# Copyright IBM All Rights Reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
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# OptimizationEngine
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import pathlib
import docplex
import pandas as pd
import os
from docplex.mp.conflict_refiner import ConflictRefiner
from docplex.mp.progress import SolutionListener
from docplex.mp.model import Model
# from docplex.cp.model import CpoModel
import docplex.cp.model as cp
from typing import Sequence, List, Dict, Tuple, Optional, Union
# from dse_do_utils import ScenarioManager
# Note that when in a package, we need to import from another modules in this package slightly differently (with the dot)
# Also, for DO in CPD25, we need to add scenariomanager as an added Python file and import as plain module
from docplex.mp.vartype import IntegerVarType, ContinuousVarType, BinaryVarType, SemiContinuousVarType
# Import as part of package
from .scenariomanager import ScenarioManager
from .datamanager import DataManager
except ImportError:
# import as part of DO Model Builder
from scenariomanager import ScenarioManager
from datamanager import DataManager
from typing import TypeVar, Generic
DM = TypeVar('DM', bound='DataManager')
[docs]class OptimizationEngine(Generic[DM]):
def __init__(self, data_manager: Optional[DM] = None, name: str = "MyOptimizationEngine",
solve_kwargs = None, export_lp: bool = False, export_sav: bool = False, export_lp_path: str = None, is_cpo_model: bool = False):
self.is_cpo_model = is_cpo_model
# self.mdl: Model = Model(name=name)
self.mdl: Union[Model, cp.CpoModel] = self.create_do_model(name=name, is_cpo_model=is_cpo_model)
self.dm: DM = data_manager
self.solve_kwargs = solve_kwargs # TODO: use in this.solve()
self.export_lp = export_lp
self.export_sav = export_sav # TODO: add export to sav
self.export_lp_path = export_lp_path
[docs] def create_do_model(self, name: str, is_cpo_model: bool = False, **kwargs) -> Union[Model, cp.CpoModel]:
"""Create a model (.mdl). By default a CPLEX model (mp.Model), or a CP Optimizer model (cp.Model)
:param name:
:param is_cpo_model: Is True, create a cp.Model
:param kwargs: additional kwags for mdl initialization
:return: mp.Model or cp.CpoModel
if is_cpo_model:
mdl = cp.CpoModel(name=name, **kwargs)
mdl = Model(name=name, **kwargs)
return mdl
[docs] def integer_var_series(self, df: pd.DataFrame, **kargs) -> pd.Series:
"""Create a Series of integer dvar for each row in the DF. Most effective method. Best practice.
Result can be assigned to a column of the df.
df['xDVar'] = mdl.integer_var_series(df, name = 'xDVar')
self (docplex.mp.model): CPLEX Model
df (DataFrame): dataframe
**kargs: arguments passed to mdl.integer_var_list method. E.g. 'name'
(pandas.Series) with integer dvars (IntegerVarType), index matches index of df
# We are re-using the index from the DF index:
return OptimizationEngine.integer_var_series_s(self.mdl, df, **kargs)
# return pd.Series(self.mdl.integer_var_list(df.index, **kargs), index = df.index)
[docs] def continuous_var_series(self, df, **kargs) -> pd.Series:
"""Returns pd.Series[ContinuousVarType]"""
return OptimizationEngine.continuous_var_series_s(self.mdl, df, **kargs)
# return pd.Series(self.mdl.continuous_var_list(df.index, **kargs), index = df.index)
[docs] def binary_var_series(self, df, **kargs) -> pd.Series:
"""Returns pd.Series[BinaryVarType]"""
return OptimizationEngine.binary_var_series_s(self.mdl, df, **kargs)
# return pd.Series(self.mdl.binary_var_list(df.index, **kargs), index = df.index)
[docs] @staticmethod
def integer_var_series_s(mdl: docplex.mp.model, df: pd.DataFrame, **kargs) -> pd.Series:
"""Returns pd.Series[IntegerVarType]"""
return pd.Series(mdl.integer_var_list(df.index, **kargs), index=df.index, dtype='object')
[docs] @staticmethod
def continuous_var_series_s(mdl: docplex.mp.model, df: pd.DataFrame, **kargs) -> pd.Series:
"""Returns pd.Series[ContinuousVarType]."""
