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Interaction Lifecycle

The interaction protocol is completely based on the exchange of Protobuf messages between the chaincode process and the peer. The exchanged messages are of type ChaincodeMessage and defined in the chaincode_shim.proto file of the fabric-protos repository. The advantage of using Protobuf is to decouple the semantic from the implementation.

Protocol Interaction Overview
Protocol Interaction Overview

The figure above provides an overview of the interaction protocol end-to-end. The lifecycle of the interaction develops in three phases: initialisation, setup, and transaction execution (or run phase). More details for each of the phases will be provided in the corresponding sections.

Message Structure

The table below provides an overview of the structure of the message. The design rationale is to use a single type of message whose type determines how to interpret and cast the payload. Different types of messages are used to express and convey the information needed for each of the operations supported by the protocol.

Attribute Name Type Meaning Optional Comments
type enum type of message no
timestamp google.protobuf.Timestamp timestamp no message creation time
txid string transaction identifier yes
payload byte[] message payload yes contains different information based on type
proposal SignedProposal signed transaction proposal yes contains the transaction proposal to simulate
chaincode_event ChaincoodeEvent chaincode event to be raised at commit time yes set by the chaincode shim if events need to be raised
channel_id string channel unique identifier yes specifies the channel the transaction belongs to


The types ChaincodeEvent and SignedProposal are defined in the files chaincoode_event.proto and proposal.proto in the same repository.

Phase 1: Initialisation

Peer Initialisation

The peer node is made up by several sub-systems that collectively provide services to the Hyperledger Fabric network (see: Peer Architecture for more details). In this context we focus on those components that are relevant to the interaction with the chaincode process. The following steps are executed:

  • PlatformRegistry initialisation: this component provide saccess to the chaincode builsing and launching services for supported stacks (i.e. golang, jvascript, java, ...).
  • ChaincodeProvider iniitialisation: this component provides access to the chaincode packaging capability (primarily transaction execution).
  • ChaincodeSupport initialisation: thhis component porivde access to the chaincode services at the peer level.
  • ChaincodeSupportServer initialisation: this component is the GRPC server that exposes the ChaincodeSupport service and accepts the connection from the chaincode processes.
  • EndorserServer initialisation: this component is the GRPC server that exposes the EndorserSupport service which receives transaction proposal for endorsement.

The endorsement entails the execution of a transaction simulation in one of the connected chaincode processes.

Shim Initialisation

The driver process of the shim loads the chaincode by invoking shim.Start(Chaincode). This method performs the following operations:

  • GRPC client initialisation: this is used to connect to the peer and setup a bidirectional stream to exchange ChaincodeMessage instances.
  • Handler initialisation: this component is in charge of processing all the messages sent by the peer and execute the associate operations.
  • Messaging processing loop initialisation: this message loop is used to receive the messages from the peer and dispatch them to the handler for further processing.

This initialisation modality support the chaincode-as-client pattern, where the chaincode process is a client to the peer. The shim also has the capability to initialise itself to support the chaincode_as_server pattern, where the roles are reversed. This is done by initialising a new ChaincodeServer instance with the details of the chaincode and invoke the method ChaincodeServer.Start().

Phase 2: Communication Setup

  • Before starting the messaging processing loop the shim sends a REGISTER message through the bidirectional stream opened with the peer. This message contains the details of the chaincode to register codified as a ChaincodeID in the payload.
  • Upon reception of the message, the peer validates the information associated to the chaincode and allocates an Handler instance to manage the message exchange with the chaincode process.
  • The peer then responds with a REGISTERED message and immediately after with a READY message, signaling the completion of the setup process.

The figure below shows the exchange of messages during the setup phase, with reference to the chaincode shim implemented in Go.

Message Exchange During Setup Phase
Message Exchange During Setup Phase

Phase 3: Transaction Execution

Once the setup phase is complete the chaincode and peer are ready to run transactions. From this point onward the interaction is driven by the peer, as a result of the operations that are submitted ted by the application clients to the peer. These usually involve the deployment of the chaincode onto a specific channel and the subsequent invocation of transactions on the deployed smart contract.

This interaction is implemented in the following steps:

  • As a result of a chaincode deployment, the peer sends an INIT message. This operation is triggered by the invocation of the ChaincodeSupport.InvokeInit(...) method, which calls the Handler.Execute(...) method on the instance that is mapped to the chaincode being invoked. The handle initialises a Transaction Context for the simulation of the transaction proposal associated to the initialisation and sends the message through bidirectional stream.
  • Upon reception of the INIT message the message receiving loop dispatches the message to the Handler. This in turn creates a new ChaincodeStub instance, which represents the interface to the peer services exposed to the smart contract, and invokes Chaincode.Init(...) by passing the stub as argument. This invocation is executed in a separate go-routine, thus preventing the chaincode from blocking the message receiving loop.
  • The chaincode executes the initialisation of the initialisation of the smart contract and the Init(...) method completes either successfully or with an error. The former causes a COMPLETED message to be sent back to the peer, while the latter triggers an ERROR message.
  • Upon reception of the message, the message receiving loop of the peer invokes the Handler.Notify(...) method on the instance associated to the chaincode process. This method closes the previously open transaction context and causes the Handler.Execute(...) method to unblock and return the response obtained by the chaincode to the caller.

Subsequent invocations of the same chaincode in the same channel, result in the peer sending a TRANSACTION message, which is handled in the same manner as detailed for the INIT message. The figure below summarises the interactions among components that happens both within the peer and the chaincode shim.

Occasionally, and if configured to do so, the peer sends KEEP_ALIVE messages that the chaincode process simply replies to, to ensure that the shim is still alive. This is particularly relevant in a deployment where the transactions are infrequent.

Message Exchange During Run Phase
Message Exchange During Run Phase

The processing of an INIT or TRANSACTION message, may require the chaincode process to access the ledger or invoke another chaincode onto the same peer. This results in one or more messages sent back to the peer within the context of the communication established by the INIT or TRANSACTION message. The figure below shows how the previous interaction changes in case of talk-backs.

Message Exchange During Run Phase with Callbacks
Message Exchange During Run Phase with Callbacks

The communication back to the peer is exercised by invoking one of the methods exposed by the ChaincodeStubInterface and implemented in the ChaincodeStub. For those methods that require a talk back the Handler sets up a response channel which is used by the current go-routine processing the original INIT or TRANSACTION method to send the message to the peer and wait for the response. The specific type and payload of the message sent to the peer depends upon the method that has been invoked on the stub (for more details see the Message Types section).

On the peer side, when the message is received the corresponding operation is performed and the result is sent back through a RESPONSE (or ERROR) message. This message is picked up by the message receiving loop of the chaincode shim, which dispatches it to the Handleer. By using the information in the message, the handler selects the associated response channel and sends the message through it, thus unblocking the waiting go-routine that can now continue its processing with the received results.

The figure shows only one communication back to the peer, but this process can be executed multiple times. One for any invocation on the ChaincodeStubInterface that requires talking back to the peer. Once the smart contract has completed the processing a COMPLETED (or ERROR) message willn be sent back to the peer, thus terminating the transaction simulation.

Last update: April 15, 2020 13:57:25