Interface: s3manager.MultiUploadFailure

import "../ibm-cos-sdk-go/service/s3/s3manager"


A MultiUploadFailure wraps a failed S3 multipart upload. An error returned will satisfy this interface when a multi part upload failed to upload all chucks to S3. In the case of a failure the UploadID is needed to operate on the chunks, if any, which were uploaded.


u := s3manager.NewUploader(opts) output, err := u.upload(input) if err != nil { if multierr, ok := err.(s3manager.MultiUploadFailure); ok { // Process error and its associated uploadID fmt.Println("Error:", multierr.Code(), multierr.Message(), multierr.UploadID()) } else { // Process error generically fmt.Println("Error:", err.Error()) } }

Interface Method Summary collapse

Interface Method Details

UploadID() string

This method is abstract.

Returns the upload id for the S3 multipart upload that failed.

// File 'service/s3/s3manager/upload.go', line 57

UploadID() string