Source code for kif_lib.model.object

# Copyright (C) 2023-2024 IBM Corp.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# $Id: c5530f8b60ebf68482e61be9094ccb42af592acb $
# Syntactical objects.

from __future__ import annotations

import abc
import copy
import functools
import itertools
import json
from import Iterator, Mapping, Sequence
from typing import Callable, cast, ClassVar, Final, IO, Union

import lark  # for S-expression parsing
from typing_extensions import Any, override, Self, TypeAlias, TypeVar

TDet: TypeAlias = Union[Callable[[Any], str], str]
TFun: TypeAlias = Callable[..., Any]
TLoc: TypeAlias = Union[TFun, str]
TNum: TypeAlias = Union[float, int]

F = TypeVar('F', bound=Callable[..., Any])
T = TypeVar('T')
T1 = TypeVar('T1')
T2 = TypeVar('T2')

# == Object ================================================================

class ObjectMeta(abc.ABCMeta):
    """Meta-class for syntactical objects."""

    _object_subclasses: Final[dict[str, type[Object]]] = {}

    def __new__(mcs, name, bases, namespace, **kwargs):
        cls = super().__new__(mcs, name, bases, namespace, **kwargs)
        mcs._object_subclasses[name] = cls
        return cls

    def _check_object_class(
            cls_name: str,
            exception: type[Exception] = TypeError
    ) -> type[Object]:
        if cls_name not in cls._object_subclasses:
            raise exception(f"no such object class '{cls_name}'")
        return cls._object_subclasses[cls_name]

