S3 / Client / put_public_access_block



Creates or modifies the PublicAccessBlock configuration for an Amazon S3 bucket. To use this operation, you must have the s3:PutBucketPublicAccessBlock permission. For more information about Amazon S3 permissions, see Specifying Permissions in a Policy.


When Amazon S3 evaluates the PublicAccessBlock configuration for a bucket or an object, it checks the PublicAccessBlock configuration for both the bucket (or the bucket that contains the object) and the bucket owner’s account. If the PublicAccessBlock configurations are different between the bucket and the account, Amazon S3 uses the most restrictive combination of the bucket-level and account-level settings.

For more information about when Amazon S3 considers a bucket or an object public, see The Meaning of “Public”.

Related Resources

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

response = client.put_public_access_block(
        'BlockPublicAcls': True|False,
        'IgnorePublicAcls': True|False
  • Bucket (string) –


    The name of the Amazon S3 bucket whose PublicAccessBlock configuration you want to set.

  • ContentMD5 (string) –

    The MD5 hash of the PutPublicAccessBlock request body.

    For requests made using the Amazon Web Services Command Line Interface (CLI) or Amazon Web Services SDKs, this field is calculated automatically.

  • PublicAccessBlockConfiguration (dict) –


    The PublicAccessBlock configuration that you want to apply to this Amazon S3 bucket. You can enable the configuration options in any combination. For more information about when Amazon S3 considers a bucket or object public, see The Meaning of “Public” in the Amazon S3 User Guide.

    • BlockPublicAcls (boolean) –

      Specifies whether Amazon S3 should block public access control lists (ACLs) for this bucket and objects in this bucket. Setting this element to TRUE causes the following behavior:

      • PUT Bucket ACL and PUT Object ACL calls fail if the specified ACL is public.

      • PUT Object calls fail if the request includes a public ACL.

      • PUT Bucket calls fail if the request includes a public ACL.

      Enabling this setting doesn’t affect existing policies or ACLs.

    • IgnorePublicAcls (boolean) –

      Specifies whether Amazon S3 should ignore public ACLs for this bucket and objects in this bucket. Setting this element to TRUE causes Amazon S3 to ignore all public ACLs on this bucket and objects in this bucket.

      Enabling this setting doesn’t affect the persistence of any existing ACLs and doesn’t prevent new public ACLs from being set.

  • ExpectedBucketOwner (string) – Ignored by COS if present.

