Struct: endpoints.Options

import "../ibm-cos-sdk-go/aws/endpoints"


Options provide the configuration needed to direct how the endpoints will be resolved.

Implemented Interfaces

s3crypto.Cipher, s3manager.ReadSeekerWriteTo, s3manager.WriterReadFrom

Structure Field Summary collapse

Method Summary collapse

Structure Field Details

DisableSSL bool

DisableSSL forces the endpoint to be resolved as HTTP. instead of HTTPS if the service supports it.

LogDeprecated bool

Determines whether logging of deprecated endpoints usage is enabled.

Logger Logger

Logger is the logger that will be used to log messages.

ResolveUnknownService bool

Enables resolving a service endpoint based on the region provided if the service does not exist. The service endpoint ID will be used as the service domain name prefix. By default the endpoint resolver requires the service to be known when resolving endpoints.

If resolving an endpoint on the partition list the provided region will be used to determine which partition's domain name pattern to the service endpoint ID with. If both the service and region are unknown and resolving the endpoint on partition list an UnknownEndpointError error will be returned.

If resolving and endpoint on a partition specific resolver that partition's domain name pattern will be used with the service endpoint ID. If both region and service do not exist when resolving an endpoint on a specific partition the partition's domain pattern will be used to combine the endpoint and region together.

This option is ignored if StrictMatching is enabled.

ResolvedRegion string

ResolvedRegion is the resolved region string. If provided (non-zero length) it takes priority over the region name passed to the ResolveEndpoint call.

S3UsEast1RegionalEndpoint S3UsEast1RegionalEndpoint

S3 Regional Endpoint flag helps with resolving the S3 endpoint

StrictMatching bool

Enables strict matching of services and regions resolved endpoints. If the partition doesn't enumerate the exact service and region an error will be returned. This option will prevent returning endpoints that look valid, but may not resolve to any real endpoint.

UseDualStack bool

Sets the resolver to resolve the endpoint as a dualstack endpoint for the service. If dualstack support for a service is not known and StrictMatching is not enabled a dualstack endpoint for the service will be returned. This endpoint may not be valid. If StrictMatching is enabled only services that are known to support dualstack will return dualstack endpoints.

Deprecated: This option will continue to function for S3 and S3 Control for backwards compatibility. UseDualStackEndpoint should be used to enable usage of a service's dual-stack endpoint for all service clients moving forward. For S3 and S3 Control, when UseDualStackEndpoint is set to a non-zero value it takes higher precedence then this option.

UseDualStackEndpoint DualStackEndpointState

Sets the resolver to resolve a dual-stack endpoint for the service.

Method Details

func (o *Options) Set(optFns ...func(*Options))

Set combines all of the option functions together.

// File 'aws/endpoints/endpoints.go', line 174

func (o *Options) Set(optFns ...func(*Options)) { for _, fn := range optFns { fn(o) } }