[docs] class Object(Sequence, metaclass=ObjectMeta): """Abstract base class for syntactical objects."""
[docs] class Error(Exception):
"""Base class for errors."""
[docs] @classmethod def check( cls, arg: Any, function: TLoc | None = None, name: str | None = None, position: int | None = None ) -> Self: """Coerces `arg` into an instance of this class. If `arg` cannot be coerced, raises an error. Parameters: arg: Value. function: Function or function name. name: Argument name. position: Argument position. Returns: Object. """ if isinstance(arg, cls): return arg else:
raise cls._check_error(arg, function, name, position)
[docs] @classmethod def check_optional( cls, arg: Any | None, default: Any | None = None, function: TLoc | None = None, name: str | None = None, position: int | None = None ) -> Self | None: """Coerces optional `arg` into an instance of this class. If `arg` cannot be coerced, raises an error. If `arg` is ``None``, returns `default`. Parameters: arg: Value. default: Default value. function: Function or function name. name: Argument name. position: Argument position. Returns: Object or `default`. """ if arg is None: arg = default if arg is None: return arg else:
return cls.check(arg, function, name, position) @classmethod def _check_error( cls, arg: Any, function: TLoc | None = None, name: str | None = None, position: int | None = None, exception: type[Exception] | None = None, from_: str | None = None, to_: str | None = None ) -> Exception: if from_ is None: if isinstance(arg, type): from_ = arg.__qualname__ else: from_ = type(arg).__qualname__ if to_ is None: to_ = cls.__qualname__ return cls._arg_error( f'cannot coerce {from_} into {to_}', function or cls.check, name, position, exception or TypeError) __slots__ = ( '_args', '_hash', '_digest', ) #: The arguments of object. _args: tuple[Any, ...] #: The integer hash of object. _hash: int | None #: The digest of object. _digest: str | None
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def __init__(self, *args: Any) -> None: self._set_args(self._preprocess_args(args)) self._hash = None
self._digest = None def _set_args(self, args: tuple[Any, ...]) -> None: self._args = args def _preprocess_args(self, args: tuple[Any, ...]) -> tuple[Any, ...]: return tuple(map( self._preprocess_arg_callback, zip(args, itertools.count(1)))) def _preprocess_arg_callback(self, t: tuple[Any, int]) -> Any: return self._preprocess_arg(*t) def _preprocess_arg(self, arg: Any, i: int) -> Any: return self._check_arg_not_none(arg, self.__class__, None, i) def __eq__(self, other: Any) -> bool: return type(self) is type(other) and self._args == other._args def __getitem__(self, i: Any) -> Any: return self._args[i] def __hash__(self) -> int: if self._hash is None: self._hash = hash((self.__class__, self._args)) return self._hash def __len__(self) -> int: return len(self._args) def __lt__(self, other: Object) -> bool: if not isinstance(other, Object): return NotImplemented elif type(self) is not type(other): return (self.__class__.__qualname__ < other.__class__.__qualname__) else: return self._args < other._args def __le__(self, other: Object) -> bool: return self == other or self < other def __gt__(self, other: Object) -> bool: if not isinstance(other, Object): return NotImplemented elif type(self) is not type(other): return (self.__class__.__qualname__ > other.__class__.__qualname__) else: return self._args > other._args def __ge__(self, other: Object) -> bool: return self == other or self > other def __repr__(self) -> str: return self.dumps() def __str__(self) -> str: return self.dumps() @property def args(self) -> tuple[Any, ...]: """The arguments of object.""" return self.get_args()
[docs] def get_args(self) -> tuple[Any, ...]: """Gets the arguments of object. Returns: Arguments. """
return self._args
[docs] def get(self, i: int, default: Any | None = None) -> Any | None: """Gets the value of the `i`-th argument of object (origin 0). If argument's value is ``None``, returns `default`. Returns: Argument's value. """ arg = self.args[i]
return arg if arg is not None else default @property def digest(self) -> str: """The digest of object.""" return self.get_digest()
[docs] def get_digest(self) -> str: """Gets the digest of object. Returns: Digest. """ if self._digest is None: self._digest = self._hexdigest(self.dumps())
return self._digest def _hexdigest(self, s: str) -> str: import hashlib return hashlib.sha256(s.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()
[docs] # -- Copying --------------------------------------------------------------- def copy(self) -> Self: """Makes a shallow copy of object. Returns: A shallow copy of object.
[docs] return copy.copy(self) def deepcopy(self, memo: dict[Any, Any] | None = None) -> Self: """Makes a deep copy of object. Parameters: memo: Dictionary of objects already copied. Returns: A deep copy of object.
[docs] return copy.deepcopy(self, memo=memo) class KEEP: """See :meth:`Object.replace`."""
def __new__(cls):
[docs] return cls def replace(self, *args: Any) -> Self: """Shallow-copies object overwriting its arguments. If argument is :class:`Object.KEEP` in `args`, keeps the value of the corresponding argument in the resulting object. Parameters: args: Arguments. Returns: A shallow copy of object. """ return self.__class__(*itertools.starmap(
