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OpenSearch is a family of software consisting of a search engine (also named OpenSearch), and OpenSearch Dashboards, a data visualization dashboard for that search engine (this software was originally forked from Kibana and Elasticsearch).

See for more information

This image is built by IBM to run on the IBM Z architecture and is not affiliated with any other community that provides a version of this image.


View license information here

As with all Docker images, these likely also contain other software which may be under other licenses (such as Bash, etc from the base distribution, along with any direct or indirect dependencies of the primary software being contained).

As for any pre-built image usage, it is the image user's responsibility to ensure that any use of this image complies with any relevant licenses for all software contained within.


Use the pull string below for the version of this image you require.
3.0.0 docker pull Vulnerability Report01-04-2023
2.6.0 docker pull Vulnerability Report05-10-2023
Version Pull String Security (IBM Cloud) Created

Usage Notes

Please note that this image is currently configured with discovery.type: single-node enabled.

Exposed Ports:

9200 9300 9600 9650

Start an opensearch container:

docker run --name opensearch -d -p 9200:9200[version]

Verify that the cluster is running by querying your host-ip at port 9200:

curl -XGET --insecure -u 'admin:admin' 'https://[host-ip]:9200'

Create a sample index:

curl -XPUT --insecure -u 'admin:admin' 'https://[host-ip]:9200/my-first-index'

Add sample data to index:

curl -XPUT --insecure -u 'admin:admin' 'https://[host-ip]:9200/my-first-index/_doc/1' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"Description": "To be or not to be, that is the question."}'

Fetch sample data:

curl -XGET --insecure -u 'admin:admin' 'https://[host-ip]:9200/my-first-index/_doc/1'

Delete the document:

curl -XDELETE --insecure -u 'admin:admin' 'https://[host-ip]:9200/my-first-index/_doc/1'

Then delete the index:

curl -XDELETE --insecure -u 'admin:admin' 'https://[host-ip]:9200/my-first-index/'