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Tuning the Granite Model

Now that you've set up InstructLab, let's get tuning the Granite Model.

Sanity check

First thing you should do is verify you can talk to the Granite model, go ahead and run the following commands to verify you can.

cd instructlab
source venv/bin/activate
ilab model chat

Prepare to train your model


If you are running CPU only, or don't have a modern GPU or a Apple M1/M2/M3 this will take a long time. We strongly suggest finding someone with a GPU enabled machine to continue with this workshop. If anything the instructor or teaching assistants should have a laptop that can be projected on the main screen.

  1. Pull down an example qna.yaml. But wait what is a qna.yaml? There's a few things you should know before going any further.

Knowledge is based more on answering questions that involve facts, data, or references.

Knowledge in the taxonomy tree consists of a few more elements than skills:

  • Each knowledge node in the tree has a qna.yaml, similar to the format of the qna.yaml for skills.
  • ⭐ Knowledge submissions require you to create a Git repository, can be with GitHub, that contains the markdown files of your knowledge contributions. These contributions in your repository must use the markdown (.md) format.
  • The qna.yaml includes parameters that contain information from your repository.


Guidelines for Knowledge contributions

  • Submit the most up-to-date version of the document
  • All submissions must be text, images will be ignored
  • Do not use tables in your markdown freeform contribution

Format of the qna.yaml:

  • version: The chache verion of the qna.yaml file, this is the format of the file used for SDG. The value must be the number 3.
  • created_by: Your GitHub username.
  • domain: Specify the category of the knowledge.
  • seed_examples: A collection of key/value entries.
  • context: A chunk of information from the knowledge document. Each qna.yaml needs five context blocks and has a maximum word count of 500 words.
  • questions_and_answers: The parameter that holds your questions and answers
    • question: Specify a question for the model. Each qna.yaml file needs at least three question and answer pairs per context chunk with a maximum word count of 250 words.
    • answer: Specify the desired answer from the model. Each qna.yaml file needs at least three question and answer pairs per context chunk with a maximum word count of 250 words.
  • document_outline: Describe an overview of the document your submitting.
  • document: The source of your knowledge contribution.
  • repo: The URL to your repository that holds your knowledge markdown files.
  • commit: The SHA of the commit in your repository with your knowledge markdown files.
  • patterns: A list of glob patterns specifying the markdown files in your repository. Any glob pattern that starts with *, such as *.md, must be quoted due to YAML rules. For example, "*.md".

Create a new knowledge qna.yaml

Find a location for this wikipedia markdown generator, and clone down the repository.

git clone
The first thing we need to do is create a new directory to have a clean place to work and pull down some software. Most of the time, the easiest thing to update in the model is the Wikipedia entry, so luckily, erictherobot has written a helpful tool to pull down markdown versions of the articles for us.

mkdir instructlab-knowledge-docs

After this, clone down your instructlab knowledge docs repository, or create it :). It can be named whatever you'd like, but if you use our (in the next lab), you'll notice you already have instructlab-knowledge-docs.

cd wikipedia-markdown-generator
python3.11 -m venv venv-md-gen
source venv-md-gen/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements
python3 Texas_Longhorns_football
Next, we need to build a Python virtual environment and install the dependencies to get it to work. These commands cd into the directory, create the virtual environment with python3.11 (you may need to change the version of Python on your machine), activate the virtual environment, and then do the pip install the dependencies. You'll notice the Texas_Longhorns_football there, a Wikipedia article I wanted to pull down and create the qna.yaml against. You should choose whatever new knowledge you want to do here.

cp md_output/ ../../instructlab-knowledge-docs/
cd ../../instructlab-knowledge-docs
git add .
git commit -m "added markdown doc"
git push origin main
cd ..

Next, we go ahead and copy the markdown into the knowledge repository, and commit it to our repository and push it up to GitHub.

git clone
cd taxonomy

Next we pull down the upstream public taxonomy directory, and cd into that directory.

mkdir -p arts/sports/american_football/college/university_of_texas/
This next step is a "best effort" for you. As the taxonomy grows, there will be some obvious choices, but if you select a tree that hasn't been flushed out yet, you'll have to do your best to think about where you'd find the qna.yaml. In this case, the Dewey Decimal System says sports should be under arts; this is American Football, college level with the University of Texas. Also, notice the underscores for the spaces; this is important.

mv template_qna.yaml sports/american_football/college/university_of_texas/qna.yaml
Finally, you can pull down the template_qna.yaml and fill it out for the needed questions and answers. Be sure to put the context at a maximum of about 500 Tokens and questions and answers around 250 Tokens.

$EDITOR sports/american_football/college/university_of_texas/qna.yaml

Start adding good questions and answers to this document leveraging the context sections. Remember only 5 contexts with 3 qna pairs will work, everything else will be ignored.

Generating synthetic data

After you've built a good knowledge submission like above, the qna.yaml, the attribution.txt and finally the hosted .md file, you need to tell the teacher model to build questions around your seeded ones. Lets do that now.

  1. If you haven't yet, you'll need to pull down the default teacher model, this is done with this command:
ilab model download

Next sanity check the merlinite model, via the following command:

ilab serve --model-path models/merlinite-7b-lab-Q4_K_M.gguf

# in another terminal
ilab model chat
After the model is working as expected, ie running "who is batman?" close out the ilab serve and ilab model chat.

  1. Next we need to generate the data, this is done with the following command:
ilab data generate

This can take some time, take note of the time in the right hand corner, this is building 1000 questions off of your initial 15.

  1. After this is complete, now we'll need to train the actual model. If this isn't a Mac M3, this will take at least an hour, so hopefully you can take a lunch break or something while this is running.
ilab model train --model-dir instructlab/granite-7b-lab --tokenizer-dir models/granite-7b-lab --model-name instructlab/granite-7b-lab

This takes the granite model, leverages the tokenized version of it, and runs the SDG from the generate command against it.

  1. When this is completed, you'll need to test this model, which is the following command:

    ilab model test --model-dir instructlab-granite-7b-lab-mlx-q

  2. Now to run the command on the Mac M3, or Apple hardware you'll need to convert it to a gguf, that is this next command.


You won't need to do this if you are running on Linux (or maybe Windows remember that's unsupported at the moment)

ilab model convert --model-dir instructlab-granite-7b-lab-mlx-q
  1. Finally run the new model with ilab model serve.
ilab model serve --model-path instructlab-granite-7b-lab-trained/instructlab-granite-7b-lab-Q4_K_M.gguf

Success! You should notice a difference in the knowledge from what you've trained. If you haven't or something isn't working as expected please understand that the way quantization happens to run on your laptop sometimes causes the model to not know what you trained it. We have some evidence that 1 out of 5 models trained retains your submissions when running on your local laptop. Don't fret though your submission is great for the upstream model, and extremely valuable to the project.

When the full run from the upstream happens, the PR you submit with the new (or corrected) knowledge will be "baked in" better then the quantization method you use here, which will give much higher percentage of retrieval.