Source code for dse_do_utils.multiscenariomanager

# Copyright IBM All Rights Reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

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# MultiScenarioManager
# VT 20230304: DEPRECATED. Requires review
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import pandas as pd
import os
from typing import Sequence, List, Dict, Tuple, Optional

#  Typing aliases
Inputs = Dict[str, pd.DataFrame]
Outputs = Dict[str, pd.DataFrame]
InputsOutputs = Tuple[Inputs, Outputs]

    # Import as part of package
    from .scenariomanager import ScenarioManager
    # import as part of DO Model Builder
    from scenariomanager import ScenarioManager

# from dse_do_utils import ScenarioManager

[docs]class MultiScenarioManager(object): """Manages multiple scenarios from same DO Model/Experiment. Can export all scenarios in one Excel spreadsheet, where it adds the scenario_name as an additional column. Also adds an additional 'Scenario' table. (This looks relevant for usage (filtering) in Cognos.) By default, writes an Excel file in datasets named "model_name + '_multi_output'.xlsx" Usage 1 - All scenarios from Model:: model_name = 'My Model' msm = MultiScenarioManager(model_name=model_name) msm.get_multi_scenario_data() msm.write_data_to_excel() Usage 2 - Selected scenarios from Model:: model_name = 'My Model' scenario_names = ['Scenario 1', 'Scenario 2'] msm = MultiScenarioManager(model_name=model_name, scenario_names=scenario_names) msm.get_multi_scenario_data() msm.write_data_to_excel() """ def __init__(self, model_name: Optional[str] = None, scenario_names: List[str] = [], local_root: Optional[str] = None, project_id: Optional[str] = None, project_access_token: Optional[str] = None, project=None): """Create a MultiScenarioManager. Args: model_name (str): scenario_names (List[str]): list of anmes of scenarios to export. If not specified or empty then it will select all scenarios in the model local_root (str): Path of root when running on a local computer project_id (str): Project-id, when running in WS Cloud, also requires a project_access_token project_access_token (str): When running in WS Cloud, also requires a project_id project (project_lib.Project): alternative for project_id and project_access_token for WS Cloud """ self.model_name = model_name self.local_root = local_root self.project_id = project_id self.project_access_token = project_access_token self.project = project self.scenarios_df = self.get_scenarios_df(scenario_names) if scenario_names is None: # self.scenario_names = self.get_all_scenario_names() self.scenario_names = list(self.scenarios_df.scenario_name) else: self.scenario_names = scenario_names self.inputs_by_scenario: Dict[str, Inputs] = {} self.outputs_by_scenario: Dict[str, Outputs] = {} self.inputs = None self.outputs = None
[docs] def get_dd_client(self): """Return the Client managing the DO scenario. Returns: new dd_scenario.Client """ from dd_scenario import Client if self.project is not None: pc = self.project.project_context return Client(pc=pc) elif (self.project_id is not None) and (self.project_access_token is not None): # When in WS Cloud: from project_lib import Project # The do_optimization project token is an authorization token used to access project resources like data sources, connections, and used by platform APIs. project = Project(project_id=self.project_id, project_access_token=self.project_access_token) pc = project.project_context return Client(pc=pc) else: # In WSL/CPD: return Client()
[docs] def load_data_from_scenario(self, scenario_name): """TODO: see of by re-using a Client, this can be done faster""" sm = ScenarioManager(self.model_name, scenario_name, self.local_root, self.project_id, self.project_access_token, self.project) inputs, outputs = sm.load_data_from_scenario() return inputs, outputs
[docs] def env_is_wscloud(self) -> bool: """Return true if environment is WS Cloud""" return 'PWD' in os.environ and os.environ['PWD'] == '/home/dsxuser/work'
[docs] def get_data_directory(self) -> str: """Returns the path to the datasets folder. :return: path to the datasets folder """ if ScenarioManager.env_is_cpd40(): from ibm_watson_studio_lib import access_project_or_space wslib = access_project_or_space() data_dir = wslib.mount.get_base_dir() elif self.env_is_wscloud(): data_dir = '/home/dsxuser/work' # or use os.environ['PWD'] ? elif ScenarioManager.env_is_cpd25(): # Note that the data dir in CPD25 is not an actual real directory and is NOT in the hierarchy of the JupyterLab folder data_dir = '/project_data/data_asset' # Do NOT use the os.path.join! elif ScenarioManager.env_is_dsx(): data_dir = os.path.join(self.get_root_directory(), 'datasets') # Do we need to add an empty string at the end? else: # Local file system data_dir = os.path.join(self.get_root_directory(), 'datasets') return data_dir