self._replace, itertools.zip_longest( self.args, args, fillvalue=self.KEEP))) def _replace(self, x: T1, y: T2) -> T1 | T2: if y is self.KEEP: return x else: return y
[docs] # -- Conversion ------------------------------------------------------------ def to_ast(self) -> dict[str, Any]: """Converts object to abstract syntax tree. Returns: Dictionary. """ return {
'class': self.__class__.__qualname__, 'args': tuple(map(Object._to_ast_arg, self.args)), } @classmethod
[docs] def _to_ast_arg(cls, arg: Any) -> Any: return arg.to_ast() if isinstance(arg, Object) else arg @classmethod def from_ast( cls, ast: Mapping[str, Any] ) -> Self: """Converts abstract syntax tree to object. Parameters: ast: Abstract syntax tree. Returns: Object.
""" return cls.check(cls._from_ast(cls._check_arg_isinstance( ast, Mapping, cls.from_ast, 'ast', 1))) @classmethod def _from_ast( cls, ast: Mapping[str, Any] ) -> Object: obj_class = ObjectMeta._check_object_class(ast['class']) return obj_class(*map(cls._from_ast_arg, ast['args'])) @classmethod def _from_ast_arg(cls, arg: Any) -> Any: if isinstance(arg, Mapping) and 'class' in arg: return cls._from_ast(arg) else: return arg
[docs] # -- Encoding -------------------------------------------------------------- def dump( self, stream: IO[Any], format: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any ) -> None: """Encodes object and writes the result to `stream`. Parameters: stream: A ``.write()``-supporting file-like object. format: Encoding format. kwargs: Encoder options.
[docs] enc = Encoder._check_format(format, self.dump, 'format', 2) for chunk in enc(**kwargs).iterencode(self): stream.write(chunk) def dumps(self, format: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any) -> str: """Encodes object and returns the resulting string. Parameters: format: Encoding format. kwargs: Encoder options. Returns:
String. """ enc = Encoder._check_format(format, self.dumps, 'format', 1)
[docs] return enc(**kwargs).encode(self) # -- Decoding -------------------------------------------------------------- @classmethod def load( cls, stream: IO[Any], format: str | None = None, **kwargs ) -> Self: """Decodes `stream` and returns the resulting object. Parameters: stream: A ``.read()``-supporting file-like object. format: Decoding format. kwargs: Decoder options.
[docs] Returns: Object. """ return cls.loads(, format, **kwargs) @classmethod def loads( cls, input: str, format: str | None = None, **kwargs ) -> Self: """Decodes string and returns the resulting object. Parameters: input: String. format: Decoding format. kwargs: Options to decoder.
Returns: Object. """
[docs] dec = Decoder._check_format(format, cls.loads, 'format', 2) return cls.check(dec(**kwargs).decode(input)) # -- Built-in codecs ------------------------------------------------------- @classmethod def from_json(cls, input: str, **kwargs: Any) -> Self: """Decodes string using JSON decoder. Parameters: input: Input string.
kwargs: Options to decoder.
[docs] Returns: Object. """ return cls.loads(input, 'json', **kwargs) def to_json(self, **kwargs: Any) -> str: """Encodes object using JSON encoder. Parameters:
kwargs: Options to encoder.
[docs] Returns: String. """ return self.dumps('json', **kwargs) @classmethod def from_repr(cls, input: str, **kwargs: Any) -> Self: """Decodes string using repr decoder. Parameters: input: Input string.
kwargs: Options to decoder.
[docs] Returns: Object. """ return cls.loads(input, 'repr', **kwargs) def to_repr(self, **kwargs: Any) -> str: """Encodes object using repr encoder. Parameters:
kwargs: Options to encoder.
[docs] Returns: String. """ return self.dumps('repr', **kwargs) @classmethod def from_sexp(cls, input: str, **kwargs: Any) -> Self: """Decodes string using S-expression decoder. Parameters: input: Input string.
kwargs: Options to decoder.
[docs] Returns: Object. """ return cls.loads(input, 'sexp', **kwargs) def to_sexp(self, **kwargs: Any) -> str: """Encodes object using S-expression encoder. Parameters:
kwargs: Options to encoder. Returns: String. """ return self.dumps('sexp', **kwargs) # -- Argument checking ----------------------------------------------------- _arg_error_prefix: ClassVar[str] = 'bad argument' _arg_error_exception: ClassVar[type[Exception]] = ValueError @classmethod def _arg_error( cls, details: str | None = None, function: TLoc | None = None, name: str | None = None, position: int | None = None, exception: type[Exception] | None = None, prefix: str | None = None ) -> Exception: msg = prefix or Object._arg_error_prefix if position is not None: assert position > 0 msg += f' #{position}' if name: msg += f' ({name})' if function is not None: if (not isinstance(function, str) and hasattr(function, '__qualname__')): function = function.