Source code for dse_do_utils.scenariopicker

# Copyright IBM All Rights Reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

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# ScenarioPicker
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# from IPython.display import Javascript, display
# from ipywidgets import widgets

from dse_do_utils import ScenarioManager
from typing import Sequence, List, Dict, Tuple, Optional

[docs]class ScenarioPicker(object): """Notebook widget to interactively select a scenario from the dd_scenario.Client. Usage Cell 1:: sp = ScenarioPicker(model_name = 'My_DO_Model') sp.get_scenario_picker_ui() Cell 2:: inputs, outputs = sp.load_selected_scenario_data() Create a ScenarioPicker and pass the model name. The API `get_scenario_picker_ui()` returns a widget with a drop-down box with the available scenarios. In addition, there is a Refresh button that will run all cells below this cell. The next cell should reload the scenario data. The API `load_selected_scenario_data()` is a convenience method that internally uses a ScenarioManager to load the data from the DO scenario. The selection of the scenario is maintained in the class variable ScenarioPicker.default_scenario. Therefore, a re-run of the cell keeps the last selected value. By adding:: ScenarioPicker.default_scenario = 'my_default_scenario' before the creation of the scenario picker, one can force the default scenario to an initial value. """ default_scenario = None # Class variable to store the latest scenario selected from ipywidgets import widgets
[docs] class ScenarioRefreshButton(widgets.Button): """A widget Refresh button that will refresh all cells below. Inner class of ScenarioPicker since it is only applicable in the context of the ScenarioPicker.""" def __init__(self, scenario_picker): super(ScenarioPicker.ScenarioRefreshButton, self).__init__(description="Refresh") self.scenario_picker = scenario_picker self.on_click(ScenarioPicker.ScenarioRefreshButton._on_click_callback) @staticmethod def _on_click_callback(button): """Callback for Refresh button""" sp = button.scenario_picker ScenarioPicker.default_scenario = sp.get_selected_scenario() ScenarioPicker.ScenarioRefreshButton._refresh_cells_below() print("Set ScenarioPicker.default_scenario to {}".format(ScenarioPicker.default_scenario)) @staticmethod def _refresh_cells_below(): """Executes all cells below the current. Triggered by Refresh button.""" # display(Javascript('IPython.notebook.execute_cell_range(IPython.notebook.get_selected_index()+1, IPython.notebook.ncells())')) #Runs all cells below the cell with the refresh button from IPython.display import Javascript, display display( Javascript('IPython.notebook.execute_cells_below()')) # Will also run the cell with the refresh button
def __init__(self, model_name: Optional[str] = None, scenario_name: Optional[str] = None, project_id=Optional[str], project_access_token=Optional[str], project=None): self.model_name = model_name self.scenario_name = scenario_name self.selected_scenario = None # For get_dd_client: self.project_id = project_id self.project_access_token = project_access_token self.project = project def _get_scenario_names(self) -> List[str]: """Return a list of scenario names""" client = self.get_dd_client() dd_model_builder = client.get_model_builder(name=self.model_name) if dd_model_builder is None: raise ValueError('No DO model with name {}'.format(self.model_name)) scenarios = dd_model_builder.get_containers(category='scenario') scenario_names = [sc['name'] for sc in scenarios] # Get only the name property of the scenario tuple return scenario_names
[docs] def get_scenario_select_drop_down(self) -> widgets.Dropdown: """Return the drop-down button.""" from ipywidgets import widgets self.drop_down = widgets.Dropdown( options=self._get_scenario_names(), value=self._get_default_scenario(), # None, #DEFAULT_SCENARIO, #the default selected value description='Scenario:', disabled=False, ) self.drop_down.observe(ScenarioPicker._drop_down_on_change) return self.drop_down
@staticmethod def _drop_down_on_change(change): """Callback for the on-change event of the drop-down button. Sets the current value of the selection in the class variable ScenarioPicker.default_scenario, so that this selection is retained when re-running the notebook. See """ if change['type'] == 'change' and change['name'] == 'value': # print ("changed to {}".format(change['new'])) ScenarioPicker.default_scenario = change['new']
[docs] def get_selected_scenario(self): """Return the name of the selected scenario""" return self.drop_down.value
[docs] def get_scenario_refresh_button(self): """Return an instance of the Refresh button.""" self.button = ScenarioPicker.ScenarioRefreshButton(self) # widgets.Button(description="Refresh") return self.button
[docs] def get_scenario_picker_ui(self): """Return a combination of both the drop-down and the refresh button.""" from ipywidgets import widgets tab = widgets.HBox(children=[self.get_scenario_select_drop_down(), self.get_scenario_refresh_button()]) return tab
def _get_default_scenario(self): """Return the name of the scenario that should be selected by default. Return `None` if no default. Makes sure the default is one of the available scenarios. Returns: The name of the default scenario. Or None if no default. """ scenario_names = self._get_scenario_names() default_scenario = ScenarioPicker.default_scenario if default_scenario is None or default_scenario not in scenario_names: if self.scenario_name is not None and self.scenario_name in scenario_names: default_scenario = self.scenario_name # print("Warning: ScenarioPicker.default_scenario named `{}` does not exist and replaced by {}".format(ScenarioPicker.default_scenario, self.scenario_name)) else: default_scenario = None print("Warning: ScenarioPicker.default_scenario named `{}` does not exist".format( ScenarioPicker.default_scenario)) return default_scenario
[docs] def load_selected_scenario_data(self): """Convenience method. Creates a ScenarioManager and loads input and output data from the scenario selected by the picker. Returns: A tuple with the (inputs, outputs) data """ scenario_name = self.get_selected_scenario() if scenario_name is not None: print("Loading scenario {}".format(scenario_name)) sm = ScenarioManager(model_name=self.model_name, scenario_name=scenario_name) inputs, outputs = sm.load_data() else: raise ValueError('No scenario selected.') return (inputs, outputs)
[docs] def get_dd_client(self): """Return the Client managing the DO scenario. Returns: new dd_scenario.Client """ from dd_scenario import Client if self.project is not None: pc = self.project.project_context return Client(pc=pc) elif (self.project_id is not None) and (self.project_access_token is not None): # When in WS Cloud: from project_lib import Project # The do_optimization project token is an authorization token used to access project resources like data sources, connections, and used by platform APIs. project = Project(project_id=self.project_id, project_access_token=self.project_access_token) pc = project.project_context return Client(pc=pc) else: # In WSL/CPD: return Client()