
IBM z/OSMF collection can be installed by several options, including Ansible Galaxy and a local build.

For more information on installing collections, see Using Collections.

Ansible Galaxy

Galaxy enables to quickly configure the automation project with content from the Ansible community. Galaxy provides prepackaged units of work known as collections.

IBM z/OSMF collection is distributed through Ansible Galaxy Community. You can use the ansible-galaxy command with the option install to install the collection on your control node, as follows:

$ ansible-galaxy collection install ibm.ibm_zos_zosmf

By default, the collection is installed in ~/.ansible/collections. The output looks like this:

Process install dependency map
Starting collection install process
Installing 'ibm.ibm_zos_zosmf:1.0.0' to '/Users/user/.ansible/collections/ansible_collections/ibm/ibm_zos_zosmf'

To specify the installation path, include the -p option with the ansible-galaxy command:

$ ansible-galaxy collection install ibm.ibm_zos_zosmf -p /myAnsible/collections

After installation, the collection content will resemble this hierarchy:

├── collections/
│  ├── ansible_collections/
│      ├── ibm/
│          ├── ibm_zos_zosmf/
│              ├── docs/
│              ├── tests/
│              ├── playbooks/
│              ├── roles/
│              ├── plugins/
│                  ├── module_utils/
│                  └── modules/

For more information on installing collections with Ansible Galaxy, see Installing Collections.

Local Build

To build your own collection, you must clone the Git repository, build the collection archive, and install the locally built collection. The ansible-galaxy collection build command packages the collection into an archive that can later be installed locally without having to use Hub or Galaxy. Then you can use the ansible-galaxy collection install command to install a collection built from source.

  1. Clone the Git repository:

    $ git clone


    • Collection archive names will change depending on the release version.

    • They adhere to this convention <namespace>-<collection>-<version>.tar.gz, for example, ibm-ibm_zos_zosmf-1.0.0.tar.gz.

  2. Run a local build inside the collection:

    $ cd ibm_zos_zosmf
    $ ansible-galaxy collection build

    The example output looks like this:

    Created collection for ibm.ibm_zos_zosmf at /Users/user/git/ibm/ibm_zos_zosmf/ibm-ibm_zos_zosmf-1.0.0.tar.gz
  3. Install the locally built collection:

    $ ansible-galaxy collection install ibm-ibm_zos_zosmf-1.0.0.tar.gz

    The example output looks like this:

    Process install dependency map
    Starting collection install process
    Installing 'ibm.ibm_zos_zosmf:1.0.0' to '/Users/user/.ansible/collections/ansible_collections/ibm/ibm_zos_zosmf'

    To specify the installation path, include the -p option with the ansible-galaxy command:

    $ ansible-galaxy collection install ibm-ibm_zos_zosmf-1.0.0.tar.gz -p /myAnsible/collections