return pd.Series(mdl.continuous_var_list(df.index, **kargs), index=df.index, dtype='object')
[docs] @staticmethod
def binary_var_series_s(mdl: docplex.mp.model, df: pd.DataFrame, **kargs) -> pd.Series:
"""Returns pd.Series[BinaryVarType]"""
return pd.Series(mdl.binary_var_list(df.index, **kargs), index=df.index, dtype='object')
[docs] def semicontinuous_var_series(self, df, lb, **kargs) -> pd.Series:
"""Returns pd.Series[SemiContinuousVarType]"""
return self.semicontinuous_var_series_s(self.mdl, df, lb, **kargs)
[docs] @staticmethod
def semicontinuous_var_series_s(mdl: docplex.mp.model, df: pd.DataFrame, lb, **kargs) -> pd.Series:
"""Returns pd.Series[SemiContinuousVarType]."""
return pd.Series(mdl.semicontinuous_var_list(df.index, lb, **kargs), index=df.index, dtype='object')
[docs] def semiinteger_var_series(self, df, lb, **kargs) -> pd.Series:
"""Returns pd.Series[SemiIntegerVarType]"""
return self.semiinteger_var_series_s(self.mdl, df, lb, **kargs)
[docs] @staticmethod
def semiinteger_var_series_s(mdl: docplex.mp.model, df: pd.DataFrame, lb, **kargs) -> pd.Series:
"""Returns pd.Series[SemiIntegerVarType]."""
return pd.Series(mdl.semiinteger_var_list(df.index, lb, **kargs), index=df.index, dtype='object')
[docs] def solve(self, refine_conflict: Optional[bool] = False, **kwargs) -> docplex.mp.solution.SolveSolution:
# TODO: enable export_as_lp_path()?
# self.export_as_lp_path(lp_file_name=self.mdl.name)
# TODO: use self.solve_kwargs if **kwargs is empty/None. Or merge them?
msol = self.mdl.solve(**kwargs) # log_output=True
if msol is not None:
print('Found a solution')
print('No solution')
if refine_conflict:
print('Conflict Refiner:')
crefiner = ConflictRefiner() # Create an instance of the ConflictRefiner
conflicts = crefiner.refine_conflict(self.mdl) # Run the conflict refiner
# ConflictRefiner.display_conflicts(conflicts) #Display the results
for c in conflicts:
c.element) # Display conflict result in a little more compact format than ConflictRefiner.display_conflicts
return msol
[docs] def get_kpi_output_table(self) -> pd.DataFrame:
all_kpis = [(kp.name, kp.compute()) for kp in self.mdl.iter_kpis()]
df_kpis = pd.DataFrame(all_kpis, columns=['NAME', 'VALUE'])
return df_kpis
[docs] def export_as_lp(self, local_root: Optional[str] = None, copy_to_csv: bool = False) -> str:
"""Export .lp file of model in the 'DSX_PROJECT_DIR.datasets' folder.
Convenience method.
It can write a copy as a .csv file, so it can be exported to a local machine.
If not in DSX, it will write to the local file system in the 'local_root/datasets' directory.
Lp-filename is based on the mdl.name.
local_root (str): name of local directory. Will write .lp file here, if not in DSX
copy_to_csv (bool): DEPRECATED. If true, will create a copy of the file with the extension `.csv`.
path (str) path to lp file
ValueError if root directory can't be established.
return OptimizationEngine.export_as_lp_s(self.mdl, local_root=local_root, copy_to_csv=copy_to_csv)
[docs] def export_as_lp_path(self, lp_file_name: str = 'my_lp_file') -> str:
"""Saves .lp file in self.export_lp_path
Note: Does not conflict with `OptimizationEngine.export_as_lp()` which has a different signature.