[docs] def get_root_directory(self) -> str: """Return the root directory of the file system. If system is WS, it will return the DSX root, otherwise the directory specified in the local_root. Raises: ValueError if root directory doesn't exist. """ if ScenarioManager.env_is_cpd25(): root_dir = '.' elif ScenarioManager.env_is_dsx(): # Note that this is False in DO! So don't run in DO root_dir = os.environ['DSX_PROJECT_DIR'] else: if self.local_root is None: raise ValueError('The local_root should be specified if loading from a file from outside of WS') root_dir = self.local_root # Assert that root_dir actually exists if not os.path.isdir(root_dir): raise ValueError("Root directory `{}` does not exist.".format(root_dir)) return root_dir
[docs] def add_data_file_to_project(self, file_path: str, file_name: Optional[str] = None) -> None: """Add a data file to the Watson Studio project. Applies to CP4Dv2.5 and WS Cloud Needs to be called after the file has been saved regularly in the file system in `/project_data/data_asset/` (for CPD2.5) or `/home/dsxuser/work/` in WS Cloud. Ensures the file is visible in the Data Assets of the Watson Studio UI. Args: file_path (str): full file path, including the file name and extension file_name (str): name of data asset. Default is None. If None, the file-name will be extracted from the file_path. """ # Add to Project if self.project is None: from project_lib import Project self.project = Project.access() if file_name is None: file_name = os.path.basename(file_path) with open(file_path, 'rb') as f: self.project.save_data(file_name=file_name, data=f, overwrite=True)
[docs] def get_multi_scenario_data(self, scenario_names: List[str] = None): if scenario_names is None: scenario_names = self.scenario_names for scenario_name in scenario_names: inputs, outputs = self.load_data_from_scenario(scenario_name) self.inputs_by_scenario[scenario_name] = inputs self.outputs_by_scenario[scenario_name] = outputs self.inputs = MultiScenarioManager.merge_scenario_data(self.inputs_by_scenario) self.inputs['Scenario'] = self.scenarios_df # Adding the Scenarios as a reference table self.outputs = MultiScenarioManager.merge_scenario_data(self.outputs_by_scenario)
[docs] def write_data_to_excel(self, excel_file_name: str = None) -> None: """Write inputs and/or outputs to an Excel file in datasets. The inputs and outputs as in the attributes `self.inputs` and `self.outputs` of the ScenarioManager If the excel_file_name is None, it will be generated from the model_name and scenario_name: MODEL_NAME + "_multi_output" Args: excel_file_name (str): The file name for the Excel file. """ if excel_file_name is None: if self.model_name is not None: excel_file_name = f"{self.model_name}_multi_output" else: raise ValueError( "The argument excel_file_name can only be 'None' if the model_name '{}' has been specified.".format( self.model_name)) # Save the regular Excel file: data_dir = self.get_data_directory() excel_file_path = os.path.join(data_dir, excel_file_name + '.xlsx') writer = pd.ExcelWriter(excel_file_path, engine='xlsxwriter') ScenarioManager.write_data_to_excel_s(writer, inputs=self.inputs, outputs=self.outputs) if ScenarioManager.env_is_cpd25(): self.add_data_file_to_project(excel_file_path, excel_file_name + '.xlsx') return excel_file_path
[docs] @staticmethod def merge_scenario_data(data_by_scenario: Dict[str, Dict[str, pd.DataFrame]]) -> Dict[str, pd.DataFrame]: """Add scenario_name as column. Merge tables""" merged_data_dict = {} for scenario, data_dict in data_by_scenario.items(): # print(f"Merge scenario {scenario}") for table_name, df in data_dict.items(): # print(f"Merge scenario {scenario} - table {table_name}") df['scenario_name'] = scenario if table_name in merged_data_dict.keys(): existing_df = merged_data_dict[table_name] # TODO: what will happen if the 2 dataframes have different columns? A: you get both columns and NaN values existing_df = existing_df.append(df, ignore_index=True, sort=False) merged_data_dict[table_name] = existing_df else: merged_data_dict[table_name] = df return merged_data_dict
[docs] def get_all_scenario_names(self): """Deprecated. Replaced by get_scenarios_df""" names = [] client = self.get_dd_client() model_builder = client.get_model_builder(name=self.model_name) if model_builder is None: raise ValueError('No DO model with name `{}` exists'.format(self.model_name)) names = model_builder.get_scenarios(as_dict=True) return list(names.keys())
[docs] def get_scenarios_df(self, scenario_names: List[str] = None) -> pd.DataFrame: """Return scenarios as Dataframe. If scenario_names is None, will get all scenarios in Model. Else, just the ones matching the names. For now, the only column in the df is the scenario_name. More can be added later. """ names = [] client = self.get_dd_client() model_builder = client.get_model_builder(name=self.model_name) if model_builder is None: raise ValueError('No DO model with name `{}` exists'.format(self.model_name)) scenarios_dict = model_builder.get_scenarios(as_dict=True) df = pd.DataFrame({'scenario_name': list(scenarios_dict.keys())}) if scenario_names is not None: df = df.query("scenario_name in @scenario_names") return df