Interface: s3crypto.Padder

import "../ibm-cos-sdk-go/service/s3/s3crypto"


Padder handles padding of crypto data

Interface Method Summary collapse

Interface Method Details

Name() string

This method is abstract.

Name returns the name of the padder. This is used when decrypting on instantiating new padders.

// File 'service/s3/s3crypto/padder.go', line 16

Name() string

Pad([]byte, int) ([]byte, error)

This method is abstract.

Pad will pad the byte array. The second parameter is NOT how many bytes to pad by, but how many bytes have been read prior to the padding. This allows for streamable padding.

// File 'service/s3/s3crypto/padder.go', line 9

Pad([]byte, int) ([]byte, error)

Unpad([]byte) ([]byte, error)

This method is abstract.

Unpad will unpad the byte bytes. Unpad methods must be constant time.

// File 'service/s3/s3crypto/padder.go', line 12

Unpad([]byte) ([]byte, error)