:return: file_path
filepath = None
if self.export_lp:
if pathlib.Path(lp_file_name).suffix != '.lp':
lp_file_name = lp_file_name + '.lp'
filepath = os.path.join(self.export_lp_path, lp_file_name)
# TODO: add logger
# self.dm.logger.debug(f"Exporting .lp file: {filepath}")
return filepath
[docs] def export_as_cpo(self, local_root: Optional[str] = None, copy_to_csv: bool = False):
"""Export .cpo file of model in the 'DSX_PROJECT_DIR.datasets' folder.
It can write a copy as a .csv file, so it can be exported to a local machine.
If not in DSX, it will write to the local file system in the 'local_root/datasets' directory.
Convenience method.
Cpo-filename is based on the mdl.name.
local_root (str): name of local directory. Will write .lp file here, if not in DSX
copy_to_csv (bool): DEPRECATED. If true, will create a copy of the file with the extension `.csv`.
path (str) path to cpo file
ValueError if root directory can't be established.
return OptimizationEngine.export_as_cpo_s(self.mdl, local_root=local_root, copy_to_csv=copy_to_csv)
[docs] @staticmethod
def export_as_lp_s(model, model_name: Optional[str] = None, local_root: Optional[str] = None, copy_to_csv: bool = False) -> str:
"""Export .lp file of model in the 'DSX_PROJECT_DIR.datasets' folder.
It can write a copy as a .csv file, so it can be exported to a local machine.
If not in WSL, it will write to the local file system in the 'local_root/datasets' directory.
model (docplex.mp.model): The CPLEX model to be exported
model_name (str): name of .lp file. If none specified, will use the model.name.
Specify if the model.name is not a valid file-name.
local_root (str): name of local directory. Will write .lp file here, if not in WSL
copy_to_csv (bool): DEPRECATED. If true, will create a copy of the file with the extension `.csv`.
path (str) path to lp file
ValueError if root directory can't be established.
# Get model name:
if model_name is None:
model_name = model.name
# Get root directory:
sm = ScenarioManager(local_root=local_root) # Just to call the get_root_directory()
# root_dir = sm.get_root_directory()
datasets_dir = sm.get_data_directory()
# Write regular lp-file:
# lp_file_name_1 = os.path.join(root_dir, 'datasets', model_name + '.lp')
lp_file_name_1 = os.path.join(datasets_dir, model_name + '.lp')
model.export_as_lp(lp_file_name_1) # Writes the .lp file
ScenarioManager.add_file_as_data_asset_s(lp_file_name_1, model_name + '.lp')
# platform = ScenarioManager.detect_platform()
# if platform == platform.CPD40:
# ScenarioManager.add_data_file_using_ws_lib_s(lp_file_name_1)
# if platform == platform.CPD25:
# ScenarioManager.add_data_file_to_project_s(lp_file_name_1, model_name + '.lp')
# # Copy to csv (Not supported in CPD25. Not necessary.):
# elif copy_to_csv:
# # lp_file_name_2 = os.path.join(root_dir, 'datasets', model_name + '_to_csv.lp')
# # csv_file_name_2 = os.path.join(root_dir, 'datasets', model_name + '_lp.csv')
# lp_file_name_2 = os.path.join(datasets_dir, model_name + '_to_csv.lp')
# csv_file_name_2 = os.path.join(datasets_dir, model_name + '_lp.csv')
# model.export_as_lp(lp_file_name_2)
# os.rename(lp_file_name_2, csv_file_name_2)
# Return
return lp_file_name_1
[docs] @staticmethod
def export_as_cpo_s(model, model_name: Optional[str] = None, local_root: Optional[str] = None, copy_to_csv: bool = False, **kwargs) -> str:
"""Export .cpo file of model in the 'DSX_PROJECT_DIR.datasets' folder.