__qualname__ msg += f" to '{function}'" if details: msg += f' ({details})' return (exception or cls._arg_error_exception)(msg) @classmethod def _check_arg( cls, arg: Any, test: Callable[[Any], bool] | bool = lambda x: True, details: TDet | None = None, function: TLoc | None = None, name: str | None = None, position: int | None = None, exception: type[Exception] | None = None, prefix: str | None = None ) -> Any: if (test(arg) if callable(test) else test): return arg else: raise cls._arg_error( details(arg) if callable(details) else details, function, name, position, exception, prefix) @classmethod def _check_optional_arg( cls, arg: Any | None, default: Any | None = None, test: Callable[[Any], bool] | bool = lambda x: True, details: TDet | None = None, function: TLoc | None = None, name: str | None = None, position: int | None = None, exception: type[Exception] | None = None, prefix: str | None = None ) -> Any | None: if arg is None: return default else: return cls._check_arg( arg, test, details, function, name, position, exception, prefix) @classmethod def _check_arg_not_none( cls, arg: T, function: TLoc | None = None, name: str | None = None, position: int | None = None ) -> T: return Object._check_arg( arg, arg is not None, 'expected value, got None', function, name, position, TypeError) # -- callable -- _check_arg_callable_details = ( lambda arg: f'expected callable, got {type(arg).__qualname__}') @classmethod def _check_arg_callable( cls, arg: T, function: TLoc | None = None, name: str | None = None, position: int | None = None, ) -> T: return Object._check_arg( arg, callable, cls._check_arg_callable_details, function, name, position, TypeError) @classmethod def _check_optional_arg_callable( cls, arg: T | None, default: T | None = None, function: TLoc | None = None, name: str | None = None, position: int | None = None ) -> T | None: return Object._check_optional_arg( arg, default, callable, cls._check_arg_callable_details, function, name, position, TypeError) # -- isinstance -- _check_arg_isinstance_details = ( lambda arg, ty_name: f'expected {ty_name}, got {type(arg).__qualname__}') _check_arg_isinstance_exception = TypeError @classmethod def _check_arg_isinstance( cls, arg: T, ty: type | tuple[type, ...], function: TLoc | None = None, name: str | None = None, position: int | None = None, details: Callable[[T, str], str] = _check_arg_isinstance_details, exception: type[Exception] | None = None, test=isinstance ) -> T: if test(arg, ty): return arg else: if isinstance(ty, type): ty_name = ty.__qualname__ else: ty_name = ' or '.join(sorted(map( lambda x: x.__qualname__, ty))) raise Object._arg_error( details(arg, ty_name), function, name, position, exception or cls._check_arg_isinstance_exception) @classmethod def _check_optional_arg_isinstance( cls, arg: T | None, ty: type | tuple[type, ...], default: T | None = None, function: TLoc | None = None, name: str | None = None, position: int | None = None, details: Callable[[T, str], str] = _check_arg_isinstance_details, exception: type[Exception] | None = None, test=isinstance ) -> T | None: if arg is None: return default else: return cls._check_arg_isinstance( arg, ty, function, name, position, details, exception or cls._check_arg_isinstance_exception, test) # -- issubclass -- _check_arg_issubclass_details = ( lambda arg, ty_name: f'expected subclass of {ty_name}, got {arg.__qualname__}') @classmethod def _check_arg_issubclass( cls, arg: T, ty: type | tuple[type, ...], function: TLoc | None = None, name: str | None = None, position: int | None = None ) -> T: cls._check_arg_isinstance(arg, type, function, name, position) return cls._check_arg_isinstance( arg, ty, function, name, position, cls._check_arg_issubclass_details, ValueError, issubclass) @classmethod def _check_optional_arg_issubclass( cls, arg: T | None, ty: type | tuple[type, ...], default: T | None = None, function: TLoc | None = None, name: str | None = None, position: int | None = None ) -> T | None: if arg is None: return default else: return cls._check_arg_issubclass( arg, ty, function, name, position) # -- bool -- @classmethod def _check_arg_bool( cls, arg: bool, function: TLoc | None = None, name: str | None = None, position: int | None = None ) -> bool: return cls._check_arg_isinstance( arg, bool, function, name, position) @classmethod def _check_optional_arg_bool( cls, arg: bool | None, default: bool | None = None, function: TLoc | None = None, name: str | None = None, position: int | None = None ) -> bool | None: return cls._check_optional_arg_isinstance( arg, bool, default, function, name, position) # -- int -- @classmethod def _check_arg_int( cls, arg: int, function: TLoc | None = None, name: str | None = None, position: int | None = None ) -> int: return cls._check_arg_isinstance( arg, int, function, name, position) @classmethod def _check_optional_arg_int( cls, arg: int | None, default: int | None = None, function: TLoc | None = None, name: str | None = None, position: int | None = None ) -> int | None: return cls._check_optional_arg_isinstance( arg, int, default, function, name, position) # -- float -- @classmethod def _check_arg_float( cls, arg: float, function: TLoc | None = None, name: str | None = None, position: int | None = None ) -> float: return cls._check_arg_isinstance( arg, float, function, name, position) @classmethod def _check_optional_arg_float( cls, arg: float | None, default: float | None = None, function: TLoc | None = None, name: str | None = None, position: int | None = None ) -> float | None: return cls._check_optional_arg_isinstance( arg, float, default, function, name, position) # -- number -- @classmethod def _check_arg_number( cls, arg: TNum, function: TLoc | None = None, name: str | None = None, position: int | None = None ) -> TNum: return cls._check_arg_isinstance( arg, (float, int), function, name, position) @classmethod def _check_optional_arg_number( cls, arg: TNum | None, default: TNum | None = None, function: TLoc | None = None, name: str | None = None, position: int | None = None ) -> TNum | None: return cls._check_optional_arg_isinstance( arg, (float, int), default, function, name, position) # -- str -- @classmethod def _check_arg_str( cls, arg: str, function: TLoc | None = None, name: str | None = None, position: int | None = None ) -> str: return cls._check_arg_isinstance( arg, str, function, name, position) @classmethod def _check_optional_arg_str( cls, arg: str | None, default: str | None = None, function: TLoc | None = None, name: str | None = None,
[docs] position: int | None = None ) -> str | None:
return cls._check_optional_arg_isinstance( arg, str, default, function, name, position) # -- Utility --------------------------------------------------------------- class ShouldNotGetHere(RuntimeError): """Should not get here.""" @classmethod def _should_not_get_here( cls, details: str | None = None ) -> ShouldNotGetHere: """Makes a "should not get here" error. Parameters: details: Details.
Returns: A new :class:`ShouldNotGetHere` error. """ if details is not None: return cls.ShouldNotGetHere(details) else: return cls.ShouldNotGetHere() # == Codec ================================================================= class Codec(abc.ABC): """Abstract base class for codecs.""" class Error(Object.Error): """Base class for codec errors.""" #: The codec registry. registry: ClassVar[dict[str, type[Codec]]] #: The format of the default codec. default: ClassVar[str] = 'repr' #: Codec format. format: ClassVar[str] #: Codec description. description: ClassVar[str] @classmethod def _register( cls, codec: type[Codec], format: str, description: str ) -> None: codec.format = format codec.description = description cls.registry[format] = codec @classmethod def _check_format_default_details(cls, x: Any) -> str: return f"no such {cls.__qualname__.lower()} '{x}'" @classmethod def _check_format( cls, format: str | None = None, function: TLoc | None = None, name: str | None = None, position: int | None = None, details: TDet | None = None ) -> type[Self]: fmt: str = format or cls.default Object._check_arg( fmt, fmt in cls.registry, details if details is not None else cls._check_format_default_details, function, name, position) assert fmt is not None return cast(type[Self], cls.registry[fmt]) # -- Encoder --------------------------------------------------------------- class Encoder(Codec): """Abstract base class for encoders.""" class Error(Codec.Error): """Base class for encoder errors.""" registry = {} @classmethod def __init_subclass__( cls, format: str, description: str ) -> None: Encoder._register(cls, format, description) @classmethod def _error(cls, details: str) -> Encoder.Error: return cls.Error(details) def encode(self, input: Object) -> str: """Encodes object. Parameters: obj: Object. Returns: String. """ return ''.join(self.iterencode(input)) @abc.abstractmethod def iterencode(self, input: Object) -> Iterator[str]: """Encodes object iteratively. Yields each string as available. Parameters: obj: Object. Returns: An iterator of strings. """ raise NotImplementedError class ReprEncoder(Encoder, format='repr', description='Repr. encoder'): """Repr. encoder.""" def __init__(self, indent: int = 0) -> None: self.indent = indent @override def iterencode(self, input: Object) -> Iterator[str]: return self._iterencode(input, 0, self.indent) def _iterencode( self, v: Any, n: int = 0, indent: int = 0 ) -> Iterator[str]: yield from self._indent(n, indent) if self._is_object_or_collection(v): if isinstance(v, Object): yield from self._start_object(v, indent) else: yield from self._start_collection(v, indent) if v: yield from self._delim(indent) for i in range(len(v) - 1): yield from self._iterencode(v[i], n + 1, indent) yield from self._sep(indent) yield from self._iterencode(v[-1], n + 1, indent) if v: yield from self._delim(indent) yield from self._indent(n, indent) if isinstance(v, Object): yield from self._end_object(v) else: yield from self._end_collection(v) else: yield from self._repr(v) def _is_object_or_collection(self, v) -> bool: return isinstance(v, (Object, list, tuple)) def _start_object( self, obj: Object, indent: int ) -> Iterator[str]: yield obj.__class__.