in zip(arrow_lats, arrow_lons): arrows.append(folium.RegularPolygonMarker(location=points, fill_color=color, number_of_sides=3, radius=size, rotation=rotation).add_to(add_to)) return arrows
# @staticmethod # def get_arrows_2(from_location, to_location, color='blue', size=6, n_arrows=3, add_to=None): # """Add arrows to a hypothetical line between the locations. # Get a list of correctly placed and rotated arrows/markers to be plotted. # # Args: # from_location (lat,lon): from location as a tuple or list with lat and lon, e.g. [41.1132, -96.1993] # to_location (lat,lon): from location as a tuple or list with lat and lon, e.g. [41.3810, -95.8021] # color : Whatever folium can use. Default is 'blue' # size : Size of arrow. Default is 6 # n_arrows : Number of arrows to create. Default is 3. # add_to: map or FeatureGroup the arrows are added to. # # Returns: # list of arrows/markers # """ # from collections import namedtuple # import numpy as np # Point = namedtuple('Point', field_names=['lat', 'lon']) # # # creating point from our Point named tuple # p1 = Point(from_location[0], from_location[1]) # p2 = Point(to_location[0], to_location[1]) # # # getting the rotation needed for our marker. # # Subtracting 90 to account for the marker's orientation # # of due East(get_bearing returns North) # rotation = MapManager.get_bearing(p1, p2) - 90 # # # get an evenly space list of lats and lons for our arrows # # note that I'm discarding the first and last for aesthetics # # as I'm using markers to denote the start and end # arrow_lats = np.linspace(,, n_arrows + 2)[1:n_arrows + 1] # arrow_lons = np.linspace(p1.lon, p2.lon, n_arrows + 2)[1:n_arrows + 1] # # arrows = [] # # # creating each "arrow" and appending them to our arrows list # for points in zip(arrow_lats, arrow_lons): # arrows.append(folium.RegularPolygonMarker(location=points, # fill_color=color, number_of_sides=3, # radius=size, rotation=rotation).add_to(add_to)) # return arrows
[docs] @staticmethod def get_html_table(rows): """Creates 2 column html table for use in popups. Args: rows: List of sequences. Each sequence should have 2 string entries, one for each column Returns: html: a HTML formatted table of two columns """ table_html_pattern = """<table style="width:100%">{}</table>""" # row_html_pattern = """<tr><td>{}:&nbsp</td><td>{}</td></tr>""" row_html_pattern = """<tr><td>{}&nbsp</td><td>{}</td></tr>""" rows_html = '' for row in rows: rows_html = rows_html + '\n' + row_html_pattern.format(row[0], row[1]) html = table_html_pattern.format(rows_html) return html
[docs] @staticmethod def get_popup_table(rows): """Return a popup table to add as a popup/child to a folium element. Usage:: popup_table = [ ('property_1', 'value_1'), ('property_2', 'value_2'), ] popup = MapManager.get_popup_table(popup_table) Next, the popup object can be used in a popup argument of a Marker:: marker = folium.Marker(coord, popup=popup, icon=icon ) Or added as a child:: county.add_child(popup) Args: rows: List of sequences. Each sequence should have 2 string entries, one for each column. Returns: popup (folium.Popup) Notes Beware that a quote in the texts causes a problem (no map shows). This can be avoided by replacing the "\'" with something else. Unfortunately the option `parse_html=True` does not prevent the problem. Despite the suggestion in """ import folium html_text = MapManager.get_html_table(rows) html = folium.Html(html_text, script=True) popup = folium.Popup(html, parse_html=True, max_width=2650) return popup
[docs] @staticmethod def get_tooltip_table(rows: List[Tuple[str,str]]) -> str: """Get a tooltip table, based on the same definition as for `get_popup_table``. Convenience method. Is the same as `MapManager.get_html_table(rows)`. Usage:: tooltip_table = [ ('property_1', 'value_1'), ('property_2', 'value_2'), ] tooltip = MapManager.get_tooltip_table(tooltip_table) :param rows: list of tuples with name-value pairs :returns (str): text for a tooltip in table format """ return MapManager.get_html_table(rows)
[docs] def add_bar_chart_in_map(self, m, coord, quantities=None, tooltips=None, bar_width=20, bar_height_per_unit=1, border_colors: List = None, background_colors: List = None ): """Draws a bar chart at the coord. Anchor on the botton-left. Bars expand to the right. Will add as many bars as there are quantities, cycling through pre-defined colors. See also: """ # Colors per bar: if tooltips is None: tooltips = [] if quantities is None: quantities = [] if border_colors is None: import as px border_colors=px.colors.qualitative.Dark2 #['green', 'blue', 'red'] if background_colors is None: import as px background_colors=px.colors.qualitative.Set2 #['lightgreen', 'lightblue', 'lightred'] bar_anchor_x = 0 for i in range(len(quantities)): bar_height = round(quantities[i] * bar_height_per_unit) icon = BeautifyIcon( icon_shape='rectangle-dot', border_color=border_colors[i%len(border_colors)], # cycle back through colors background_color=background_colors[i%len(background_colors)], # cycle back through colors border_width=1, icon_size=[bar_width, bar_height], icon_anchor=[bar_anchor_x, bar_height] ) bar_anchor_x -= bar_width # folium.Marker(coord, tooltip=f"demand = {quantities[i]}", icon=icon).add_to(m) if i < len(tooltips): tooltip = tooltips[i] else: tooltip = f"value = {quantities[i]}" Marker(coord, tooltip=tooltip, icon=icon).add_to(m)