Source code for kif_lib.model.snak.snak

# Copyright (C) 2024 IBM Corp.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

from ...typing import (
from ..term import ClosedTerm, Template, Variable
from ..value import Property, PropertyTemplate, PropertyVariable, VProperty

if TYPE_CHECKING:                      # pragma: no cover
    from ..fingerprint import AndFingerprint, OrFingerprint, TFingerprint
    from .value_snak import TValueSnak  # noqa: F401

at_property = property

TSnak: TypeAlias = Union['Snak', 'TValueSnak']
VSnak: TypeAlias = Union['SnakTemplate', 'SnakVariable', 'Snak']
VTSnak: TypeAlias = Union[Variable, VSnak, TSnak]

[docs] class SnakTemplate(Template): """Abstract base class for snak templates.""" object_class: ClassVar[type[Snak]] # pyright: ignore @override def _preprocess_arg(self, arg: Any, i: int) -> Any: if i == 1: # property if isinstance(arg, Template): return PropertyTemplate.check(arg, type(self), None, i) elif isinstance(arg, Variable): return PropertyVariable.check(arg, type(self), None, i) else: return Snak._static_preprocess_arg(self, arg, i) else: raise self._should_not_get_here() @property def property(self) -> VProperty: """The property of snak template.""" return self.get_property()
[docs] def get_property(self) -> VProperty: """Gets the property of snak template. Returns: Property, property template, or property variable. """ return self.args[0]
[docs] class SnakVariable(Variable): """Snak variable. Parameters: name: Name. """ object_class: ClassVar[type[Snak]] # pyright: ignore
[docs] class Snak( ClosedTerm, template_class=SnakTemplate, variable_class=SnakVariable ): """Abstract base class for snaks.""" template_class: ClassVar[type[SnakTemplate]] # pyright: ignore variable_class: ClassVar[type[SnakVariable]] # pyright: ignore
[docs] @classmethod @override def check( cls, arg: Any, function: Location | None = None, name: str | None = None, position: int | None = None ) -> Self: if isinstance(arg, cls): return arg elif isinstance(arg, tuple): from .value_snak import ValueSnak return cast(Self, ValueSnak.check( arg, function or cls.check, name, position)) else: raise cls._check_error(arg, function, name, position)
@override def _preprocess_arg(self, arg: Any, i: int) -> Any: return self._static_preprocess_arg(self, arg, i) @staticmethod def _static_preprocess_arg(self_, arg: Any, i: int) -> Any: if i == 1: return Property.check(arg, type(self_), None, i) else: raise self_._should_not_get_here() def __and__(self, other: TFingerprint) -> AndFingerprint: from ..fingerprint import AndFingerprint return AndFingerprint(self, other) def __rand__(self, other: TFingerprint) -> AndFingerprint: from ..fingerprint import AndFingerprint return AndFingerprint(other, self) def __or__(self, other: TFingerprint) -> OrFingerprint: from ..fingerprint import OrFingerprint return OrFingerprint(self, other) def __ror__(self, other: TFingerprint) -> OrFingerprint: from ..fingerprint import OrFingerprint return OrFingerprint(self, other) @at_property def property(self) -> Property: """The property of snak.""" return self.get_property()
[docs] def get_property(self) -> Property: """Gets the property of snak. Returns: Property. """ return self.args[0]