__qualname__ yield '(' def _end_object(self, obj: Object) -> Iterator[str]: yield ')' def _start_collection(self, v: Any, indent: int) -> Iterator[str]: if isinstance(v, list): yield '[' elif isinstance(v, tuple): yield '(' else: raise Object._should_not_get_here() def _end_collection(self, v: Any) -> Iterator[str]: if isinstance(v, list): yield ']' elif isinstance(v, tuple): if len(v) == 1: yield ',)' else: yield ')' else: raise Object._should_not_get_here() def _repr(self, v: Any) -> Iterator[str]: yield repr(v) def _indent(self, n, indent: int) -> Iterator[str]: yield ' ' * indent * n def _delim(self, indent: int) -> Iterator[str]: yield '\n' if indent > 0 else '' def _sep(self, indent: int) -> Iterator[str]: yield ',\n' if indent > 0 else ', ' class SExpEncoder( ReprEncoder, format='sexp', description='S-expression encoder'): """S-expression encoder.""" def _start_object(self, obj: Object, indent: int) -> Iterator[str]: if obj: yield '(' yield obj.__class__.__qualname__ if obj and indent == 0: yield ' ' def _end_object(self, obj: Object) -> Iterator[str]: if obj: yield ')' def _start_collection(self, v: Any, indent: int) -> Iterator[str]: yield '[' def _end_collection(self, v: Any) -> Iterator[str]: yield ']' def _repr(self, v: Any) -> Iterator[str]: try: yield json.dumps(v, ensure_ascii=False) except TypeError as err: raise Encoder._error(str(err)) from err def _sep(self, indent: int) -> Iterator[str]: yield '\n' if indent > 0 else ' ' class JSON_Encoder(Encoder, format='json', description='JSON encoder'): """JSON Encoder.""" class Encoder(json.JSONEncoder): """The underlying JSON encoder.""" def default(self, o: Any) -> Any: if isinstance(o, Object): obj = cast(Object, o) return { 'class': obj.__class__.__qualname__, 'args': obj.args, } else: try: return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, o) except TypeError as err: raise Encoder._error(str(err)) from err def __init__(self, **kwargs) -> None: self.enc = self.Encoder(**kwargs) @override def iterencode(self, input: Object) -> Iterator[str]: return self.enc.iterencode(input) # -- Decoder -------------------------------------------------------------- class Decoder(Codec): """Abstract base class for decoders.""" class Error(Codec.Error): """Base class for decoder errors.""" registry = {} @classmethod def __init_subclass__(cls, format: str, description: str) -> None: Decoder._register(cls, format, description) @classmethod def _check_object_class( cls, cls_name: str, exception: type[Exception] | None = None ) -> type[Object]: return ObjectMeta._check_object_class( cls_name, exception or cls.Error) @classmethod def _error(cls, details: str) -> Decoder.Error: return cls.Error(details) @abc.abstractmethod def decode(self, input: str) -> Object: """Decodes string. Parameters: input: String. Return: Object. """ raise NotImplementedError class ReprDecoder(Decoder, format='repr', description='Repr. decoder'): """Repr. decoder.""" @classmethod @functools.cache def _globals(cls) -> dict[str, Any]: return ObjectMeta._object_subclasses @override def decode(self, input: str) -> Object: return eval(input, self._globals(), {}) class SExpDecoder( Decoder, format='sexp', description='S-expression decoder'): """S-expression decoder.""" grammar: ClassVar[str] = r""" ?sexp: cls -> sexp | "(" cls value* ")" -> sexp %import common.CNAME cls: CNAME ?value: bool | int | float | str | list | sexp bool: "true" -> true | "false" -> false %import common.SIGNED_INT int: SIGNED_INT -> int_ %import common.SIGNED_FLOAT float: SIGNED_FLOAT -> float_ %import common.ESCAPED_STRING str: ESCAPED_STRING -> str_ list: "[" value* "]" -> list_ %import common.SH_COMMENT %ignore SH_COMMENT %import common.WS %ignore WS """ class Visitor(lark.visitors.Transformer_InPlaceRecursive): """S-expression decoder's visitor.""" def __init__(self) -> None: super().__init__() @lark.v_args(inline=True) def sexp(self, cls, *args): return cls(*args) @lark.v_args(inline=True) def cls(self, s): return Decoder._check_object_class(s) @lark.v_args(inline=True) def true(self): return True @lark.v_args(inline=True) def false(self): return False @lark.v_args(inline=True) def int_(self, s): return int(s) @lark.v_args(inline=True) def float_(self, s): return float(s) @lark.v_args(inline=True) def str_(self, s): return s[1:-1] @lark.v_args(inline=True) def list_(self, *args): return list(args) def __init__(self) -> None: self.parser = lark.Lark( self.grammar, start='sexp', parser='lalr', transformer=self.Visitor(), cache=True) @override def decode(self, input: str) -> Object: try: return cast(Object, self.parser.parse(input)) except lark.exceptions.UnexpectedInput as err: line, col, ctx = err.line, err.column, err.get_context(input) raise Decoder._error( f'syntax error at line {line}, column {col}\n\n{ctx}')\ from err class JSON_Decoder(Decoder, format='json', description='JSON decoder'): """JSON decoder.""" class Decoder(json.JSONDecoder): """The underlying JSON decoder.""" @staticmethod def _object_hook(t: dict[str, Any]) -> Object: assert isinstance(t, dict) if 'class' not in t: raise Decoder._error("missing attribute 'class'") cls = Decoder._check_object_class(t['class']) return cls(*t.get('args', ())) object_hook = _object_hook def __init__(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None: super().__init__( *args, object_hook=self.object_hook, **kwargs) # type: ignore def __init__(self, **kwargs: Any) -> None: self.dec = self.Decoder(**kwargs) @override def decode(self, input: str) -> Object: return self.dec.decode(input)