It can write a copy as a .csv file, so it can be exported to a local machine.
If not in DSX, it will write to the local file system in the 'local_root/datasets' directory.
model (docplex.cp.model): The CPLEX model to be exported
model_name (str): name of .lp file. If none specified, will use the model.name.
Specify if the model.name is not a valid file-name.
local_root (str): name of local directory. Will write .lp file here, if not in DSX
copy_to_csv (bool): If true, will create a copy of the file with the extension `.csv`.
**kwargs: Passed to model.export_model
path (str) path to cpo file
ValueError if root directory can't be established.
# Get model name:
if model_name is None:
model_name = model.name
# Get root directory:
sm = ScenarioManager(local_root=local_root) # Just to call the get_root_directory()
# root_dir = sm.get_root_directory()
datasets_dir = sm.get_data_directory()
# Write regular cpo-file:
cpo_file_name_1 = os.path.join(datasets_dir, model_name + '.cpo')
model.export_model(cpo_file_name_1) # Writes the .cpo file
# Copy to csv
if copy_to_csv:
cpo_file_name_2 = os.path.join(datasets_dir, model_name + '_to_csv.cpo')
csv_file_name_2 = os.path.join(datasets_dir, model_name + '_cpo.csv')
os.rename(cpo_file_name_2, csv_file_name_2)
# Return
return cpo_file_name_1
[docs] def add_mip_progress_kpis(self, mip_gap_kpi_name="Gap", solve_time_kpi_name="Solve Time",
best_bound_kpi_name="Best Bound", solution_count_kpi_name="Solution Count",
solve_phase_kpi_name="Solve Phase"):
"""Adds 5 KPIs to the self.mdl: 'Gap', 'Solve Time', 'Best Bound', 'Solution Count', 'Solve Phase'.
mip_gap_kpi_name (str):
solve_time_kpi_name (str):
best_bound_kpi_name (str):
solution_count_kpi_name (str):
solve_phase_kpi_name (str):
mdl = self.mdl
mdl.progress_listener = MyProgressListener(mdl)
if mip_gap_kpi_name is not None:
mdl.add_kpi(lambda mdl, sol: mdl.progress_listener.mip_gap, mip_gap_kpi_name)
if solve_time_kpi_name is not None:
mdl.add_kpi(lambda mdl, sol: mdl.progress_listener.solve_time, solve_time_kpi_name)
if best_bound_kpi_name is not None:
mdl.add_kpi(lambda mdl, sol: mdl.progress_listener.best_bound, best_bound_kpi_name)
if solution_count_kpi_name is not None:
mdl.add_kpi(lambda mdl, sol: mdl.progress_listener.solution_count, solution_count_kpi_name)
if solve_phase_kpi_name is not None:
mdl.add_kpi(lambda mdl, sol: mdl.progress_listener.solve_phase, solve_phase_kpi_name)
# CP Optimizer methods
[docs] @staticmethod
def cp_interval_var_series_s(mdl: cp.CpoModel, df: pd.DataFrame, **kwargs) -> pd.Series:
"""Returns pd.Series[cp.CpoIntervalVar].
For **kargs, see docplex.cp.expression.interval_var_list (http://ibmdecisionoptimization.github.io/docplex-doc/cp/docplex.cp.expression.py.html?highlight=interval_var_list#docplex.cp.expression.interval_var_list)"""
interval_list = cp.interval_var_list(df.shape[0], **kwargs)
# mdl.add(interval_list) # Optional: you don't need to add variables to the model. Variables that appear in expressions are automatically added to the model
interval_series = pd.Series(interval_list, index=df.index)
return interval_series
[docs] def cp_interval_var_series(self, df, **kargs) -> pd.Series:
"""Returns pd.Series[docplex.cp.expression.CpoIntervalVar]"""
return OptimizationEngine.cp_interval_var_series_s(self.mdl, df=df, **kargs)
[docs] @staticmethod
def cp_integer_var_series_s(mdl: cp.CpoModel, df: pd.DataFrame, **kwargs) -> pd.Series:
"""Returns pd.Series[docplex.cp.expression.CpoIntVar].
