ObjectSummary / Action / delete



Removes the null version (if there is one) of an object and inserts a delete marker, which becomes the latest version of the object. If there isn’t a null version, Amazon S3 does not remove any objects but will still respond that the command was successful.

To remove a specific version, you must be the bucket owner and you must use the version Id subresource. Using this subresource permanently deletes the version. If the object deleted is a delete marker, Amazon S3 sets the response header, x-amz-delete-marker, to true.

If the object you want to delete is in a bucket where the bucket versioning configuration is MFA Delete enabled, you must include the x-amz-mfa request header in the DELETE versionId request. Requests that include x-amz-mfa must use HTTPS.

For more information about MFA Delete, see Using MFA Delete. To see sample requests that use versioning, see Sample Request.

You can delete objects by explicitly calling DELETE Object or configure its lifecycle ( PutBucketLifecycle) to enable Amazon S3 to remove them for you. If you want to block users or accounts from removing or deleting objects from your bucket, you must deny them the s3:DeleteObject, s3:DeleteObjectVersion, and s3:PutLifeCycleConfiguration actions.

The following action is related to DeleteObject:

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

response = object_summary.delete(
  • MFA (string) – The concatenation of the authentication device’s serial number, a space, and the value that is displayed on your authentication device. Required to permanently delete a versioned object if versioning is configured with MFA delete enabled.

  • VersionId (string) –

    Version ID used to reference a specific version of the object.


    For directory buckets in this API operation, only the null value of the version ID is supported.

  • RequestPayer (string) – Ignored by COS if present.

  • BypassGovernanceRetention (boolean) – Ignored by COS if present.

  • ExpectedBucketOwner (string) – Ignored by COS if present.

Return type:



Response Syntax

    'DeleteMarker': True|False,
    'VersionId': 'string',
    'RequestCharged': 'requester'

Response Structure

  • (dict) –

    • DeleteMarker (boolean) –

      Specifies whether the versioned object that was permanently deleted was (true) or was not (false) a delete marker.

    • VersionId (string) –

      Returns the version ID of the delete marker created as a result of the DELETE operation.

    • RequestCharged (string) – Not returned by COS.