DefaultRetryStrategy |
This is the java core's default retry strategy.
Headers |
Wrapper class for the internal HTTP headers class.
HttpClientSingleton |
This class encapsulate the OkHttpClient instance in a singleton pattern.
HttpConfigOptions |
Options class for configuring the HTTP client.
HttpConfigOptions.Builder |
HttpMediaType |
An abstraction for a media type.
InputStreamRequestBody |
RequestBody that takes an InputStream .
NameValue |
A name / value pair parameter used as an element of HTTP messages.
RequestBuilder |
Convenience class for constructing HTTP/HTTPS requests.
Response<T> |
Class holding the converted service call result along with some HTTP response data.
RetryInterceptor |
This class is an okhttp Interceptor implementation that will try to automatically retry
failed requests, based on the type of failure that occurred.
ServiceCookieJar |
This is an adapter that uses JavaNetCookieJar .