For **kwargs, see docplex.cp.expression.integer_var_list (http://ibmdecisionoptimization.github.io/docplex-doc/cp/docplex.cp.expression.py.html#docplex.cp.expression.integer_var_list)"""
integer_list = cp.integer_var_list(df.shape[0], **kwargs)
# mdl.add(integer_list) # Optional: you don't need to add variables to the model. Variables that appear in expressions are automatically added to the model
integer_series = pd.Series(integer_list, index=df.index)
return integer_series
[docs] @staticmethod
def cp_integer_var_series_s_v2(mdl: cp.CpoModel, df: pd.DataFrame, min=None, max=None, name=None,
domain=None) -> pd.Series:
"""Returns pd.Series[docplex.cp.expression.CpoIntVar].
If name is not None, will generate unique names based on pattern: '{name}_{index of df}'
If multi-index df, keys are separated by '_', e.g. 'xDvar_1_2_3'
if name is None:
integer_list = mdl.integer_var_list(df.shape[0], min, max, name, domain)
integer_list = []
for ix in df.index:
new_name = f"{name}_{OptimizationEngine._get_index_as_str(ix)}"
integer_list.append(mdl.integer_var(min, max, new_name, domain))
integer_series = pd.Series(integer_list, index=df.index)
return integer_series
def _get_index_as_str(ix) -> str:
"""Convert an index of a DF to a string. For naming dvars and constraints.
If df has a multi-index, the ix is a tuple."""
if type(ix) is tuple: # If muli-index
name = '_'.join(map(str, ix))
name = str(ix)
# elif isinstance(ix, str):
# new_name = f"{name}_{ix}"
# elif isinstance(ix, int):
# new_name = f"{name}_{ix}"
# else:
# new_name = f"{name}_{str(ix)}"
return name
[docs] def cp_integer_var_series(self, df, **kwargs) -> pd.Series:
"""Returns pd.Series[docplex.cp.expression.CpoIntVar]"""
return OptimizationEngine.cp_integer_var_series_s_v2(self.mdl, df=df, **kwargs)
[docs] @staticmethod
def cp_binary_var_series_s(mdl: cp.CpoModel, df: pd.DataFrame, **kwargs) -> pd.Series:
"""Returns pd.Series[docplex.cp.expression.CpoIntVar].
For **kargs, see docplex.cp.expression.integer_var_list (http://ibmdecisionoptimization.github.io/docplex-doc/cp/docplex.cp.expression.py.html#docplex.cp.expression.binary_var_list)"""
integer_list = cp.binary_var_list(df.shape[0], **kwargs)
# mdl.add(integer_list) # Optional: you don't need to add variables to the model. Variables that appear in expressions are automatically added to the model
integer_series = pd.Series(integer_list, index=df.index)
return integer_series
[docs] def cp_binary_var_series(self, df, **kwargs) -> pd.Series:
"""Returns pd.Series[docplex.cp.expression.CpoIntVar]"""
return OptimizationEngine.cp_binary_var_series_s(self.mdl, df=df, **kwargs)
# MyProgress Listener
[docs]class MyProgressListener(SolutionListener):
def __init__(self, mdl: docplex.mp.model):
SolutionListener.__init__(self, mdl)
self.solution_count = 0
self.mip_gap = 0
self.best_bound = 0
self.solve_time = 0
self.solve_phase = 0
self.my_model = mdl
[docs] def notify_progress(self, progress_data):
self.solution_count += 1
self.best_bound = progress_data.best_bound
self.mip_gap = progress_data.mip_gap
self.solve_time = progress_data.time
self.solve_phase = self.my_model.solve_phase
except AttributeError:
# self.my_model.outputs = self.post_process()